

Religious Attribution:Theoretical and Empirical research

【作者】 任朝霞

【导师】 傅有德;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 宗教学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 本文共由三部分组成。第一部分绪论,第二部分正文,第三部分结论。第一部分“绪论”包括五方面:归因理论综述,研究意图和研究假设,研究设计及测量工具,研究方法,具体研究步骤。目的是使研究工作的理论基础更扎实,研究流程更规范,对实际操作具有引导作用。第二部分是正文,将国内外相关研究与本研究结果进行比较并概括总结,包括五个章节。第一章对宗教和非宗教信仰本质进行理论的辨析、澄清,对大学生实际的信仰和非信仰表现进行比较。第二章对归因的实质和宗教性归因的影响结果进行详细阐释,并对宗教信仰者的信仰态度及自我认知结果做关联性剖析。第三章对宗教信仰的正面影响及原因进行分析总结。第四章则对宗教信仰的负面影响表现进行概括。第五章对当代大学生有/无宗教信仰群体的信仰认知、信仰情感和信仰行为做概括性总结,希望对信仰群体形成一个较客观、公正的认知态度,避免现有的认知偏见对他们的生活产生不利影响。以下是对各个方面的概括性介绍。一、国内外相关研究与测试结果分析及讨论第一章对信仰与非信仰的本质进行辨析与澄清。首先借鉴国外相关研究强调对宗教/非宗教信仰人群的区分不应采用简单的两分法。明确信念比信仰的涵盖范围更广,没有信仰的人也可能有坚定的人生信念,很难说他们完全没有宗教性。其次,借助于调查问卷、心理投射法、个案访谈等研究工具,在普通大学生群体中界定出“隐性信教者”群体。测试数据及心理投射分析均反映出神学生和隐性信教学生存在信仰背景、信仰实践、信仰年限等各方面的差异;性别和信仰背景的差异产生交互作用,使隐性信教学生、无信仰学生和神学生对宗教信仰的认识与评价均存在显著差异。再次,中外文化背景的不同使国内外宗教信仰者之间也存在重大差异,包括教徒身份的“先赋性”和“后致性”区别,“内在宗教取向”和“外在宗教取向”的功利与非功利性差异,“探索性宗教取向”的年龄特性,逐一验证中西方信仰者的特性差异。第四,不同宗教取向的信仰者在应对重大事件所形成的压力时有一种最有效的手段“宗教应对”,而最常用的宗教应对则是祈祷。本文采用社会心理学的“错觉相关”的理论观点解释了祈祷效应的本质。祈祷的确能够带给人许多积极后果,是世人很常见的用来减轻压力获取安宁的方式,隐性信教学生和无宗教信仰学生在面临困境时也会频繁使用,与国外研究基本一致。最后,本文对各学生群体的主观生存状况的自我评定、“毕业即失业”的看法、家庭收入状况对主观的生活满意度的影响、是否存在对信仰的质疑和动摇等主要结论进行分析和总结,为本研究的创新性提供较充足的论据。二、归因本质及宗教性归因测试结果分析比较第二章探讨归因的实质并对大学生的宗教性归因倾向进行测试比较。首先,归因及归因理论一直是社会心理学的重要研究领域,宗教性归因有其根深蒂固的心理根源,即源自人类所固有的意义需要、控制需要、社会性需要等。归因理论也有多种,结合宗教心理学的研究成果,斯皮尔克等人构建了在宗教心理学领域具有普遍适用价值的“通用归因理论”,对宗教性归因的认识更为深刻。其次,在特定的情境中,是否启用宗教性归因会受到两大因素的影响,即事件发生的情境和归因者的归因风格。前者又包括归因者的特征、归因者的背景、事件特征、事件的背景四种具体因素。本文通过设计的12个虚拟小故事,证明宗教背景影响对重大事件的归因解释。宗教信仰学生做宗教性归因的倾向极为明显,无信仰学生很少采用宗教性归因,隐性信教学生的归因倾向居于两者之间。神学生对积极事件和消极事件的宗教性归因与宗教信仰的相关水平也有差异,对积极事件的归因差异更显著,更倾向于将积极事件归因于神的安排,并从这种归因倾向中获得更高的满意度和幸福体验。第三,明确宗教性归因的一个重要结果是增加了当事人的控制信念。宗教意识的介入使信仰者的内外归因倾向出现了微妙的转化。虔诚的信徒将一切托付给上帝,表现为一种宗教性的外在的稳定归因倾向。这种强大无比的可信力量使人的控制信念大为增强,认为世俗的一切存在和发生都是上帝意图的体现。由此信仰者增强了内部控制点倾向,认为可以对所发生的事情进行一定程度的控制。同时宗教信仰的介入使女性比男性有更明显的内在控制点倾向,而且更多女性将上帝视为慈爱的象征,而男性则倾向于将上帝视为惩罚性的或非人格化的万能者。总之宗教信仰的介入使一般性的内外控制点倾向有所变化,有/无宗教信仰者的内外控制点倾向有所不同,男女性的控制点倾向也有差异。除受外在的情境性因素影响外,人们是否选择宗教性归因还受内在心理机制的影响,即产生肯定作用的自证预言、恢复认知失调的努力、体验性社会学习过程,三者相互支持共同作用于宗教信念的建构。第四,本文概括了社会心理学者所构建的数种微理论,使用世俗术语描述人对日常生活事件进行解释的过程,每个理论都可用于解释特定的归因现象,为宗教解释的验证提供了丰富的开创性观点。如情境性定义理论,情绪唤起理论,自我知觉理论,自我展示理论,认知失调理论等。第五,对有/无宗教信仰学生进行成功和失败归因的测量,发现有/无宗教信仰被试的“成功—失败”归因倾向存在显著差异,信仰者都突出强调神圣者的力量,显示出外控点归因倾向。无信仰者则更突出强调个人的作用,表现出一般性的内控点归因特征。罗特的控制点理论和维纳的成就动机理论在一定程度上对有/无宗教信仰者的归因差异表现及差异导致的后果进行了解释。第六,总结性讨论,解释宗教信仰所导致的宗教性归因的四个特性。首先宗教性归因解释与事件的真实原因之间存在一定的偏差。其次宗教性归因具有浓厚的文化特性。第三,对信仰者来讲,宗教性归因具有的工具性很好地帮助他们消减了现实生活所形成的压力。第四,宗教性归因具有良好的自我强化功用。三、宗教信仰的阳光面和阴暗面第三章对宗教信仰的积极影响进行综述。第一,本文描述了神秘宗教体验的特性和效果,作为信仰红利的神秘宗教体验对宗教信仰具有很好的强化作用,经历过神秘宗教体验的人对信仰更加虔诚。宗教体验越丰富,在特定情境下对事件做宗教性归因的可能性也越高。神秘宗教体验能带给人各种积极后果,包括亲近社会的态度,有效提升个体的自尊程度,增加人的幸福体验等。第二,总结宗教信仰影响幸福感的表现和原因。首先,宗教信仰使人体验到与上帝的亲密关系,提供了存在的确定性,有效地促进身心健康,信仰者所做的主观自我经历构建,教会有组织的活动对信仰者的幸福感也有积极而适度的影响。其次,宗教信仰所培育的乐观主义倾向和宗教性归因风格对相信好运气和心理幸福的关系有很好的调节。再次,研究发现有/无宗教信仰者普遍经历过“温和的宗教体验”,证实了宗教特性的普遍性。第三,揭示宗教皈依的整合转换效用,宗教性的解释框架帮助人们实现对所经历危机的意义转化。影响皈依行为的社会性或情境性因素很多,包括强而有力的信息传输者、特定的情境、皈依前对友谊的渴望、童年期的不利体验、与家人的关系等。皈依使当事人对危机经验的统合能力增强,幸福感得到提升。第四,对宗教信仰如何消减死亡关切与死亡恐惧进行阐述。死亡恐惧唤起理论揭示了宗教源起的一个重要因素,即人试图用宗教性的解释消减死亡带给人的焦虑和恐惧。宗教信念通过有效培育人所追求的控制感,在一定程度上消减了信仰者的死亡恐惧及濒死焦虑。第五,揭示宗教信念对自尊水平的影响。首先不同宗教信念与自尊水平相互影响,表现为宗教信仰影响人的自尊水平,不当的宗教训练可能培养信仰者的低自尊,反之,信仰者高低不同的自尊水平可以影响到对上帝的想象结果。第六,概括宗教信仰产生积极影响的原因。一是因果性归因,信仰者的宗教性归因风格使其更容易保持乐观信念和维持较高自尊。二是有效的控制信念帮助信仰者避免习得性无助,培养他们的高自我效能感,让人确信拥有选择的权力,同时也培养了信仰者的顺从态度,更好地融于群体,适应社会。第四章概括了宗教信仰带给人的负面影响。宗教信仰带给人的不都是正面的积极影响,就像太阳也会有黑子一样,宗教信仰存在四个方面的消极表现。首先,宗教信仰可能导致对自我的态度失调,导致信仰者的软弱感,产生自我压抑,增加群体内的敌意。也可能使信仰者产生幻化的自我满足,习惯于过依赖性的生活,放弃个人应负的责任和可以享受的权利。其次,宗教信仰可能导致对他人态度的失调,具有自我道德优越感和对本群体成员偏袒,对外群体成员有偏见和排斥。再次,宗教信仰影响人们对现实的看法和对世界的态度。首先信仰者可能受教义的束缚而产生狭隘思维,僵化地维护传统教义而对新思想打压,头脑过分保守,形成认知束缚。许多宗教体系鼓励信仰者做调和式的判断以弥合各种无法阐释的教条漏洞,导致信仰折衷主义。在解释和理解事件过程中,信仰者倾向于做错觉相关性解释,将各种结果都归因于上帝的有意安排。第四,宗教信仰影响对上帝的态度和宗教的努力。许多信仰者关于上帝的概念并不完善,有时只能被小心翼翼地保存在信徒所构建的信念温室里,很难经受住外界的攻击。信仰者对宗教的选择和理解并非都浑然天成,宗教教导有时也会强调理智思考后的理解,结果往往导致思考者的质疑和犹疑不定。也有部分信仰者受到特定因素的影响,如不稳定的社会状况,过分追求明确的意义等,导致对宗教的狂热激情,也可能给社会稳定造成极大冲击。四、宗教性测量的理论基础与结果分析第五章从宗教社会心理学的视角探查宗教信仰群体、隐性信教群体与无信仰群体在宗教特性方面的差异。当前研究个体宗教性差异的领域主要包括认知、情感、习惯和行为四个方面,宗教性测量将这三个群体进行比较,发现神学生在宗教特性的四个方面与其他两个群体存在显著差异。