

Accumulation Regularity of Lithology Reservoirs in Jurassic Baijiahai Area, Jungar Basin

【作者】 况昊

【导师】 张昌民; 王振奇;

【作者基本信息】 长江大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 准噶尔盆地是中国西部大型叠合含油气盆地之一。白家海地区位于准噶尔盆地中央隆起带东段,白家海凸起为一个继承性古隆起,始终处在油气运移的有利通道上,具有优越的石油地质条件,是整个盆地油气富集程度较高的地区之一。本论文从白家海地区油气勘探的复杂性出发,重点围绕白家海凸起—阜北斜坡区,结合研究区的特性,以沉积学、高分辨率层序地层学、石油地质学等学科的最新理论为指导,结合先进的地球物理探测技术,通过建立高分辨率层序地层格架,应用3D地震解释等技术为白家海地区的构造、沉积特征、岩性体进行精细解释与刻画,对研究区侏罗系的构造发育、断裂特征、沉积相变化及展布规律、有利砂体分布、储层物性、油气成藏条件、油气成藏过程、成藏主控因素进行系统的分析,探讨油气运移、聚集机理,总结研究区侏罗系地层岩性油气成藏模式,预测地层岩性油气藏地质特征、分布富集规律。通过系统研究认为:①通过对侏罗系地层岩性特征及地层叠加样式的分析,将研究区侏罗系划分为2个超长期旋回。研究发现构造和气候因素为研究区内侏罗系超长期旋回层序的主控因素,如下部超长期旋回(相当于水西沟群)主要反映潮湿气候及稳定的构造背景,而上部超长期旋回(相当于石树沟群)则表现为干旱气候及构造抬升的构造背景下的沉积。②湖盆坡折带对层序、沉积和非构造圈闭具有重要控制作用,是岩性地层油气藏勘探的重要新领域。利用坡折带寻找非构造油藏应在建立层序格架、划分体系域的基础上进行。任何油气藏都是在各成藏要素的有机组合下形成的,坡折带是成藏要素发育齐全且能有机配置的地带之一。③研究发现,储集砂体的发育与沉积相带特征密切相关,而非与沉积相或亚相类型相关。如研究区潮湿气候条件下所发育的河流、三角洲相沉积,由于水源供应充沛,水动力能量及携砂能力强,如LSC1-LSC5层序河流、三角洲相带内储集砂体发育;干旱气候条件下水源供给较少,水流携砂能力弱,LSC6及LSC7层序相同或相似沉积相带内储集砂体不发育。④研究区主要烃源岩为二叠系和侏罗系。二叠系烃源岩较有利的生油凹陷为东道海子凹陷和阜康凹陷。平地泉组烃源岩在东道海子凹陷于侏罗纪早期开始进入生烃门限,到了白垩纪早期开始大量生烃。中下侏罗统泥岩夹煤层为主要烃源岩;下侏罗统烃源岩在东道海子凹陷于白垩纪早期进入低成熟阶段,古近纪-新近纪进入生烃高峰期;阜康凹陷于白垩纪早期进入生烃门限,大量生烃在白垩纪晚期。⑤研究区中下侏罗统发育多级坡折带,按成因可分为断裂坡折带和挠曲坡折带。结合沉积相展布特征,挠曲坡折带控砂作用明显;断裂坡折带控藏作用明显,根据发育史、开启程度以及两盘地层接触关系,边界断层及派生的次级断层的组合既可以成为油气运移的通道,有可以成为油气藏的遮挡。多级坡折带的存在导致了研究区中下侏罗统在不同的位置随多期水体的进退发生不同的沉积剥蚀响应,多形成上覆层或上倾方向泥岩分隔的地层岩性油气藏。⑥研究区中上侏罗统主要发育地层超覆圈闭,主要分布与阜北斜坡区的头屯河组;局部地区发育有岩性上倾尖灭圈闭。围绕准噶尔盆地东部白家海地区地层岩性油气藏研究这个主题,进一步完善了研究区层序地层的划分、沉积相的展布、沉积与坡折带的关系、地层岩性圈闭的特征,通过对地层岩性油气藏成藏条件的研究,建立了地层岩性油气藏的成藏模式,总结了研究区地层岩性油气藏成藏规律。

