

The History of Chinese Legal History in the First Half of the20th Century

【作者】 周会蕾

【导师】 王立民;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 法律史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 晚清以降,“赤县神州值数千年未有之巨劫奇变”。此历史“大变局”中,在西学东渐潮流影响下,中国传统学术体系向近现代学术体系递嬗,传统“通人之学”渐次转变为“专门之学”。随着西方学术分科体系在清末高等教育中的深化,学科意义上的中国法制史得以形成。若以1902年颁布的《钦定京师大学堂章程》为起点,中国法制史学已经历了一个多世纪的发展变迁。任何一门学科的发展,都离不开对自身发展历程的自省。作为学术自我意识的体现,对中国法制史学史的回顾,其目的不仅仅在于“还历史本来面目”,更为重要的是,以“经世致用”为价值标准的当下,中国法制史学已经从曾经“入世”之显学演变成为如今“出世”之隐学,尽管学界对此也进行了反思、自省与求索,以期能找到超越困境和发展创新的进路,然却鲜见以史学史角度的系统回顾反思,这便为本文的研究留下了极大的空间。正如克罗齐所言:“一切历史都是当代史”。本文拟在20世纪上半叶的时间维度与中国法制史学史的空间维度的交叉视野中,以中国法制史课程的设置、中国法制史研究群体、中国法制史研究方法、中国法制史主要研究成果等为主要切入点,观察中国法制史学自身的内在发展运行轨迹。与此同时,从社会政治背景、社会文化背景、其他学科、海外中国法制史研究等视角,观察其对中国法制史学的外部影响作用,进而考察中国法制史学史的学术价值以及贡献。本文认为,20世纪上半叶是中国法制史学产生与发展的重要时期,通过上述“内史”与“外史”相结合的研究范式,不但能够形成对20世纪上半叶中国法制史学史相对完整的认识,而且能为今日的中国法制史学发展提供可资借鉴的学术史资源,这种学术史资源,或者说是超越困境和发展创新的进路,主要体现为研究者学术素养的培养和研究取向的确定这两方面。简单而言,就研究者学术素养培养而论,研究者必须具备掌握史学和法学这两个学科知识的功底,贯穿中西的学术素养,以及开阔性的学术视野;就研究取向的确定而论,中国法制史研究应该更加重视以跨学科视角为指导的理论阐释式研究范式。具体而言,本文由引论、五章与结论这几部分构成。引论部分,首先阐述了本文的论题以及研究的意义,之后就学界针对该论题的研究进行了细致的爬梳,并对本文所运用的研究方法以及本文的研究框架进行了简要介绍。第一章主要阐述了20世纪上半叶的中国法制史学史。西学东渐影响下,在传统学术向近代学术转型过程中,将原本隶属于“四部之学”的中国法律史研究嫁接进“七科之学”中的法科,中国法制史学应运而生。述及中国法制史学的产生以后,借助于历史叙事,根据中国法制史课程在高等教育中的设置、中国法制史的研究主体和研究成果、中国法制史的研究方法等要素,将20世纪上半叶的中国法制史学史划分为初创时期、筑基时期以及发展时期。通过对不同时期中国法制史学特点的总结,形成对20世纪上半叶中国法制史学史的大概观察。第二章主要考察了中国法制史研究群体。研究者的学术研究,是建立在其学术素养、知识属性和历史视野基础之上,因此对研究主体自身的考察也显得顺理成章。该章由两部分构成:研究群体总论和研究群体分论。总论中,分别从地理分布、教育背景、职业与研究领域等方面对研究者进行群体考察;分论中,则侧重对中国法制史学研究大家,即沈家本、梁启超、程树德、杨鸿烈、陈顾远、瞿同祖等人,从家世背景、学术训练、代表著作以及对中国法制史学的贡献等方面予以重点考察。从总体上看,20世纪上半叶的中国法制史大家,尽管存在极大的个体差异,但从其学术渊源上看,他们相同点主要表现为:自幼所奠定的良好国学基础;贯穿中西的学术素养;以及跨越时代和跨越学科的开阔性视野。第三章和第四章则主要着眼于中国法制史主要研究成果的考察。随着中国法制史学教育的普及,有关中国法制史学的研究也渐次展开,并朝着更加深入化、成熟化的方向发展,涌现出了一大批有价值的学术作品。20世纪上半叶的中国法制史研究,不仅仅在中国法制通史的研究上有一定程度的发展,而且在宪法史部门法史、断代法史、专题法制史、法律文献史、历史案例汇编等方面的研究上也取得了初步发展。第三章主要以中国法制通史研究、专题法史研究、宪法史、部门法史研究为主要考察对象。就中国法制通史研究而言,作为中国法制史教学的重要环节,以及中国法制通史研究的基础,对20世纪上半叶学者有关《中国法制史》论著的考察,显得尤为必要。纵观20世纪上半叶的中国法制通史研究成果,可以看出中国法制史学科的科学体系已经初步形成,研究范围和研究框架已经大体确定。就专题法史研究而言,作为中国法制史研究中的一个基本问题,对于中华法系的研究有助于从宏观上把握中国传统法制的内涵以及中国传统法律文化的精髓,因此在专题法史研究中重点阐述了中华法系研究的内容。就部门法史研究而言,从整体上看,学者的研究涉及到了婚姻法史、刑法史、诉讼法史、国际法史等部门法史领域,本文则主要阐述了国际法史研究,以此观察实证主义在中国的实际运行。第四章主要以断代法史研究为主要考察对象。断代法史研究,是20世纪上半叶中国法制史研究的重要组成部分。囿于各个时期史料的掌握情况、法制的完善程度以及学者的研究兴趣等因素,整体而言,学者相对侧重于西周法制、汉代法制以及唐代法制的研究,研究相对薄弱的是夏商法制、秦代法制、三国两晋南北朝法制以及宋代法制。本文则分别对先秦法制研究、秦汉法制研究、三国两晋南北朝法制研究、唐代法制研究、宋代法制研究、明代法制研究以及清代法制研究展开论述。从研究进路上看,第三章和第四章采用了相同的研究方法,即往往是通过综述20世纪上半叶针对不同主题的研究成果,观察其不同的研究视角、研究结论,进而分析其研究得失。第五章则侧重于中国法制史的“外史”研究。中国法制史学不是凭空孤立存在的,因此该章首先阐述了对中国法制史学产生影响的诸多外部因素,即社会背景、相关学科、海外中国法制史研究。在一定政治、文化背景下产生的中国法制史学,其发展也带有浓厚的时代气息;由于中国法制史学科自身所具有的史学、法学属性,使得史学、法学以及考古学等学科在方法论等方面对其产生了深远影响;此外,海外中国法制史研究尤其是日本法制史研究,对中国法制史学所起到的借鉴作用也是不言而喻的。其次,通过以上对20世纪上半叶中国法制史学研究者、研究成果、研究方法等方面的考察,可以观察出该时期中国法制史学研究的特点以及其对后世独特的学术贡献。整体上看,经过了近五十的发展以后,中国法制史学渐次摆脱了传统律学研究范式,在逐渐形成的多元化研究方法的指导下,最终完成了中国法制史学的学科体系构建,形成了学科研究范围,并确定了学科研究对象,学术研究也达到了一定的水准。一大批具有开放性知识视野的中国法制史研究大家,从沈家本到瞿同祖,在敦实国学基础上,取得了斐然的成绩,为后世留下了许多扛鼎之作。然而作为中国法制史学科的初级发展阶段,20世纪上半叶的中国法制史学也存在许多不足,如学术研究的不均衡性,理论分析的阙如,研究相对缺乏客观性等等。不过从整体上看,经过了近半个世纪发展的中国法制史学,所作出的开创性贡献,足以彪炳史册,垂范后世。最后,在结论部分,作者再次表明了自己的立场和态度。本文认为要摆脱中国法制史所存在的“史学危机”和“法学幼稚”的阴影,史学史研究不失为一种好的进路。而所谓超越困境和发展创新的进路,则可以围绕着研究者学术素养培养、崭新的研究视角、多元化的研究方法这几个方面展开。

【Abstract】 Since Late-Qing Dynasty, the society encountered a destined calamity andinfrequent big changes which had never happened for thousands of years. Andunder the influence of “West learning spreading to the east”, Chinese traditionalacademic system had been transformed to the modern academic system. Basedon the Western academic classification, Chinese legal history had come into aframework transforming from one of Four Schools Theory to the branch ofSeven Schools Theory.So far Chinese legal history has gone through a hundredyears of development since the enacting of “Authorized School Regulation” in1902.The development of any discipline is inseparable from the developmentprocess of introspection. As the academic self-consciousness,the review of historyof Chinese legal history does not only aim to reveal the history truth, but also tofind a way to solve the dilemma of Chinese legal history nowadays. With the“Practical utility” as the standard of value at present, Chinese