研究概括了影响信仰者宗教性的三种主要因素:家庭背景、同辈群体和年龄。总结了神学生对其处境感到满意的原因:一是宗教信念的确信提供了生命的意义;二是较单纯安宁的生活环境保证了不受外界非信仰因素的干扰;三是多样化的宗教生活带给人更多地积极体验:四是不进行向上的社会比较让人更容易心态平和:五是加入宗教团体后的适应水平现象让人更好地调适身心;六是宗教信仰培养的乐观心态使信仰者对来世期待,对世俗世界的不利处境更容忍;七是不良的社会经济地位受信仰的调节减轻了挫折程度。第三大部分是结论,主要是将全部有价值的测试结果进行梳理,对本研究的理论创新点和研究数据所揭示的结论进行综合陈述,并提出研究结论所具有的可应用性。本研究的理论成果包括二个主要的方面,即研究课题的理论创新与测试结果的实际效用。首先,采用新的研究视角更全面地认识宗教性归因现象的本质。本文除采用斯皮尔克的“通用归因理论”作为主要的解释宗教性归因现象的理论外,还创新性地选择了社会心理学所构建的数种微理论,使用世俗术语解释宗教性归因行为背后的心理机制,为宗教解释的验证提供了丰富的开创性观点。同时还概括解释了宗教信仰所导致的宗教性归因的四个特性。其次,使用了一个新译词,将"religious bonus"翻译成“宗教红利”来描述宗教信仰带给信仰者在世俗世界的有益体验及对信仰者心理和行为的影响。再次,使用一种新方法,首次使用主观生存状况自我评定分数评估宗教信仰的影响效果。第四,依据测试数据所概括的原创结论:通过实证调查获取大量数据,对这些数据的统计分析共得出13条具有借鉴和引用价值的结论。测试结果的实际效用则主要是指对学校管理者的借鉴价值。

【Abstract】 This thesis consists of three parts. The part1is Preface,The part2is the main text,The part3is conclusion.The part1"Preface" includes five aspects,they are theoretical review about religious theory,research intention and research hypothesis,research design and measure instrument, research methods, the specific research procedures.The purpose is to make the research process more standardizing, taking the guide role of actual operation.The part2is the main text. I compare the domestic and foreign researchers and results, summarize and discuss the research in5chapters.The chapter1is the analysis,clarification and comparison on the current students’ beliefs of religious and non-religious, from the theory and actual performance.The chapter2is an interpretation in detail about the substance and the impact on the results of the religious attribution process, along with the correlation analysis about their attitudes to religious beliefs and self-awareness results.The chapter3analyzes and summarizes various obvious beneficial effects to believers holding religious belief and the reasons.The chapter4analyzes and summarizes the negative impact of religious belief and performances.The chapter5is a general summary of the faith cognitive, feelings and action of the faith groups and implicit faith groups, based on the findings of contemporary college students, hoping to help this group to establish a more objective and fair attitude towards knowledge, at the same time, avoid the existing negative impact on their lives due to cognitive biases.The following is a general introduction from four aspects:First, The domestic and foreign related research and the test result analysis and discussionThe chapter1carries on the analysis and clarification to the essence of religious belief and non-religious belief. First, it profits from the overseas related research which emphasis not using the simply dichotomy method to distinguish the religion and non-religion people. It makes it explicit that faith has broader covering scope than belief has, non-religious people also can possibly have firm life faith. The believers often hesitates to decide, the non-religious believers can also reverently pray, thus it is very difficult to say they do not have religion completely.Next, with the tool of questionnaire, psychology projective testing, case interview and so on, I limit "hidden believers of religion" in the ordinary university student community. Meanwhile, the test data and the analysis of the psychological projection have reflected various differences in the belief background, belief practice, belief age limit and so on, between the religious students and hidden religious students. The difference between sex and the belief background has correlation, causing the remarkable difference in understanding and the appraisal among the hidden religious students, non-religious students and the religious students.Thirdly, the difference between the Chinese and foreign cultural context also causes significant difference between the domestic and foreign religious votary, including the difference between the believers’status, its "inborn nature" and "developing nature", the difference between the utility and non-utility in the "intrinsic religious orientation" and "external religious orientation", the age characteristic existing in "the