

【作者】 裴宏江

【导师】 孙逊;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 明清之际,是我国社会变革将欲进入节点的关键时期,伴随着工商业的繁荣和市场规模的扩大,我国城镇进入了高速发展的繁盛期,尤其是江南地区的城镇发展走在了全国前列,一个个城镇如雨后春笋般涌现,联结广大乡村和大中型城市,成为我国城市层级体系中重要的一环。依托经济的勃兴,许多江南城镇迸发出强大的文化功能,成为蕴藉深厚的人文重镇,出现了文人集聚在非中心城市和城镇里,形成具有全国性影响的文学流派的盛况,呈现出中国文学重心下移的局面。此种现象的发生在我国城镇发展史和文化史上都堪称空前绝后。本文选择产生在明清之际江南城镇的几个文学流派——虞山诗派、娄东诗派和梅里词派为研究对象,通过对相关作家和作品的分析,梳理出体现城镇文化功能的几大核心要素,即江南城镇经济的繁盛和文化的勃兴,江南文人的诗意栖居,便利的水运交通和士人的文化足迹,城镇中的文化世族,传统藏书和刻书的发达,以及文坛巨子归隐故里所造成的盛大人文效应,江南城镇与清初复明文化运动等,并结合当时的社会政治形势,来全面探讨此际江南城镇特殊文化功能。本文除“绪论”外,共分七章。第一章“明清之际江南城镇的繁荣与发展”:第一节梳理江南城镇的历史建制和沿革,第二节论述明清之际江南城镇经济的繁盛,第三节分析明清之际江南城镇文化的勃兴,第四节讲明清之际江南城镇的个案考察,通过几个文化个案反映城镇的兴盛状况。第二章“江南城镇诗意的栖居环境及其与文学活动的关系”,第一节介绍明清之际江南城镇文人的诗意栖居,第二节梳理城镇文人于园林池馆间的风雅聚会,第三节分析钱柳唱和的缘起及其文化史意义,第四节论述赏花吟诗与文人的心路交集。第三章“发达便利的水路交通与江南士人的文化足迹”:第一节介绍明清江南城镇的水运特色,第二节分析江湖水路与江南文人的主要文化行为,第三节论述舟船中的江南城镇文学活动。第四章“文化世家和江南城镇的双向互动”:第一节梳理相关城镇的文化世家概况,第二节分析世家望族的人文特征,第三节讲科甲相传下的江南城镇世家弟子,分析其二者间的紧密关系。第五章“江南城镇的盛大图书事业”:第一节讲宏富的城镇私家藏书状况,第二节讲繁荣的城镇图书刊刻业,第三节论述城镇文人的规模宏大的著述与编书成就,重点辨析其对清初文学变革的推动之功。第六章“文坛巨子的回归故里与明清之际文学重心的下移”:第一节梳理清初士人的归隐之风,第二节介绍士人回归故里后的文化贡献,第三节探讨江南城镇在清初特殊的文学地位。第七章“江南城镇与清初复明文化运动”:第一节分析江南城镇产生复明文化运动的原因和独特优势,第二节介绍与复明文化运动的相关城镇士人概况,第三节具体论述城镇士人与复明文化运动的具体交集,第四节归纳江南城镇作为清初复明文化运动重镇的特殊意义,并进行文化反思。结语从集聚与辐射两个方面出发,来剖析明清之际江南城镇的独特文化功能。

