

Research on the Nutrient Diagnosis and Fertilization of Three Navel Orange Cultivars in Zigui,Hubei Province

【作者】 黄鸿

【导师】 胡承孝;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 为解决湖北省秭归地区脐橙园高密度种植条件下,由于树龄老化及施肥单—而导致的柑橘产量和品质下降的问题。以当地主要脐橙品种纽荷尔脐橙、罗伯逊脐橙和红肉脐橙为材料,通过连续3年的田间试验,主要研究了不同品种脐橙叶片矿质养分周年动态变化及其需求特征;NPK配比施肥对不同品种脐橙树体(叶片)养分及叶片NPK比率的影响;不同施肥处理对脐橙产量和品质的影响,提出“以果定肥”确定不同品种脐橙推荐施肥量,分析了叶片养分与产量、果实NPK养分携出量相互关系;不同施肥处理对脐橙园土壤养分状况的影响。主要结果如下:1.不同施肥处理对脐橙产量和品质的影响施用不同水平NPK肥均能有效提高脐橙果实产量,而施用中微量元素对产量提高的效应不明显。纽荷尔脐橙在N2P1K1施肥水平,罗伯逊脐橙在N2P3K2和N2P2K3施肥水平,红肉脐橙在N2P1K1施肥水平下有较高的产量。该结果与3个品种脐橙果实品质聚类分析结果基本一致,纽荷尔脐橙在N2P1K1施肥水平,罗伯逊脐橙在N2P2K3施肥水平,红肉脐橙在N2P1K1施肥水平下有较好的果实内在品质。分析施用不同配比NPK肥对产量和品质的影响表明,得出推荐施肥量依次为:纽荷尔脐橙和红肉脐橙施肥量为N80kg/667m2, P2O520kg/667m2, K2O25kg/667m2;罗伯逊脐橙为N80kg/667m2, P2O540kg/667m2, K2O75kg/667m2。2.“以果定肥”确定不同品种脐橙推荐施肥量分析3个品种脐橙果实NPK养分浓度可知,不同NPK施肥水平对果实NPK浓度的影响较小,而不同品种脐橙的果实NPK养分含量存在差异,表明通过果实养分携出量确定推荐施肥量具有可行性。依据果实养分携出量(kg/667m2)计算秭归地区脐橙园基本推荐施肥量,纽荷尔脐橙为N:34.03-56.72kg/667m2, P2O5:13.82-21.80kg/667m2, K2O:26.34-37.92kg/667m2, N:P2O5:K2O=14:5:10;罗伯逊脐橙为N:37.27-62.11kg/667m2, P2O5:15.61-24.62kg/667m2, K2O:27.79-40.01kg/667m2, N P2O5:K2O=14:6:10;红肉脐橙为N:45.51-75.85kg/667m2, P2O5:17.00-26.82kg/667m2, K2O:37.05-53.36kg/667m2, N:P2O5:K2O14:5:10。3.连续三年不同施肥处理对脐橙园养分状况的影响连续施肥3年,纽荷尔脐橙、罗伯逊脐橙和红肉脐橙果园土壤和树体样分状况均的到明显改善;目前,纽荷尔脐橙、罗伯逊脐橙果园的主要养分障碍因子为整体土壤pH偏低,土壤和树体Zn养分含量偏低。4.不同品种脐橙叶片矿质养分含量年度和年际动态变化叶片中不同矿质养分含量的周年动态变化各不相同,而不同脐橙品种叶片中同种矿质养分含量年度动态变化的具有相似性,同种矿质养分含量周年变化趋势在不同年份间存在差异。整体而言,叶片养分含量在9月初至9月中下旬较为平稳,其它月份变化明显。具体表现为:叶片N含量从3月份开始逐步上升,至8月份达到高峰,而后下降;年际间如何变化?叶片P含量从3月份开始,先下降而后至5月份开始上升,在8月份达到高峰;K从3月份开始,先略有下降,至5月份开始上升,在8月份达到高峰;Ca在脐橙树体生长周年中呈持续上升趋势:Mg从3月份开始上升,在5月份达到第一个高峰,而后下降,从8月份后上升,在9月份达到第二个高峰;Fe和Mn从3月份开始上升,在5月达到第一个高峰,而后下降至8月份再上升,在9月份达到第二个高峰;叶片Cu在不同年份的变化存在较大差异;Zn从3月份开始上升,在5-8月均处于较高水平,并从8月份开始呈现下降趋势。5.不同施肥处理的肥料效应与树体对养分的需求特征试验第1年,不同施肥处理的肥料效应不明显,而试验第2年和第3年,施用不同水平NPK肥料及施用微肥在叶片中有较为明显的反应。试验第2年和第3年,不同时期整体高于试验第1年。施N并配以中低水平PK处理,3个柑橘品种9月份叶片NP浓度均在其适宜或高量范围,但罗伯逊脐橙和红肉脐橙9月份叶片K浓度低于脐橙叶片K的适宜范围,而纽荷尔脐橙9月份叶片K浓度在其适宜范围。3个脐橙品种在不同年份下,9月份叶片中微量元素浓度基本在适宜范围内,或高于其适宜范围,但Zn除外;纽荷尔脐橙和罗伯逊脐橙叶Zn浓度均低于其适宜范围,而红肉脐橙叶片Zn基本在适宜范围内。施用不同水平NPK肥在不同年份的叶片的反应有差异,表明树体对养分的需求敏感程度,可能受到不同生长时期树体对养分需求强度以及养分“库”的累积量和“源”的供应量影响。叶片NPK:N:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份和8月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐橙在8月和9月反应敏感,红肉脐橙在8月和9月敏感;P:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份和8月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐橙在8月和9月反应敏感,红肉脐橙在8月和9月敏感;K:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份和9月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐橙在3月和5月反应敏感,红肉脐橙在3月份和8月份敏感。分析不同NPK施肥水平下,3个品种脐橙叶片N/P、N/K、P/K比率在各同时期的差异可知,NPK养分比率的变幅高于单一叶片N、P和K养分浓度变幅。叶片NPK养分比率:N/P:纽荷尔脐橙在8月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐橙在8月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在5月份和8月份敏感;N/K:纽荷尔脐橙在8月份和9月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐橙在3月、5月和8月反应敏感,红肉脐橙在5月和8月敏感;K/P:纽荷尔脐橙在8月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐9月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在8月敏感。中微量元素:Mg:纽荷尔脐橙在3月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐9月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在8月敏感;Fe:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐5月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在8月敏感;Mn:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐5月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在5月敏感;Zn:纽荷尔脐橙在5月份反应敏感,罗伯逊脐5月份反应敏感,红肉脐橙在5月敏感。6.