

Study on Competitiveness of Regional Agriculture:Comparison of Shandong Province and Hubei Provinces

【作者】 孙能利

【导师】 张俊飚;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,中国农业获得了长足发展,目前已经进入了一个新阶段:农产品的市场供求关系,由农产品供给量长期短缺转变为供需总量基本平衡,出现结构性、地区性相对过剩;农业增长方式,由劳动密集型为主转变为资本、技术密集型方向;农业发展追求的目标,由产量最大化目标转变为效益最大化目标;农业发展的制约因素,由受制于资源和投入的单一约束转变为多重条件约束,即市场、技术、生态环境、资源和投入;农产品市场竞争,出现了竞争程度加深和竞争范围扩大的趋势;农业与非农产业的关联程度越来越紧密。全球经济一体化进程加快,中国经济发展面临着新的国际经济形势,国际国内两个市场的竞争程度日益加剧,农产品市场面临着更多国外优质农产品的冲击。在此国际竞争背景下,中国各地区的农业不仅要具有国内竞争力,且要具备国际竞争优势。中国地域广袤、版图辽阔,资源禀赋在区域之间的差异十分明显,研究各区域农业竞争力的提升问题,就需要考虑各个区域的内在因素,分析各区域农业竞争力的现状,然后根据其实际情况寻找提高竞争力的根本途径。研究农业竞争力,需要划分农业区域,进行不同区域间的对比分析,从而发挥区域农业资源禀赋的典型优势,提升区域农产品在国内和国际两个市场上的竞争力,从而整体上提高中国农业产业的竞争力水平。湖北省历来是国家的粮仓,是农业“大省”,但不是农业“强省”,提升湖北省农业综合竞争力、促进其农业经济的大力发展是关系到中央“中部崛起战略”能否实现的关键;而山东省既是农业“大省”,又是农业“强省”,本文从对比山东与湖北的资源禀赋和生态基础出发,然后通过构建理论模型及评价指标体系在两省之间进行深入比较研究,找出湖北与山东的差距,以期为湖北省提升农业竞争力、早日成为农业“强省”提供政策建议,同时为山东省进一步增强农业竞争力、在可持续发展目标下提升农业竞争力总结经验,以便更好地适应国内市场竞争和WT0框架协议下的国际市场竞争,无疑具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。整篇论文立足于区域经济学的视角,用现代农业的体系来研究、评价与比较省域的农业竞争力水平。本文试图运用西方经济学的分析范式,将理论分析方法与实证分析方法结合起来,以农业经济学、区域经济学、竞争力评价模型为理论基础,对山东与湖北的省域农业竞争力分别进行评价与比较。主要研究内容包括省域农业竞争力来源的系统分析框架构建,省域农业竞争力的解释要素和影响因素分析,省域农业比较优势的时空分析,省域农业竞争力评价指标体系及实证分析,从制约因素的角度分析省域竞争力的差异。在评价与比较山东和湖北两省之间农业竞争力差异的基础上,论文深入分析了竞争力差异产生的渊源,并拓宽了竞争力对比的区域视野,总结了农业竞争力的国际化比较,论文通过分析得出如下结论:(1)比较优势与竞争优势之间的关系并不是完全的对立或替代关系,两者在国际贸易理论体系内相互补充和促进。本文通过分析发现在不完全竞争市场中,由于规模经济的存在,区域的农产品的比较优势主要取决于价格优势,而省域农业竞争优势主要取决于基础设施、科技创新与转化能力、产业化程度、相关支持产业、市场需求结构、政府管理与政策等非价格优势。