

The Impact of the Evolution of Payment on the Fraud Crimes

【作者】 秦新承

【导师】 顾肖荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 论文以支付方式的历史演进为视角,对我国以及英国、日本和台湾地区诈骗犯罪的立法规律进行了梳理,在此基础上着重研究了不同支付方式对我国诈骗犯罪立法、司法及理论研究的影响。论文分为导言和主体两部分。根据内容布局,论文主体可分为以下五部分:支付方式介绍(第一章)、立法影响(第二、三章)、理论影响(第四、五、六章)、司法影响(第七章)、完善建议(第八章)。导论部分首先阐述了选题价值、研究现状以及论文的创新与不足。近四十年来支付方式发生重大变革,而同期各国、各地区诈骗犯罪的相关立法亦频繁变动、新型司法问题不断出现,对“支付方式的演进对诈骗犯罪的影响研究”这一主题展开探讨有助于进一步完善相关立法、推动相关司法难题的解决。此外,新型支付方式下诈骗犯罪的特殊表现对相关理论通说已形成挑战,对此展开研究有利于推动相关理论学说的完善。尽管支付方式与诈骗犯罪都得到相关领域学者的高度重视并都取得了丰硕的研究成果,但学界对支付方式与诈骗犯罪的关注仍是两条平行线,鲜有学着将两者结合起来展开研究。论文的创新点主要体现在研究视角、研究方法以及理论观点三方面,但在素材的搜集与运用、论文体系的协调性以及理论研究的深度等方面均存在不足。第一章介绍了与支付方式有关的概念,并按照产生的大致顺序介绍了几种主要支付方式。最早的支付方式——商品支付诞生于商品交换产生之后,并在春秋战国之前一直是我国最主要的支付方式。春秋战国时期,我国货币体系基本形成,从此货币支付成为最主要的支付方式。但商品支付作为一种官方认可的支付方式退出历史舞台却是在明朝之后。今天,商品支付发展演变为独具特色的“换客现象”和“易货贸易”。在我国,货币的表现形式经历了贝、珠、铁、铜、金银等发展变化过程。货币的出现使得财产犯罪的危害程度可以直接量化,这为罪刑相适应原则在财产犯罪上的实现奠定了基础。金融票证支付方式发端于唐朝,在北宋时期成为一种主要的贸易支付方式,之后逐步演变为支票、本票、汇票三种形式。民国时期,信用证开始进入我国,此后,银行存单、信用卡以及贷记凭证等金融票证又逐次成为不同领域重要的支付方式。及至现在,由信用卡支付衍生出的电子支付方式引发了世界各国支付方式的重大变革。支付方式逐次演进的同时,诈骗犯罪的手法也随之发生变化,并对诈骗犯罪的认定产生直接或间接影响。第二章阐述了我国支付方式的演进及同期诈骗犯罪立法状况。商品支付方式为主时期,诈骗犯罪共性比较突出、表现手法不多,因此,立法者大都将包括骗财、骗官、制售伪劣商品等几乎所有通过诈骗实施的犯罪归为一类,即诈伪犯罪。同时,由于统治者认为多数诈骗侵害或威胁统治秩序,因此对其规定了极其严厉的刑罚。进入货币支付时期以后,诈骗犯罪手法越来越多,相关的罪名也日渐增加:首先是增设私铸货币犯罪;后又在诈欺官私取财、骗官等传统诈欺犯罪之外增加规定了科请财物违实、诈疗疾病取财等多种手法的诈骗犯罪。唐律中,侵财类诈骗犯罪达到六种,并与其他七种诈骗犯罪分开规定,此后历朝历代基本维持这一格局,没有太大变化。及至清朝,侵财类诈骗犯罪合并缩减为诈欺取财罪、诈欺得利罪、常业诈欺罪以及准诈欺罪四种,并一直为台湾沿用。1979年出台的我国首部刑法仅规定了诈骗罪,1997年刑法将其拆分为十个罪名。信用卡和金融票据是最主要的票证支付方式,鉴于伪造票证在金融诈骗中的重要作用极其严重的社会危害性,1997年刑法增设了伪造、变造金融票证罪。此后,随着信用卡支付方式的普及以及持有、运输伪卡等相关行为危害性的日益突出,立法机关又通过修正案增设罪名、增列罪状,打击诈骗犯罪相关行为或新型诈骗犯罪。21世纪以来,我国的电子支付开始发展并迅速普及,电子支付的特点使得诈骗犯罪的表现形式发生了重大变化,并影响了诈骗犯罪的立法和司法实践。第三章介绍了英国、日本以及我国台湾地区支付方式的演进及相关诈骗犯罪立法。制定法是英国惩治诈骗犯罪的唯一法定依据。早期的英国并不认为诈骗等非暴力行为是犯罪,直至1757年英国才制定诈骗罪法规。之后英国在《1968年盗窃法案》中规定了诈骗罪,在《1978年盗窃法案》中规定了骗取服务罪等利益诈骗犯罪。2006年,英国将诈骗犯罪从前述两部法案中分离出来,形成了专门惩治诈骗犯罪的《2006诈欺法案》。此外,英国立法机关先后制定了《1913年惩治伪造行为法》和《1936年惩治伪造货币行为法》,以专门惩治伪造货币、伪造金融票证等与诈骗犯罪紧密相关的行为。此后,该两法被《1981年伪造与假冒犯罪法》所替代。对于与电子支付相关的诈骗犯罪相关行为,则通过《1990年计算机滥用法》予以刑事规制。日本早期的诈骗犯罪立法——《养老律》系参考《唐律疏议》制作,同时在《御定书百条》中规定了包括伪造通货纸币罪、伪造文书罪等侵害公共信用的犯罪。日本现行刑法制定于1907年,后来根据支付方式及诈骗犯罪形势变化多次修改。日本刑法最初仅规定了诈骗罪、利益诈骗罪以及准诈骗罪等诈骗犯罪罪名,同时,明确规定打击与诈骗犯罪紧密相关的伪造、使用、提供假币或有价证券等犯罪。1987年,为打击信用卡诈骗犯罪,日本刑法增设了不正当制作和非法提供电磁记录罪、计算机诈骗罪等罪名。2001年,日本再次针对诈骗犯罪严峻形势修改刑法,增设专章打击与支付用磁卡相关的诈骗犯罪相关行为。2011年,日本又修法打击病毒犯罪,遏制计算机诈骗。台湾现行刑法制定于1935年,最初仅设置了诈欺取财、得利罪,常业诈欺罪以及准诈欺罪三个诈骗犯罪罪名。1997年,为打击涉信用卡犯罪,台湾刑法增设不正利用自动付款设备罪、不正利用电脑或相关设备取财罪。2001年,台湾又修法增设罪名,专门惩治伪造、变造金融卡、储值卡等支付用卡电磁记录等行为,以提前阻击诈骗犯罪。2003年,台湾又设立计算机网络犯罪专章,为打击利用电子支付方式实施的诈骗犯罪相关行为提供了法律依据。第四章着重研究支付方式对诈骗犯罪法益的影响。支付方式对诈骗犯罪法益的影响可分两个层面:一是直接影响——催生新的刑法法益,即随着金融票证等支付方式的出现,产生需要通过刑法保护的利益或价值。二是间接影响——扩展刑法打击范围,即为了更好地保护重要法益而前置刑法手段,将对该法益具有潜在威胁的相关行为规定为犯罪。司法实践中,对于侵害多元法益的金融诈骗犯罪,应当注意法益保护的平衡,由一味关注、保护财产法益转为主要保护秩序法益,对于虽未实际骗得财物但诈骗行为严重侵害金融秩序的情形,亦应定罪处罚。为此,应将金融诈骗犯罪的立法模式由数额犯变为行为犯,以体现对金融秩序法益的保护和重视。为有效阻击诈骗犯罪,完善对重要法益的立法保护,应借鉴英、日以及台湾地区做法,对有关刑法条款进行修改,将实践中普遍存在并对诈骗犯罪的成功实施起到重要作用的手段行为纳入刑法惩治范围,如制作、传播用于诈骗等侵财犯罪的钓鱼网站、病毒程序的行为。本章最后指出了1996年诈骗犯罪司法解释与诈骗犯罪法益理论通说存在的矛盾以及在实践中存在的若干问题,并论述了修改相关刑法条文及司法解释的必要性。第五章主要研究支付方式对诈骗犯罪主观和主体方面的影响。当前关于金融诈骗罪犯意的几种主要观点都是以行为人对财产法益遭受侵害所持之态度作为评价标准。但在支付方式的影响下,金融诈骗罪的主要法益已由财产法益变为金融秩序,相应地,应以行为人对金融秩序遭受侵害所持之态度作为评价犯意的标准。侵害金融秩序是非法占有财物的必经路径,而法律、法规和金融机构内部规章对各种金融行为均规定了严苛的实体要求和程序要件,这些特点决定了行为人对于侵害金融秩序的心态,即金融诈骗罪的犯意只能是直接故意。对于金融诈骗犯罪的次要法益——财产法益而言,过失这一罪过形式是可以存在的,但这并不影响金融诈骗犯罪的犯意只能是直接故意的结论。对于以公私财产权作为主要法益的诈骗犯罪,应以行为人对财产法益遭受侵害所持的态度评价其犯意。通过对利用发行预付卡实施的诈骗犯罪进行分析发现,间接故意这一罪过形式可以存在于侵财类诈骗犯罪中。同时,由于刑法没有规定诈骗犯罪的过失犯,根据罪刑法定原则,侵财类诈骗犯罪的犯意不可能是过失。