

Recognition and Reflection: the History of Study to the System of Reeducation Through Labor Nearly Thirty Years

【作者】 于鹏飞

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 劳动教养制度作为一个具有中国特色的话题,其在政治话语掩盖下已经存活了50多年。当我国在国家层面踏上法治国家征程,将人权保障写入宪法,在刑事法领域确立了罪行法定、无罪推定等原则,且法律体系日趋完备的背景下,有关劳动教养制度的合理性与合法性问题愈加显现。劳动教养制度理论涉及的法学学科门类齐全,包括法理学、宪法学、行政法学、刑法学、诉讼法学、犯罪学等。近三十年来劳动教养制度研究发展历程,学术成果丰富,形成了不同法学门类的理论、主张及观点,这些研究蕴含着不同的学术思想,对于认识与检讨劳动教养制度具有重要意义。虽然近三十年来有关劳动教养制度的研究成果上千篇,然而关于其研究的学术成果却没有做过系统的学术梳理,以至于后来者对于劳动教养研究学术成果的了解不免陷于零散、甚至常常语焉不详。究竟对于劳动教养制度应采取什么样的学术立场,需要全面梳理近三十年来劳动教养学说的历史,对其进行系统的归纳整理、分析提炼。本文正是对劳动教养制度研究近三十年来的学术成果做一学科梳理,述其概要,以方便后学,同时做出展望,以激励来者,以进一步推进我国法治化的进程。本文的篇章结构是建立在归纳分类基础上的,由导论与主体两个部分组成,主体部分共计五章,具体如下:导论,属于本文的点题之作,主要是对本文的写作目的、研究方法及研究意义进行阐述,对有关劳动教养制度的研究进行了学术回顾,并对劳动教养、研究史的概念和含义进行介绍和界定,以为本文起到提契作用。第一章,劳动教养制度研究概述。近三十年来的劳动教养制度研究论著达上千篇,不同历史发展时期的研究具有不同的特点。本章通过对劳动教养制度研究回归学术性后近三十多年来研究的历史发展概述,将历史上不同时期的研究观点与主张进行了系统的归类、梳理与分析,以准确清晰的认识劳动教养制度研究的发展历程,并对整个学术研究进行总体回顾评析。第二章,劳动教养制度基本理论研究。劳动教养制度研究自恢复时期以来,其在一些基本问题上一直存在着分歧与争议,不同部门学科论者针对其性质、适用与存废进行了观点交锋与讨论。本章对各不同观点与主张进行了分类阐述,并对其进行了评析与考察,以使对制度本身与制度研究有总体的认识。第三章,劳动教养制度的实体改革研究。多年来,随着法律体系的日趋完备,有关劳动教养制度的合法性与合理性问题已经成为不能回避的话题。为将劳动教养制度纳入法制框架,论者提出了不同的实体改革方案。本章即是对不同论者提出的劳动教养实体改革方案进行学科归类梳理,并进行评述。第四章,劳动教养制度的程序改革研究。广义上的劳动教养制度程序包括审批、执行与监督,均存在着明显弊端,特别是劳动教养的审批程序,违背基本的法治原则。如何使得劳动教养制度程序法治化,成为论者最为关注的问题。本章对论者提出的劳动教养司法化与行政化审批改革方案、劳动教养执行与监督的改革完善建议进行了系统梳理与分析。第五章,有关劳动教养制度研究的几个问题。研究具有学术上的继承与关联性,特别是对于劳动教养这一从创立之初便界定在政治范畴内的制度,对其政治特殊时期研究的回顾可以了解劳动教养研究的发展变化。本章不仅对1979年以前有关劳动教养的研究进行了回顾与评析,还对劳动教养的替代制度——违法行为矫治法的研究进行了跟踪分析,最后对整个研究历程的学术成就进行了总结,指出了研究上的不足与缺憾,并对研究前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The system of reeducation through labor as a topic of conversation with Chinesecharacteristics,it has survived for50years.In the political discourse. When ourcountry under the rule of law at the national level set foot on the journey, theguarantee of human rights in the constitution, In the field of criminal law establishedthe crime legal principles and the presumption of innocence, and on the backgroundof the more completed legal system, the rationality and legality of the system ofreeducation through labor concerns has more obvious. The law theory of the systemof reeducation through labor involves a wide range of disciplines, Includingjurisprudence, constitutional law, administrative law, criminal law, procedure law,criminology. In course of study and development of the system of reeducation throughlabor in recent thirty years, it gained rich academic achievement, and formed indifferent theories,ideas and opinions in science of law, These studies contain differentacademic thoughts, it has important significance to the understanding and review ofthe system of reeducation through labor. Although it has thousands of research resultson the system of reeducation through labor nearly thirty years, However, the researchon academic achievement has not systematic academic carding, So that later for laborresearch academic achievement understanding not to scattered, often not speak in detail. What should it take kind of academic standpoint to the system of reeducationthrough labor, it need comprehensive carding the history of the theories ofreeducation through labor nearly thirty years, carries on the system analysis, summedup refining. This article is about the system of reeducation through labor research inrecent thirty years, academic achievement as a discipline combing, elaborate thesummary, to facilitate and encourage later scholars, at the same time make a prospectIn order to further advance the process of China’s rule by law.In this paper, the discourse structure is established on