由此,完善国家支持农业政策体系、增加基础设施和科研创新投入、促进相关产业和支持产业的发展、提高消费者的农产品品质需求,可将省域农业比较优势转化为竞争优势。(2)省域农业竞争力不同于农产品竞争力,除了产品的质量和价格优势外,还包括产业在资源、生产、经营和服务等领域的综合能力,本文通过分析发现,省域农业竞争力,由生产竞争力、市场竞争力、技术竞争力和资本竞争力四个要素构成,并具体分析了资源禀赋和生态环境,生产装备和基础设施,农村市场、制度、政策与管理,农业工业化与城镇化程度,国际市场环境等因素对农业竞争力的影响。(3)本文对农业及其主要农产品的比较优势进行了时空动态分析。从生产效率、成本优势与劣势、价格优势与劣势三个维度比较了山东与湖北的主要农产品比较优势,通过计算效率优势指数、规模优势指数和综合优势指数等解释性比较优势指数,以及国内资源成本指数,发现:山东省在小麦、玉米、棉花、花生4种农产品生产上的综合比较优势较湖北省更加明显,而湖北省则在油菜、稻谷、麻类及烟叶等农产品生产上的综合比较优势较山东省强。(4)构建了由生态资源禀赋、农村公共基础设施投入、农业科技水平、农业产业集群和农业市场环境五大类因素组成的省域农业竞争力评价指标体系,在此基础上对山东与湖北两省的农业竞争力进行了实证分析。研究发现:1998-2010年两省的农业竞争力水平均呈持续上升趋势,但2008年以前,山东省的农业竞争力水平一直高于湖北省。分解竞争力指数,发现湖北省的资源禀赋较优,易于集聚农业比较优势,而山东省在产业集群、市场环境方面更具优势,易于凝聚竞争优势。(5)根据省域农业竞争力的影响因素以及评价农业竞争力的各个指标,本文主要从资源禀赋和生态环境、生产装备和基础设施、农业科教水平、农业产业集群、农业市场环境和政府制度、政策与管理等方面来分析影响美国、加拿大、日本、荷兰、以色列的农业经济发展与农业竞争力的经验,寻找发达国家提升农业竞争力的共性因素。比较研究发达国家的农业发展过程及其竞争力提升的举措,有利于为我国提升农业竞争力提供经验借鉴。本文可能的创新点在于:(1)研究视角上具有新意。从普遍认知来看,山东农业产业水平较之湖北更为先进,但需要科学证据以判断两省农业产业之间的差距水平以及差距产生的原因。本文从省域农业竞争力入手,分析了比较优势转化为竞争优势的影响因素,对山东和湖北的农业竞争优势进行了时空分析和动态评价,解析了竞争优势形成背后的深层次原因,不仅为湖北省增强竞争优势提供借鉴,还能为其他农业大省的发展提供参考。(2)研究方法与分析框架的创新。现有文献大多是对省域竞争力进行静态分析,或者就本省情况研究本省发展。本研究则从动态的角度,运用比较研究方法,对山东和湖北省域农业竞争力的发展水平、内在构成要素进行了全面、系统的实证研究与对比分析。由这一分析过程所形成的省域农业产业竞争力比较研究的分析框架,具有一定的新颖性。(3)理论应用上的创新。当前多数研究都是运用“钻石模型”来评价某一农产品的国际竞争力状况,将其运用到省域农业竞争力评价中的研究则相对较少。本文通过延伸“钻石模型”的应用边界,将之扩展于对省域农业竞争力的分析评价上。同时,本文构建并运用评价指标体系对山东和湖北两省的省域农业竞争力进行了实证分析,得出了与理论模型相一致的研究结论。这一做法体现了理论应用上的创新性。

