

Confucian Cultural Expressions in Mao Dun Literature Award Winnings

【作者】 孙俊杰

【导师】 张学军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从1982年第一届茅盾文学奖获奖作品产生至今,茅盾文学奖可以说与中国新时期文学同步。虽然它的历届获奖作品并不都能孚众望,甚至引起很大争议和质疑,但作为唯一一个全国性的长篇小说大奖,这种与新时期文学的同步性、全国性、以及它的题材的广泛性,它的发展、它的获奖作品以及与之有关的争论就可说是一部活生生的新时期的文学发展史!不论是从促进茅盾文学奖自身发展的角度,还是从更加广阔的各个时期文学发展状况的角度,都足以让研究者对之进行细致的考察和研究。目前对于茅盾文学奖的研究,更多的局限于它的评奖制度以及获奖文本所体现出来的美学特征方面。本论文力图从文化的角度切入,来探究茅盾文学奖获奖作品中的儒家文化表现。事实上,在此,我们更愿意将茅盾文学奖获奖作品看作新时期文学发展过程的一个缩影,由此看到在历时的长河中,儒家文化传统在当代文学各个题材领域中的表现、反映、一贯性或者某种流变。也可以说,通过茅盾文学奖获奖作品以映衬当代文学中儒家文化传统表现的现象、状态及其现代转化。现代文化建设离不开传统文化的优秀成果。绪论部分除简要介绍了茅盾文学奖的研究现状外,并对以儒家文化表现这一研究角度的选择、儒家文化的当代际遇以及从作家和读者的方面看儒家文化对茅盾文学奖获奖作品的影响进行了概括性论述。儒家文化作为中国传统文化的主流,一直在深刻地影响着我们的生活方式和情感体验方式,而历来我们对于现代文学与儒家文化传统之间的关系研究较多,对当代文学中的这一因素关注较少。新时期八、九十年代的文化热,在深层心理上是当代文化工作者现代化与民族认同双重焦虑的结果。儒家文化传统造就的知识分子的忧患意识、政治心态以及对读者的阅读期待的塑造和影响也与茅盾文学奖获奖作品的时代色彩、现实品格和意识形态性有着极大的关系。第一章挖掘获奖作品对传统文化的寻根表现以及对儒家文化核心精神“仁义”的表现与理性反思。对传统文化的寻根主要从三个方面进行论述:获奖作品对共同的民族历史的建构,它建构着我们共同的历史想象,建构着我们的政治身份和民族身份的认同感、归属感、历史感;对民情风俗、地域文化的着力表现与语言的使用。这些方面往往负载着作家对传统文化的认同或反思的复杂情感;而最为重要的是对民族精神的挖掘。“仁”学的思想在我们的民族性格上留下了深刻的痕迹,形成了民族的传统美德。很多作品表现了由于儒家文化内部的矛盾导致的“仁义”在人物身上的二重性,在此,我们对于“仁义”的理性反思更注重于作家本身,提倡人道主义精神的当代作家自身思想上表现出某种片面性。这种片面性造成了作家塑造人物时的不平等态度。第二章选取茅盾文学奖获奖作品中不同题材的代表性作品,在现代化的历时性进程中,来看作家通过作品所表现的对儒家文化传统不同的态度和认识。改革小说更多地表现了传统儒家文化对于现代化的阻滞,《沉重的翅膀》和《英雄时代》都以现代化为其价值指归,但《英雄时代》也开始意识到中国的社会主义现代化必然需要吸收儒家文化传统的优秀因子。《白鹿原》和《秦腔》更对中国儒家文化投去了深长的眷顾,书写了儒家文化在现代化挤压下的衰落、困惑以及它不无顽强的生命力。《额尔古纳河右岸》则涉及到传统文化与人的心灵皈依这一重大的主题。它们既对儒家文化表现出更多“温情的敬意”,也意识到它必然衰落的命运,看到了现代化的不可阻挡,也清醒地看到现代化的各种弊病,表现出作家更加复杂的情感立场。由此作家也以不同的题材空间承载了不同的文化价值取向。第三章论析获奖作品对儒家文化精神精髓的开掘。儒家文化精神主要通过作品中人物体现出来。在此,我们以其表现的主要精神向度,将人物分为四种类型:体现了爱国精神的革命英雄、具有最朴素仁义思想的普通民众、一心为民的改革者以及知识分子。在本章,除了对这几类人物身上体现出的文化精神作一整体性的体认,更通过《张居正》、《白门柳》、《东藏记》、《你在高原》等作品的分析对获奖作品中士和知识分子这一人物形象谱系进行详细的论述。因为士和知识分子作为知识、价值的创造者、维护者和传播者,最能充分地体现时代文化的精神品格,通过它们见出作家对儒家文化精神精髓的书写和对之的当代观照。第四章主要以获奖作品中的反思小说和改革小说为研究对象。反思小说和改革小说总体上是以现代性为其价值指归的,它们是对中国现代化进程的一种想象和书写。本章即论述传统儒家的伦理政治思维模式如何影响了作家的现代化想象。伦理的正当性与当下社会的合理性和人物形象的塑造具有某种同构性,而伦理政治思维阻碍着作家对现代化进程更深刻地表现和理解,导致了作品的道德理想主义倾向,这也使它的国家想象不可避免地具有了一种乌托邦色彩。从女性形象塑造中表现出来的男性价值立场以及性别关系中的男性本位倾向、“人”的塑造中个人伦理与法理意识的缺失等方面也见出作家的伦理政治思维导致作品中人的现代化的偏颇和缺失。第五章论述获奖的女性作家文本对传统儒家伦理的颠覆及其矛盾。第一节从三点来论述女性作家文本中表现出来的女性意识:女性主体形象的塑造、对传统成规的质疑以及文体风格上自然流露的“女性气质”。第二节以《无字》和《长恨歌》的文本细读来看张洁和王安忆对传统儒家伦理的颠覆及潜意识中的那种矛盾。女性作家还无法摆脱男性话语的影响。结语部分简略分析获奖作品对儒家文化的批判。

【Abstract】 From the first Mao Dun Literature Award winnings to be produced in1982so far, Mao Dun Award can be said that it is synchronous with the development process of the new period literature. As the only national novel award, though its previous winnings are not able to meet people’s expectations, even with much controversy and doubts, the development of Mao Dun Literature Award, its winnings and controversy around it together can be said to be a living development history of the new period literature. Both from the point of view to promote the development of Mao Dun Literature Award and the development of literature in all period, it is sufficient to investigators to have a detailed investigation and research. For Mao Dun Literature Award’s research, the more limited to its award system and the aesthetic characteristics reflected in the winnings, this paper tried to explore the Confucian culture expectations in Mao Dun Literature Award winnings from the perspective of culture. In fact, we are more willing to see Mao Dun Literature award as a miniature of the development process of new period literature, thus to see Confucian cultural