

Study on Spatial Pattern and Regionalization of Agricultural Functions in Hubei Based on Spatial Statistics

【作者】 朱俊林

【导师】 蔡崇法;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 资源环境信息工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 农业多功能是指除了供应食物或纤维之外来自农业的其它非商品性效用,如调节生态环境、保障食物安全、促进乡村繁荣和增加出口创汇等。这种多功能特征不仅决定着区域经济的持续稳定增长,而且对于国民经济和社会的协调发展,以及生态环境的调节与维护具有重要的作用。从20世纪90年代以来,农业多功能的理论、方法与实践的探索受到国际组织、政府部门和学术界的广泛关注。欧美、澳洲、东亚、东南亚许多国家和地区在区域农业多功能的类型、价值及政策方面的研究取得了丰硕的成果。省级农业功能分区是全国农业功能区划工作的基础和具体实施方案,其核心任务是根据省域土地资源和农业发展的特点,以及农业功能的地域分异规律,进行科学的农业功能定位,并以适当的农业政策保障其实施。农业功能分区成果的应用,对于规范现代农业发展的空间秩序,构建新型农业产业体系,全面实施新农村建设和城乡统筹发展,以及实现区域经济和环境协调发展都具有十分重要的意义。本文采用多元统计与地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析相结合以解决多源数据融合问题的方法,进行农业功能的空间结构分析与分区研究。研究区域湖北省是位于中国中部地区的一个省份,其土地资源复杂多样,农业发展基础较好,农业多功能的类型齐全,在全国省级农业功能分区中具有代表性。本文运用宏观生态系统的观点重新审视农业的内涵,对农业多功能的形成机制和多功能统筹进行系统分析。农业多功能的形成受一定的自然基础与社会经济背景制约。作为一个集自然、社会、经济于一体的复杂控制生态系统,农业的多功能具有原生性。早期农业以保障社会必需的大宗农产品供应和农民自身生存需求为主要目的;随着国际国内经济和贸易环境的变化,区域农业的多功能日益凸显;多功能给农业和农村发展也注入了新的活力。由于农业功能存在区际差异性,同时区域内农业的多种功能之间存在对立统一的矛盾关系,因而必须实行区际和区内的多功能统筹规划,即需要有统一的农业功能分区规划。在湖北省农业功能的实证分析中,本文运用多元统计、GIS的空间统计和地图叠加工具等方法,对湖北省农业多功能的特征、空间结构及分区进行研究。分区以县级行政区域为研究单元。基本数据以农业功能分区县域和地级市调查数据为基础,包括与农业多功能相关的50项县域指标和4项地级城市指标,数据时段是2004-2007年。现状数据根据2008年湖北省统计年鉴、2008年湖北省土地利用公报作出更新,行政区划数据依据2010年湖北省湖北省行政区划调整方案。针对调查数据的不足,本研究在空间分析中新增了湖北省DEM数据、湖北省土地利用图和湖北省交通图等地图数据。在农业功能的空间结构分析中,本文首次把多元统计和GIS的空间分析工具相结合,用于多种来源数据的整理、加工。首先对农产品供应、就业与社会保障、生态调节和休闲4大类功能的空间结构进行分析并分等,在此基础上通过地图叠加进行农业功能分区。空间结构分析的主要结论包括:(1)农产品供应功能分析把农业综合优势指数和主要农产品优势指数的空间自相关结合起来讨论。研究表明,湖北农产品综合供应能力具有明显的空间集聚特征,具体表现为江汉平原北缘和鄂北岗地区是高值区的集聚,鄂西北呈显著或较显著的低值集聚;主要农产品的分析表明的其供应各自呈现不同的空间集聚特征,具有明显的地域性。(2)就业与保障功能分析选择人均耕地面积、农业所需劳动力、农业富余劳动力、农业人口占总人口比重和农业收入占农村总收入比重等指标进行空间自相关分析。研究表明,湖北农业就业与保障功能较强的县市主要分布于耕地资源丰富、人口密度高的江汉平原东部和湖北东部沿江平原地区;城市地区对于吸纳周围农业劳动力转移存在一定的空间。(3)生态调节功能以湖北省土地利用图和DEM数据为基础,通过土地利用、DEM和行政区划的地图叠加,对江汉平原、鄂中丘陵与鄂北岗地、鄂东北与鄂东南低山丘陵、鄂西山区的土地利用景观格局,耕地结构及其坡度特征进行分析;并建立耕地优势度和破碎度计算方法,以分析农业生态调节的地域性和稳定性特征。结果表明,湖北省生态调节功能以耕地优势度高、地块稳定性好的江汉平原、汉江中游河谷和鄂东沿江平原最强,其次是鄂北岗地、鄂东北和鄂东南低山丘陵山区;鄂西山区耕地优势度和地块稳定性均较差,但三峡河谷、鄂西南山区和丹江口库区生态防护功能尤为重要。(4)农业休闲功能分析,以武汉(或武汉-黄石)、襄阳、宜昌和荆州等大城市的50km和100km辐射区为主,讨论了湖北农业休闲空间范围、交通状况和资源等空间结构特征。在此基础上,运用k-means聚类或地图叠加法对于四大类功能分别作出分等。在单项农业功能分等的基础上,按照区域相关性原则、可持续发展原则、相对一致性原则、主导功能原则、县域行政区域完整性原则等分区原则,运用地图叠加法进行农业功能分区。结果分为大宗农产品供给、特色农产品供给与就业保障、生态调节与防护、大城市周边休闲4个主导功能区。为提高分区方案的可操作性,本研究新增了二级分区,即结合地理位置、地形地貌特征及其主要农产品类型,进一步分为10个二级分区。农业功能分区方案的实施和推广应用,将会有力地推动湖北农业和农村社会经济的持续发展,促进湖北在中部崛起中率先实现区域协调和城乡统筹发展。而其实施不仅是对传统产业经济观念的变革,而且与政府和许多非农业部门有着密切的联系,因而必须要有相应的保障措施。本文从强化农业产业政策、完善财政支持和市场融资机制、实行以农业部门为主多部门协调的管理体制以及转变政府职能完善政绩考核制度等方面讨论了这些措施。