单位不是诈骗罪的法定主体,但在电子支付方式和电子商务的共同影响下,公司个人化趋势日益明显,加之犯罪成本低廉,由公司实施的普通诈骗犯罪不再少见,为有效保障公私财产权益和市场经营秩序,应增加诈骗罪单位犯罪主体。第六章主要探讨电子支付方式对诈骗犯罪客观方面的影响。主要体现在三方面:第一,电子支付推动诈骗罪由纯正数额犯向非纯正数额犯转化。最新司法解释已经突破立法规定,赋予诈骗罪非纯正数额犯地位。为消除规范性文件之间的效力冲突,惩治小额涉众诈骗犯罪,立法机关应修改诈骗罪立法规定,认可非数额入罪情节的立法地位。第二,正确认识被害人让渡财产的行为。交付与处分都可以用于描述诈骗犯罪被害人让渡财产的行为,但两者存在细微的差别,并非可以任意混用。交付强调财物转移的客观面,而处分强调财产转移行为的主客观相一致。对于传统诈骗手法,用交付还是处分均无不可,但在利用第三方支付实施的诈骗犯罪中,被害人仅有向行为人转移财物之行为,而无转移之意思。此时,对被害人让渡财物的行为只能说是交付而不是处分。这种情况下,也不宜说被害人的行为是“自愿”为之,而是不受胁迫的交付。第三,否定了交付意识必要说的合理性。传统诈骗犯罪中,被害人对于财产的转移都有明确的认识,但在利用信用卡支付实施的机票款诈骗案中,被害人虽然客观上转移财产占有,但主观上却完全没有财产处分意识。这一现象直接否定了必要说的合理性。另外,必要说的主要理由均存在瑕疵,其对不要说的顾虑也是不必要的。第七章分析了几种新型支付方式对诈骗犯罪认定的主要影响。首先,消费积分支付对犯罪性质认定的影响。一定条件下,消费积分可以成为一种支付方式。但与货币、虚拟货币不同,消费积分本身不是财物,而只是获得财物的必要条件之一。虚增积分的行为属于虚构事实性质而不是虚增财物。对于虚增消费积分后换取财物的行为,判定行为性质还应看行为人利用积分换取财产的方式:如系利用计算机将积分套现获得财物,应认定盗窃;如系从被害人处换取,则应认定诈骗。其次,虚拟货币对集资诈骗罪认定的影响。“诈骗方法”与“非法集资”是认定集资诈骗的必要条件。发行虚拟货币可以成为集资诈骗的手段,但通过对利用发行虚拟货币实施的集资诈骗犯罪进行研究发现,其手段行为并不属于司法解释所规定的“诈骗方法”,集资行为也并不具有“非法性”。为此,需要完善立法及司法解释,以适应打击新型集资诈骗犯罪的需要。最后,预付卡支付对犯罪性质以及犯罪形态的影响。预付卡可以表现为数字形式,这一特性决定了它可以同时为多人控制。对于同样通过转移预付价值非法获得财物的行为,应根据犯罪手法的不同确定行为性质:偷记预付卡账号密码并转移预付价值的,应认定为盗窃;将已经掌握账号密码的预付卡售出后立即转移预付价值的,应认定为诈骗。在认定犯罪形态上,只有通过转移行为排除被害人控制的预付价值部分才属于既遂部分,行为人与被害人共同控制部分的犯罪形态处于不确定状态。第八章为立法、司法完善部分。主要提出以下观点:第一,诈骗罪的立法、司法完善。提出设立与“数额较大”入罪情节相当的“其他较重情节”,以迎合打击电讯诈骗、小额涉众诈骗的现实需要。同时,通过司法解释严格限定非数额情节入罪的适用条件。第二,金融诈骗犯罪的立法、司法完善。将金融诈骗犯罪立法模式由数额犯修改为行为犯,以体现对金融秩序法益的保护。借鉴境外立法重新界定金融诈骗罪中“非法占有目的”的含义,将通过诈骗手段将资金占为己有、占为己用的行为都认定为非法占有目的,同时根据主观恶性、客观危害的大小确定法定刑幅度或刑罚量,避免量刑失轻失重。第三,集资诈骗罪的立法、司法完善。提出将该罪罪状修改为“使用诈骗方法集资”,同时因应犯罪形势变化,修改完善集资诈骗罪认定条件的司法解释。第四,立法打击诈骗犯罪相关行为。一是借鉴境外修法经验及立法技术,将情节严重的制作、传播钓鱼网站和特殊病毒程序的行为纳入刑法规制范围,同时制定司法解释增强法条适用的操作性,避免刑法工具的滥用;二是立法打击情节严重的买卖真实信用卡的行为,将明知他人可能将信用卡用于诈骗、洗钱等犯罪而予提供,以及购买信用卡数量较大的行为明确为妨害信用卡管理罪的罪状。

【Abstract】 The thesis combs the legislation of fraud of PRC and the United Kingdom, Japanand Taiwan District on the perspective of the historical evolution of the payment. Onthis basis, the paper focuses on the impact of different methods of payment on thefraud crime’s legislation, judicial and theoretical research. The paper can be dividedinto two parts: the introduction and the body. The body of the paper can be dividedinto five parts based on the content layout: introduction of payment (Chapter I);impact of legislation (Chapter Ⅱand Ⅲ); impact of theory (Chapter IV, V and VI);impact of justice (Chapter VII); suggestions for improvement (Chapter VIII).The introduction explains the value of topics to study, research status and theinnovation and shortcomings of the paper. Payment has been changed significantly innearly four decades, and the relevant legislation of fraud in some countries andregions has also been frequently changed, the new justice issues emerged during thesame period. Discussing the theme of “The Impact of the Evolution of Payment on theFraud” will contribute to improve the relevant legislation and solve the relevantjudicial problems. In addition, some generally recognized views had been challengedby some fraud cases using new payment methods. Studying this thesis is conducive tocomplete the related theories. Although the way of payment and the crime of fraudhas got great importance from scholars in related fields, and achieved the fruitfulresearch results, academic concern about the payment and fraud is like two parallellines and few people study the two themes in one paper. The innovation of the paperis mainly reflected in research perspectives, research methods and theoretical views.However, there