performance, reflecting, consistency or some kind of diversification in the field of each subject of contemporary literature in the long development history. In other words, we will see the expectations, state and modern transformation of Confucian culture in contemporary literature through the research of Mao Dun Literature Award winnings. The construction of modern culture is inseparable from the outstanding achievements of the traditional culture.In the introduction section, besides a brief introduction of the present study of Mao Dun Literature Award, we will have a general discussion of the Confucian culture expectation as the study point, the contemporary situation of Confucian culture as well as writers and readers to see the impact of Confucian culture on the Mao Dun Literature Award winnings. Confucian culture as the mainstream of traditional Chinese culture has been profoundly affected our way of life and emotional experience, but we have always paid more attention to the relationship between modern literature and Confucian cultural tradition and less to this factor in the contemporary literature. From the deep psychology, cultural hot in1980s and1990s is the reflection of contemporary cultural workers’double anxiety of modernization and national identity. It that intellectual suffering consciousness, political psychology and reader’s reading expectation shaped by Confucian cultural tradition has a great relationship with the temporal spirit, realistic character and ideology that Mao Dun Literature award works showed.In the first chapter, we will explore the root of traditional culture that award winnings expressed, the performance of "kindheartedness and justice" which is the core spirit of Confucian culture and rational reflection to it. The roots of traditional culture are discussed from three aspects. First, award-winnings work on the construction of a common national history which constructed our common historical imagination and constructed identity, belonging and a sense of history of our political identity and national identity. Second, award-winnings focus on the performance of the local customs and regional culture with the use of language, and which tend to load the complex emotions of identity or reflection of writers to traditional cultural. The third that is also the most important one is mining the national spirit. The thought of "kindheartedness and justice" have a major impact on our national character and it forms the traditional virtues of the nation. Many works show the dual nature of "virtue" on the characters due to the internal contradictions of Confucian culture. In this section, our rational reflection of "virtue" will focus on the writers themselves who advocate the humanitarian spirit, we will see that they show some kind of one-sidedness and the one-sided caused the unequal attitude of the writers to shape characters.The second chapter focuses on representative works of Mao Dun award-winnings in a variety of topics and we will discuss the different attitude and understanding to traditional Confucian culture in the process of modernization that writers showed in their works. In reform novel, writers wrote more block aspect that Confucian culture made on modernization, for example Heavy Wings and Heroic Age. But Heroic Age also expressed that China’s socialist modernization will inevitably need to absorb the outstanding factor of the Confucian cultural tradition. Rural novels such as White