不同施肥处理对脐橙园土壤养分状况的影响湖北省秭归试验区纽荷尔脐橙、罗伯逊脐橙果园土壤养分状况整体表现为土壤pH偏低,土壤碱解N、速效P、速效K、有效Ca、有效Mg和有效Cu均在适宜或高量范围;有效Fe和有效Mn在过量范围,有效Zn基本在缺乏范围;而红肉脐橙果园土壤pH基本在适宜范围,土壤碱解N、速效P、速效K、有效Ca、有效Mg和有效Cu均在适宜或高量范围,有效Fe和有效Mn同样在过量范围,但有效Zn基本在适宜范围。因此,当地柑橘园目前主要的养分障碍因子是土壤pH偏低和土壤有效Zn偏低。7.脐橙园养分平衡分析本研究中高产群体与低产群体叶片养分浓度均值特别是叶片NPK浓度无明显的差别,但是高产样本叶片NPK养分浓度比率的变异系数整体小于低产样本,表明单一叶片养分浓度的高低并不是限制柑橘产量的主要因素,叶片养分达到某一平衡范围,可能是脐橙获得高产的主要养分因素。其次,在大田条件下,树体养分状况并不是影响树体产量的唯一因素,气候条件、栽培管理措施等同样对果实产量构成影响,在柑橘园的养分管理中应综合考虑多种因素的影响。8.柑橘专用配方肥应用介绍研制柑橘专用肥配方为(1)春肥,配方N:P2O5:K2O=14:7:9(含腐殖酸8%和适量的锌肥1%、硼肥0.5%),200-250kg/667m2,推荐施用时间3月上中旬;(2)壮果肥,专用肥配方N:P2O5:K2O=12:8:10(含腐殖酸8%和硼肥0.5%),150-200kg/667m2,推荐施用时间5月下旬或6月上旬。施用柑橘专用配方肥较当地习惯施肥纽荷尔脐橙增产23.04%,罗伯逊脐橙增产21.14%,红肉脐橙增产15.38%,平均产量分别达4680kg/667m2,5980kg/667m2,5405kg/667m2;施用柑橘专用配方肥整体改善了果实主要内在品质指标,提高了纽荷尔脐橙的可溶性固形物和Vc含量,维持了罗伯逊脐橙和红肉脐橙的原有品质。较当地习惯施肥可增加经济效益1000-1500元/667m2。

【Abstract】 Under the high density planting condition of navel orange orchards, the unreasonable fertilizer methods led to the nutrients disorder seriously in the old age navel orange trees in Zigui, Hubei Province of China,. Such nutrients disorder problem limited the yield increasing and the quality improving. A field trials with three navel orange cultivars,’Newhal;’(C. sinensis L. cv. Newhall),’Robertson’(C. sinensis osbeck cv. Robertson) and ’Cara cara’(C. sinensis osbeck cv. Cara cara), grafted on trifoliate orange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.], were conducted in three consecutive years. The study focused on the research (1) The characteristics of nutrients dynamic requirement of the leaf in various cultivars navel orange;(2) the effects of applying different ratio of NPK rates on the leaf NPK concentrations and their ratio, respectively;(3) the effects of applying different fertilizer on the soil nutrient status of navel orange orchard;(4) the relationship in leaf nutrient concentration, fruit yield and the NPK quantity of fruit removal;(5) the effects of applying different level of NPK fertilizers on the fruit yield and the quality;(6) determined the recommended fertilizer rate with three Navel orange cultivars by the quantity of fruit NPK nutrient removal. According to the research results, we invented a kind of formula fertilizer which have been applied to the orchards with1000mu, and increased the yield obviously.The main results were as following:(1) Effects of applying different level of NPK fertilizers on the fruit yield and the qualityApplying different levels of NPK rates can increase the fruit yield of Newhall, Robertson and Cara cara navel orange. And applying different micro-nutrients and meso-nutrients fertilizers had the less effect on increasing fruit yield. Newhall in the fertilizer treatment of N2P1K1, Robertson navel orange in N2P3K2and N2P2K3and Cara cara in the N2P1K1had the optimum performance in fruit increasing. This result consisted with the result of the cluster analysis in fruit quality. Newhall in the fertilizer treatment of N2P1K1, Robertson navel orange in N2P2K3and Cara cara in the N2P1K1had the optimum performance in fruit quality. According the results of fertilizer effects, the optimum fertilizer rates were N:80kg/667m2, P2O5:20kg/667m2, K2O:25kg/667m2 in Newhall and Cara cara orchards, and N:80kg/667m2, P2O5:40kg/667m2, K2O:75kg/667m2in Robertson orchards in Zigui, Hubei Province.