

Study on Architecture Practices in a Trasitional China in the View of Consumer Society

【作者】 马明华

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 当前中国正在逐步进入消费社会,社会经济文化的迅速转型带来社会领域各方面的转变。消费社会是一个消费主导型的社会,一方面,消费社会的商品化和市场化程度不断加深,另一方面,刺激消费成为推动社会经济持续增长的重要手段,人们的消费观念、审美情趣、生活方式发生了转变。在建筑领域,城市开发、形象工程、标志性建筑、时尚建筑等等成为当今中国建筑的关键词。消费社会的出现给中国建筑带来了发展的机遇,同时也面临着许多困境与挑战。为此,本文以消费社会为视角,试图认识消费时代中国建筑创作实践中的现象、问题及其经济文化根源。把研究放在当代中国消费社会这一时代背景下,探索中国建筑创作与消费社会的内在联系。通过消费社会经济文化环境的转变去考察中国建筑,一方面,分析当代中国建筑创作,把握建筑现象背后的成因机制和经济文化逻辑,形成对当代中国建筑的反思性认识;另一方面,在对消费社会经济文化的认识基础上建构起当代中国建筑创作应对与调适的策略。本文主要分为四部分:第一,理论引入。第1章从当代中国建筑实践的种种现象中引出问题与困境,进而确定以当代中国建筑创作实践为研究对象,以消费社会为研究视角,并阐述论文研究的目的、意义、方法、内容及结构。第二,理论建构。第2章首先阐述消费社会的相关理论,分析消费社会的内涵与特征,以及当代中国消费社会的基本情况,进而分析消费社会与建筑的内在联系,在此基础上建立消费社会与建筑的研究框架。第三,理论运用。分别从经济、社会和文化三个层面上分析消费社会的主要特征,对消费社会经济文化转变影响下的当代中国建筑现象进行批判性分析,剖析当代建筑创作转变的特征及其背后的经济、社会、文化因素。第3章从经济层面,分析经济环境转变和资本增值逻辑对建筑领域的影响,从而对经济环境及资本增值逻辑与中国建筑发展现状的有一个整体的把握。第4章从社会层面,研究消费异化及消费观念转变对建筑的影响,分析建筑个性化与差异化的特征,并指出其内在的符号消费及社会认同逻辑。第5章从文化层面,研究商品的美学化与消费审美化对建筑产生的影响,分析消费者的内在审美需求及建筑的外在表现。总的来说,经济环境转型是中国建筑外部因素,资本增值逻辑是当代中国建筑创作实践的内在动力,经济增长需求是根本的因素,建筑的符号消费与审美消费最终目的是为了满足刺激消费、推动经济增长需求。第四,应对研究。消费主义与消费文化给中国建筑创作带来了积极和消极两方面影响,既有机遇也有挑战,从消费社会经济文化对中国建筑所产生的影响中可以寻找发展的契机。第6章分析消费社会经济文化的积极与消极因素,从中发掘中国建筑发展契机,并建立起应对与调适体系。第7章研究社会领域的应对策略,在观念上推动社会经济文化均衡发展,在实践上建构健康的建筑创作环境。第8章研究建筑领域及建筑师的应对与调适策略,在观念层面通过多种建构和引导中国建筑创作和消费观念,在实践层面提倡批判的创作态度立场和精英意识、回归建筑基本原理、坚持理性的建筑创作原则和自主创新意识,提出兼顾市场、社会、设计的建筑创作理念。在社会领域与建筑领域,从经济、社会、文化三个层面形成建筑创作观念与实践全面的、系统的、整合的应对与调适体系。

【Abstract】 China is now gradually stepping into a consumer society. The high speed development ofeconomy brings changes to every aspects of the society. Consumer society is consumption-led.On one hand, with commercialization and market of consumer society deepening, anythingcould be consumer object. On the other hand, stimulating consumption becomes an importantmean to operation of the economy. Consuming becomes main activity in people’s daily lives.People’s value, aesthetics and ways of life change. In architecture aspect, city developing,image project, landmark and fashion building etc have become key words of current Chinesearchitecture. Consumer society brings developing opportunities to Chinese architecture, and itfaces many difficulties and challenges as well. This article, with consumer society asperspective, is trying to recognize the fact and debates during the architecture creation andpractice under the background of consumer society. Under the background of present Chineseconsumer society, this article investigates to build up the inside connection of Chinesearchitecture creation and consumer society. To study Chinese architecture through the changeof consumer society economic culture environment. On one hand, analyzing present Chinesearchitecture creation, understanding and criticizing inner society origin of Chinesearchitecture development, it brings present Chinese architecture reflective understanding. Onthe other hand, based on the knowledge, it builds up the reactive and adjusting strategy forpresent Chinese architecture. This article mainly includes four parts:Firstly, theory introduced. In chapter1, from present Chinese architecture practice itraises the problems and difficulties. Then defining contemporary Chinese architecture asresearch object, consumer society as research perspective, it elaborates paper research’spurpose, significance, methods, content and organization.Secondly, theory constructed. In chapter2, it firstly elaborates relative theories ofconsumer society, analyses the content and feature of consumer society and the basic situationof present Chinese consumer society. Then it analyzes the inside connection of consumersociety and architecture. Lastly, the it builds up the research frame of consumer society andarchitecture.Thirdly, theory analyzed. From three angles of economy, society and culture, it analyzesthe main features emerge in consumer society. It analyzes critically the present Chinesearchitecture phenomenon affected by the change of consumer society economic culture. Itanalyzes feature of the present architecture creation change and its economy, society andculture factors behind. In chapter Three, analyzing the economic environment change impactto architecture through economic level, it grasps the current situation of Chinese architecturedevelopment under the impact of market economy and capital appreciation. In chapter4, fromsociety level, it investigates the affection from consumer difference and change of consumerconcept. It analyzes the feature of architecture personalization and differentiation, and pointsout its inside logic of symbolic consumption and social self-identity. In chapter5, fromculture level, it discusses the impact to architecture from commercial aesthetics. It analyzescustomers’ aesthetics behavior and architecture display. Overall, capital appreciation logic isthe driving force to architecture creation practice in consumer society. Economy growth demand is the essential factor. The ultimate goal of architecture symbolic consumption andaesthetics is consumption self-identity, which will further stimulate consumption.Fourthly, Response investigated. Consumer society brings positive and negative effect toChinese architecture creation, which is opportunity and challenge as well. It seeks thedevelopment opportunity from consumer society to Chinese architecture. Regarding thedifficult position that Chinese architecture facing, from social and architecture areas. Chapter6-8response comprehensively in economic, social and culture dimensions. In chapter6,analyzing the social positive and negative factors, it uncovers the development opportunityfor Chinese architecture and established deal structure. Chapter7studies the strategy in socialarea. In chapter8, it studies the responding strategy for architecture area and architect. Overallit forms a comprehensive, systematic and integrated system in social area-architecturearea-architect, concept and practice.