are some shortcomings in the paper, such as the collection and adoption of the material, the coordination of paper system and depth of theoreticalstudies.Chapter I introduces the concept of payment and several major payments inaccordance with the general generated order. The earliest method of payment–“Paying with goods” was born after the commodity exchange generated, and has beenthe main method of payment before the period in Spring and Autumn and WarringStates. During this period, the monetary system in China was basically formed, andthe currency became the main method of payment from then on. But as the officialrecognized method,“Paying with goods” was quitted the historical stage was in thelate Ming dynasty. Today, this method has evolved into “Exchanging Phenomenon”and “Barter”. In China, the manifestation of the currency has gone through thefollowing process: shells, beads, iron, copper, gold and silver. The level of propertycrime’s harm can be directly quantified with the emergence of currency. It laid thefoundation for the adaptation of Crime and Punishment realized on crime. Thepayment of financial bills originated in the Tang Dynasty and became one of themajor methods in the Northern Song Dynasty. Then gradually evolved into threeforms: the checks, promissory notes and the bills of exchange. The letter of creditbegan to flow into our country in the period of the Republic of China. Since then,some financial bills such as bank certificates of deposit, credit cards and creditvouchers gradually became the important methods of payment in different fields. Andnow, the electronic payments derived from the payment method of credit card led tothe significant changes of the payment method in the whole world. When the paymentmethods evolved step by step, fraud techniques has been changed at the same timeand the identification of fraud has been impacted directly or indirectly.Chapter Ⅱ elaborates the evolution of payment methods and the simultaneousfraud criminal status of legislation in China. In the period that “Paying with goods”was in dominant position, the fraud crime performs in the common form and themodus operandi is relatively simple. Therefore, legislators mostly classified the fraud,deceive for officials, and making and selling shoddy goods as one class—deceivingcriminal. At the same time, the rulers believe that most fraud crimes may destroy orthreaten the governing order, so they formulated a very severe penalty to fraud crimes.After entering the period of currency, fraud modus operandi became more and more,and the related charges increased gradually: Casting metallic currency privately, and deception to apply for property, deceiving treatment for money after such traditionalfraud crime as obtaining money or goods by official false pretense and official fraud.In the Law of Tang, the charges related to fraud added up to six and were separatedwith other seven kinds. In the following dynasty, the structure was maintained withlittle change. To the Qing Dynasty, there were four charges for the purpose of illegalpossession of property: Fraud for the property, fraud to obtain benefits, often fraudand Quasi-fraud. Such legislation was later used in Taiwan. In1979, the first criminallaw only provided one charge-the crime of fraud in China, and the Criminal lawspitted it into ten charges in1997. Credit card and finance bills is the major forms ofitem payment. In view of the