

An Empirical Study on Enterprise Group R&D Synergy and Performance

【作者】 王晓静

【导师】 陈志军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 母子公司关系是企业集团成长过程中必须妥善处理的一种内部化公司关系。从世界范围内看,当今跨国公司成功发展的一个关键因素在于,有效推动跨国公司内部母子公司之间的协同发展,相比之下,我国企业集团在研发过程中常常会忽略集团内部各子公司之间的协同合作。企业集团的创新优势不仅来自母公司,也来自子公司,子公司不仅仅是母公司职能的延伸,而创新的重要来源是研发,因此构建良好的母子公司关系,改善企业集团研发协同模式,提升母子公司的研发能力,是企业集团获取长远发展的关键所在。基于协同学视角,运用实证研究的理论与方法,以提高集团研发整体绩效为最终目的,在借鉴国内外相关理论成果的基础上,将企业集团研发从企业层面分为母子公司协同、子公司间协同和公司内部协同三个维度,研究了战略导向、组织文化、激励机制及沟通机制四大因素对企业集团研发协同各维度的影响,研发协同各维度的实现程度对集团研发绩效的影响,深入揭示企业集团研发协同的内在规律,构建了企业集团研发协同的基本研究框架,从理论上拓宽了企业集团研发的研究视角,为指导企业集团研发系统协同发展与创新能力的提升提供理论依据。论文首先对国内外关于企业集团、协同及研发的相关文献进行梳理,借此理清各概念之间的相互关系,在比较分析的基础上,形成具体的研究思路,为本文研究框架的构建奠定基础。然后结合相关文献,将企业集团的研发协同分为母子公司协同、子公司间协同和公司内部协同三个维度,提出企业集团研发协同影响因素、协同水平和研发绩效三者之间关系的理论框架和研究假设。在描述性分析和研究方法明确的基础上,以我国企业集团的研发协同为研究对象,通过结构方程模型、回归分析探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析、信度和效度检验等计量统计分析方法,对理论框架及假设进行检验,探讨研究结论对促进集团研发协同实现和提升研发绩效的实践作用。研究得出以下几点结论:一是,母子公司研发协同更多的受到集团的战略导向、集团文化和沟通机制的影响,子公司间研发协同受到激励机制和沟通机制的影响,公司内部协同受组织文化、激励机制和沟通机制的影响。较高的战略匹配度会促进母子公司间研发协同更好的实现,提高母子公司的研发协同水平;鼓励创新的组织文化能够激励母子公司积极进行协同创新,创造研发协同价值;子公司间的研发协同和公司内部研发协同更应该注重激励机制与沟通机制,给研发成员提供良好的物质与精神激励,并且建立合理畅通的信息、资源、技术的沟通交流平台;顺畅的沟通交流机制,能够促进集团各研发主体间的信息、知识等资源的有效传递,形成研发过程中的协同共享氛围,构建和谐高效的研发协同网络。二是,母子公司协同、子公司间协同、公司内部协同均对集团研发绩效具有显著影响,企业集团通过母子公司、子公司间以及公司内部的技术协同和资源共享,可以大大降低产品研发成本、扩大研发规模、提高研发效率、提高产品的创新性,获取远超过单个主体的研发绩效。三是,母子公司协同在战略导向与集团研发绩效间产生部分中介作用;母子公司协同在组织文化与集团研发绩效间产生完全中介作用;母子公司协同和子公司间协同在激励机制与集团研发绩效间产生部分中介作用;母子公司协同、子公司间协同和公司内部协同在沟通机制和集团研发绩效间产生完全中介作用。影响因素、协同水平与研发绩效三者之间具有复杂的互动关系,影响因素即对协同的实现有影响,同时也直接或间接影响集团研发绩效的提高。企业集团研发能力的提升是一个长期、系统的、战略性工程,企业集团应关注集团的战略、组织、激励及沟通机制的构建,促进研发协同机制不断完善。主要贡献体现在两方面:一是,在文献引证的基础上,用协同学的基本原理及方法,将企业集团研发从企业层面分为母子公司协同、子公司间协同和公司内部协同三个维度,并分别研究了战略导向、组织文化、激励机制及沟通机制四大因素对企业集团研发各维度的影响,并在此基础上形成一个较为系统的企业集团研发协同的理论框架:二是,构建企业集团研发的母子公司协同、子公司间协同和公司内部协同三个维度的测量问卷,战略导向、组织文化、激励激励、沟通机制四大影响因素的测量问卷,以及企业集团研发绩效的测量问卷,通过小样本预测试和大样本正式调查,最终形成包含研发协同影响因素、协同水平及研发绩效的三大部分内容的企业集团研发协同评价指标体系;三是,运用结构方程模型验证了研发协同在影响因素与研发绩效的部分或完全中介作用。