the basis of theclassification, this article consists of introduction and main body, the main bodyportion has five chapters, specific as follows:Introduction, is the theme of this article, it tells about the main purpose of writingthis paper, about the research methods and significance, review on the system ofreeducation through labor studies, and to introduce and define the reeducation throughlabor, the concept and meaning of history, for this paper to tichy role.The first chapter, the system of reeducation through labor research overview. Inrecent thirty years, the research of the system of reeducation through labor haspublished thousands, study on the different historical periods have differentcharacteristics. This chapter through to the system of reeducation through laborresearch return after nearly thirty years of academic research and an overview of thehistorical development, the history of different periods of views and opinions weresystematically classified, carding and analysis, In order to accurately understandingthe system of reeducation through labor research development, comment on theacademic research and review.The second chapter, the basic theory of the system of reeducation through labor.Since study on system of reeducation through labor has recovered, In some of thebasic issues it has been the existence of differences and disputes, different disciplinefor its properties, application and their abolition has a different point of view anddiscuss. The chapter on the different views and opinions are discussed in detail,carried on the analysis and study, In order to make the system itself and the systemresearch have overall understanding. The third chapter, the system of reeducation through labor entity reform research.Over the years, along with the legal system of reeducation through labor systemcomplete with each passing day, about the legitimacy and rationality problem hasbecome an unavoidable topic. In order to bring the system of reeducation throughlabor into the legal framework, the author proposes a different entity reform. Thischapter is on different theorists proposed labor entity reform program of subjectclassification combs, and gives a review.The fourth chapter, the reeducation through labor system program. reformstudies. The system of reeducation through labor program including approval,execution and supervision generalized, there are obvious defects, especially theeducation-through-labor program approval, is against the basic principles of the ruleby law. How to make the system of reeducation through labor program conforming tothe rule by law, it is what is most concerned about the problem. This chapter analyzesthe alienation and theorists proposed labor judicature and administrative approvalreform plan, implementation and supervision of the reeducation through labor reformand suggestions.The fifth chapter, several problems about the system of reeducation through labor.Study of academic inheritance and correlation,especially for reeducation throughlabor in this from the beginning of creation is defined in the political context of thesystem, on the political special period review can understand the development andchange of labor education research. This chapter not only review and comments onthe1979previous related research of reeducation through labor, also on thereeducation through labor substitution system--correction of illegal acts law studieswere conducted in trace analysis, At last the whole process of academic achievementundertook summing up, the study pointed out the deficiency and defect, and prospectresearch of future.


