

Research on Urban Morphology and Driven Motivation of Oversea’s Chinese Village Area in Guangzhou

【作者】 王敏

【导师】 田银生;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文以广州市华侨新村地区为例,通过对该地区从1954年至2012年期间发展历程的分析和研究,发掘隐藏于城市形态演变背后的动因,并揭示社会空间结构变迁与城市形态演变之间的互动关系。本文对特定地区城市形态进行实证研究,采用城市形态的研究方法、社会地理学中“人”与“物”的关系分析方法及城市规划学中混合使用的建议。研究发现:在过去的58年中,华侨新村地区经历了三个发展阶段:建国初期华侨政策扶持而兴建的华侨居住区;改革开放之后地区内逐渐兴起的商业集聚与计划经济体制下土地划拨的并存与冲突;改革深化期地区内部产权和功能的变更以及微妙的社会空间结构变迁。在发展过程中,华侨新村地区呈现出城市形态与社会空间结构的双重“混合”—混合使用与各阶层混合居住。本文第一章的绪论首先是相关研究回顾与评述,对城市形态研究的流派、理论和方法进行综述,主要述评了康泽恩的城市形态研究方法;同时,述评了特定人群聚居区、尤其是绅士化与封闭社区相关内容,为本文的研究提供理论和方法的支撑,并提出研究问题。在此基础上,得出论文第一章的研究设计部分。第二章到第四章分别对华侨新村地区从建设伊始发展至今的三个时期——即1954年至1976年的开发与停滞期、1977年至1991年的转型与冲突期、1992年至2012年置换与“混合”期—进行了多角度的细致梳理,一方面从城市形态的各个基本要素对该地区进行分析,发现该时期发展所出现的新变化;另一方面探究推动形态变化的动因演变,具体确定不同时期动力因素中的主要动因,同时分析该时期地区内社会空间结构的变迁,从而为城市形态变化和动因的研究提供延伸和印证,并从中分析“人”与城市形态的相互推动之关联。第五章从华侨新村地区三个发展时期中提炼出城市形态演变的规律,从而探究该地区初建时的低层花园式住宅作为城市边缘带的斑块在城市版图发展中的演进过程,分析地区发展核心的不断转变,从而总结出地区发展背后的动因。通过对华侨新村地区城市形态、社会空间结构及动因三者的结合研究发现:首先,华侨新村地区低层花园式住宅设计受到英国花园式郊区住宅思想的影响,是西方住宅设计本土化的表现;其次,从城市形态学研究中的房屋产权分支研究及城市形态与社会空间结构的结合研究中发现,居住者的社会经济地位对城市形态演变的促进作用主要表现在房产变更的过程中;再次,从城市版图发展的角度看,华侨新村历史文化保护区保留了建设之初城市边缘的特征,是城市边缘带的斑块,其意义不仅仅是自身文化的沉淀,更是城市成长的记录。最后需要点明研究的理论和实践意义,论文借鉴康泽恩学派的研究方法,同时着眼于地区内社会空间结构的变迁和分析,弥补了传统城市形态研究对社会学层面忽视的相对缺陷;不是单纯的从建筑单体改造和功能区整合的物质层面去研究历史街区的保护与更新,而是从历史街区兴建以来及其周边地区形成的形态发展过程、社会结构的变化以及动因,来分析整个历史街区地区的变化,更深层的发现历史街区及其周边地区在城市中的功能变化;从城市版图的角度,通过对康泽恩城市形态研究中的重要内容—城市边缘带概念的解读,在华侨新村地区的分析中,将历史文化保护区的理解放在城市发展足迹的角度上认识,进而形成一种新的历史文化保护区研究的方法;利用城市规划学的方法提出“混合使用”的建议,从而推广到其他街区以起到范式的作用。

【Abstract】 The interaction between social space structure development and urban formtransformation in Oversea’s Chinese New Village, Guangzhou, and the driven motivation willbe unclosed based on the study of the historical development from1954to2012in thatvillage.This thesis is a case study on specific quarter by applying the Conzenian approach inurban morphology, the people and form analysis in social geography and the mixed land usesuggestion in urban planning. Oversea’s Chinese New Village suffered three developmentphases in past58years, formation under Overseas Policy supporting in early period of thefounding of P. R. China, adaptation under commercial concentration intramural after ChineseReform and Opening up Policies and land designation during a planned economy,transformation in properties, function and social space structure during of Reform at a higherstage. After those processes, this village appears to some degree of ‘Mixture’ of both socialspace structure and urban form, such as the integrated habitation from different strata ofsociety and mixed land use.The introduction about schools, theories and methods in urban morphology, specially theConzenian approach, and about the inhabitation theory for particular community, specially therelated studies about gentrification and enclosed neighborhoods, is shown in chapter1in thisthesis. The methodology in chapter1is led out based on that introduction. There are threephases, formation and stagnation phase from1954to1976, transformation and conflictionphase from1977to1991and replacement and redevelopment phase from1992to2012, fromthe Oversea’s Chinese New Village was formed till now. A multi-perspective analysis,including plan analysis for mapping the morphological processes in each phase, dynamicanalysis for appreciating the primary driving forces and social space structure analysis forbridging the morphological change and the driving forces leading to unclose the interactionbetween ’agency’ and urban form, is applied for study the village in each phase showed in aindividual chapter from chapter2to chapter4. In chapter5, the morphological developmentrule is abstracted based on the analysis in previous three chapters in order to explore thetransformation processes in this region which is initially established as a low-rise gardenresidential area being composition in the fringe belt. Meanwhile, the driving forces changingthis region are concluded based on analysis of the transforming of development core.Based on the study of urban form, social space structure and driving forces in theOversea’s Chinese New Village, some characters can be concluded. Firstly, the village built as low-rise garden residential area is influenced by the concept building the suburb houses inEngland and a case employing western design method. Secondly, the property exchangeprocess is as the major consequence of the transformation of urban form influenced byresidents’ socio-economic status based on the property research as a direction in urbanmorphology research and the study combining urban form and social space structure. Finally,according to the growth map of Guangzhou, this village can be a historical conservation areaas a whole with regard to a character as composition of fringe belt. This is not only for itsculture deposit but also for recording the city growth.This study can be treated as solution for the absence of social consideration in traditionalurban form research by employing Conzenian approach combined with social space structuredynamic analysis. The deep-level connection between the function alteration in historicquarter and surrounding circumstances is figured out by historical analysis the object within abigger environment and considering the transformation processes, social space structurechanging and driven motivation, in order to conservation that area as a whole while onlyrestoration some buildings or integration the functions. Fringe belt concept which is animportant research direction in Cozenian approach is employed in this study to produce a newconservation method by considering the object within the urban historical development. Themixed land use suggestion hopefully can be applied in some areas else to develop them.

  • 【分类号】TU984.18
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1498
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