legal historybecomes the theory alienated from reality from pragmatic theory. Although theacademic circle has been reflecting, introspecting, and seeking the innovativeway to get out of dilemma, few scholars thought from the study about the historyof Chinese legal history.The author will do this in this paper.As Croce said,"All history is contemporary history”.The paper will discuss course set-up, study circles, academic achievements to find internal developmenttrack of Chinese legal history in the first half of the20thcentury, and then discussthe externalities, such as the social background, related disciplines, overseasChinese legal history research, and on the base of which, it also investigates theacademic value and social function of the history of Chinese legal history.Inauthor’s opinion, the first half of the20thcentury is an important period ofChinese legal history, and the research of Chinese legal history in the first half ofthe20thcentury could provide useful academic history resources for today.Basedon the research of internal history and external history,the paper focuses onresearching. Chinese legal history in the first half of the20thCentury, and drawsthe following conclusions that the way out of the predicament is mainlyembodied in the academic literacy training and research orientation. On theacademic literacy training, researchers should possess mastery the knowledge ofboth historiography and jurisprudence, through Chinese and Western academicliteracy, and broad academic vision. On the research orientation determining,researchers should pay attention to the theoretical explanation study which isguided by an interdisciplinary perspective.Specifically, this paper includes an introduction, five chapters, andconcluding remarks.In the introduction, the author firstly elaborates the thesis and value of thestudy, sorts out the study of academic circle, and summarizes research methodsand framework.In Chapter Ⅰ,the author mainly elaborates general situation of developmentof Chinese legal history in the first half of the20thcentury. While traditionalacademic theory transformed into modern academic theory, Chinese legalhistory came into being with the enacting of “Authorized School Regulation” and“Presented School Regulation”. Then according to the Chinese legal historycourse in higher education settings, research groups, research achievements, andresearch methods, Chinese legal history in the first of the20thcentury is dividedinto start-up period, building period, and developing period.Through analyzing the development characteristics of different periods, the author can conclude ageneral observation of Chinese legal history.In Chapter Ⅱ, the author reviews the academic researchers of Chinese legalhistory. It is reasonable to do this work because academic achievements arebased on researchers’ own academic literacy, intellectual property and historicalperspective. The chapter consistes of two parts: pandect and specified part. Inpandect, the author studies on the academic researchers from regionaldistribution, education background, profession and research direction. Inspecified part, the author specifies the famous researchers such as Shen Jiaben,Liang Qichao, Cheng Shude, Yang Honglie, Chen Guyuan, and Qu Tongzu. Theauthor specifies these researchers from the points such as family&educationbackground, academic aptitude, representative works and contributions toChinese legal history. Overall, in spite of the great individual differences thoseresearchers had, from its academic origin, they shared some same point, such as,the good foundation of ancient Chinese literature search, Chinese and westernacademic accomplishment, and across time and disciplines of broad vision.In Chapter Ⅲ and Chapter IV, the author focuses on the mainachievements of Chinese legal history. With the popularization of course ofChinese legal history, the research had gradually been spread and developedtoward a more in-depth and mature direction. At the same time, a large numberof valuable academic works came into being. The research of Chinese legalhistory in the first half of the20thcentury, not only had a certain degree ofdevelopment in the history of