【Abstract】 Relationship of parent-subsidiary corporation is an internal relationship during group’s growing up which must be properly dealt with. Seeing from the world, a key factor of the successful development of multinational company is effective promotion parent-subsidiary companies’coordination development of transnational corporation interior. In contrast, our country’s groups often ignore subsidiaries’collaboration during the development process. Enterprise groups’innovation advantages not only come from the parent company, also from the subsidiary, subsidiary is not only the parent company’s function extensions, and the important sources of innovation are research and development. Building a good relationship between company and its subsidiaries, improving enterprise group R&D collaborative mode, enhancing the ability of research and development, are the key of enterprise group obtaining the long-time development.Based on the synergetic theory perspective, the use of empirical research theory and methods, improving enterprise R&D performance as the ultimate goal, and drawing lessons from domestic and international relevant theories results, the paper divides enterprise group R&D into the three dimension of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and the paper study four major factors of strategic orientation, organizational culture, incentive mechanism and communication mechanism influence the dimensions of enterprise group R&D synergy, and the influence of realization degree of every dimension to R&D performance. The paper reveals the inherent law of enterprise R&D synergy, and constructs the research framework of R&D synergy, from theoretic to and broads the research perspective of, and also provides a theoretical basis for enterprise group R&D system collaborative development and the enhancing of innovation capability.First of all, the paper reviews on the home and abroad related literatures about the enterprise group, synergy and R&D, to clarify the interrelation of the concepts. On the basis of comparison and analysis, specific research ideas are formed, and build the foundation for research framework. Then combining with the related literatures, the enterprise group’s development synergy divided into three dimensions of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and put forward the theoretical framework and research hypothesis of enterprise group R&D synergy influence factors, synergy level and R&D performance. on the basis of confirming the descriptive analysis and research methods, taking enterprise group R&D synergy as the research object, through measurement methods of statistical analysis, such as structural equation model, regression analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity test and so on, testing the theoretical framework and hypotheses, and discussing the research conclusion to promote the group R&D synergy realization and promote the R&D performance practice. Research results are as follows:First, the parent-subsidiary company R&D synergy is more influenced by the parent company’s strategic direction, group culture and communication mechanisms, subsidiaries R&D synergy is more influenced by incentive mechanism and communication mechanism, internal synergy is more influenced by the incentive mechanism and communication mechanism. Higher strategic matching degree will promote the parent-subsidiary company R&D synergy to achieve better, and improve R&D synergy level; organizational culture of encouraging innovative can inspire the parent-subsidiary company to carry on collaborative innovation and can create R&D synergy value; subsidiaries R&D synergy and the company internal R&D synergy should pay more attention to the incentive mechanism and communication mechanism, and provide a good material and spiritual incentive for R&D members, and establish a rational communication platform of information, resources, technical; smooth communication mechanism can promote the effective transfer of resources, such as the main information, knowledge, and form the R&D synergy sharing atmosphere and build the harmonious and efficient R&D synergy network.Second, parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy all have a significant impact on R&D performance. Enterprise group can greatly reduce product development costs, expand the scale of research and development, increase the innovation of product, reduce the cost of R&D, improve R&D efficiency with technology synergy and resources sharing, and acquire R&D performance more than a single body.Three, parent-subsidiary company synergy has partly intermediary role between strategic orientation and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy has completely intermediary role between organization culture and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy and subsidiaries synergy have partly intermediary role between incentive mechanism and group R&D performance; parent-subsidiary company synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy have entirely intermediary role between communication mechanism and group R&D performance. Influence factors, synergy level and R&D performance, have complicated interactive relations, influence factors have influence on synergy implementation level, and also have directly or indirectly affect on the group R&D performance. Group R&D capability is a long-term, strategic, system engineering, enterprise groups should pay attention to group’s strategy, organization, motivation and communication mechanism, and promote the development of synergy mechanism.The main contributions are reflected in two aspects:first, based on literature citation, with synergetics basic principle and method, the paper explore group R&D synergy intrinsic theoretical basis, and divide the enterprise group R&D synergy into parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and study the influence of the strategic orientation, organizational culture, incentive mechanism and communication mechanism on the dimensions of enterprise R&D, and form a more systematic enterprise group R&D synergy framework on the basis of these;second, the construction of enterprise R&D synergy measurement questionnaire which include three parts of parent-subsidiary corporation synergy, subsidiaries synergy and company internal synergy, and include strategic orientation, organization culture, incentive and communication mechanism, as well as the group R&D performance measurement questionnaire, through the small sample testing and a large sample survey, eventually forming an questionnaire with factors, R&D synergy level and R&D performance;Three, using structural equation model to verify the partially or completely intermediary effect of R&D synergy to influence factors and R&D performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F276.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1746
  • 攻读期成果

