

【作者】 魏现军

【导师】 曹旭;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 南朝梁顾野王所撰《玉篇》是中国第一部楷书字典,也是继《说文解字》之后中国最重要的字书之一。因卷帙繁重,成书之后修订者甚多,其中唐上元元年孙强增字减注本《玉篇》以其规模和水平最具代表性。宋大中祥符六年,陈彭年奉敕重修孙强《玉篇》成《大广益会玉篇》,孙强《玉篇》遂于南宋至元初间亡佚。此后,史书不著录孙书,词典编纂不引用孙书,学界不评介孙书,孙书的学术价值便就无从谈起。金人邢凖《新修絫音引证群籍玉篇》以《玉篇》“二万二千八百七十二言”为基础,类集九种字书、韵书“絫音引证”而成。在辨读邢书所附之《梁顾博士玉篇序》的基础上,通过考察邢书《玉篇》版块“二万二千八百七十二言”中所征引“《玉篇》220条”及邢书中的《余文》,可证:此“二万二千八百七十二言”之《玉篇》正是被认为已经亡佚千年之久的孙强增字减注本《玉篇》!孙强《玉篇》是《玉篇》从原本到宋本的中间环节,具有重要的文献学价值、辞书学价值、音韵学价值和文字学价值。立意于此,本文在辑校孙强《玉篇》的基础上,通过沟通原本《玉篇》和宋本《玉篇》,考察《玉篇》从原本到宋本的演变过程。同时,以《玉篇》三种为范本,试图勾勒由南朝梁至北宋500年间辞书编纂、音韵演变、文字发展的基本脉络。本论文分为正文六章及附录。第一章,《新修絫音引证群籍玉篇》撰例、版本考。邢书现存版本仅国家图书馆藏金刻本一种。受限于此,学界研究邢书者甚为寥寥。就邢书撰例而言,不仅有认识不清楚的地方,而且还存在错误认识。本文通过考察邢书的成书基础和成书过程,力图再现由王太《增广类玉篇海》、祕祥《重修增广类玉篇海》到邢凖《新修絫音引证群籍玉篇》增删改并的时间层次,着力揭示邢书之“显例”与“隐例”。此外,通过考察邢书中避讳字情况,初步推定了邢书的刻印时间。第二章、《新修絫音引证群籍玉篇》之《玉篇》蓝本考。通过考察邢书《玉篇》版块“二万二千八百七十二言”中所征引“《玉篇》220条”,并结合邢书中的《余文》,从两个不同角度证明邢书中的《玉篇》蓝本系唐代孙强《玉篇》。第三章,孙强《玉篇》辑校。在厘清邢书条目时间层次的基础上,并结合邢书体例,确定了辑佚孙强《玉篇》的条例:基本条例、补充条例、分析条例。以三种《玉篇》共存的43个部首为样本作了举例说明,并对辑校过程中所得出的数据进行了统计分析。第四章,《玉篇》音论。第一节,通过比较孙强《玉篇》和韩道昭《改倂四声篇海》,对《大广益会玉篇》中无义直音的时间层次及来源进行了探讨,以此为切入点佐证了小学史上“《篇》《韵》相配”的观点。第二节,通过探讨孙强《玉篇》中的“上声”和“去声”,阐述了其所反映的“浊上变去”的时代、成因及意义。第五章,《玉篇》引书考。孙强《玉篇》引书多为今所不见的古本,具有重要的校勘学价值。本章以《玉篇》引赋、引佚书及《方言》为例,论述了孙强《玉篇》在校订古籍、考察辞书递修过程及确定佚书亡佚时间的价值及意义。第六章,《大广益会玉篇》校订。孙强《玉篇》是《大广益会玉篇》的成书基础,因此也是校订《大广益会玉篇》最重要的参校本。以泽存堂本为底本,以孙强《玉篇》、《改倂四声篇海》所引《玉篇》等为参校本,对《大广益会玉篇》中的讹误进行了校勘。

【Abstract】 Yu Pian compiled by Gu Yewang is the first Chinese regular scriptdictionary and is also one of the most important dictionaries after ShuoWen Jie Zi in Chinese history. Because of its heavy volumes, thedictionary was revised repeatedly by many scholars. However, Yu Piancompiled by Sun Qiang in Tang Dynasty was the representative both inscale and achievement. In Song Dynasty, Chen Pengnian revised YuPian to Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian based on the Sun Qiang’s bookfollowing the royal order. Sun Qiang’s Yu Pian thereafter faded awayfrom the southern Song Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty.Xin Xiu Lei Yin Yin Zheng Qun Ji Yu Pian was compiled by Xing Zhunin Jin Dynasty through collecting nine sorts of wordbooks and rhythmbooks based on “twenty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy twocharacters” in the Yu Pian. By examining the Yu Pian220tiao quoted by“twenty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy two characters” inXing Zhun’s Yu pian and in conjunction with Yu Wen in Xing Zhun’s work,it is verified that the “twenty-two thousand eight hundred and seventytwo characters” evolves from Sun Qiang’s Yu Pian.Sun Qiang’s Yu Pian is a bridge from Fragments of Original Yu Pianto Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian and enjoys important values in document,lexicography, phonology and philology. Therefore, this paper isintended to review the evolution of the Yu Pian from the original versionto Song Dynasty version through communicating the original Yu Pianand the Yu Pian of Song Dynasty based on revising the Sun Qiangs YuPian and to describe the basic development in dictionary compilation,sound and basic text context from Nan Cao Liang to Song Dynasty(spanning500years) based on three versions of Yu Pian.This paper consists mainly of6chapters: Chapter1describes the examples and the versions in Xin Xiu Lei YinYin Zheng Qun Ji Yu Pian. Based on studying development of XingZhun’s book, this paper reviews three versions of Yu Pian. Additionally,the time of publishing Xing Zhun’s book is initially identified by studyingthe lipogram in Xing Zhun’s book.Chapter2is about to study Yu pian from Xin Xiu Lei Yin Yin ZhengQun Ji Yu Pian. by examining the Yu Pian220tiao quoted by“twenty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy two characters” inXing Zhun’s Yu Pian and in conjunction with Yu Wen in Xing Zhun’s work,it is verified from two different respects that the “twenty-two thousandeight hundred and seventy two characters” evolves from Sun Qiang’sYu Pian.Chapter3is about samples of revision. The rules of the revised SunQiang’s Yu Pian are confirmed as basic rule, supplementary rule andanalysis rule. We take52radicals in three versions of Yu Pian as samplesfor illustration and make an analysis to the data concluded fromrevision.Chapter4is about Phonetic evolution of Yu Pian. By comparing SunQiang’s Yu Pian wit Han Daozhaos Gai Bing Si Sheng Pian Hai, we studythe level direction of time and source of Wu Yi Zhi Yin in Da Guang Yi HuiYu Pian.Chapter5is about to examine quotations of Yu Pian. Since itsquotation is mostly from the ancient books that are scarcely seen today,Sun Qiang’s Yu Pian has important value in textual criticism. This chaptertakes lead fu and literary guide book in Yu Pian as examples to discussthe value and significance of Yu Pian in ancient book revision,dictionary evolution examination and ancient book fade-awaydefinition.Chapter6is about emendation of Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian. As Sun Qiang’s Yu Pian is the source of Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian, it serves asthe most important reference for emending Da Guang Yi Hui Yu Pian.


