

Research on the Evaluation and Structure Adjustment of the Development of Chinese Green Food Industry

【作者】 宋国宇

【导师】 王德章;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨商业大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 绿色食品产业作为国民经济发展的重要新兴产业,其发展水平在一定程度上反映国产业结构优化程度与经济发展质量高低。目前我国绿色食品产业发展取得了巨大成就,但其发展仍然不能适应经济社会发展的要求,存在诸如结构不合理、效率低下、发展协调性不强等问题。绿色食品产业的飞速发展吸引了众多学者从不同角度对其存在问题、发展战略和发展模式等进行了广泛研究,但深刻揭示中国绿色食品产业发展内在规律,并对产业发展进行系统分析与评价的文献却很鲜见。因此,系统评价绿色食品产业发展演化特征、进而提出其政策调整措施,对促进绿色食品产业发展方式转变以及产业可持续健康发展具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文在借鉴马克思经济增长理论与产业发展思想、西方经济增长理论与产业生命周期理论、产业结构优化理论、产业动态理论,以及系统科学等相关学科成果的基础上,采用规范与实证分析相结合、定性与定量分析相结合等方法,在明确界定绿色食品产业及其发展内涵与特征的基础上,构建绿色食品产业发展的系统研究框架,分析我国绿色食品产业发展的历史演进状况与“结构制约”问题,以发达国家有机食品产业发展为经验借鉴,探讨了绿色食品产业发展的动因与发展在机理,进而对绿色食品产业发展的规模、结构、效率及其协调进行综合评价,提出促进绿色食品产业发展的政策建议,旨在为中国绿色食品产业发展提供政策参考和决策依据。首先,论文通过分析我国绿色食品产业发展现状与存在问题,探讨产业发展演化的特征,通过国际经验借鉴为产业发展提供思路。通过分析绿色食品产业发展的影响因素与内在机理,探讨绿色食品产业发展的内在规律,提出产业发展演化的核心动力在于产业结构的优化调整与政策放大作用的发挥。其次,论文基于产业生命周期理论对绿色食品产业发展演化阶段进行判定,利用逻辑斯蒂曲线和龚伯兹曲线进行实证检验与分析;引入C-D生产函数对产业增长方式进行测定,指出并分析绿色食品产业粗放型发展阶段性特征,为促进产业发展方式转变和发展阶段“跃迁”提供理论支持。论文引入灰色关联分析对绿色食品产品结构与产品选择进行定量分析,提出绿色食品产业发展要通过产品结构调整与优化来实现,重点发展加工类与水产类绿色产品,从而确定了产业发展与结构优化的着力点;借助信息熵分析我国绿色食品产业发展演化的时空演变特征,指出绿色食品产业地区结构的发展呈现“非均衡”特征。论文借助DEA模型对绿色食品产业发展进行效率评价,实证分析表明我国绿色食品产业发展整体效率较低,产业发展的规模收益呈递减趋势,进一步验证产业发展方式属于粗放型,提出向集约型发展方式转变,加大高级生产要素投入并调整与优化投入要素结构,通过结构优化升级促进产业效率提高与产业可持续发展。再次,论文通过构建绿色食品产业发展指标评价体系,应用PCA和灰色系统理论建立协调度模型对黑龙江省绿色食品产业发展的协调性进行综合评价,结果表明绿色食品产业发展规模子系统与结构效率子系统波动明显,产业发展协调性呈下降趋势,产业发展的“非协调”问题突出。最后,论文从产业发展模式与发展方式转变、产业结构优化、产业组织优化以及政府作用等方面提出绿色食品产业发展的对策建议。论文建立绿色食品产业发展的系统分析框架,在对影响因素分析基础上构建产业发展机制寻求产业发展的内在规律,并通过对绿色食品产业发展从规模、结构、效率及其协调等方面进行系统评价,提出转变产业发展方式,以结构优化调整为主线,通过产业结构调整与优化促进产业化发展、效率提高与协调性增强等创新性观点,能够为我国绿色食品产业发展提供决策参考。

