

Research on Multi-mode Case Retrieval and Evaluation for MEMS Product Conceptual Design

【作者】 胡伟

【导师】 胡国清;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 MEMS产品广泛应用于汽车电子、航空航天、信息通讯、生物医学、自动控制和国防军事等领域,具有相当可观的市场前景。MEMS是一个全新的多学科边缘交叉研究领域,在MEMS设计理论及方法尚未成熟的情况下,如何有效利用前人的设计知识,以支持MEMS产品概念设计,是MEMS CAD技术及系统急需解决的关键问题。针对MEMS产品知识的多态性和动态性特点及概念设计的大自由度要求,本文提出了面向MEMS产品概念设计的多模式实例检索与评价方法及框架,以实现MEMS产品设计知识的有效共享与重用,提高MEMS产品概念设计效率及质量。论文主要研究工作包括:⑴提出面向MEMS产品概念设计的多模式实例检索与评价方法及框架,支持设计人员在概念设计阶段从功能、技术参数及结构等角度对MEMS设计问题进行描述,根据实际情况自由选择功能检索、技术参数检索及结构检索等不同方法及其组合配置,实现MEMS产品实例柔性检索,并对实例检索结果进行模糊评价。⑵提出多视图的MEMS产品实例表示方法。提出MEMS产品实例本体的定义,建立包含功能、技术参数及结构等多个视图的MEMS产品实例本体模型,采用面向对象方法对实例本体模型进行形式化描述,同时建立一个层次化的MEMS产品实例库。⑶分别提出基于功能、技术参数及结构的MEMS产品实例检索方法。通过加权关键词及年被引用频率,建立实例功能相关度及质量的评价模型,以两关键词SQL实例功能检索为基础,研究基于多关键词的功能检索及实例质量综合评价方法。建立基于改进熵模型的客观权重和基于群决策的主观权重计算模型,采用最近相邻法实现基于技术参数的实例检索。提出MEMS产品广义结构和狭义结构的定义,建立产品有向图模型及其积和式函数表达式,以此为基础研究广义结构相似度计算方法。提出MEMS产品路径集及其编辑操作、编辑距离的定义,研究产品路径对编辑距离计算方法和路径集简化操作算法,以此为基础提出基于产品路径集编辑距离的结构相似度计算方法。⑷分别提出基于正态模糊集和二元语义的MEMS产品实例模糊评价方法。建立MEMS产品实例评价体系及相应指标。提出基于正态模糊集的加权相似度计算方法,并与TOPSIS方法相结合提出产品实例定量评价方法。综合线性标度和指数标度特点,提出采用复合标度方法建立优化的二元语义模型,研究不同粒度二元语义信息之间的集结方法,借鉴VIKOR方法的思想,提出适合于多主体多粒度二元语义的实例定性评价方法。⑸选用Delphi7和SQL Server2000作为开发工具,开发一个面向MEMS产品概念设计的多模式实例检索与评价原型系统,分析系统结构、流程、功能模块及实现,并以微带通滤波器实例检索为例,验证本文学术思想及原型系统的正确性、可行性。本文的研究成果不仅解决了MEMS产品设计领域知识共享与重用的难题,有助于提高MEMS产品概念设计效率和质量,还为CBR的实例检索技术开辟了一条全新的思路,将大大推动CBR技术在MEMS设计领域的进一步应用及MEMS CAD技术的发展,具有良好的理论研究价值及应用前景。

【Abstract】 With widely used in many domains, for example, automotive electronics, aerospace,information communication, biological medicine, automatic control, national defense andmilitary, MEMS has a considerable market prospect in the near future. Because of the lack ofmature MEMS design theory and method, the key to MEMS CAD is how to reuse priordesign knowledge and experience in order to support MEMS conceptual design. For thepolymorphism and dynamics of MEMS design knowledge and the freedom of conceptualdesign, an approach of multi-mode case retrieval and evaluation for MEMS conceptualdesign is proposed to share and reuse MEMS design knowledge, improve conceptual designefficiency and effectiveness. The main contributions and conclusions of the present work aresummarized as follows:A framework of multi-mode case retrieval and evaluation for MEMS conceptual design iscreated. In this framework, MEMS designers can represent design problems as functional,parameter and structural information, and select such case retrieval methods as functionalretrieval, parameter retrieval and structural retrieval freely to achieve flexible MEMS caseretrieval, and finally carry out a fuzzy evaluation of the retrieval results.A multi-view representation of MEMS case is proposed. The definition of MEMS caseontology is analyzed, and then the MEMS case model including functional, parameter andstructural information is created and represented by the object oriented method. At the sametime a hierarchic case library is also created.The methods for MEMS case functional retrieval, parameter retrieval and structuralretrieval are proposed respectively. The evaluation model of functional similarity and casequality is firstly created based on weighted keywords and cited frequency, and then themulti-keyword functional retrieval method is implemented based on double-keyword retrieval.Secondly, the objective weights are computed by optimized entropy model and the subjectiveones are computed by group decision making model, and then parameter case retrieval isachieved by the nearest neighbor approach. At last, the generalized and special structuralconcepts of MEMS product are respectively defined. Generalized structural similarity is computed by directed graph model and its permanent function, while special structuralsimilarity is computed by the edit distance between path sets of MEMS product trees, whichis based on the computation of the edit distance between double paths.The methods for MEMS case fuzzy evaluation based on normal fuzzy set and two-tuplelinguistic information are proposed respectively. The evaluation architecture and criteria arefirstly created. Then, the similarity is computed based on normal fuzzy set. The casequantitative evaluation based on normal fuzzy set is implemented by combining TOPSIS. Atlast, an optimized two-tuple linguistic model is created by the combination of linear scale andexponential scale, and the method for integrating multi-agent evaluation information withmulti-granularity is proposed. Then the qualitative evaluation method for multi-granular andtwo-tuple linguistic information for multi-agent is studied.Finally, a software prototype is developed based on the above researches by Delphi7andSQL Server2000. And the architecture, work process and main modules are analyzedrespectively. Then the effectiveness of the system is demonstrated by filter retrieval.The dedicative works presented not only achieve the share and reuse of MEMS designknowledge, and help designers to work efficiently and effectively, but also create versatileand promising pathways for case retrieval, promote the application of CBR to MEMS designand the development of MEMS CAD, and indicate theoretical and practical significances.


