

Research on Potential Exploitation and Policy of Urban Land Intensive Use

【作者】 陈昱

【导师】 陈银蓉;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存和发展的基本资源,它不仅承载着人类的生产和生活活动,还是区域经济发展不可或缺的生产资料。耕地是土地中的精华部分,确保一定数量的耕地不仅关系到国家的粮食安全,还关系到国家的生态安全以及社会长治久安。随着我国经济社会的持续发展,一方面对土地需求量不断加大,另一方面日益增长的人口和物质生活需求,对耕地保护和粮食安全保障提出了更高要求,土地管理“两难”局面日益加剧。为了保护有限的耕地资源,保证国家粮食安全、生态安全以及社会稳定,不仅要坚持实行最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,还要集约利用城市土地,充分挖掘城市建设用地潜力。因而,坚持节约集约用地不仅成为破解“保障发展、保护资源”两难问题的重要途径,更是“贯彻落实科学发展观的题中之义,确保国家粮食安全的战略举措”。国内对于城市土地集约利用的研究起步较晚,现有研究主要集中在对具体对象,如大中城市和开发区的土地集约利用评价与相关对策研究。而潜力能否挖掘受多种因素的影响,以不同用地类型集约利用评价和潜力测算为基础,分析城市土地管理者以及土地开发利用者土地利用行为的决策系统,探索其集约利用行为决策所需要的政策条件,并以此作为政策制定依据,结合不同类型潜力挖掘所需要的政策条件、政策执行者以及专家学者对于现有政策的改进建议,借鉴国外城市土地集约利用的经验,整合提出政策制度改进的建议,对于最大化挖掘城市土地潜力具有重要意义。本文一共分为九章,第一章为绪论。主要介绍本文的研究背景、研究目的、研究意义、研究方法、研究技术路线以及可能的创新之处,通过对国内外研究现状的分析,对现有城市土地集约利用问题的研究有一个总体的把握,指出现有研究中存在的不足之处以及需要进一步研究的内容,为本文的研究提供铺垫。第二章为基本概念与理论基础介绍。明确了城市土地集约利用以及城市土地集约利用潜力的内涵,同时对基础理论进行了梳理,主要包括区位理论、土地报酬递减规律、集聚效应理论、博弈论以及可持续发展理论,为本文的研究提供理论指导。第三章为武汉市城市土地集约利用总体评价与计量经济分析。本章在遵循一致性原则、代表性原则、前瞻性与指导性原则、科学性与可操作性原则、可持续发展原则、因地制宜与可比性原则和定性分析与定量分析相结合原则的基础上,构建了由土地投入水平、土地利用程度、土地利用效率和土地利用可持续度4个指标层、16个因素层组成的城市土地集约利用评价指标体系,采用主成分分析法来确定各个评价指标的客观权重,对武汉市1999年到2009年城市土地集约度进行测算。以城市土地集约度为因变量,以人均GDP为自变量,采用Granger因果检验、协整检验、误差修正模型、脉冲响应分析等计量分析方法对两者之间的内在机理进行深入分析,从而为正确处理经济发展与城市土地利用之间的关系提供参考。