(2) Determination of the NPK recommended fertilizer rates by the quantity of fruit NPK nutrient removalAnalysis of the fruit NPK concentration in Newhall, Robertson and Cara cara navel orange, the results showed the fruit NPK concentrations were less affected by different NPK fertilization levels in the same navel orange cultivar, and obviously in various cultivars. The recommended fertilizer rate can be identified by the quantities of fruit NPK removal. Accordingly, the basic rates of recommended fertilizer were N:34.03-56.72kg/667m2, P2O5:13.82-21.80kg/667m2, K2O:26.34-37.92kg/667m2, N:P2O5: K2O=14:5:10in Newhall, N:37.27-62.11kg/667m2, P2O5:15.61-24.62kg/667m2, K2O:27.79-40.01kg/667m2, N:P2O5:K2O14:6:10in Robertson and N:45.51-75.85kg/667m2, P2O5:17.00-26.82kg/667m2, K2O:37.05-53.36kg/667m2, N:P2O5:K2O=14:5:10in Cara cara.(3) The nutrients dynamic requirement of the leaf in various cultivars navel orangeDifferent leaf nutrient-elements were difference in the nutrients dynamic requirement, and the same nutrient-element in various cultivars navel orange had the similar dynamics variation characteristic in the same year, and the same nutrient-element were difference in the similar dynamics variation characteristic in various years. The nutrients dynamic changes were lower from early September to later September and higher in other period. Generally, leaf N in the navel orange tree had the increasing tendency from the beginning of March, and reached the accumulative peak at August, and then decreased. P decreased from March, and then increased from May, and reached the peak at August. K decreased from March, and then increased from May, and reached the peak at August. Leaf Ca concentration increased with the leaf age. Mg increased from March, and reached the first peak at May, and then decreased, and increased form August, and reached the second peak at September. Fe and Mn increased from March, and reached the first peak at May, and then decreased, and increased form August, and reached the second peak at September. The dynamic of Cu were different in various years. Zn increased from may, and kept the high level from May to August. (4) Effects of applying fertilizers on the trees nutrients status and the characteristic of tree nutrients requirementApplying different fertilizers in the first year had less effects on trees, and higher in the second and third year with the application of fertilizer. Comparing with2008, The leaf NPK nutrients increased in2009and2010. Applying N with middle or high levels of NP fertilizers, the leaf N and P concentration in the three navel orange cultivars in September were in the optimum ranges or higher the ranges. Leaf K concentration in Newhall navel orange was in the optimum range, while Robertson and Cara cara were below the optimum range. The three navel orange cultivars showed the similar results in leaf micro-element concentrations in September, which were all in optimum range, or higher the ranges, with the exception of leaf Zn in Newhall and Robertson (below the range).The effects of applying various levels of NPK on leaf NPK concentrations were different in stages of navel orange tree grown up, which indicated the sensibility of applying NPK fertilizers on tree could be affected by the quantity of nutrient requirement, the nutrients storage in tree and the application of NPK fertilizers.Leaf N was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at May and August in Newhall, and at August and September in Robertson, and at August and