

【作者】 韦茂繁

【导师】 潘悟云;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支壮语方言下坳壮语为研究对象,在笔者充分田野调查基础上,利用翔实、丰富的语料,采用国内外参考语法的描写分析方法,兼顾国内传统语法研究方法,综合运用现代语言学理论,对下坳壮语的语法结构和特点进行了较为全面、深入和系统的共时描写与分析,全文分为十一章。第一章绪论。介绍本文的研究对象、内容、理论研究方法和研究意义,综述本研究领域的研究现状,说明本文的语料来源,并且介绍壮民族族情和语言使用情况。第二章壮语的音系。描写下坳壮语的声母、韵母和声调的构成、数量与特点,并对下坳壮语的音节构成与音变现象进行归纳与分析。第三章壮语的词汇。本章分析下坳壮语词汇的基本特征;分析借词的来源与借贷方式;并对同音词、离合词、及词义关系等进行分析。第四章形态。本章主要分析下坳壮语构词法的基本类型,并对下坳壮语的各种构形形态进行分析。第五章下坳壮语的词类。根据语言学界通常的分类方法,本文沿用十个词类的划分方法,详细描写与分析各类词,介绍各类词的语法特征。本章重点介绍名词、动词、形容词和代词。名词重点关注其性和数;动词重点关注其时、体、态与价;形容词注重其构成的独特之处;代词具体介绍其分类与语法作用。第六章下坳壮语的短语结构。分八种短语结构进行描写分析,重点分析短语结构成分的前项与后项的结构关系。第七章下坳壮语的句法成分。下坳壮语的句法成分沿用传统语法划分方法,分主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语与补语六种成分,本章探讨各种句法成分的构成单位并进行归纳总结。第八章下坳壮语的简单句。本章先讲述语序在下坳壮语中的表现和类型学意义,然后对主谓句、兼语句、连动句、被动句、比较句、话题句、否定句、存在领有结构、判断句等句法结构进行专题研究,它们是本文的重点内容。本章还分析了省略句和非主谓句的特点。第九章下坳壮语的复杂句。本章介绍下坳壮语复杂句的类型和语法特点。首先根据各分句间的语义逻辑关系,把复杂句分为并列句和主从句两个大层次,然后再细分,并列句分为并列关系、选择关系、解说关系、承接关系和递进关系五种类型,主从句分为转折关系、假设关系、条件关系、因果关系和目的关系五种类型。第十章下坳壮语的句类。根据语气类型,把下坳壮语的句类分为陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等四种类型,并详细考察其形式、语义和语气等特征。第十一章结语。归纳本文内容重点、主要观点与创新之处,并指出研究中存在的不足,明确后续研究的方向。本文研究的创新体现在以下三个方面:(一)研究内容的创新,对壮语全面、系统地研究是本文内容的特点和创新;(二)研究方法的创新,综合运用多种语言学方法和理论;(三)语料的创新,均为笔者采集的第一手语言材料。本文研究意义在于:1、尽管目前壮语使用人口依然基数大,但它仍是一种衰变语言,对其描写与研究显得非常紧迫,并且壮语迄今才刚刚出版一部参考语法,研究极不充分,与壮语做为中国最大的少数民族的身份极不相称,本文是壮语描写研究的又一成果;2、下坳街桂北土语与红水河土语交汇,语言状况非常具有代表性,特别是对语言接触研究具有重要意义;3、对于探讨壮语语法的类型特征、历史演变以及语言接触下语法的演变提供参考;4、与汉语丰富的语法研究成果相比较,国内少数民族语言的语法研究相当薄弱,本文的写作就是力图为少数民族语言语法研究做贡献。本文研究的创新体现在以下三个方面:(一)研究内容的创新,对壮语全面、系统地研究是本文内容的特点和创新;(二)研究方法的创新,综合运用多种语言学方法和理论;(三)语料的创新,均为笔者采集的第一手语言材料。

【Abstract】 The dissertation makes a comprehensive and systematic study of synchronicallyDu’an Zhuang language, a language of Tai Branch, Kam-Tai languages, on the basisof modern language theories of reference grammar and the field work made by theauthor. It consists of eleven chapters.Chapter one,Preface.It makes a brief introduction of the dissertation. It explainsthe study object, the data sources, the significance of the research,the theory andmethodology of this study.It also giving a review of the past linguistic researches onthe Zhuang language. The general nationality information of Zhuang and the presentsituation of language using are also given in this chapter.Chapter two,it describes the phonetic system of the language, consists of vowels,consonants and tones. It also gives an analysis of sound changes in this chapter.Chapter three,it describes the vocabulary, consists of the main characters ofvocabulary, the source language and process of loaded words, an analysis ofhomophony, discreteness and semantic relations.Chapter four,it mainly analysis the basic types of word-building of the Du’anZhuang language.Chapter five,it observes the word-class of the Du’an Zhuang language. Thedissertation divides the vocabulary into ten word-classes, and describes the syntaxcharacters of each word-class. The gender and number of nouns;the tense, voice,aspect and transitivity of verbs; and the special characters of adjectives are theemphases of this chapter.Chapter six,it mainly describes the eight types of phrases of the Zhuanglanguage.The relationships of the former item and the back item within the samephrases are the emphases.Chapter seven,it describes the six syntactic components, including the subject,predicate, object, attributive,adverbial and complement. The emphases is put on theconstitution of the six syntactic constituents.Chapter eight,it is of the simple clause. Firstly, it explains the types and thesignificance of the word order.Then the dissertation maily decscribes ninesyntactic structures, including the subject-predication sentences,the causativesentences,the passive sentences, the comparative sentences, the thematicsentences,the negative sentences and the existential or possessive sentences,etc。The chapter nine,it describes the complex clause. According to the logic andsemantic, the complex clauses are divided into coordinate sentences and subordinatesentences.Then the various connective relations are made an in-depth analysis.Chapter ten,it describes the format and the mood of different sentences,including declarative sentences, interrogative sentences,imperative sentences andexclamatory sentences。Chapter eleven, it draws a conclusion of the dissertation, listing the emphases,themain ideas,the progress made in the dissertation,the possible errors and the directionfor further study.This dissertation makes an important observation on the Du’an Zhuang language. Firstly, as an degenerate language, it also is the language used by the largest minority,the study is of great significance. Secondly, this dissertation is propitious to thefurther study of the Du’an Zhuang language, such as the language changes under theinfluence of language contact. It is also expected that the dissertation will be useful tothe studies of the minority language research in China.