第四章为武汉市工业用地集约利用评价和潜力挖掘分析。本章通过构建由土地利用状况、用地效益、管理绩效3个目标层,土地开发程度、用地结构状况、土地利用强度、投入产出效益、土地利用监管绩效和土地供应市场化程度6个子目标层以及15个指标层构成的评价指标体系,对武汉市工业用地集约利用状况进行了评价。评价指标理想值根据专家咨询法、目标值法、发展趋势估计法和先进经验逼近法确定。评价结果显示,武汉市工业用地总体可挖掘潜力较大,但各潜力类型空间分布不均衡。第五章为工业企业用地标准探讨与集约度评价。本章以湖北省531份典型工业企业调查问卷为基础,选取9个工业行业作为研究对象,采用区间估计方法来探讨不同工业行业的用地标准,不仅可以为企业集约度评价和潜力测算提供依据,还可以为不同行业的企业准入提供参考。在此基础上,通过构建由用地结构、用地强度、土地投入和土地产出4个子目标层、9个因素层组成的工业企业土地集约利用评价指标体系,采用Bayes判别法对武汉市交通运输设备制造业、纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业和通信设备、计算机及其它电子设备制造业3个工业行业的19个典型工业企业集约度进行判别,并采用几何平均数算法对企业的综合潜力进行了测算。第六章为住宅用地集约利用评价和潜力挖掘分析。本章采用划分功能区的方法,选取基础设施完备度、绿化率、人口密度、地价实现水平、综合容积率和建筑密度6个指标,对武汉市住宅用地集约利用状况以及可挖掘潜力进行了分析。结果显示,从空间分布看,过度利用区片主要分布在汉口解放大道两侧,集约利用区片主要分布在武昌区阅马场以及武珞路两侧,中度利用区片主要分布在汉阳地区。住宅用地绝对规模潜力共3154.37hm2,可挖掘潜力巨大。第七章为城市土地利用行为决策的经济学分析。本章采用经济学中的博弈论、垄断市场理论和外部性理论对城市土地资源配置中,地方政府和土地开发利用者的用地行为进行了分析。结果表明,地方政府出于政绩最大化的考虑,在与中央政府的博弈中,选择不集约用地策略,同时,凭借其对于城市土地的垄断地位,对于用地弹性较小的住宅用地和用地弹性较大的工业用地采用不同的供地策略,从而造成工业用地和住宅用地的低效不合理利用。土地开发利用者虽倾向于提高土地集约度,然而受土地利用中外部性的影响,其实际获取的土地面积与理想状态下的土地面积不符,从而导致了土地利用中社会整体效率的损失。这些分析为城市用地政策的改进提供了指导。第八章为城市土地集约利用政策体系研究。本章主要分析了不同潜力类型挖掘所需要的政策条件、城市土地管理者和开发利用者集约利用行为决策所需要的政策条件,结合对政策执行者以及专家学者的调查意见,借鉴国外城市土地集约利用经验,整合提出促进城市土地集约利用以及潜力有效挖掘的政策体系,主要包括转变经济增长方式、重构政府绩效考核体系、完善现有政策体系、以公共福祉为核心,倡导公众参与、加强政府宏观调控、科学制定用地标准、完善土地收购储备以及加强产权管理,加大市场化供应力度。第九章为结论和展望。本章对全文进行了归纳和总结,同时在城市土地集约利用的研究内容和研究方法上提出了展望。