forged ticket playing an important role in the financialfraud, the Criminal law added the crime of forging or altering financial bills. Later,legislature increased the charges against fraud-related behavior or a new type fraud asthe wide use of credit card and prominent harm of keeping and delivering false cards.Since21st century, the electronic payments in our country begin to develop andrapidly used in common. The manifestation of fraud has undergone major changesbecause of the changes of the electronic payment’s features, and it impacted thelegislation and judicial practice of fraud crime.ChapterⅢ describes the evolution of payment methods and the legislation of fraudcrimes in the United Kingdom, Japan and Taiwan District. The statute is the onlystatutory basis for punishing the Crime of fraud in British who developed the law ofthe crime of fraud until1757. In the early time, they didn’t believe such non-violentactions belong to crime. Later the British government provides the crime of fraud inTheft Act1968and crime of fraudulent claims for services and other crimes interestfraud in Theft Act1978. In2006, the UK separated fraud crime provision from theabove two bills and formed Fraud Act2006to specifically punish the crime of fraud.Besides, the British legislature had enacted Forgery Act1913and CounterfeitingCurrency Act1936to punish the related actions about fraud crime like currencyforgery, financial bill forgery. Later, the two laws replaced by Forgery andCounterfeiting Act1981. For the behavior related the crime of fraud about electronicpayment, the UK combated it applying Computer Misuse Act1990.The early legislation in Japan----Law of Endowment was referred to The Tang LawDredges Opinion, simultaneously legislated the crime of paper currency forgery anddocument forgery which did harm to public credit. Japan’s current criminal law was enacted in1907. Later, the laws were modified according to the change of thepayment methods and fraud situation. The criminal law in Japan only provided thefraud crime like fraud criminal for property, the fraud criminal for the interests andthe quasi-fraud crime initially and definitely formulates to combat the related fraudcrime of forging, using, providing false coin and securities. To combat the fraudcriminal of credit card, the Japanese criminal law added the charge of improperproduction and illegal to provide the magnetic recording, computer fraud and othercharges in1987. In2001, to point against the severe situation of fraud crime, Japanesegovernment modified the criminal law again and added a special chapter to combatfraud crimes related the behavior of payment with magnetic cards. In2011, Japanamended the law again to combat the virus crime.The existing criminal law in Taiwan was enacted in1935which provided threefraud charges: the crime fraud for property, the crime fraud for interest, the crimefraud for regular profession and quasi-Fraud initially. In1997, to combat the fraudcrime of credit card, the Criminal Code added the crime of improperly usingautomatic payment device, improperly using computer or related equipment to takefinancial crime. In2001, Taiwan government amended the law and added charges topunish the behavior of forging or altering debit card, stored-value card and themagnetic recording of payment card to prevent the fraud crime in advance. In2003,Taiwan criminal law also set up special chapter--the cyber crime to provide the