

Study on Political Values of Three People’s Principles

【作者】 刘柳珍

【导师】 张铭;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自鸦片战争以来,中国或被动或主动地一步步汇入世界发展潮流,实现现代化已然成为中华民族的共同心声。但是在某种意义上,中国现代化是在非常艰难的境况下启动的,就其所面临的历史任务而言,至为复杂:它对内不仅要完成由传统农业社会向现代工业社会的转型,而且还面临着如何对传统国家和社会进行有效整合的任务;从外部环境讲,又是群狼环伺,异常凶险;在思想领域,理性主义政治思想更是挟启蒙运动之势席卷华夏,带来了史无前例的理性膨胀与理性自负。因此,国人在处置这“亘古未有的大变局”时,自然更多地注目于国家的统一、领土主权的完整、社会的全面改造,更多地形成对国家权力与权威的诉求,而中华民族的独立与自主,现代化转型所需要的发展平台,也的确是在这样的一种关注与努力中获得了实现。然而,这样的成功在值得庆贺的同时,也给市场经济健康持续发展所需要的特定社会、政治与经济生态造成了实现上的阻力。将发展到历史新高度的国家权力与权威置于有效的制约之下,不能不成为一个极其难以解决的、带有着“后发国家”共性的时代大课题。而直面这一世界性的挑战,圆满地解决这一时代大课题,不仅在很大程度上将决定中国社会转型的成败,而且也将向我们提供一个人类文明在应对重大不测挑战时,如何行动,如何自我纠错的一个范例。不用多说,现代化发展以市场经济为其经济基础,现代化道路一经开辟,适应市场经济便成为人类各文明不得不去直面的最大挑战。而市场经济持续与良性发展对于多元社会、多元利益、多元传统、多元价值和多元政治的偏爱,便对政治价值的信念性指向提出了较为强硬的要求与规定,一个国家在全心全意发展自己市场经济的时候,必须在政治价值信念层面作收缩性调整:政治必须放弃对于过高目标的追求,政治权力的行使必须控制在自己有限的边界之内,政治治理必须放弃对于“一统秩序”的追求,转而在坚持底线秩序的基础上容纳多元秩序的出现。政治价值信念是整个政治价值体系的核心,信念层面的变动不能不涉及到政治价值的方方面面与整个政治的结构体系,因此,市场经济所提出的这些强硬要求,在很大程度上为我们这个时代对于政治价值、政治结构体系的衡量提供了一种评判的标准。不难明白,这样的一个衡量标准与我们近现代在“救亡图存”道路挣扎奋斗过程中为历史所挑选出来的成功模式有着很大的距离与跨度。我们成功地完成了“第一次赶考”,但立即面对着绝不比第一次“赶考”轻松的“二次赶考”,而第一次赶考成功的经验在某种程度上不仅不能为这二次赶考提供参照,甚至还增加了二次赶考获取成功的难度。而挣扎在两种全然不同的挑战之间,沉浮在成功喜悦与失败痛苦的交织之间,这正是百多年来几代国人的共同经历。虽然这样的“赶考”打着不同的旗帜,怀着不同的理想,但不同应考者经历的过程与体验却有着惊人的“家族相似性”。本文正是在这样一种认识基础上,以三民主义政治价值为剖析个案,希望展现出中国近现代波澜壮阔的革命过程中,在政治价值领域存在的这种结构性“悖论”;希望能探明我们在这个时期政治实践领域中出现“其兴也勃,其衰也忽”现象背后的根本原因。本文的基本思路是,先对政治价值的一般理论进行概述,然后对三民主义政治价值产生的历史背景及其理论表现形态进行梳理,进而进入到对其内涵的分析,再从三民主义政治价值与现实政治实践的关联中,对其局限性进行深入剖析。最后联系两岸几十年的政治发展,从历史遗产的角度来看三民主义政治价值的演进与局限的超越。全文包括绪论在内,共六部分。绪论部分是布局谋篇的准备。主要包括三部分:一是明确本文选题的意义,二是对有关三民主义的研究现状进行梳理,三是对本文的研究方法和研究视角进行说明。第一章主要是对政治价值的一般理论进行概述。先是明确政治价值的涵义,接着对政治价值的层次、要素,政治价值的结构特征及其现代化指向进行分析,从而形成对政治价值的基本认知,为后面的研究提供理论支撑。第二章先是对三民主义政治价值产生的历史背景进行梳理,然后对其理论表现形态进行分析。作为时代精神之三民主义,其创立的背景主要是三,一是外敌入侵引发的反满思潮,二是救亡图存引发的启蒙思潮,三是清末新政的影响。三民主义政治价值按其演进顺序,在理论形态上表现为旧三民主义与新三民主义。第三章主要对三民主义政治价值的价值预设及其内涵进行分析。文章认为,孙中山将进步主义、理性主义、权力万能和一元控制等价值,深深地内化于三民主义政治价值之中。这在很大程度上决定三民主义政治价值信念的总体指向。接着依次对三民主义政治价值信念,三民主义政治价值理念和三民主义政治价值规范的内涵进行分析。第四章先对三民主义政治价值的局限性进行分析。文章认为,三民主义政治价值信念的局限性,就在于坚持了一个与时代要求完全相悖的方向,即它的目标信念、边界信念与秩序信念全都指向了政治权力的高度一统、高度垄断与高度专断;而三民主义政治价值理念的局限性,就是在形式上全面更新的同时,却表现出对权力的崇拜,对手握真理与代表人民的自信,对“再造社会”的执着,对自身传统政治价值的扭曲性继承,从而显现出它与政治现代化发展之间的遥远距离;而三民主义政治价值规范的局限性,其集中表现就是它使民主政治在中国“越来越表面化,越来越虚化,越来越有名无实”。接着结合对抗战胜利后国民党政权迅速败落的分析,进一步说明了三民主义政治价值的内在缺陷。第五章,联系两岸几十年的政治发展,从历史遗产的角度对演进中的三民主义政治价值进行再分析,再思考。对中国共产党来说,在对文革进行深刻反思的基础上,为适应改革开放和市场经济的时代要求,开始在政治价值信念层面作出重大调整,从而使三民主义这笔历史遗产得到了一种“扬弃性”的继承,其负面的东西终于得到全面审视,并逐步转化成为我们民族值得认真吸取的一种“教训”。而跑到台湾的国民党也在面对失败、面对现实、面对教训的基础上,逐步完成了对三民主义政治价值取向中那些负面要素的清理任务。三民主义政治价值虽然由于这样的“蜕变”失去了自己在台湾政治中的独断地位,不过它也因此融入到了现代多元政治中并获得了进一步发展的动力与可能。

【Abstract】 Since the Opium War, China or passive or active step by step into the tide of world development, modernization has become the common aspiration of the nation. But in a sense, Chinese modernization is in a very difficult situation started, the historical task that face, is complex:it not only should be finished by traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society transition, but also faces the problem of how to integrate the traditional country and society from the task; the external environment, and wolves left, is extremely dangerous; in the field of thought, rationalist political thought is with the enlightenment trend sweeping Huaxia, brought there was no parallel in history. The reason expansion and rational arrogance. Therefore, in the country people in the solution to the" unprecedented big change", naturally more attention to national unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity, social transformation, more formed on the state power and authority of appeal, and the national independence, modernization the development platform, indeed in such a concern and efforts were obtained in implementation.However, this success in celebration at the same time, but also to the market economy development