exploring religious orientation", confirms the characteristic difference between the Chinese and the Western votaries one by one.Fourth, believers of different religious orientation have different effective method "dealing with the religion" when facing the pressure of imporment events, of which the most commonly used is praying. This thesis explains the essence of praying effect, using the phenomenon of "illusory correlation" in the social psychology. Pray can indeed take many positive consequences to the human, thus becoming the common way for people to reduce high pressure and gain peaceful mind, which is frequently used between implicit religion students and the non-religion students when facing difficulties. Hence, this research is basically consistent with abroad research.Finally, this thesis carries on analysis and the summary of the main conclusions about the self-evaluation of subjective survival conditions of various students’ communities, their views about "graduation means unemployment", the influence that household income condition has on the satisfaction with their subjective life degree, whether there exists belief questioning and the vacillation and so on. All of these have provided sufficient arguments for the innovation of this research.Second, Analysis and comparison with the essence of attribution and the result of religious attribution testThe chapter2explores the essence of attribution and the test comparison with the university students’religious attribution. First, attribution and attribution theory have been an important research area in social psychology. Religious attribution has its ingrained psychological root, namely coming from the need of human inherent significance, control, societies and so on. There are many kinds of attribution theories, in which Spilka et.al. created "the general attribution theory", which has suitable value in the domain of religious psychology, making the understanding of religious attribution more profoundly, uniting religion psychology research results. Next, in specific situation, whether we begin using religious attribution will have influences on two important factors, namely, the situation where the event occurs and the attribution style of the attributors. The former includes four kinds of concrete factors: the attributors’characteristics, background of the attributors and the events’ characteristic, background of the events. This thesis tries to prove that the religion background has effect on the explanation of important events, through designing12hypothesized stories. The religious students have extremely obvious religious attribution tendency, but non-religious students use little religious attribution, recessive religious students reside between them. Religious students have different related level of religious belief according to their attribution to the positive or negative events. The differences in positive events more remarkable, hence, they attribute more positive events to God’ arrangement, obtaining a higher degree of satisfaction and happy experience from this attribution tendency.Third, I make it clear that an important result about religious attribution is to increase believer’s control faith. The involvement of religious consciousness has caused subtle transformation of the tendency to the believers’inside and outside attribution. The believers entrust all the things to the God with piety, showing a kind of external stable religious attribution. This powerful and incomparable credible strength causes believer’s control faith to enhance greatly, thinking that all the existing things and their occurrences are manifestations of God’s intention. Therefore, the believers strengthen the tendency to the internal control point, thinking that they can control their occurrences on the certain extent. Meanwhile, the involvement of religious beliefs enables the female to have more obvious intrinsic tendency on the locus of controlcompared to the male. Moreover, more females regard God as the symbol of affection, but the males regard