Deer Land and Shaanxi Opera paid more emphasis on the Chinese Confucian culture, and in which writers wrote the decline of Confucian culture under modern extrusion, the great vitality of it and their confusion. The Right Band of The Argun related to the major relation between the traditional culture and the convert of human mind. In a word, writers put more complex emotion in rural novels, not only showed more warmth of respect to Confucian culture but also have been aware of its inevitable decline fate with the irresistible of modernization and its all evil. So we can see that the writers have different theme apace carry different cultural value.The third chapter analyses the essence spirit of Confucian culture expressed in the award-winnings. That the spirit of Confucian culture mainly reflected through the characters so we divided the figures into four types in according to their main spirit:revolutionary heroes with patriotism, ordinary people with essential thought of kindheartedness and justice, reformers who devote themselves to the public interests and intellectuals. In this chapter, besides a holistic recognition to the cultural spirit expressed on these types of characters, we will put more emphasis on scholars and intellectuals by analyzing these novels:Zhang Juzheng, Willow in White Gate, East Harbor and You Are in The Highland. As the creator, maintainer and disseminator of knowledge and values, scholars and intellectuals most fully embody the culture spirit of an era, through which we can see how writers write and contemplation the essence of the spirit of Confucian culture.The forth chapter takes the introspection literature and reform novel which based on the value of modernization and are a kind of imagination and writing of China’s modernization process as its research topics. Here, we will discuss how traditional Confucian ethical and political thinking affects the writers’imagination of the modern. In these novels, ethical legitimacy is isomorphism with rationality of society and characters and ethical and political thinking acts a side effect on writers’ profound performance and understanding to modernization process which lead to some moral idealism in these novels. And this also makes the national imagination inevitably have a color of utopia. We also see that ethical and political thinking mode lead to biased and lack of human modernization by analyzing the two aspects: one is male value position and male standard in gender relations in shaping the image of women and the other is the lack of personal ethical and legal awareness in the shaping of people.The fifth chapter discusses women writers’ works in award-winnings, in which, the women writers show an attitude of subversion and contradictions to the traditional Confucian ethics. The first section discusses the female consciousness in women writers’works from three-point——the mold of female subject image, question to the traditional rules,"femininity" spontaneously revealed in style. In section2, we will discuss Without Words and Everlasting Regret written respectively by Zhang Jie and Wang An-yi, through which we will see their subversion to traditional Confucian ethics and contradiction in the subconscious. It tells us that women writers can not get rid of the influence of male discourse.Last section gives a brief analysis of the criticism that the award-winnings works on Confucian culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