【Abstract】 Junggar basin is one of petroliferous basins with large-scale folds in the western of China. And Baijiahai area is located in the east of its center uplift zone. Baijiahai high is a inherited palaeohigh, which is always on the favorable pathway of oil and gas migration. Because of its superior geologic condition, Baijiahai area is a oil and gas accumulated area in the whole basin.This paper focuses on Baijiahai upswell-Fubei slope area, although its oil and gas exploration is rather complex. By guidance of sedimen tology, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and petroleum geology, h igh-resolution sequence framework is built up by use of geophysical te chnology. The structures, depositional features, lithology of studied area are interpretated and described clearly on3D seismic data. Also, Jurassic strata of Baijiahai area is analyzed systematically in many ways, including structure characters, fracture feature, sedimentary fa cies and distribution, favorable sand bodies distribution, reservoir p hysical properties, hydrocarbon reservoir formational conditions and p rocess, the controlling factors of reservoir and so on. In addition, t he strata’s lithology petroleum entrapment mode can be concluded, in o rder to predict geologic characteristic of the formation lithology res ervoir and distribution enriching methods.The study shows that:(1) Jurassic strata can be divided into2super-long cycles by researching the superstition styles. And tectogenesis and climate are the main controlling factors. Such as the first super-long cycle(Shui Xigou formation) reflects humid climate and stable tectonic condition, while the second super cycle (Shi Shugou formation) represents arid climate and unstable structure.(2) Under the east high west low landform background, the sedimentary facies in the synchronal sequence stratigraphy shows that facies in different climates are different. During LSC1-LSC5, the climate was wet, and the river in gravel and sand loads, delta and lake were developed. While river in low sediments supply was widespreaded in the arid climate of LSC6and LSC7.(3) The research demonstrates that the development of reservoir sand depends closely on the characteristic of sedimentary facies, but not on the type of facies. For example, river and delta in humid condition have strong carrying capacity as LSC1-LSC5, because of enough water supply. However, LSC6and LSC7are quite on the contrary.(4) The Permian and Jurassic system are the main Mesozoic source rock. And the better oil-generating sag in Permian is Dongdaohaizi sag and Fukang sag. Pingdiquan formation in Dongdaohaizi sag has started to enter the threshold of hydrocarbon generation since early Jurassic, and generates large amount of hydrocarbon in early Cretaceous. The main source rock is shale with coal interbedded in middle-lower Jurassic. And the source rock in Dongdaohaizi sag reaches to the low mature stage in early Cretaceous, and becomes the hydrocarbon-generating peak until Tertiary. While in Fukang sag, it has entered the the threshold of hydrocarbon generation in early Jurassic, and generates large amount of oil and gas in late Cretaceous.(5)There are multi-level slope belts in middle-lower Jurassic, and the slope belts can be classified into fault slope break and flexure slope break. According to the sedimentary facies’distribution, flexure slope break has a strong control on the sand, and the fault slope break largely influences the reservoir. Of course, the boundary faults and induced faults can both be the migration pathway and the cap for oil and gas, according to the development history, openness and contacts between two walls. Moreover, because there are multi-level slope belts in study area, denudation in different degrees happens in different positions in middle-lower Jurassic. As a result, updip pinch-out sandstone reservoir forms.(6) A series of stratigraphic overlap traps were formed in middle-upper Jurassic, mainly located in Toutunhe formation of Fubei slope area. And updip pinch-out trap exits in some area.The division of the sequence stratigraphy, the distribution of sedimentary facies, the relationship between deposition and slope breaks, the feature of lithologic traps are studied further, with the lithologic reservoir of Bai jiahai area in Junggar basin as the focus. Through research the on reservoir-forming conditions, the lithologic reservoir mode is set up, and the stratigraphic lithology accumulation rule of study area is summarized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