God as punitive or non-personified multi-purpose owner. All in all, the involvement of religious belief enables the general tendency of the inside and outside locus of control to change.People with religious belief or not will differ from the tendency of the inside and outside locus of control, the male or female also have differences in locus of control tendency.Besides being influenced by the external situation factor, people are also influenced by the intrinsic psychological mechanism in choosing religious attribution, namely, they are self-fulfilling prophecies with affirmation function, the endeavor of restoring cognitive dissonance, experiencing the society learning process, the three of which form the construction of the religious faith that are supported and used mutually.Fourth, I summaries several kinds of "mini-theories" constructed by society psychologists, using common custom terminology to describe the process by which human explains their daily events, each theory may be used in explaining the specific phenomenon of attribution, providing rich creative viewpoints for the confirmation of religious explanation, such as the theory of situation definition, the theory of emotion arousal, the theory self-perception, the theory of self-presentation, cognitive dissonance theory and so on.Fifth, I carries on a survey to the success and the defeat attribution between the religious belief and non-religious belief students, discovered that there exists remarkable difference about the "success and defeat" attribution tendency for the test about the religious and unreligious believers. The religious believers all stress the strength of the sacredness, demonstrating the outside locus of control attribution tendency. Non-religious believers more stress individuals’function, demonstrating the general inside locus of control attribution characteristics. Rotter’s locus of control theory and Wiener’s Achievement motivation theory carry on the explanation to the performance of attribution difference and its consequence caused by the difference about the religious and non-religious believers on the certain extent.Sixth, I makes the summarizing discussion, explaining four characteristics of religious attribution caused by religious belief. First, there is a certain deviation between the religious attribution explanation and the real reason for the events. Second, religious attribution has strong cultural characteristics. Third, to the religious believers, the utilizing function of the religious attribution helps them to reduce the pressure formed in the real life. Fourth, religious attribution also has good self-strengthened function.Third, Positive side and negative side of religious beliefsThe chapter3carries on the summary about the positive effect of religious beliefs. First, it describes the characteristic and effect of the mystical religious experience, which has very good invigoration effect to the religious belief as the religious bonus. Thus people who have experienced the mystical religious experience become more reverent. The richer religious experience he has, the higher will be the possibility of religious attribution to the event under the specific situation. The mystical religious experience can take all kinds of positive consequence to the human, including the manner of intimating with the society, promoting the individual self-respect effectively, increasing people’happy experience and so on.Second, it summarizes the performance and the reason for the sense of happiness influenced by religious belief. The first, the religious belief makes people experience the intimate relation with God, providing the certainty of existence, promoting the physical and moral integrity, The construction of the subjective self-experience made by the believers, the activities organized by church has positive and moderate influence on the believers’sense of happiness. Next, the optimism tendency cultivated by religious belief and the style of religious attribution has a very good adjustment to believing good