

On the Frame Constructions of Zu Tang Ji

【作者】 祁从舵

【导师】 袁宾;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文从汉语史角度出发,在构式语法和语法化理论下坚持形式和意义相结合的原则,将专书研究与汉语史文献比较结合起来,以唐宋口语化文献《祖堂集》中框架句为研究对象,勾勒出《祖堂集》框架句的基本面貌。主要探讨一些新框架句形式与功能表现及其演变与发展脉络,揭示其时代性、地域性、行业性特征,并对其中反映出来的一些语言现象进行必要的阐释,同时就相关问题的解决提供我们的看法,将《祖堂集》的句法研究引向深入,为近代汉语语法以及汉语史专书研究提供有益的参考,对禅宗语言的研究也提供一定的帮助。全文15万字,共分六章。第一章绪论,介绍《祖堂集》语料价值,国内外句式研究现状,确立《祖堂集》中的框架句作为我们的研究对象,阐述研究该选题的意义与目的,并就相关情况作出说明。第二章总论,在介绍本文的主要理论背景下,把《祖堂集》中框架句分为单句框架、复句框架、语篇框架三大类十九小类,概括描写各类框架的结构与功能特征,勾勒《祖堂集》框架句的总体面貌。第三至五章分论,按单句、复句和语篇分类依次考察《祖堂集》时代新出现的或带有较明显时代特点的框架句,重点对其使用特点与演变机制进行探讨。第三章主要研究“是(也)”后置式、“莫非/不是”式、“VP著/着”式、两种“好”字祈使句等四种单句框架。第四章主要研究“即不问”式、“如X相似”式、“只A别/更有”式三种复句框架。第五章主要研究“有+人名+VP”式、“A即(则)A”式、“与摩”式三种语篇框架句。第六章为结论,包括论文的主要结论、创新之处以及存在的问题。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of the Chinese history,this dissertation makes an inquiry intothe frame constructions of Zu Tang Ji in the Tang and Song dynasty,following thetheories of construction grammar and grammaticalization.A vernacular landscape of theframe constructions has been summarized on the principle combined with form andmeaning, with the special book and other representative literatures in the Chinesehistory. It mainly studies forms and functions of some new frame constructions andtheir evolution and development, to reveal their era, regional, industry characteristics.While necessary interpretation of the language phenomena is reflected,we put forwardour own views in the solution of issues.The dissertation will deepen the study ofconstructions in Zu Tang Ji, providing a useful reference for the modern Chineselanguage and the special book, helpful to study on Zen language.The dissertation consists of six chapters,15million words.ChapterⅠis an introduction,which first shows the significance of Zu Tang Ji,andassesses the previous studies in relation to our own research at home and abroad. Thenwe gives the reasons for the research of the frame construction as our object of study,describes the meaning and purpose of the research, and makes instructions on relevantthings.Chapter Ⅱ is a general argument.On the theoretical background of constructiongrammar, we classify frame constructions in Zu Tang Ji into single sentence, complexsentence, discourse structure, including19subcategories. Then we generally describesstructure and functional characteristics of the frame constructions, and outline theoverall apearance of the frame constructions.Chapter Ⅲ to Ⅴare Suporting arguments. Followed by single sentence, complexsentences and discourse structures, we comprehensively inspect emerging frameconstructions,or with obvious characteristics, in Zu Tang Ji, which focus on their useand mechanisms of the evolution. Chapter III mainly studies some single sentencessuch as"Sh(iYe)"rear-mounted,"Mo Fei/Bu Shi","VP+Zhu/Zhe", two sentences with"Hao". Chapter Ⅵ mainly studies some complex sentences such as"Ji Bu Wen","Ru+X+Xiang Si","Zhi+A,Bi/Geng You". ChapterⅤ mainly studies some discoursestructures such as "You+NP+VP ","A+Ze/Ji+A","Yu Me ".Chapter VI is a conclusion, including the main views of the paper, the innovation,as well as existing problems.