legalground to combat the fraud crime related to electronic payment.Chapter IV focuses on the impact of payment on fraud law benefits. The impactscan be divided into two levels: firstly, direct influence--produce new legal interests,namely with the appearance of payments like financial bills, to protect the benefit andvalue of production; secondly, indirect effects-Extended the combating range ofcriminal law, namely to propose the criminal law to protect the important legalinterest and formulate the related action to threaten the legal interest as crime. Injudicial practice, if the fraud crime infringed several legal interests, we should noticethe balance of the legal interest’s protection. In other words, we need to protect themost important legal interests, rather than just protect property rights. The behaviorsgetting no property but seriously infringing financial order should be defined asconviction and to be sentenced. For this reason, the legislation mode of financial fraudcrime should be transferred from amount to behavior to reflect the value to protect thelaw interest for financial order. To effectively prevent the fraud crime and complete the legislative protection to important law interest, we should learn from thelegislative practice of Britain, Japan and Taiwan when modify the relevant provisionsof criminal law, defining some means of behavior of fraud as criminal which exist incommon and play an important role to contribute to commit crimes. Those meansinclude setting up and spearing the phishing website and viruses to commitproperty-related crimes. Finally, the chapter analyses the contradictions between1996fraud judicial interpretation and some widely recognized theory says, and discussesthe necessity to amend the relevant criminal law provisions and judicialinterpretations.Chapter V studies the subjective and subject impact of payment on fraud crime.Currently several main ideas about the mens rea of financial fraud criminals are basedon the attitude of the perpetrator against property legal interests but not financial order.But under the influence of payment method, the main law interest of infringingfinancial order has changed from essential means to possess property illegally. Soaccordingly, the perpetrator’s attitude to the infringement by property law interestshould be regard as the evaluation criterion. The infringement of financial order is theinevitable method to illegally occupation property and laws and regulations providestrict procedural and substantive conditions for various financial activities. Itdetermines the perpetrator’s mind-set to infringement of financial order which meansthat the mens rea of financial fraud criminal can only be directly deliberately. But tosecondary law interest of financial fraud crime-----property law interest, negligencecan exist for property law benefits, but it doesn’t effect the conclusion that the mensrea of financial fraud crime only can be directly intended. To the fraud crimeregarding public and private property rights as main law interest should assess themens rea according to the perpetrator’s attitude to infringement of property rights.Through the analysis about the fraud crime by using the published recharge cardprove that indirect intention can exist in the fraud of usurpation. Simultaneously, dueto the criminal law does not provide the negligent fraud crime; Mens rea of theusurpation fraud crime can not be negligent