

Taxonomy of Marasmius Sect. Globulares Sensu Lato from China

【作者】 邓春英

【导师】 李泰辉;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 微生物学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 小皮伞属Marasmius Fr.真菌隶属于担子菌门Basidiomycota,伞菌目Agaricales,小皮伞科Marasmiaceae,是热带亚热带常见的大型真菌类群。本文选取小皮伞属中广义球盖组Marasmius Sect. Globulares sensu lato的种类,结合Singer (1976,1986)、Wilson&Desjardin (2005)、Antonin (2010)研究方法,进行了全面的分类学研究。在研究国内外500多份标本的基础上,最终确认中国小皮伞属广义球盖组真菌共计59个分类单元(种、变种)。其中研究中发现新种7个,中国新纪录18个。对中国已有记录的45个分类单元进行了研究,排除了7个种在我国的分布,另外5个在我国的分布不确定,并给出了小皮伞属广义球盖组种类的分种检索表。新种7种:白柄小皮伞M. albostipitatus,青黄小皮伞M. galbinus,湿伞状小皮伞M. hygrocybiformis,稀褶小皮伞M. sparsifolius,拟聚生小皮伞M. subabundans,拟绿盖小皮伞M. pseudograndiviridis和白凸小皮伞M. umbo-albus。新纪录种18种:针状小皮伞M. acerosus、狭缩小皮伞M. coarctatus、巧克力小皮伞M. coklatus、皱褶小皮伞M. corrugatus、花状小皮伞M. floriceps、花盖小皮伞M.florideus、融合小皮伞宽孢变种M. confertus var. parvisporus、梭囊小皮伞M.fusicystidiosus、大帚枝小皮伞M. cf. grandisetulosus、小鹿色小皮伞M. hinnuleus、亚红小皮伞M. hypochroides、雪地小皮伞M. nivicola、隐形小皮伞M. cf. occultatiformis、赭小皮伞M. ochraceus、淡赭色小皮伞M. ochroleucus、苍白小皮伞M. pellucidus、脉盖小皮伞M. phlebodiscus、素贴山小皮伞M. suthepensis结合基因片段ITS,运用最大简约法、贝叶斯和最大似然法对小皮伞属广义球盖组进行了系统发育分析。研究结果表明目前采用的分类系统尚不完善,球盖组和干燥组都为非单系,菌盖皮层细胞由梨形,球形或干型帚状细胞组成作为小皮伞属组下分类系统的主要区别特征需要寻找更多的分子证据,小皮伞属菌盖表面特征光滑、有条纹或沟纹可作为小皮伞属组下分类系统建立的重要特征,小皮伞属广义球盖组的种类分布受地理隔离的影响较大。

【Abstract】 Marasmius Fries (1835), a common and important fungus genus in tropical andsubtropical, belongs to Marasmiaceae, Agaicales, Basidiomycota. Intensive taxonomic workwas carried out in China employing the methods of Singer19761986Wilson&Desjardin2005and Antonon2010.As a result of studing over500collections,59taxa (including species and varieties) wererecognized, including7new species and18new records to China.45taxa formerly recordedfrom China were reexamined and reviewed, four species are excluded, two species aresynonyms and5records in China are uncertain species.Akey to species was provided.Records of species M. collinus, M. rhyssophyllus, M. panerrythrus and M. phaeus wereexcluded from China for the misidentification of the specimens; the species M.poromycenoides and M. subsetiger were the synomyns of M. bekolacongoli and M. cohortalisvar. hymeniicephalus.while the recordes of M. aurantioferrugineus M. cystidiosus M.riparius M. pseudoniveus and M. subarborescens were uncertain for lacking proofspecimens.Seven species were descripted as new to science, which were M. albostipitatus, M.galbinus, M. hygrocybiformis, M. sparsifolius, M. subabundans, M. pseudograndiviridis andM. umbo-albusEighteen new records to China were discovered, i.e. M. acerosus, M. coarctatus, M.coklatus, M. corrugatus, M. floriceps, M. florideus, M. confertus var. parvisporus, M.fusicystidiosus, M. cf. grandisetulosus, M. hinnuleus, M. hypochroides, M. nivicola, M. cf.occultatiformis, M. ochraceus, M. ochroleucus, M. pellucidus, M. phlebodiscus and M.suthepensis.In virtue of some analytic methods of Maximum parsimony analysis, Mrbays andMaximun likelihood anlysis, dataset of ITS was analyzed. The results indicated that themodern Marasmius taxonomy system was not complete; Marasmius section Glubolares andsection Sicci were polyphyletic. More molecular evidences were needed for the subsectiondivision by the hymniform pileipellis composed of smooth or Siccus-type broom cells. Thecharacter smooth or striate to grooved pileus may be important in the subsection division.Further more, the distribution of Marasmius species was influence by the geographicalisolation.