need specific social, political and economic ecology caused the resistance. Will to the history of the development of new high power and authority in the effective restriction, cannot become an extremely difficult, with a "developing country" common era subject. While facing the worldwide challenge, successfully solve this period topic, not only will largely determine the success or failure of the transformation of Chinese society, but also will provide us a human civilization in response to major unexpected challenges, how to act, how to self correction of a paradigm.Needless to say, modern development with the market economy is the economic foundation of modernization, a development, adapt to the market economy becomes each civilization of mankind have to face the greatest challenges. While the market economy and the benign development for pluralistic society, interests, traditions, values and pluralistic political preference, the political value belief point put forward relatively tough requirements and provisions, a state in the development of their own put one’s heart and soul into market economy, must be in the political value belief contraction adjustment: Politics must give up to high goal pursuit, the exercise of political power must be controlled in our limited boundaries, political management must give up for" unification" pursuit, to adhere to the bottom line based on order for accommodating a plurality the emergence of order. Political belief is the core of political value system, the level of belief change can not relate to all aspects of political value and the political structure, therefore, the market economy put forward by these tough calls, to a large extent for our times for political value, political structure measure provides a evaluation standard.It is not difficult to understand, such a measure of our modern in "salvation" road struggle process and historical selected successful mode has a great distance with the span. We successfully completed the "first issue", but immediately faced no less than the first" exam" relaxed "two issue", while the first exam success experience to some extent not only for the two time the examination to provide reference, even added two exam success difficulty. Struggle between two different challenge, ups and downs in between success and failure of joy mixture of sorrow, which is more than100years generations of Chinese common experience. Although the "exam" a different flag, with different ideals, but different testees experience and experience has a remarkable "family resemblance".In this paper is a basis of understanding, to the three people’s principles of political value as the case, want to show Chinese modern surge high and sweep forward during the revolution, in the political value in the field of this structural "paradox"; we hope to explore in this period of political practice in the field of its are promoted also suddenly, its decline" phenomenon and the underlying reasons behind.In this paper, the basic idea is, first on the political general theory of value are summarized, then the three people’s principles of political value of the historical background and the theoretical form undertakes combing, and then into its connotation analysis, from the three people’s principles of political value and political practice of association, the limitations of the in-depth analysis. Finally the decades of political development, from the historical heritage of the three people’s principles of political value point of view of evolution and goes beyond the limitations.This article includes introduction, a total of six parts.The introduction part is Moupian layout preparation. Mainly includes three parts:the first is clearly the significance of selecting the topic, the second is about the principles of research undertakes combing, the third is