

【作者】 申浩

【导师】 唐力行;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为一种以说或唱的方式来讲述故事的传统民间曲艺形式,评弹在我国的江南地区有着悠久的历史渊源和发展历史,与明清以来的江南社会生活有着特殊的密切关系,广泛参与到社会生活的各方面。以往的评弹研究,大多是从单纯的文学史或曲艺史的角度出发,失之偏颇。近年来虽然有了从历史学的角度去研究评弹与苏州社会、女弹词史的,但对评弹历史上最繁荣时期的表现及其与上海城市变迁互动关系的深入研究,仍然欠缺。本文主要在历史学的分析框架下,借鉴德国城市地理学家克里斯塔勒(W.Christaller)提出的“中心地理论”,对晚清以来上海评弹的历史发展作纵向长时段的考察。从对文化社会研究的实际需要出发,本文尝试将这一理论所提出的“中心地”概念加以改造,整合成评弹的“中心市场”的概念,考察中心市场、评弹、社会变迁三者之间的互动关系。评弹在历史上的传播和发展始终存在一个“中心市场”。在19世纪中叶以前,评弹的传播凸显为以苏州城市为中心并向周边辐射的形态,首先是次一级的中心城镇如无锡、常熟、昆山等,并层层深入,直至广大的江南市镇乡村。苏州城市是这一时期评弹最高层级的中心市场。评弹的中心市场由下列要素组成:书场、书目、演员、听众等。中心市场转移到上海,表现为这些要素的质与量都超越了苏州。这是社会变迁的结果,是伴随着19世纪中叶以后江南经济社会的中心由苏州转移到上海而实现的。在20世纪20到40年代之间,随着新的上海都市中心市场的确立,评弹的内涵发生了丰富而深刻的改变,同时也对所依存的上海都市社会文化造成了深刻影响。显然,中心市场的存在贯穿了评弹繁荣发展的历史进程;评弹中心市场的强度,决定了评弹历史发展的高度和成就。评弹中心市场的层级越高,评弹所能够辐射和影响的范围就越大;反之亦然。

【Abstract】 As a folk storytelling in Suzhou of China, Pingtan in the Jiangnan region of China has a long history. It has a special close relationship with the social life of Jiangnan region since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and participates in various aspects of social life. Past researchers tend to study Pingtan from the perspective of literary history or folk art history, but lack of the study of history.Under the analytical framework of history, and learning from German urban geographer W.Christaller’s "Central Place Theory", this paper discusses the historical development of Pingtan in Shanghai since the late Qing Dynasty. From the actual needs of the cultural and social studies, this paper attempts to transform the concept of "center place" into the concept of "central market" of Pingtan. By this concept, this paper attempts to research the interaction among the center market, Pingtan, and social change.In the history of the spread and development of Pingtan, there is always a "central market". Before the mid-19th century, the spread of Pingtan is based on the form of Suzhou as the central market. Pingtan spreads from Suzhou to the level center of city, such as Wuxi, Changshu, Kunshan, then next to the majority of the towns, villages of the Jiangnan region. Before the mid-19th century, Suzhou is the highest level of the central market of Pingtan.The central market of Pingtan is composed of the elements such as story houses, scripts, actors, audiences, and so on. The symbol of the central market shifted to Shanghai is the quality and quantity of these elements in Shanghai are all beyond in Suzhou. This is the result of social change. Because after the mid-19th century, the economic and social center of Jiangnan region had transfered from Suzhou to Shanghai. Between the1920s to1940s, with the new Shanghai city central market was established, the connotation of Pingtan had rich and profound change. At the same time Pingtan had caused a profound impact to society and culture of Shanghai. The central market was clearly throughout the historical development process of the prosperity of Pingtan. The strength of the central market of Pingtan determined the height and achievements of the historical development of Pingtan. The higher the rank of the central market of Pingtan, the greater of the scope of the radiation and influence of Pingtan. And vice versa.

【关键词】 评弹上海中心市场社会变迁
【Key words】 pingtanShanghaiCenter marketSocial Change