【Abstract】 Agricultural multi-function is defined as, in addition to producing food and fiber, agriculture may produce a range of other non-commodity utilities such as regulating eco-environment, assuring food security, contributing to rural viability, and increasing the export income, etc. This feature not only decides the sustained and steady growth of regional economy, and is significant to the coordinated development of national economy and society, and the regulation and maintenance of eco-environment as well. The exploration about the theoretical, methodological, and practical studies of agricultural multifunction are widely concerned among the international organizations, government departments and academia since the1990s. A number of results about the type, value and policy of regional agricultural multi-function have been researched in many countries or regions from Europe, America, Australia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. Regionalization of agricultural functions at a provincial level is the fundamental work and realization scheme of national regionalization. And its core missions are scheme out scientific orientation of regional agricultural functions based on the features of land resource and agricultural development and spatial distribution pattern, and making proper agricultural policies to guarantee the implementation of the scheme. Application of the regionalization results will be significant for regional development, such as regulating the space order of modern agriculture development, establishing a new agricultural industry system, generally implementing the construction of new rural countryside and harmonious urban-rural development, as well as realizing the regional coordinated development of economy and environment. This paper attempts to use a method which integrates multivariate statistics with GIS spatial analysis and aims to give a solution of multi-source data fusion. Hubei, the studying area, is a central China province which own richness and variety of land resources, relatively sound agricultural foundation, and multiple functional agriculture, so its agricultural functional regionalization is representative for similar provinces.Through a macro-ecosystem view over the inner feature of agriculture, this paper systematically analyzes about the formation mechanism and unified planning of agricultural multifunction. Agricultural multifunction is formed under some special natural basis and social-economic background. Agriculture, as a complex and regulated ecosystem which combined nature and society with economy together, has its own objectively existing multifunction. At the early period, the main purposes of agriculture are to ensure the supplication of major farm produce necessary for the society and the farmers’existence need. But regional agricultural multifunction is increasingly concerned along with the great change of national economy and international trade circumstances, and the improvement of regional urbanization. In itself, the development of farm and rural also requires the new life breathed from multifunction. Agricultural multifunction have inter-regional differences, and the composite of various functions in an inner region is a unity of contradictions among those functions, so it is necessary to implement unified planning of agricultural multifunction. That is, a unified regionalization of agricultural functions is needed.In the empirical analysis of Hubei’s agricultural functions, the paper analyzes the characteristics, space structure and regionalization of agricultural multifunction by the use of statistics, spatial statistics and map overly tools of GIS. The analysis unit is county-level. The analytical data is mainly based on the survey over county-level and city-level, covering fifty county indices and four city indices. The periods of survey data are from2004to2007. Some present data are updated according to Hubei statistical yearbook2008and Hubei land use communique. Hubei administrative division is also updated. In view of the deficiency of the survey data, this analysis adds some map data, including Hubei DEM data, Hubei land use map, and Hubei traffic map in the spatial analysis. In the spatial structure analysis of agricultural functions, this analysis is the first to use the combination of multivariate statistics with GIS spatial analysis tools in order to integrating and processing the various data from different sources. At first, the data are sorted and processed to analyze the spatial structure and the rating of four types of agricultural functions which are agricultural produce supplying, employment security, ecological regulatory, and leisure. And then, the regionalization of agricultural functions is achieved with map overlay method based on the rating of each function.In spatial structure analysis, some main conclusions are as follows.