【Abstract】 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China’s social changes would liketo enter a key period. With the prosperity of industry and the enlargementof markets, our towns have entered a high-speed prosperous period,especially in regions south of the Changjiang River. The development ofthe towns in this area ranks first in the whole country. The towns emergein large numbers, like the bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Togetherwith the vast countryside and the large or medium-sized cities, they playimportant roles in the hierarchical system of our country cities. Relyingon the economic boom, many towns in regions south of the Changjiang Riverdisplay a strong cultural function and become profound humanistic towns.Scholars gathered in non-central cities or towns, form a national impacton the literary genre of pomp, appeared in Chinese literature focus. Theemergence of such a phenomenon is unprecedented and unrepeatable inChina’s urban development history and cultural history.In this essay, we will choose several schools of literature, whichare produced in Jiangnan towns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such asYushan school of poetry、Loudou school of poetry and Meili school of poetry.Through the analysis of the related authors and works, we tend to combseveral core elements which can reflect urban culture function, namely,the economic prosperity and cultural prosperity of Jiangnan Towns, thepoetic dwelling of Jiangnan literati, the convenient transportation, theculture footprint of literati, the cultural clans in the towns, thedevelopment of traditional library and engraved books, the royal humaneeffect that is caused by a literary giant for his retirement, the Jiangnantowns and the cultural movement to restore the Ming Dynasty in theEarlyQing Dynasty and so on, and combine with the contemporary socialpolitics situation to fully explore the special cultural function inJiangnan Towns. Besides the ‘Introduction’, this essay consists of seven chapters.The first chapter will be about ‘The prosperity and development ofJiangnan Towns in Ming and Qing Dynasties’: In the first section, it willcomb Jiangnan Towns’ history and reform. In the second section, it willdeal with the economy prosperity of Jiangnan Towns in Ming and QingDynasties. In the third section, it will analyze the cultural prosperityof Jiangnan Towns in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the fourth section,it will focus on the case study in Jiangnan Towns in the Ming and Qingdynasties. Besides, it will report the urban development status throughseveral culture cases.The second chapter will be about ‘Poetic dwelling environment inJiangnan towns and its relationship to literary activities’. In the firstsection, it will introduce the poetic dwelling of Jiangnan literati. Inthe second section, it will comb literati’s elegant party in gardens,pools and halls. In the third section, it will analyze the origin of moneyLiu sing’s and its significance in the history of culture. In the fourthsection, it will deal with the intersection between enjoying the flowersand reciting poems and the thinking of literati.The third chapter will be about ‘The convenient transportation andthe culture footprint of literati’: In the first section, it willintroduce the water features of Jiangnan Towns in the Ming and QingDynasties. In the second section, it will analyze the main culturalbehavior of Jianghu waterway and Jiangnan literati. In the third section,it will discuss the literature activities among boats in Jiangnan Towns.The fourth chapter will be about ‘The interaction between culturefamilies and Jiangnan Towns’: In the first section, it will comb theprofiles of culture families in related towns. In the second section, itwill analyze the humanistic characteristics of the influential families.In the third section, it will deal with the families that is handed down disciple in Jiangnan Towns and analyze the close relations between them.The fifth chapter will be about ‘The grand undertaking of books inJiangnan Towns’: In the first section, it will deal with the richcollection status of town private. In the second section, it will dealwith the boom in printing industry of the towns. In the third section,it will discuss the large-scale works and achievements of the book seriesin the towns, and will put emphasis on the analysis of its push intoEarlyQing Dynasty literature revolution.The sixth chapter will be about ‘A literary giant’s return home andthe literature center of gravity down in Ming and Qing Dynasties’: Inthe first section, it will comb the literati’s Hermitage wind in EarlyQingDynasty. In the section second, it will describe the cultural contributionof literati after they return their homes. In the third section, it willdiscuss the special literature status of Jiangnan Towns in EarlyQingDynasty.The seventh chapter will be about ‘The Jiangnan towns and thecultural movement to restore the Ming Dynasty in the EarlyQing Dynasty’:In the first section, it will analyze Jiangnan Towns’ reasons of thecultural movement to restore the Ming Dynasty and their unique advantages.In the second section, it will introduce the surveys of related urbanscholars in the cultural movement to restore the Ming Dynasty. In the thirdsection, it will discuss the specific intersection between literati intowns and the cultural movement to restore the Ming Dynasty. In the fourthsection, it will summarize the special significance of Jiangnan Towns asimportant towns during the Ming Dynasty in the EarlyQing Dynasty. Besides,it will conduct cultural reflection.The conclusion will come from two aspects---assemblage and radiation,to analyze the unique cultural functions of Jiangnan Towns in Ming andQing Dynasties.