luck and the relations to psychological happiness. Once more, the research has discovered that the religious and non-religious believers have generally experienced "mild-experience of religious", confirming the universality of religious characteristics.Third, it promulgates that the religious conversion is the essence of conformity and transformation, the religious explanation frame helps people to realize the meaningful transformation of experiencing crisis. There are many social or situational factors influence conversive behavior, including the powerful intelligence transmission, the specific situation, hope for friendship before converting, disadvantageous experience in childhood, and relationship with his family members and so on. Conversion makes the believer strengthen the integrated ability of experiencing the crisis, promoting the sense of happiness.Fourth, it carries on the explanation about how religious belief reduces the death concern and death anxiety. The theory of death anxiety arousal promulgate an important attribute to the religious source, the human has attempted to reduce the anxiety and fear caused by death with religious explanation. The religious faith reduces believers’fear of death and anxiety on the verge of death through cultivating the control sense which the human pursues effectively, to a certain extent.Fifth, it reveals the influence on self-respect level made by religion belief. On the one hand, different religious belief and the self-respect level influence mutually, displaying that religious belief affects people’s self-respect level, inappropriate religious training will be likely to raise believers’low self-respect, on the contrary, the believers’ different self-respect level may affect imagination result to God.Sixth, it gives a summary of the reason for positive influence made by religious belief. The first is the causal attribution, the believers’religious attribution style make it easier to maintain optimism and high self-respect. Next, the effective control faith helps the believers to avoid the learned helplessness, raising high self-efficacy, making people firmly believe the authority of choice, meanwhile, cultivating the believers’amenable manner, well integrating into the community and adapting to society.The chapter4summarizes the negative influence taken to people by their religious belief. What the religious belief takes to the human is not all positive influence, it has four aspects of negative performance, just like the sun also has the black moles. First of all, the religious belief may be likely to cause dissonance of self-cognition, causing believers’weakness, producing self-repression and increasing hostility within the group. It can also cause the believers’self-satisfaction illusion and comparison of moral superiority complex, accustomed to dependent life, giving up his individual responsibility and the rights.Next, the religious belief can possibly cause dissonance of other-cognition, having superiority feeling of self-moral, favoring his community members, while having prejudice and repel to another community members.Thirdly, the religious belief affects people’s view to the reality and the attitude to the world.The believer may be possibly limited to religious doctrine, forming narrow thought, therefore, they maintenance traditional religious doctrine stiffly, suppressing new thought, having excessively conservative brains, forming the limitation of the cognition. Many religious systems encourage the believers to make well distributed-like judgment to close the various missing doctrines which can not be explained, causing the belief eclecticism. In explaining and understanding event process, the believers tend to make the relevant illusion explanation, attributing all the result to God intended arrangement.Fourth, the religious belief affects the attitude to God and religious endeavor. Many believers are imperfect about the God concept, sometimes it can only be stored cautiously in the "religious belief greenhouse" constructed by the