

The Study of Culture and Modern Industrialization of Folk Arts and Crafts in Zibo, Shandong

【作者】 杨亮

【导师】 刘凤君;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 淄博——海岱之间古老而神奇的土地,曾经哺育出辉煌灿烂的齐文化,而齐文化不仅是我国一支优秀的传统地域文化,更是中华传统文化的主要来源之—和重要组成部分。务实、开放、多元、变革、兼容并蓄的文化品格在“膏壤千里,粟如丘山”且风炎土灼的齐国大地焕发出强大生命力和辐射力,品类繁复、工艺精湛、独树一帜的民间工艺文化便是孕育其中、颇具特色的一枝奇葩。齐文化“重农兴商”的历史传统穿越时空、历久弥新,在21世纪“全球化”的新型经济、文化格局中依然不失借鉴和启迪意义。民间工艺文化更是持续不断地探索新环境中行之有效的发展模式,明晰如何变革民间工艺的传统文化优势形成淄博文化资源的产业优势、如何借助民间工艺的大众文化力量培育出现代化城市的核心竞争力是本文研究的基本目的。在选题、调研和撰写论文的过程中主要使用的研究方法是定性研究中的内容分析法,获得资料的途径包括:实地调查法(与当地的民间艺术家或手工艺者面谈并做记录)、函询法(向当地政府主管部门或民间协会组织发放咨询信函、电子邮件或者打电话)、查阅法(图书馆、民艺馆、博物馆、档案馆和电子资源)等等。历史研究中的时空结合法,在时间与空间的范畴内探索淄博民间工艺文化的发展脉络,阐述事实、揭示意义、解释原因、预测趋势。下面是各部分内容的提要:在引论中明示出淄博民间工艺文化和产业化研究选题的原因和依据。界定民间工艺、文化和产业化等相关概念,并对学术界研究现状进行简要的综述。首先对淄博民间工艺进行类别研究。按照重要性程度依次递减的次序对淄博当地的民间工艺品类进行全面的、客观的历史梳理,理清每种民间工艺的起源、鼎盛、衰落或者消失的时间、地点和代表性事件,由此证明淄博有史以来确实是民间工艺文化较为发达的地区。具体民间工艺品类包括最主要的陶瓷和丝绸(此亦为中国最为典型的传统手工艺)及其衍生品刻瓷工艺、琉璃工艺以及内画工艺、淄砚工艺、铜响乐器、蹴鞠制造工艺等等不一而足。其次深入分析了博民间工艺发展的原因。主要是针对淄博各种民间工艺,分析其产生、鼎盛、衰落和消亡的原因,包括自然地理因素和社会历史因素两部分。比如地理位置、地质地貌、气候气象和自然资源禀赋优势,尤其是煤炭、矿石、铁、铜等主要矿产资源以及农副产品资源等,此为相对稳定的地理决定性。而社会历史因素比之自然地理因素的影响更为深刻、复杂和富于变化,诸如生产力水平、生产关系状态、国家政治制度、阶级阶层关系等经济基础和上层建筑的影响和制约。同时,每个不同的历史阶段所处的社会环境包括流行时尚、风俗习惯等外部因素以及淄博地区广大民众的品格气质、心理素质和价值观念等内在因素都会共同作用于民间工艺文化的形成和发展过程中。再次全面分析了是淄博民间工艺文化的内涵。第一触及淄博民间工艺文化的精神内核,亦即造物思想。淄博民间工艺文化的造物思想包含民众的智慧与理想,或“备物致用”的实用诉求或“文质彬彬”的审美意趣或“心手相传”的技能巧思,民间工艺匠人借用材质、配方、色彩、线条、形体等工艺语言表达出内心情感和精神追求。