according to the principle of legality. Theunit is not the subject of the fraud crime according the criminal law. However, underthe influence of electronic payments and e-commerce, the unit’s personalized trend isincreasingly evident; moreover, the low cost of crime leads to the increase commonfraud crime committed by companies. So we should allow the unit to become thesubject of the crime of fraud to protect the public and private property rights and interests and market order.Chapter VI discusses the impact of electronic payment on the objective aspects ofthe fraud crime. The impact mainly reflected in three aspects: firstly, electronicpayment methods promote the crime of fraud to transfer from the pure amount to thenon-pure amount. The latest judicial interpretation has broken through the rule oflegislation to define the fraud crime as non-pure amount. To eliminate the conflictamong the normative documents and punish the fraud crime about small amountinvolving the mass, the legislature should modify the previsions so that we canidentify crime according to the non-amount seriousness. Secondly, we shouldcorrectly understand the victims’ transferring behaviors of property. There are subtledifferences in delivery and disposition without random mix although both can be usedto describe transferring behavior. The former stressed the objective aspect oftransferring behavior, and the latter emphasizes the consistent of the subjective andobjective. The delivery and disposition are both practicable in traditional fraud means.In the fraud implementing by means of the third-party payment, the victim onlyimplements the behavior of transferring property but no intention. Now we can onlysay that the victim delivery the property but not deposit the property. In this case,victims’ behavior should be regarded as the disposition without threat rather thanvoluntary. Finally, the chapter denies the rationality of the saying of necessity. Intraditional case of fraud, victims has a clear understanding for the transfer of property,but in the fraud implementing by means of the credit card, victims have no sense ofdisposition of property although they transfer the possession of property objectively.This phenomenon negated the former viewpoint directly. Except for that, the mainreasons for the saying of necessity are not complete, so the misgivings are notnecessary.Chapter VII analyzes the main effects of several new methods of payment on theidentifying of fraud crimes. Firstly, the accumulated points of consumption affect theidentification of the nature of the crime. Under given conditions, the accumulatedpoints of consumption can be regarded as a method of payment. Differing from themoney and ideal money, it is a necessary condition of obtaining property but notproperty itself. Falsely increasing points is equal to fabricating fact but not increasingproperty. For the behaviors of exchange of property with the accumulated points ofconsumption, the nature of the act should be based on the means of obtaining propertydirectly: If the perpetrator obtains the property thought the computer, the nature of the act should be characterized as theft; the perpetrator obtains the property from thevictim crime should be identified as fraud. Secondly, the impact of the virtualcurrency on the identifying of the crime of raising fraud. The methods of fraud andillegal raising fund are the necessary conditions to identify the