【Abstract】 After thirty years’reform and opening up, there is great development for China’s agriculture, which enters a new stage. The relationship of demand and supply in agricultural market has changed from one-time shortage of supply to equilibrium of demand and supply and regional and structural surplus of supply. Agricultural growth pattern has changed from labor-intensive to capital and technology-intensive. Agricultural development target has changed from quantity maximization to benefit maximization. The agricultural development is restricted not only by resource and input, but also market, technology, and ecological environment. The competition is intensified and enlarged in agricultural market. The relationship between agriculture and other industries is becoming much closer. Global economic integration brings the new international tendency to China’s economic development, that the international and domestic market integration speeds up, and agricultural product market is faced with more and more foreign products. Regional agriculture not only needs the domestic competitive ability, but also the international competitive advantage.China’s territory is vast with apparent differences among regions. The study on regional agricultural competitiveness is to consider the potential components, analyze the current agricultural competitiveness, and find the solution to improve competitiveness according to the respective region’s condition. It needs to divide the agricultural region and compare the level among regions for agricultural competitiveness study, which is helpful for exerting advantage of agricultural resource and enhancing the competitiveness of product in domestic and international market. Furthermore, China’s agricultural competitiveness could be enhanced. Agriculture has been the main industry of Hubei province, yet not developed enough. Enhancing Hubei’s agricultural competitiveness and improving agricultural economy is key to "the rise of central China strategy". Agriculture, of Shandong province is well developed as the main industry. Based on the resource and ecology of Shandong and Hubei province, this dissertation compares the competitiveness through the theory model and evaluation index system. The aim is to put forward policy and solution for Hubei province. At the same time, the results would be support for Shandong province to enhance agricultural competitiveness further under sustainable development target so that the agriculture could meet the domestic market competition WTO agreement. This dissertation is of important theoretical and practical significance.Based on the view of regional economics, the whole dissertation studies, evaluates and compares province region’s agricultural competitiveness. On the theoretical basis of the Agricultural Economics, Regional Economics, and Competitiveness Evaluation Model, this dissertation attempts to use analysis standard model of economics and adopts the way of combining theoretical analysis with empirical analysis to study Shandong and Hubei province’s agricultural competitiveness. The main research includes the system analysis framework constructed for agricultural competitiveness, explanation and influence on provincial competiveness, comparative advantage of agriculture on time and space level, the evaluation index system of agricultural competitiveness, and the difference between provinces under restrictive factors. This dissertation finds the origin of differences for agricultural competitiveness, broadens the comparison horizon between provinces, and sums up international comparison.Through analysis, the conclusions of the dissertation are as follows.The relationship of comparative advantage and competitive advantage is not completely opposite or substitutive; on the contrary, they complement and promote each other in the theory of international trade system. The comparative advantage of regional agricultural products mainly depends on the advantage of price due to scope economy in imperfect competition market. Nevertheless, agricultural competitiveness advantage depends on infrastructure, science and technology innovation transformation ability, the degree of industrialization, the support of related industries, the market demand structure, as well as the governmental policy and management. As a result, it could transform comparative advantage to competitiveness advantage that improves national support agriculture policy system, increases infrastructure investment and scientific research innovation, promotes the related and supporting industries, and improves consumer’s demand on agricultural product quality.Provincial agriculture competitive ability differs from the competitiveness of agricultural products. Apart from quality and price advantage, it includes the comprehensive ability in resource, production, operation and service. Provincial agriculture competition ability is consisting of production competitiveness, market competitiveness, technology competitiveness and capital competitiveness. This dissertation analyzes the influence of factors to agricultural competitiveness, such as resource endowment, ecological environment, production equipment and infrastructure, rural market, policy and management, agricultural industrialization and urbanization, international market environment.This dissertation presents space-time dynamic analysis on comparative advantages on agriculture and agricultural products between Shandong and Hubei provinces from the view of production efficiency, cost advantage and disadvantage, price advantage and disadvantage. Through the explaining index, including efficiency advantage index, scale advantage index, comprehensive advantage index and domestic resource cost index, the dissertation finds that Shandong province has more comparative advantage on wheat, corn, cotton and peanut than Hubei province; on the other hand, Hubei province has more comparative advantage on rape, rice, hemp and tobacco.The evaluation index system of provincial agricultural competitiveness is constructed, which consists of ecological resources indexes, rural public infrastructure investment, agricultural science and technology level, agricultural cluster and agricultural market environment. The empirical study is based on the index system. The empirical study shows that agricultural competitiveness for Shandong and Hubei provinces kept rising from1998to2010. However, before2008, the agricultural competitiveness of Shandong province was more competitive than Hubei province. Through decomposition of competitiveness index, the dissertation finds that Hubei province has more advantage on natural resource, which tends to assemble the agricultural comparative advantage. Shandong province has more advantage on industry cluster and market environment, which is tend to increase the competitiveness advantage.According to the influencing factors and each index of agricultural competitiveness, this dissertation analyzes the industry experience of American, Canada, Japan, Holland and Israel in agricultural economic development from the view of natural resource, ecological environment, production equipment, public infrastructure, science and technology, agricultural industry cluster, market environment, system, policy and management. Analysis on the moves to improve agricultural competitiveness in those developed countries is helpful to put forward experience for China’s agriculture.The innovative points of the dissertation are as follows.Firstly, the research perspective is relative novel. From the general cognitive perspective, the agriculture in east China is more advanced than that in Hubei province, but the scientific evidence is in demand to judge the difference and its causes between the two provinces. This dissertation starts from provincial agricultural competitiveness, analyzes the influencing factors of transforming comparative advantage to competitive advantage, evaluates the two provinces’agricultural competitiveness, and finds the potential reasons behind competitiveness. The results are not only useful for Hubei province, but also could be the reference for other agricultural provinces.The second innovative point lies in the empirical method and analysis framework. The current papers mostly resort to static analysis on provincial agricultural competitiveness. This dissertation resorts to dynamic analysis on agricultural competitiveness level, potential components. The analysis process forms a relatively perfect analysis framework, which is the combination of theoretical and empirical analysis, static and dynamic analysis.Thirdly, the dissertation obtains a series of valuable conclusion.The second innovative point lies in theory application. Most of current researches evaluate international competitiveness of some agricultural products by use of Diamond Model, which is less used in the study of provincial agriculture competitiveness. This dissertation attempts to expand the application frontier of Diamond Model to provincial agricultural competitiveness evaluation. In addition, the evaluation index system is constructed for empirical analysis; the results of theoretical model could verify the results of empirical mode in order to solve the key problems in study.

  • 【分类号】F327;F313
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1360
  • 攻读期成果