(1) The analyses of agricultural produce supplying function are accomplished with spatial autocorrelation of the agricultural comprehensive advantages index and the superiority indices of main agricultural products. It is shown that Hubei agricultural comprehensive supply capacity has obvious characteristics of spatial agglomeration. High values are performed local clusting at the north of Jianghan Plain and the hills of northern Hubei, and low values are significantly clusting at northwest of Hubei. The analysis of main agricultural products shows that their supplications present different spatial clusting characteristics respectively and regionalism is distinct.(2) The analyses of employment and security function are accomplished with spatial autocorrelation by the use of some relative indices such as cultivated land area per capita, agricultural labor capacity, agricultural surplus labor, the proportion of agricultural population in the total population, and the proportion of agricultural income in the rural revenue. The results show that agricultural employment and security capacity is stronger mainly at the counties of the eastern Jianghan Plain and the eastern Hubei along Yangtze River where the cultivated land resources are rich and the population is dense; Urban areas has certain space for absorbing agricultural labor transfer from the surrounding areas.(3) The ecological regularity function is analyzed based on Hubei land use map and DEM data. Through overlay of land use map, DEM and administrative division map, the whole province is divided into four types of region, that is, Jianghan Plain, the hills of central and northern Hubei, and the low hilly land northeast and southeast Hubei, and the mountain area of western Hubei. Their landscape pattern of the land use, cultivated land structure and characteristics of the land-sloping are analyzed respectively. The calculation method of dominances and fragmentation of cultivated land are established in order to analysis the block stability and regional characteristics of the agricultural ecological regularity. The results show that the ecological regulating function is strongest at Jianghan Plain, the middle reaches valley of Hanjiang River, and the eastern Hubei along Yangtze River where the cultivated land dominances are higher and the block stabilities are well. The second stronger areas are the hills of northern Hubei, and the low hilly land northeast and southeast Hubei. The third areas are distributed at the Three Gorges Volley, southwestern Hubei, and Danjiangkou Reservoir Area where some large water complex require rigid ecological protection while farmers reclaim.(4) The analyses of agricultural leisure function are mainly based on the large city such as Wuhan (or Wuhan-Huangshi), Xiangyang, Yichang and Jingzhou. In the leisure zones of each large city whose radiation radii are50km and100km from the center of a city, the spatial structure features of the agricultural leisure space scopes, the traffic conditions and the resources are discussed. On the basis of the study mentioned above, the paper achieves the rating results for the four types of agricultural function respectively using k-means clustering or map overlay method.Complying with some regionalization principles, such as, relating between regions, sustainable development, relative consistency, dominant features, maintain integrity of county administrative region, the scheme of agricultural functions regionalization in Hubei is achieved which is based on the rating results of agricultural functions by the use of map overlay method. The whole province is divided into four dominant functional regions, which are primary agricultural products supply, special products supply and employment and social security, ecological regulation and protection, leisure surrounding large city. To ensure the schemes can be implemented operatively, a secondary partition program is added. In accordance with the location, terrain characteristics and the type of primary agricultural products, the four dominant functional regions are further divided into ten partitions.The application and extension of agricultural functions regionalization program will vigorously accelerate the sustainable development of agriculture and rural social-economy, promote Hubei to achieve the leading development of regional and rural-urban coordination in the upsurge of central China. However, the successful implementation of the program must be ensured under a series of policies and supporting approaches. Because it is needed for people to change their traditional view on industry economics to adapt themselves to the function extension, the transformation is closely linked to government functions and many non-agricultural sectors. Finally, this article discusses the grantee measurements from several aspects, such as strengthening the agricultural industrial policy, consummating the mechanisms of financial support and market financing, establishing a management system of multi-department coordination, transforming the government functions, and improves government performance appraisal system.

  • 【分类号】F327;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1203
  • 攻读期成果