【Abstract】 As an important rising industry in the development of national economy, the development of green food industry plays an important role in the optimization of industry structure and the improvement of economy development quality to some extent.At present, Chinese green food industry has made tremendous achievement, but it still could not meet the development of national economy for the weakness of irrationality of the industrial structure, inefficiency and non-coordination and so on.The rapid development of green food industry has attracted much attention and corresponding research is being conducted.However, little literature is found to explore the inherent development law and the systematic evaluation of green food industry development.Therefore,it has an important theoretical and practical value to evaluate the development characteristics of green food industry and to put forward policy measures such as adjusting the industry structure,which makes up the deficiency in this research field.With the direction of Marx’s economy growth theory and industry development theory, western economy growth theory, industry life cycle, industrial structure optimization, industrial dynamics and systematic science, this dissertation constructed a theoretical analytic framework of industrial economics system to study the development of green food industry with such methods as qualitative and quantitative analysis, positive and normative analysis and so on.Based on the definition of green food industry and the connotation of industry development, this paper analyzed the evolution process of green food industry and "structural constraints" which restricts its development, used development experiences of organic food industry in some developed countries for reference, and explored the influential factors and endogenous development mechanism.Furthermore, this dissertation evaluated the scale,structure, efficiency and their coordination using empirical analysis. The corresponding and operable policy suggestions were put forward to offer scientific policy-making reference and decision-making basis.Firstly, the dissertation studied the characteristics of the development of green food industry by analyzing the status quo and problems of green food industry development, and provided the thinking for the industry development by using foreign development experience of organic food industry in developed countries for reference. With the dynamic factors and the evolution mechanism of Chinese green food industry development being studied by analyzing influencing factors, the paper pointed out that policies plays an important role in the adjustment of industry structure and green food industry development.Secondly, the development stage of green food industry is examined in the paper based on the theory of industry life cycle, and then Logistic curve and Gompertz curve is used to empirically research the development process. The paper studied the key factors which affect the output, the science&technique progress contribution rates and the growth model of green food industry using C-D production function, which is helpful to providing theoretical support for the transition of industry development mode and the transition of the industry development stage. It shows that the output of green food industry has a remarkable characteristics of "extensive mode" and mainly depends on scale expansion.Thirdly, this paper analyzed the structure of green food products by grey correlation and determined products class that should be strengthened such as processed products and aquatic products, and indicated that the development of green food industry can be achieved by the adjustment and upgrading of industry and product structure.The space-time evolution of the development of green food industry is analyzed by information entropy,which indicates that there exists "disequilibrium" characteristics in the regional distribution structure.The paper evaluated the development efficiency of Chinese green food industry by DEA method, empirical analysis results shows that the overall development efficiency is relatively low, the change of the comprehensive efficiency is due to the change of the returns to scale.Therefore, it is necessary to increase the investment in advanced factors,to adjust industry structure and to change the industry development mode so as to realize the sustainable development of Chinese green food industry.Fourthly,This paper constructed an index appraisal system of green food industry development, and established a coordination appraisal model to measure the coordinated development status of green food industry in Heilongjiang province based on PCA and grey system theory.The results showed that the coordination degree of scale development subsystem and the structure-efficiency development subsystem is not so satisfying and showed a downtrend along with time. Further study indicates that it’s feasible to transfer the mode of industry development and to improve the structure-efficiency subsystem to realize the coordinated and sustainable development of the green food industry. Finally, relevant macroscopic adjustment policy measures include several aspects as follows:innovation of development mode, industrial structure optimization, industrial organization optimization and of government function exertive to ensure the healthy development of Chinese green food industry.Some innovations in this paper are as follows:Firstly,the paper constructs a systematic theoretical framework to analyze and evaluate the development of Chinese green food industry from scale,structure,efficiency and coordination. Secondly,this paper attempts to seek the inherent development mechanism on the basis of influential factors analysis.Thirdly,some empirical analysis of scale,structure,efficiency and coordination are made to demonstrate the development status and characteristics of Chinese green food industry,which laid a solid foundation for the transformation of industrial development mode,taking structural optimization for the theme and improve the efficiency and coordination of the development of green food industry by the optimization of industrial structure.

  • 【分类号】F426.82;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1968
  • 攻读期成果

