

Study on the Relations between the Image-numerological Yi Studies and the Creation of the Novel Journey to the West

【作者】 江凌

【导师】 刘大钧;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 象数易学与《西游记》创作的关系,是《西游记》研究中的重要问题。它不仅对“文学”、“文化/宗教”、“象数/符号”三个层面的研究产生重要影响,而且纵贯明清、现代、当代三个历史时空,使《西游记》研究在不同时代呈现出不同的面貌。因此,弄清象数易学与《西游记》创作的关系,对于正确认识《西游记》的主题、人物、创作原理等基本问题,正确认识和评价从象数易学角度研究《西游记》的学者及其著作,具有重要意义。本文的研究思路是:首先,理清“象数分析”方法在《西游记》研究历史中的作用及其演变过程;其次,通过个案分析,深入剖析重点作者及其作品,从中引导出“象数分析”的基本原理和方法;进而在综合上述两方面研究的基础上提出新的“象数分析”模式,并依据这一模式对当代《西游记》研究中的一些疑难问题提出全新的解读。全文共分三部分十章:绪论部分“象数易学与中国文化‘象思维’传统”,简要介绍象数易学的基本概念、发展源流和基本原理,说明象数易学与中国文化“象思维”传统的密切关系,指出《西游记》的产生是中国文化“象思维”发展的自然结果。第一部分“象数易学视域下的《西游记》创作研究”包括一至七章。第一章“研究综述”分析了“象数分析”方法在明清、现代、当代三个不同历史时期《西游记》研究中的作用及其境遇。提出:明清时期,“象数分析”方法从萌芽、发展、鼎盛到集大成,代表了《西游记》研究的最高成就;以鲁迅、胡适等为代表的现代《西游记》研究,全面抛弃“象数分析”方法,是特殊时代的特殊文化现象;当代《西游记》研究中“象数分析”方法的复归,是中国文化主体意识复苏的必然结果。第二章至第六章是个案研究,重点分析了明清至当代的五部《西游记》研究专著。《李卓吾先生批评西游记》出现了“象数分析”方法的萌芽;汪象旭《西游证道书》在“象数分析”的方面有所发展;悟一子《西游真诠》是运用“象数分析”方法研究《西游记》创作的第一个高峰。悟一子以道家丹道原理为核心,结合象数易理,对小说中的人物、名称、情节、主题、结构等几乎所有重要的内容进行了深入、细致的分析,奠定了《西游记》“象数分析”方法的基础。悟一子的研究,直接启发了后来悟元子刘一明的《西游原旨》,也是本文提出的“六合法”的重要理论来源之一。悟元子刘一明的《西游原旨》,是清代继悟一子陈士斌《西游真诠》之后的又一部依据丹道和象数易理诠释小说的巨著。刘一明高度评价并全面继承了悟一子的基本思想和方法,并在诸多细节方面提出了自己的独特见解。在《西游原旨》中,悟一子对象数的运用较之《西游真诠》更多、更细,涉及面更广,是《西游记》研究中运用“象数分析”方法的集大成之作李安纲是当代《西游记》研究领域极少数深入到“象数/符号”层面的学者之一。李氏的《西游记》研究,尽管在整体水平上没有超出明清学者的范围,但却是《西游记》研究史上“象数分析”方法复苏的标志。第七章“问题与思考”,在历史和个案两方面研究的基础上,提出了“中国文化主体意识问题”、“不同层面研究的区分与关系问题”、“研究方法和学术标准问题”。四百年来的《西游记》研究,没有超出“文学”、“文化/宗教”、“象数/符号”三个层而。不同层而的研究在目的和方法上有所不同,但可以共存并相互影响、启发。“象数分析”方法注重“象数易学”的数理逻辑与文本内容的对应关系,即逻辑与事实的统一,并依据这种一统性分析小说的创作原理,而尊重“象数易学”是中国传统文化的知识体系而不是毫无价值的“封建迷信”,则是“象数分析”方法得以成立并发挥作用的前提。第二部分“‘六合法’——‘象数分析’方法的理论与实践”,包括八、九、十三章。在第一部分研究的基础上,原创性地提出“象数分析”的基本方法——“六合法”,并依据“六合法”对当代《西游记》研究中的一些重要问题进行了分析。第八章讲解了“六合法”的基本概念、理论、方法和意义。“六合法”是依据丹道和象数易学的基本原理,从六个方面综合分析小说的创作原理的一种诠释方法。“六”指理、象、数、名、事、情六个方面;“合”指“相合”。“六合”即理合、象合、数合、名合、事合、情合。“六合”有两层基本含义:一是理、数、名、事、情与“象”相合,即理与象合;数与象合;名与象合;事与象合。二是任意两个或数个方面之间的相合,如理与数合;理、象、数、名相合等等。“六合法“的基本的原理和思路是:对“六合”中每一个要素,都通过与其他至少一个乃至五个要素之间的互通、互证,来达到对自身的正确解读。在“六合法”中,“象合”是关键,是“六合”法当中其余五个因素相互关联的枢纽。在方法论上,“六合法”除了强调每一要素自身在内涵上的一贯性,还特别强调其与其他要素之间的互见、互证,以期前后贯通,彼此贯通,因而在相当程度上为自身的研究提供了“自证”的逻辑保障。在对《西游记》的解读中,“六合法”实现了“宏观”与“微观”的互证、互见。因为“六合法”基于“天人同易”的象数体系,而象数体系本身就具有在“宏观”和“微观”层面上涵纳天、地、人三才的特性和功能。“六合法”在“创造”与“诠释”之间架起了桥梁。从“六合法”的立场来看,研究《西游记》的创作机理和对小说的诠释,是一个“双向互动”的过程。创造是从无到有,从理到象、数、名、事、情;而诠释则是从有到无,从数、名、事、情反求内含的象与理。通过“六合法”对小说的诠释,找到最核心的密码和程序,可以反过来更系统、更全面、更细致、更深入地理解小说得以创造的原理和方法。反之,在更宏观的层次上理解小说创造的原理,可以回过头来修正此前不正确、不完美的诠释。第九章,从“段落”和“整回”两个层次示范讲解“六合法”的运用。第十章,从“六合法”的视角对当代《西游记》研究中的一些疑难问题进行了重新解读。一,提出《西游记》作者是精通道家丹道和象数易理的专家;人文本“附录”唐僧身世故事是小说的有机组成部分,完整体现了道家月·道“取坎填离”、“后天返先天”的基本原理;三,原创性地解读人文本第98回“阿难受赂”情节,指出这一情节并非是“讽刺佛教”,而是道家丹道“取坎填离”原理的“形象化”体现;四,原创性地解读“鱼篮观音”故事的历史演变及其内在原理。“结论与引申”对全文进行了总结。提出:从小说《西游记》的内容和性质来看,唐僧取经故事为“皮”;儒、释、道三教合一的丹道修炼内涵为“肉”;“性命双修”为“骨”;“后天”返“先天”之道为“髓”。从小说的创作原理来讲,《西游记》是一部用易理、丹道的“密码”或特定“语言”写成的书。如果不了解这种“密码”的基本原理和“解码”的方法,则这本书给呈现给读者的只能是文字本身在一般文学意义的内涵。反之,如果能了解写作这部书的“密码”原理及其解码的方法,则本书将展示出完全不同的惊人面目。“六合法”就是解开《西游记》创作与诠释“密码”的钥匙。运用“六合法”解读《西游记》的创作原理,使我们获得了对《西游记》更为本质、更为深入、更符合文本实际的认识。这启发我们从象数易学的视角去看中国文化的其他方面,因此,建立基于“象数易学”的基本方法和原理的中国文化诠释学,将使我们在中国传统文化研究中得到新的视野、新的收获。