crime of raising fraud.Issueing virtual currency can be classified as a mean of raising fraud.But studying thecases we find that this mean does not conform to the provided limit of judicialinterpretation and the behavior of raising fund is not illegal. There are some problemsin the judicial interpretation of the crime of raising fraud, so we need to improve thelegislative and judicial interpretation in order to adapt to the need to combat somenew types of raising fraud. Finally, the impact of the prepaid cards on the nature of thecrime and crime patterns. Presented as the pattern of number, the prepaid cards can behandled by more than one person at the same time. Although both belonging to thebehavior of illegally obtained property through the transfer of prepaid value, thenature of behavior will be different according to the modus operandi: secretlyremembering the prepaid account or passwords and transfer the prepaid value—theft;if the criminal mastered the account or password of the prepaid card before selling it,and transferring the prepaid value immediately after selling—fraud. When identifyingthe pattern of crime, we should notice that only the prepaid value controlling by thevictims can be identified as the accomplished pattern and accordingly, the prepaidvalue both controlling by the actors and victims is identified to be criminal attempt.Chapter VIII discusses the perfect of legislative and judicial. The author draws hisviews in the following aspects: Firstly, the legislative, judicial improvement on fraudcrime. Other serious case that is equal to the crime of large amount is assumed toreach the actual needs of combating the fraud about telecommunications and smallamount involving the mass. Simultaneously the applicable condition of non-amountcrime is strictly limited through judicial interpretation. Secondly, the legislative,judicial improvement on financial fraud crimes. To protect the law interest of financialorder, the mode of financial fraud crime is modified from amount to behavior.According to the redefinition in external legislation to the purpose of possession infinancial fraud crime, here we define the behavior possessing and using the fundsthrough means of fraud as the purpose of possession. At the same time, the level ofcriminal punishment is convicted referring to the degree of subjective evil andobjective harm to avoid the unbalance of the punishment. Thirdly, the legislative,judicial improvement on financial fraud. This point modifies the accusation as collecting funds by means of fraud and accordingly completes the judicialinterpretation for the condition of conviction with the change of crime situation.Fourthly, legislation to combat the behavior related to fraud crime. This view can bediscussed in two directions: one is to bring some serious behaviors into criminal law,such as setting up and spearing the phishing website and special viruses according tothe experience and skill of external legislation and formulate the judicialinterpretation to stress the operability of legal regulation and avoid the abuse of meansof criminal law; the other to combat the serious behavior of business dealings for realcredit cards. That is to say, namely to purposely provide the credit cards to the personusing them on fraud and money laundering and purchase a large amount of creditcards to hinder the management.

【关键词】 支付方式诈骗犯罪影响研究
【Key words】 ImpactEvolution of PaymentFraud Crimes

