

The Research of Guangxi Traditional Zhuang Villages and Residences

【作者】 赵冶

【导师】 陆琦;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 壮族及其先民自古就在华南——珠江流域生息繁衍,他们是广西乃至整个岭南地区最早的土著,也是中国历史上民族的主体很少迁徙的民族之一。壮族经历了先秦远古时代的自主发展、秦汉乃至民国时期在中央政权治理下与汉族和其他少数民族杂处中生存和发展、中华人民共和国成立后的民族区域自治三个阶段。在文化发展的历程中,壮民族历经了“与越杂处”、“和辑百越”、“羁縻制度”、“土司制度”、“改土归流”等由历代中央王朝推行的强权措施,进而引起了在其文化形成过程中不断的整合、变迁,形成了自身的文化特质。壮族传统聚落和民居作为壮族文化传承与变迁的载体对于研究壮族社会历史文化、揭示壮族与其他民族间文化的相互影响颇具意义。长期以来,壮族作为一个汉化程度较高的少数民族,其传统聚落、民居建筑的研究并未受到与其人口数量对等的重视。又由于其多与其他少数民族聚居而使得其自身文化特性未得到充分的辨析与挖掘,这也是研究的难度所在。本文从民族学和自然、人文地理学的视角出发,基于对壮族地区人文与自然背景的全面分析,以聚落形态、建筑平面型制与构架类型作为依据,采用了文化圈属的分类方法,对广西壮族人居建筑文化进行了区划,分为:桂西北干栏区、桂西及桂西南干栏区、桂西中部次生干栏区与桂东地居区四大分区。同时,总结了建筑文化分区的真正原因在于:山形走势、气候与植被、族群与风俗习惯、流域与文化传播等诸多方面的地域差别。在建筑文化分区的基础上,剖析了各分区壮族传统聚落的差异与共性,对聚落空间形态、空间意向、公共建筑进行了分类总结,并将壮族传统聚落分别与广西地域内的侗族、汉族聚落做对比研究,廓清其特征。从平面入户方式与空间格局、结构特点、立面特征等方面深入阐述了四个分区民居建筑的特点并进行比较研究,把握壮族传统民居的建筑学基因,分析壮族民居差异化背后的族群、建筑技术与文化传播等方面的诸多差别,并对壮族民居演变的内在机理进行剖析。本文还对壮族传统民居的装饰艺术、建造文化和营建经验进行了全面总结。进而总结传统聚落及民居保护与开发的意义,并就广西境内壮族传统聚落保护与开发的现状得失做出总结与归纳,提出了保护与开发的原则与策略。

【Abstract】 Zhuang and their ancestors lives and breeds in southern China-the Pearl River Basin,they are the first indigenous in Guangxi and the whole Lingnan region and they also are oneof the nation which moves little in Chinese history. Zhuang had experienced independentdevelopment in Qin in ancient times, from the Qin and Han dynasties to the Republic ofChina under the control of central government with other ethnic minorities until the foundingof the People’s Republic of Chinae. In the course of cultural development, Zhuang hadexperienced “live with other nation”,“co-existence with Bai Yue”,“the JimiSystem”,“the chieftain system”,“Chieftain flow”introduced by the SuccessiveCentral thereby causing the formation of their cultural integration, and formed its owncultural characteristics. Zhuang traditional settlements and residential areas as the Zhuangcultural heritage and changing carrier considerable significance are very imortant for thestudy of Zhuang social history and culture, and revealing the mutual influence between theculture of the Zhuang and other ethnic groups.For a long time, as ethnic minorities which highly localized by Han, the Zhuangtraditional settlement of the residential building has not been payed attention corrrespondedwith its population.Moreover because of its multi-inhabited by other ethnic minorities makingtheir own cultural identity has not been fully Discrimination and mining, this is also thedifficulty of this study.From the point of view of ethnology, natural geography and human geography, based ona comprehensive analysis of the humanities and the natural background of the ZhuangAutonomous Region, the settlement pattern, architecture system architecture type as the basisfor the classification of the cultural circle of the genus, divided it into four partitions,they arethe northwest Guangxi pile dwelling area, the western and Southwest Guangxi pile dwellingarea, the western and central Guangxi secondary pile dwellingr area the esatern Guangxi landhabitable zone. At the same time, summed up the real reason of the partition of architecturalculture is the terrain, climate and vegetation, ethnic groups and customs, watershed andcultural spread of many aspects of differences.Based on the architectural culture partition, this paoer analysised the differences andsimilarities of the Zhuang traditional settlements in different partition, classifly summarriedspatial patterns, spatial intent and public buildings and contrasted Zhuang with the Dong andHan to clearance of its characteristics. From the spatial patterns, structural features, thefacade features to study and contrast the details of the characteristics of the four district residential buildings, to grasp the Zhuang traditional residential architecture genetic, analysisof the the many differences in nationg groups, construction techniques and culturaldissemination which behind the differences of outsides, and analyzes the evolution of theZhuang residential.The paper also comprehensively summaried the Decorative arts, the culture ofconstruction and construction experience of the traditional houses of the Zhuang. On theother hand, the paper also sum up the significance of traditional settlements and residentialprotection and development, and make a summary of the protection and developmen of thetraditional settlements in Guangxi, and ultimately made the the principles and strategiesprovided for the buliders and researchers.

  • 【分类号】TU241.5;TU-0
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】3135
  • 攻读期成果