【Abstract】 Land is the basic resources of human survival and development, it is not only the carrier of the human life and production activities,but also the indispensable production material of regional economic development. Cultivated land is the essence of land, a certain amount of cultivated land is the guarantee of food security, ecological security and social stability. Along with the sustainable development of economy and society,on the one hand, the quantity demanded of cultivated land is increasing rapidly, on the other hand, the growing population and material life need higher request for the agricultural land protection and the food security, the "dilemma" situation of land management aggravates increasingly. In order to protect the limited arable land resources, ensuring the national food safety, ecological security and social stability, we must not only adhere to carry out the strictest arable land protection system and the strictest frugal land system, but also use the urban land intensively, and fully exploit the potential of urban construction land. Therefore, adhere to the economical and intensive use of land is not only the major way to break the dilemma of "safeguard development, protect resources", but also "the topic of the implementation of the scientific development concept, the strategy measure of ensure national grain safety".The domestic researches about intensive urban land use started later, the existing researches mainly focused on the evaluation of land intensive use and related countermeasures of specific objects, such as large and medium cities, development zones. But whether the potential can be exploited influenced by many factors, based on intensive evaluation and potential measure of different land types, this research analyzes the land use behavior decision systems of the urban land managers and land users, explore the policy conditions that needed of intensive use behavioral decisions, then take this as the basis of policy setting, combine the potential exploited of different types of land with the improvement suggestions of existing policies from policy makers and experts, reference the foreign experience of intensive urban land use, synthetically put forward the policies improvement suggestions. It has important meaning for maximum exploiting urban land potential.The thesis is divided into nine chapters:the first chapter is the introduction. It introduces the background, objectives, significance, methods, technology route, and possible innovations of research, through the analysis of current research at home and abroad, overall the grasp of the research about existing urban land intensive use, then point out the inadequacies of the existing research and the need for further research. The second chapter is the basic concepts and theoretical basis. It clear the connotation of urban land intensive use and the potential of urban land intensive use, at the same time, sort out the basic theory of the comb, mainly including location theory, the law of land diminishing returns, the combined effect theory, game theory and the theory of sustainable development, all of these provide theoretical guidance.The third chapter is the overall evaluation and econometric analysis of urban land intensive use in Wuhan City, In this chapter,based on the consistent principle, the representative principle, forward-looking and guiding principles, scientific and operational principle, sustainable development principles, adjust measures to local conditions and comparability principle, combined with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis principle, evaluation index system of urban land intensive use which is composed of four index layer16factors layer has been build, which including land investment level, land use degree, land use efficiency and land use sustainable degree, and it use the principal component analysis method to determine objective weight of each evaluation, then calculate the urban land intensity of Wuhan City from1999to2009. Urban land intensity as the dependent variable, per capita GDP as the independent variable, it use quantitative analysis methods such as Granger causality tests, cointegration test, error correction model and so on to in-depth analysis the inherent mechanism between them, which provides reference for correctly handling the relationship between economic development and urban land use.The fourth chapter is intensive evaluation and potential exploit analysis of industrial land in Wuhan City. Through building three target layer, such as land use condition, land use effective, the management performance, and6sub-target layer,15index layer, which including the degree of land development, structural condition of land, land use intensity, the input and output efficiency, land use regulatory performance and the land supply market, it compose evaluation index system and evaluate the intensive industrial land use of Wuhan City. The ideal value of the evaluation are decided by experts ask method, the target method, the development trend estimate method and the advanced experience approximation method. The evaluation results show that the excavation potential of overall industrial land in Wuhan City is great but the spatial distribution of potential types is uneven.The fifth chapter is the land use standards and intensive evaluation of industrial enterprises. Based on531copies questionnaire survey about the typical industrial enterprise in Hubei province and taking19industrial trade as study object, it use interval estimation methods to explore the land use standards. It not only provides a basis for intensive evaluation and potential measure of corporate land use, but also provides reference for the access of different industries. On this basis, it build the evaluation system of intensive land use for industrial enterprises through four sub-target layer and nine factors layers, which including land use structure, land use intensity, land investment and land productivity, and use the Bayes discriminate method to discriminate3industrial’s19typical industrial enterprises of the industry intensity of Wuhan City and estimate the excavation potential.The sixth chapter is the evaluation of intensive residential land use and the analysis of its potential exploitation. This chapter uses the method of divided functional area to analyze the intensive residential land use and the available potentiality of Wuhan by selecting six indexes including complete degree of infrastructure, green ratio, population density, realized level of land price, integrate plot ratio and building density. The results show that the excessive use district is mainly distributed in the both side of Hankou libration Avenue, the intensive use district are mainly distributed in the both side of Yuemachang and Wulue road in Wuchang, and moderate use district is mainly distribute in Hanyang area. The absolute magnitude potential of residential land is3154.37hm2, which shows that the available potentiality is large.The seventh chapter is economic analysis of urban land use’s behavior decision. This chapter uses the games theory, monopoly market theory and externality theory of economics to analyze the land behavior of the local government and land developers in optimizing allocation of urban land resources. The results show that local government stems from the consideration of maximum political achievement choosing the strategy of un-intensive land use in the game playing with the central government, at the same time, they resort their monopoly position in urban land, that lead to inefficient irrational utilization of residential land and industrial land by choosing different strategies for residential land with low elasticity and industrial land with high elasticity. Although the land developers tend to increase the intensive degree of land use, but the actual land area is not conform to its ideal state which cause the loss of the whole efficiency of society about land use. These analyses provide guidance for improving urban land use policies.The eighth chapter is about the policy system of urban land intensive use. This chapter mainly analyzes the policy condition needed for different potential types and behavior decision of managers and developers of urban land. According to opinions of policy implementers and expert inquiry, referencing experience of land intensive use in abroad cities, it integrates the policy systems for promoting urban land intensive use and effective potential exploit, which mainly including changing economic growth mode, remodeling government performance inspection system, improving existing policy system,taking public welfare as core, advocating public participation, strengthening government macro-control, making scientific land use standard, perfecting land purchase and reserve, reinforcing property right management and increasing supply strength of market.Chapter9is conclusion and prospect. This chapter summarizes the whole paper and prospects the future research directions.

【关键词】 城市土地集约利用潜力政策武汉市
【Key words】 Urban LandIntensive UsePotentialPolicyWuhan City
  • 【分类号】F293.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】2708
  • 攻读期成果

