

Research on Novel Fused Biconical All Fiber Interleaver

【作者】 章宝歌

【导师】 鲁怀伟;

【作者基本信息】 兰州交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 随着高速铁路的迅速发展,建成覆盖全国范围的铁路骨干全光网络,保证未来高速铁路大容量、高可靠和高质量信息传输,对铁路的发展具有重要的战略意义。DWDM光网络的每个节点又包含着大量的光电子器件和各种功能模块,光学滤波器是DWDM光网中一类重要的光子器件。本文以全光纤波长交错滤波器为研究对象具有现实意义。本文以FMZI为基础构建了全光纤波长交错滤波器,建立理论模型,采用光耦合矩阵理论在导出解析表达式的基础上,通过对其传输特性进行特性仿真和理论分析及实验验证等手段,归纳出一些有参考价值的结果和结论,对器件进一步的实用化和相关技术探索具有指导意义。基于FMZI型平顶全光纤波长交错滤波器和不等带宽全光纤波长交错滤波器,以及FMZI型三信道全光纤波长交错滤波器的研究是本文主要组成部分。具体研究内容包括:传统2×2FMZI型全光纤波长交错滤波器的结构建模和理论分析。以光耦合矩阵理论分析了2×2FMZI的传输特性;采用级联2×2FMZI的方法实现平顶全光纤波长交错滤波器和不等带宽全光纤波长交错滤波器的结构模型,得到理论模型的输出表达式,并进行了较为详细的特性仿真和分析,并对器件结构参量的变化如何影响其功能的变化规律进行了探索,结果表明:在适当的结构参数下,器件产生了平顶,高隔离度的通带频响特性。新型3×2FMZI型全光纤波长交错滤波器的结构建模和理论分析。用3×3光纤耦合器作为一个基本单元对传统FMZI结构加以改进,提出了一种新型3×2FMZI结构,验证了利用新型3×2FMZI可以实现全光纤波长交错滤波器的可行性。采用级联新型3×2FMZI的方式构建出平顶全光纤波长交错滤波器和不等带宽全光纤波长交错滤波器,给出了理论模型的结构,在研究理论模型的基础上,对其传输特性进行了较为详细的数值研究。结果表明:当结构参量取值适当时,等带宽器件产生了平顶的通带频响特性,且具有高的信道隔离度;不等带宽器件不仅实现了不等带宽的输出特性,且具有高的信道隔离度。在研究器件结构参量的变化对器件功能的影响基础上,发现器件对各个耦合器的耦合系数不敏感。新型3×3FMZI型多信道全光纤波长交错滤波器的结构建模和理论分析。用两个3×3光纤耦合器作为基本单元代替传统FMZI结构的两个2×2光纤耦合器实现了新型3×3FMZI结构。给出了新型3×3FMZI型三信道全光纤波长交错滤波器结构模型,并给出了传输函数,对其传输函数进行了理论分析和特性仿真,结果表明:在取适当的结构参数时,器件三个输出端口的波形谱型,具有相同性和对称性,信道间的功率旁瓣峰值低,隔离度高,稳定性良好,实现了三波分复用。在器件结构参量偏离最佳值时,也能得到比较理想的输出谱。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of high speed railway, a nationwide rail all optical communication network will be built, which can ensure large capacity and high reliability and high quality information transmission in the future high-speed railway, which has important strategic significance for the development of railway. In Each main node in the DWDM network involves a lot of optoelectronic components and various function modules. Optical filter represents a big class of key photonic components. Thus, it is practical and meaningful to select Interleaver as the title of this dissertation.In the paper, some theoretical models of Interleaver based on FMZI were put forward, the transmission expression on Interleaver were achieved by using the optical coupling matrix theory, then the characteristic simulation and theoretical analysis and experimental verification were done, and some valuable results and conclusions were summed up, which was meaningful for the device further practical design and related technical exploration. The main research topics in this paper were flat-top FMZI Interleaver and unequal passband FMZI Interleaver and three channel FMZI Interleaver. The research contents were stated indetail as follows:Design and theoretical analysis based on the traditional2x2FMZI Interleaver. The transmission characteristics of2x2FMZI was studied, then cascaded2×2FMZI flat-top Interleaver and unequal passband FMZI Interleaver were proposed and the transmission expressions on the two Interleaves were achieved, and the characteristic simulation and theoretical analysis were done, the results showed when parameters were some value, devices had flat-top passband and high isolation spectrum.Design and theoretical analysis based on the novel3×2FMZI Interleaver. The traditional2x2FMZI was improved through a introduced3×3fiber coupler, then a novel3×2FMZI was achieved. The feasibility of the novel3x2FMZI was verificated by using the optical coupling matrix theory, then cascaded novel3×2FMZI flat-top FMZI Interleaver and unequal passband FMZI Interleaver were proposed, The transmission expressions on the two Interleaves were achieved, and the characteristic simulation and theoretical analysis were done, the results showed that when parameters were some value, the equal passband device had flat-top passband and high isolation spectrum, and the unequal passband device had unequal passband and high isolation spectrum, and these devices were not sensitive to the coupling coefficient of the couplers.Design and theoretical analysis based on the novel3×3FMZI Interleaver. The traditional2x2FMZI was improved through two introduced3×3fiber couplers, then a novel3x3FMZI was achieved. then novel3x3FMZI and cascaded novel3x3FMZI three channel Interleaver were proposed, The transmission expressions on the two Interleaver were achieved, and the characteristic simulation and theoretical analysis were done, the results showed:when parameters were some value, the three output ports spectrum of the devices were same and symmetry, and which had low sidelobe peak channel power, and high isolation, good stability, and when structure parameter of the device deviated from the optimal value, the output spectrum of the device was also ideal.