第二在淄博民间工艺文化与地方民族传统文化关系的解读中勾勒出淄博民众典型性格特征,摹写民间艺人传统的社会生活与生产状况,关照民间工匠的艰苦奋斗与执着信念。第三归纳淄博民间工艺文化的生命周期性规律,描绘主流民间工艺文化生命中历经“缓慢积累的成长期——理性选择的成熟期——无奈蛰伏的衰退期——华丽转身的复兴期——不可限量的再生期”的跌宕路径,‘藉此在思想上对民间工艺文化发展产业化做出准备。复次是对淄博民间工艺文化当代产业化的研究。首先将上述各种淄博民间工艺再次进行分类,明确不同民间工艺文化资源的归宿问题;然后基于对选择性产业化理念的认同解决“产业化”的道路选择问题。按照选择性开发战略思路进行市场客体分类——文化标本、文化作品抑或文化产品;按照国家文化产业振兴规划的宏观思路进行淄博民间工艺文化产业的市场角色定位——政府、投资者、劳动者和消费者如何定位;按照多元化市场发展多维思路进行民间工艺文化产业的市场开拓,旅游业、体育娱乐业、艺术品行业、网络市场范畴、国际贸易领域等等。最后对全文内容进行总结并对该选题展开进一步思考。主要结论是:结论之一:淄博民间工艺文化历史悠久、特色鲜明,其发展动因基本确证。结论之二:淄博民间工艺文化有着深刻而独特的内涵。结论之三:淄博民间工艺文化发展产业化既有必要性又有可行性。结论之四:淄博民间工艺文化产业化之路需要采取选择性战略并重新进行市场主体界定和有针对性的市场开拓。本文的创新点在:1.研究视角的创新。本论题试图站在社会文化的基点上,将视线向下投射,着眼于一个城市的“小传统”即大众文化,但是并不是回避和排斥“大传统”即精英文化,反而是要努力在精英文化的脉络中摸到大众文化的脉搏,亦即尝试在正统的历史研究成果中找到同时代的大众文化尤其是民间工艺文化现象背后的本质原因。2.对淄博城市形象评价的创新。淄博自古为齐国封地,“五霸之首”、“战国七雄”是其鼎盛的标志性形象。曾经“泱泱大风”的齐国所恃“鱼盐之利”随属地减少逐渐转型成为现代山东一内陆城市,传统的纺织工业、陶瓷工业联合新型煤炭工业和石油工业树立起淄博“工业城市”的形象,然淄博凭借曾经辉煌之“齐国”遗风,欲将重振其文化与经济并立之形象,还原本来应有之面目亦非不可能之事。3.淄博民间工艺文化产业发展的战略创新。淄博的民间工艺文化以传统陶瓷和丝织工艺为轴心随时代不断演化出新的民间工艺品类,但是现代化机器大生产模式在陶瓷和纺织行业的成功并不能成为其他民间工艺同样可以效仿的佐证。为此本论文提出了“淄博民间工艺文化产业化发展的选择性战略”。简言之,在开发和利用文化产业资源的淄博民间工艺文化资源时要基于“选择性”原则区别对待,多元并行,方能取长补短各得其所。4.淄博民间工艺产业市场道路选择的创新。本论文提出“继续发展轻工制造业(陶瓷工业、丝绸纺织业)、重点开创商业和服务业的创新协作,同时加强外围产业的辅助和保护”的市场开拓思路。特别是民间工艺文化与艺术品市场、旅游业和旅游商品市场、专业批发市场以及国际市场的层次化结合,同时兼顾金融、广告、教育和法律等环境建设。新模式、新思路、新策略和新方法在文化产业战略的大背景下显得益发突出和紧迫。