September in Cara cara. Leaf P was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at May and August in Newhall, and at August and September in Robertson, and at August and September in Cara cara. Leaf K was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at May and September in Newhall, and at March and May in Robertson, and at March and May in Cara cara.Analyzed the NPK ratios of leaf in applying different levels of NPK, the ratios of N/P, N/K and K/P had the high range of variability than the leaf N, P and K in various stage of tree grown up. Leaf N/P was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at August in Newhall, and at August in Robertson, and at May and August in Cara cara. Leaf N/K was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at August and September in Newhall, and at March, May and August in Robertson, and at May and August in Cara cara. Leaf K/P was sensitive to NPK fertilizer application at August in Newhall, and at August in Robertson, and at September in Cara cara. Leaf Mg was sensitive at March in Newhall, and at September in Robertson, and at August in Cara cara. Leaf Fe was sensitive at May in Newhall and Robertson, and at May in Cara cara. Leaf Mn and Zn were sensitive at May in Newhall, Robertson and Cara cara.(5) Effects of applying different fertilizer on the soil nutrient status of navel orange orchardThe soil nutrient status of the orchards of Newhall and Robertson were mainly in the properties:pH was at the low level, and the available nutrients of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu were all at the optimum or high level, and the avail-Fe and avail-Mn at the excessive level, and avail-Zn the deficient level in the study area of Zigui, Hubei Province. The soil nutrient status of the orchards of Cara cara was the same as the Newhall and Robertson, with the exception of avail-Zn which was at optimum level. We draw the conclusion that the low pH and the deficiency of Zn was the main nutrient limiting factors in the navel orange orchards of Zigui, Hubei Province.(6) Navel orange orchard nutrient balance analysisThe study showed that leaf nutrient concentrations were less different in high and low yield navel orange trees, especially in leaf NPK concentration. The coefficient of variation of the leaf NPK nutrient ratios were less in the high yield trees than the low, which indicated that the single leaf nutrient concentration was not the main nutrient limiting factor for citrus yield and leaf nutrient reached a certain range of balance was the main factor for navel orange yield increasing.(7) Application of the special formula fertilizerThe commercial fertilizer for Zigui, Hubei Province were (1) the formula N-P2O5-K2O=14-7-9(contained8%humic acid,1%zinc and0.5%boron),200-250kg/667m2, applied in mid March;(2) the formula N-P2O5-K2O=12-8-10(contained8%humic acid fertilizer, and0.5%boron)150-200kg/667m2, applied in late May or early June.Compared with the local conventional fertilization, the application of the commercial fertilizer increased the yield23.04%in Newhall navel orange,21.14%in Robertson and15.38%in Cara cara. And the average yield reached4680kg/667m2,5980kg/kg/667m2and5405kg/667m2. The commercial fertilizer improved the soluble solids and Vc content in Newhall fruit, and maintained the original quality of Robertson and Cara cara. And the increase economic benefits were1000-1500yuan/667m2.