【Abstract】 The relation between the image-numerological Yi studies and the novel Journey to the West is an important issue in the study of the novel. It not only refers to all the three levers of the research on the novel, such as "literature lever, culture/religion lever and image-numerology/symbol level and has great impact on them, but also covers different historical space and time of the research from the Ming and Qing Dynasty to the present. So, it is of important meaning to make clear the issue in order to know correctly the basic problems of the study on the novel such as theme, figures, principals of creation, etc, and to know correctly the research works with the view of the image-numerological Yi studies on the novel.The researching method of this essay is as follows:by investigating the effects of the method of the image-numerological analysis on the study of the novel Journey to the West and its evolution through out the history from Ming dynasty to the present time, and analyzing the main works in the view of the image-numerological analysis in the history of the study, develops a new way of the image-numerological analysis to solve the problems in the study of the novel at the present time.The whole essay is divided into3parts:introduction, the first part and the second part. In the part of introduction, it gives a brief explanation to the basic concepts, principles, developments and evolutions of the image-numerological Yi studies and the intimate relationship between the image-numerological Yi studies and the tradition of image-thinking.The first part is the study on the creation of the novel Journey to the West in the view of the image-numerological Yi studies. It divided into7charters. The charter1is trying to review the different stages of study in the view of the image-numerological analysis on the novel Journey to the West in history from Ming dynasty to the present time. It can be concluded that the studies on the creation of the novel Journey to the West in Ming and Qing Dynasties in the view of the image-numerological analysis presents the highest academic level among the three different stages. The method based on the image-numerological Yi studies was criticized and abandoned thoroughly in modern times and was recovered to some extent until1980’s.Among the chart2-6are in-depth researches in five different works about the novel Journey to the West. Mister Li Zhuo-wu’s comments on the novel Journey to the West written by Ye Zhou in the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644), presented the beginning of the analyzing method based on the image-numerological Yi studies. Xi You Zheng Dao Shu (a book that can be used to prove the theory of Daoism) written by Wang Xiang-xu in the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911) gave an example of the development of the method based on the image-numerological Yi studies. Xi You Zheng Quan (A Real Explanation to the Journey to the West) written by Chen Shi-bin in the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911) was