pious believer, making it very difficult to undergo the outside attack. The believers’religious choice and understanding are not formed naturally, the religious doctrines sometimes also emphasize the understanding after reasonable thought, causing the thinkers’question and hesitation to decide. There are also parts of believers who are influenced by specific factor, such as unstable social condition, pursuing explicit significance excessively and so on, causing frantic fervor to religion, which also possibly gives enormous impact on social stability.Fourth, The theoretical base and outcome analysis of religiousness surveyThe chapter5investigates the difference in religious characteristic aspect among the religious, non-religious and hidden believers community from the angle of religious social psychology. The current research about individual’s religious difference domain mainly includes four aspects:cognition, emotion, habit and behavior. The religious survey carries on the comparison among these three communities, discovering that the seminary students have remarkable difference with other two communities in the four aspects of religious characteristics.The research summarizes three kinds of primary factors affecting the believers’ religiousness:family background, peer community and age. It summarizes the reason for theological seminary students’satisfaction with his situation:first of all, the religious faith’insurance has provided the full meaning of life; second, the simple and peaceful living conditions have guaranteed undisturbance by unbelief factor from the outside; third, the diverse religious life brings more positive experience to the human; fourth, it makes a person easier to have a gentle mood by not comparing with the upward society; fifth, adaption-level phenomenon makes a person physical and mental health after joining the religious group; sixth, the optimistic attitude cultivated by religious belief will make the believers anticipate the next life, tolerate the disadvantageous situation in the living world; seventh, the bad social economic status reduce the degree of setback adjusted by belief.The part3is Conclusion.It’s mainly hackles all the valuable test result, summarizes the statistic datas of the innovation of this research conclusion in theoretical, practical and applicable aspect.There are two aspects on the theoretical value of this research.First, Spilka et.al. created "the general attribution theory", which has suitable value in the domain of religious psychology, making the understanding of religious attribution more profoundly, uniting religion psychology research results. summaries several kinds of "mini-theories" constructed by society psychologists, using common custom terminology to describe the process by which human explains their daily events, each theory may be used in explaining the specific phenomenon of attribution, providing rich creative viewpoints for the confirmation of religious explanation, such as the theory of situation definition, the theory of emotion arousal, the theory self-perception, the theory of self-presentation, cognitive dissonance theory and so on.I makes the summarizing discussion, explaining four characteristics of religious attribution caused by religious belief.Second, using a new translated word "religious bonus" to describe the beneficial experience in the living world brought to the believers by religious belief and the influential effect on the believers’psychology and the behavior.Third,utilizing a new method,using the condition self-evaluation score of subjective living situation to appraise the influential effect of religious belief for the first time.Next, the original conclusion reflected by the test data. This thesis has gained mass data through real investigation, drawing13profitable and quotable conclusions altogether, through the analysis to these statistical data.The mainly actual utility of this test result refer to the profitable value to the school superintendent.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