on the research method and perspectives are described.The first chapter is mainly on the general theory of political value. The first is a definite political meaning of value, then the political value, political value level factor, structure characteristics and its modernization to undertake an analysis, which formed the political value of the basic cognitive, later research to provide theoretical support.The second chapter on the Three People’s Principles of political value of the historical background of the order, and then the theoretical form analysis. As the spirit of the times of the three principles of the people, the creation of background is three, one is the invasion by the back full of thoughts, is triggered by the Enlightenment from two, three is the end of the Qing Dynasty political influence. The Three People’s Principles of political value according to its evolution form the theoretical performance of the old and the new three people’s principles.The third chapter on Three People’s principles of political value presupposition and its connotation analysis. The article thinks, Sun Yat-sen will be progressive, rationalism, power and a control universal value, deeply internalized in the three people’s principles of political values. This largely determines the Three People’s Principles of political value beliefs about the overall direction. Then turn on the Three People’s Principles of political values, principles of political values and principles this paper analyzes the connotation of political values.The fourth chapter on Three People’s Principles of political value limitation analysis. The article thinks, the Three People’s Principle of political values of limitations, is adhered to a completely contrary to the direction and the requirement of the times, namely its goal of faith, belief and faith all order boundary points to political power, highly unified high forestall and highly arbitrary; and the Three People’s Principles of political value concept limitations, is in the form of a comprehensive update at the same time, it showed respect for authority, opponents hold truth and represent the people’s confidence,"reconstruction of society" dedicated to their own traditional political value, the distortion of inheritance, which shows it with the development of the political modernization between distant distance; and the Three People’s Principles for the limitations of political value, it is embodied in it the democratic politics in China "more and more apparent, more and more virtual, increasingly exist." Then analysis with a quick depression of kuomingtang political power after the victory over Japan, inherent vice of Three People’s political value were illustrated further.The fifth chapter, taking into account of the political development of Cross-Strait during Several Decades, More analysis and thinking on Three People’s political value were implemented from the visual angle of historical heritage. For the Communist Party of China, on the basis of serious reflection on the Cultural Revolution, significant adjustment to the faith of political value were performed, which can meet the requirement of the times to adapt in the reform and market economy, so as to’sublation nature’inherit historical legacy of Three People’s principle. And also kuomingtang that fled to Taiwan, gradually carried out the task which clean up the negative factors about political value orientation of Three People’s Principle in the basis of facing to the failure, the facts and the lessons. To be sure, Three People’s political value had lost the arbitrary position from the politics in Taiwan because of the ’decay’. Nevertheless, for this reason it took part into the pluralistic modern politics and obtained force and feasibility for further development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