one of the greatest classical works in the studies of the novel in the view of the image-numerological Yi studies. Xi You Yuan Zhi (Original Purport of the Journey to the West) written by Liu Yi-ming in the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911) presented the highest level of the research on the novel in the view of the image-numerological Yi studies. Li An-gang is one of the fewest researchers in the present time whose’work can penetrated in the level of the image-numerology/symbol.The main idea of chart7can be concluded that the studies on the novel in three different levels can coexist and be benefit from it by knowing the difference of their own purports and methods. And to use the method based on the image-numerological Yi studies, there’s a premise to respect the image-numerological Yi studies as the knowledge.The second part is consisting of8,9,10charters which mainly explains the "Liu He Method"(a method of studying the principles of creation of the novel Journey to the West from six different aspects such as theories, symbols, numbers, names, events, feelings). The charter8is an explanation of the basic concepts, theories, methods and importance of the "Liu He Method" which based on the theories of the Dao (way) of the Gold Alchemy and the image-numerological Yi studies. The main idea of the "Liu He Method" is that every one of the six factors should be accord with at least one of the other five factors. And because of this reason, the "Liu He Method" has the function of self-verification. It also links up the researches in macroscopic view and microscopic view and builds a bridge between the study of creation and explanation of the novel.The charter9gives the examples of explaining the novel by means of the "Liu He Method". And the charter10tries to give new explanations to some difficult problems in the studies of the novel Journey to the West. First, it is believed that the author of the novel must be a master of "Dandao".(the Taoist theory for inner elixir) and the image-numerological Yi studies. Second, the appendix of the novel Journey to the West (Beijing:People’s Literature Publishing House,1991) is the organic part of the whole story that illustrates the Taoist theory for inner elixir. Third, the plot of taking Bribes in charter98is not the sarcasm to the Buddhism but the metaphor of the Taoist theory for inner elixir. Forth, the development of the stories of "Yulan Guanyin "(one of the32images of the Great Mercy Mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva) illustrates the Taoist theory for inner elixir by means of the image-numerological Yi studies.Finally, it concludes that the stories of Tang Seng’s Journey is only the epidermis while the Taoist theory for inner elixir is the inner core of the whole book. Between the two of them is the image-numerological Yi studies which links the stories and the Taoist theory for inner elixir."Liu He Method" is just the key to decode the whole stories.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