China’s legal system, but also achieved initialdevelopment in following field: the legal department history, dynastic legalhistory, special legal subject history, legal literature history, and historicalcasebook.Chapter Ⅲ is mainly described the history of China’s legal system,specialized legal subject history, and legal department history. In the history ofChina’s legal system, the study on Chinese legal history is particularly necessary.Through the research results of Chinese legal history, we can observe that the scientific system of Chinese legal history had been formed, and research scopeand research framework had been largely formed. On the study of special legalsubject history, as one of the basic problems in Chinese legal history, the study onChinese legal genealogy could microscopically grasp the connotation of Chineselegal history and the essence of traditional Chinese legal culture. On the study oflegal department history, researchers involved constitutional history, marriagelaw history, criminal law history, litigation law history, history of internationallaw history. This paper mainly elaborates the constitutional history and historyof international law, to observe the actual operation of positivism in China.Chapter Ⅳ mainly described the achievements of the study on dynasticlegal history, which was an important part of the study on Chinese legal history.Due to various historical data, the degree of perfection of the legal system, andthe interest of authors, overall, researchers focused on the legal system of WestZhou Dynasty, Han Dynasty, and Tang Dynasty, relatively speaking, researchedrelatively weak on the legal system of Xia Shang Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, ThreeKingdoms, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, and Song Dynasty. This papermainly describes the law systems of pre-Qin, Qin and Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin,Southern and Northern, Tang, Song, Ming, Qing Dynasty. In Chapter III andChapter IV, the author adopts the same method, summarizes the academicachievements in the first half of the20thCentury firstly, and then discusses theresearch points, conclusions, and at last analyzes gain and loss of theachievements.In Chapter Ⅴ, the author focuses on the external history of Chinese legalhistory. Chinese legal history can’t be on its own existence. Therefore, the paperfirstly discusses the outer factors such as social background, related subjects, andoversea research. The theory of this phrase had strong flavor of the times for thespecial political and cultural background. And the studying methods of history,law, and archeology had a great influence on Chinese legal history theorybecause the theory had the nature of law and history. The study of oversearesearch, especially in Japan, was the source of reference. Secondly, we can sum up the characteristics and academic contributions of this phrase after reviewingthe academic circles, academic achievements and studying methods. On thewhole, after nearly fifty years of development, Chinese legal history graduallyget rid of the traditional jurisprudence research paradigm, under the guidanceof the diversity of research methods, eventually completed the construction ofdiscipline system, formed the study scope, and academic research had reached acertain level. A large number of open knowledge of researchers of Chinese legalhistory, from Shen Jiaben to Qu Tongzu, achieved remarkable results, and leftmany books. However, as the primary stage of development of Chinese legalhistory, there also had many deficiencies, such as the study of imbalance, lack oftheoretical analysis, relative lack of objectivity. Therefore after nearly half acentury development, the research on Chinese legal history had made pioneeringcontributions.At last, in the conclusion part the author shows the points and attitude again.In order to break away from the arguments of Historiography crisis andJurisprudence na ve, study on the history of Chinese legal history could be agood way. We should focus on academic literacy training, and adopt newresearch perspective and plurality of research methods to find the innovativeway to get out of dilemma.