【Abstract】 Zibo, an ancient and magical city between the mountain and ocesn, had nurtured brilliant Qi culture. Qi culture was not only one of the excellent regional traditional culture but also one of the main sources and important parts of Chinese traditional culture. The cultural characters of pragmatic, open, changing, pluralistic have broken out the vitality and radiation force. Well the unique folk arts and crafts culture with complex category, and exquisite crafts was one kind of characteristic culture of Qi. The historical traditional policy of "Equal emphasis on agriculture and commerce" still has reference and enlightenment in "economic and cultural globalization" pattern of21st century. Folk arts and crafts culture has been continued to explore a more effective development mode in the new context. Basic purpose of this paper is to study the way to get the industrial advantages of cultural resources in Zibo, to cultivate the core competitiveness of modern cities, and to enhance the second-(or three)-line city’s "soft power".The main method used in this study in the process of selection of topics, research and writing papers is content analysis in Qualitative research. Access to information including:field survey (interviews with the local folk artists or craftspeople and records), inquiry through letters (issue advisory letters to the local government authorities or civil society associations), search method (library, folk arts and crafts museum, museums, archives and electronic resources) and so on. In addition, pace-time integration method in historical studies also was used to explore the development road of folk art and cultural in Zibo in time and space context, to set out the facts, reveal meaning, explain why and forecasting trends. At the same time, the definition of law, citing law, comparative law and analogy were used to give detailed description and accurate argument.The following is a summary of the various elements:the issue of folk arts and crafts cultural industries in Zibo was put forward in introduction. In this part, folk arts and crafts, culture, industrialization and other related concepts were defined, and the study status quo of the academic were briefly overviewed.Chapter one:the study of categories of folk arts and crafts in Zibo. In the turn of the importance of decreasing, the categories of folk arts and crafts in Zibo have been comprehensively, objectively historical analysed. The clearance of the time, place and the representational events of the origin, peak, decline and disappear in every categories of folk arts and crafts in Zibo could prove that Zibo was really a area with developed folk arts and crafts culture in history. The categories specifically include:ceramic and silk(which were Chinese most typically traditional folk arts and crafts) and glass, carved porcelain, inner paintings, Zichuan inkstone, brass instruments and Cuju making, etc.Chapter tow:the analysis of reasons of development of arts and crafts culture in Zibo. The reasons of the origin, peak, decline and disappear in every categories of folk arts and crafts in Zibo including naturally geographical and socially historal factors,such as:geographical location, geological landforms, weather and natural resources,espacially coal, iron, copper mineral resources and agricultural resources like silkworm, which were the relative stability of the geographic decisive. However, the socially historal factors were even more profound, complex and changeable, ickluding productivity, production relations, national system, class relations. Meanwell, such social environment as popular fashion, customs and habits, people’s personality, psychological factors and value would play a role in the process of formation and development of folk arts and crafts culture.Chaper three:the analisis of cultural connotation of folk arts and crafts in Zibo. Firstly, the spiritual kernel, namely Idea of creation was researched, which Contains local people’s wisdom and ideal, for example, Practical appeal to "Preparation by using", the aesthetic interest of "ornamental and the combined plain properties", the skills of "Holt-Oram legend". Folk artists express their inner feelings and spirit pursuit using such material, formula, color,line and form as folk arts and crafts language. Secondly, the interpretation of the relations between folk arts and crafts culture and national traditional culture could putline Zibo’s typical character, depict Zibo folk artists’production and living social condition, care Zibo craftsmen’s work hard and perseveringly spirit and belief. Thirdly, induction of "Life-cycle theory" of folk arts and crafts culture in Zibo, including:Slow accumulation period—Rational choice of maturity—Helpless dormant recession—Magnificent renaissance—Infinite regeneration", industralizaton of folk arts and crafts cultural in Zibo has been prepared based which in mind.Chapter four:the contemporary industrialization of folk arts and crafts cultural in Zibo. Firstly, all kinds of folk arts and crafts in Zibo mintioned above were classfied again, and to make clear the target of every kinds of folk arts and crafts culture resources; then, based on the identification of "Selective Concept" of industrialization, the path of industrialization was selecteed. According to the selective development strategic thought, market object were classified:Cultures Specimens, Cultural Products, Cultural Goods; according to the national culture industry planning macroscopical thought the role of folk arts and crafts cultural market were oriented:government, investors, laborer and consumers. In accordance with the diversified development ideas for market development, such as tourism, sports and entertainment, art industry, network market, wholesale market, international trade.Conclusion part:the summary of full content and further thoughts on the topics. The main conclusions are:a) The culture of folk arts and crafts in Zibo has long history, distinct characteristics and great function, whose development motivations were confirmed;b) The culture of folk arts and crafts in Zibo has profound and unique connotation;c) It is necessary and feasible to develop folk arts and crafts cultural industrialization in Zibo.d) The development of folk arts and crafts cultural industrialization in Zibo should take the selective strategyand depend on the concerted efforts of light manufacturing, tourism and commercial circulation, etc. and support and collaboration from other industries or sectors.The innovation points:1. Innovation of the research Perspective in this paper. On the basis of social culture, the paper focused on the " little tradition" or "mass culture" but didin’t shy away from the "big tradition" or "elite culture". That is to say, the essential reason behind the folk arts and crafts cultural phenomenons should be found in the The orthodox history research.2. Innovation of the city image evaluation in Zibo. Historically Zibo was located on the ancient "Qi","The first of the five overlords", one of the "seven heros of the Warring States", which was the symbolic image when heyday. The "Qi" has becone into a modern inland city with gradual reduce of its dependency, which had been a great impressive country with fishing and salt industry advantage. At present, Zibo has set up the "industrial city image" depending on ceramic industry, silk industry, coal industry and petrochemical industry. However, in addition to industrial image, Zibo also is a city with the image of "both economy and culture".3. Strategic innovation of the development of folk arts and crafts cultural industralization. New categorise have been invented with the development of socioty outside ceramic and silk arts and crafts. Authough machine production mode has successed in ceramic and silk industry, other kinds of folk arts and crafts would not be successful. Therefore, the paper put forward the "Selective strategy of folk arts and crafts cultural industralization in Zibo". In short, it is necessary based on "Selective strategy of folk arts and crafts cultural industralization" to develop and use the folk arts and crafts cultural resources. Only in this way. all folk arts and crafts cultural resources could learn from others’ strong points and close the gaps and play their proper roles.4. Innovation of the market road choice of folk arts and crafts cultural industralization in Zibo. Confirmed the advantages of ceramics and silk industry, stressed the craft market and the tourism industry collaboration features, and concerned about the protection and supporting roles of perimeter industries. In particular, the hierarchical cooperation between folk arts and crafts cultural resources and the art market, tourism market, professional wholesale market as well as the international market, together with the environment construction of financial industry, the advertising industry, education and law should be cared. New mode, new thinking, new strategy and method has becoming more and more prominent and urgent in the context of cultural industry in China.

【关键词】 淄博民间工艺文化产业化
【Key words】 ZiboFolk arts and craftsCultureIndustrialization
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】J520.9;G124
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3336
  • 攻读期成果

