

【作者】 韩翔

【导师】 陈恒;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 世界史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 托勒密二世统治时期既是托勒密王国创建的初期阶段,又是希腊化世界统一帝国瓦解、诸强并立格局形成的重要阶段。本文通过研究托勒密二世领导下的埃及与希腊化世界中不同国家和地区之间的关系,探讨了托勒密二世的对外策略和埃及与各类国家及地区的政治、经济和文化等方面的关系,以及这些对外活动与埃及国内政治、经济和文化等领域的联系。第一章首先介绍了亚历山大帝国的形成与解体过程,以及希腊化时代初期的政治格局。说明虽然在继承者战争中主要各方都试图拥有整个亚历山大帝国,但是事实上任何一种政治力量都无法稳固地控制地域如此广阔的国家,结果初步形成了几个主要希腊化王国共存并且争夺希腊化世界主导权的局面。其次分析了托勒密王朝初期在埃及的专制统治,说明托勒密王朝的对外活动是在专制君主决策下,以埃及的综合国力为基础,以满足托勒密王国的经济需求和安全需要以及扩大政治影响力为目的行动。第二章探讨了托勒密二世与希腊和马其顿以及爱琴海地区主要政治力量的关系。为了维护托勒密王国在东地中海地区的势力范围,托勒密二世积极拉拢各方势力牵制和打击敌对国家。首先,托勒密二世支持希腊城邦的反马其顿斗争,利用海军控制了爱琴海上的岛屿。其次,托勒密二世利用伊庇鲁斯王国维持希腊化世界的力量均势。再次,托勒密二世为了维护托勒密王国在希腊和爱琴海地区的优势地位,与统治马其顿王国的安提柯二世进行了长期斗争。第三章探讨了托勒密二世与叙利亚和小亚细亚地区的国家以及与塞琉古王国之间的关系。对于叙利亚地区,托勒密二世进行严密的政治控制和经济控制。对于小亚细亚的中小国家,托勒密二世通过控制沿海地区和运用制海权来对当地国家形成制约。另一方面托勒密二世比较尊重当地国家并且注意满足其利益需求,因此即便对当地国家失去控制力以后彼此之间也可以保持较为友好的关系。托勒密王国与塞琉古王国在多个方面存在利益冲突。托勒密二世通过第一次叙利亚战争维持了对叙利亚和小亚细亚沿海地区的控制,在第二次叙利亚战争中面对不利局面,托勒密二世能够及时与安条克二世媾和并且利用联姻打破了马其顿王国与塞琉古王国的同盟,为托勒密三世的成功反击奠定了良好基础。第四章集中讨论了在托勒密二世的决策下,托勒密王国在努比亚地区和红海沿岸地区展开扩张行动。托勒密二世通过组织探险考察活动和发动征服战争击败了南方的库什王国等国家和部落,控制了努比亚地区。对南方的扩张首先确保了埃及南部边境的安全并且获得了努比亚地区的矿产资源;其次为托勒密王国获得大象等动物资源提供了保障,这在一定程度上满足了建立战象部队的需要;再次利用在红海沿岸地区建立的基地,开辟了红海交通线,这样做既有助于进一步探索东非地区又提高了托勒密王国在东西方贸易中的地位。托勒密二世时代的各种经济文化交往活动表明希腊化世界已经成为一个有机的整体,而一系列有限度的战争冲突反映出希腊化世界三强鼎立的格局已经形成。充满政治智慧的托勒密二世顺应这种趋势,运用政治、军事、经济、文化和宗教等多种手段扩大了托勒密王朝的影响力,促进了东西方的经济文化交流,巩固了托勒密国王自身的统治。

【Abstract】 The era of Ptolemy Ⅱ means the foundationalstage of the PtolemaicKingdom, which is from the unification of the hellenistic world to thedisintegration triggered by strongest forces. By researching on therelationship between Egypt ruled by Ptolemy Ⅱ and other hellenisticstates, I will discuss the foreign policy of Ptolemy Ⅱ and its influence ondomestic political affairs, economic and culture of Egypt.In the first chapter, I will introduce the formation and disintegrationof the empire of Alexander, and the political powers in the earlyHellenistic era. Although each power in the war of successor wants toreunify the entire Alexandria Empire, in fact, any political force cannotfirmly control such a vast country, which results in several coexistHellenistic kingdoms. Followed by analysing the despotism of thePtolemaic dynasty, the conclusion is that the foreign activities under thedespotism of the Ptolemaic dynasty, depending on the comprehensivenational strength, aim at meeting the demands of the economy andsecurity and expanding the political influence.The second chapter discusses the relationship of the main politicalforces among the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Greece and Macedoniaand the Aegean region. In order to maintain its sphere of the easternMediterranean, Ptolemy Ⅱ positively wines over his friends and strikeshostile foes. Firstly, Ptolemy Ⅱ is for Greek city states fighting withMacedon, and makes use of navy to dominate the islands near theAegean region. Secondly, Ptolemy Ⅱ keeps the balance of power inHellenistic kingdoms with the help of Epirus.Thirdly, Ptolemy Ⅱ attaches importance on the balance of power.Ptolemy Ⅱ fights against Antigonus Ⅱ of Macedon in order to maintainthe dominant position in Greece and the Aegean for a long time. In thethird chapter, I will discusse the relationship among the Ptolemaic Kingdom, Syria, and the states near Asia Mino and the Seleucid. For theregion of Syria, Ptolemy Ⅱ carries out the strict polices on political andeconomy. For small and medium-sized states near the Asia Minor,Ptolemy Ⅱ constraints on the these states by controlling the coastalareas. Meanwhile, Ptolemy Ⅱ respects their interests and demands,maintaining friendly relations with each other. Ptolemaic Kingdom andSeleucid Kingdom is full of the conflicts in many aspects. Through thefirst Syrian war, Ptolemy Ⅱ maintains his control of the coastal areas ofSyria and Asia Minor. Facing the disadvantage in the second Syrian war,Ptolemy Ⅱ makes use of marriage with Antiochus Ⅱ to make peace andbreak the alliance between Macedonia and the Seleucid kingdom,which lays a good foundation for Ptolemy ⅡI.The fourth chapter focuses on the expansion in Nubia and the RedSea coastal areas of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy Ⅱ defeats theSouth Kush Kingdom and controls Nubian after the expedition activities.The expansion of Ptolemy Ⅱ in the south ensures the safety of thesouthern Egypt and Ptolemy Ⅱ obtains mineral resources of the Nubianregion, which also guarantees that the Ptolemaic Kingdom can getenough elephants to establish the mumakil. Futher more, it does help toestablished the base near the Red Sea coastal, open up traffic lines toexplore the East African region and also promote the status of thePtolemaic kingdom in the East-West trade.The sorts of economic and cultural exchange prove that theHellenistic world has been a organic form, while the conflicts reflct thatthe three strongest powers will coexist in the Hellenistic world. The wisePtolemy Ⅱ follows this trend and takes the measures on military,economic, culture and religion field to expand his influence, which alsopromotes the East-West economic and cultural exchange andconsolidates the Ptolemaic Kingdom.

【关键词】 托勒密二世对外关系埃及马其顿塞琉古
【Key words】 Ptolemy Ⅱforeign relationsEgyptMacedoniaSeleucid
  • 【分类号】K411
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】310

