

Research on the Law of the Conflict of Laws on Torts

【作者】 许凯

【导师】 丁伟;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 侵权冲突法是一项古老但又充满生机的国际私法制度。无论是国际社会还是中国国内,关于侵权冲突法的理论、立法与实践均伴随国际私法一同起步。在传统意义上,由于国际私法价值论上单一的冲突正义取向,侵权冲突的法律选择规则主要表现为侵权行为地法规则和法院地法规则的互相限制。然而,到了现代社会,因为实质正义价值取向的异军突起,导致侵权冲突法律选择规则呈现出范围扩大化、规则多元化、方法多样化的特征。时至今日,当代侵权冲突法的发展在理论上不断创新,在实践中愈发成熟,在立法上更加独立,美国和欧盟侵权冲突法的最新发展成为了推动这一领域向未来迈进的最新动力。与此同时,我国在2010年《涉外民事关系法律适用法》通过之后,侵权冲突法的立法达到了一个新的高度。因此,研究侵权冲突法的发展规律和演进趋势,不但有助于理论上的拓展与深入,而且对将来国际国内的侵权冲突立法亦有很大助益。在这样的背景之下,本文旨在以侵权冲突法的历史演进为主线,对于这一领域在不同时期的理论问题、立法表现以及司法实践进行有针对性的研究,以期总结出侵权冲突法在各个时期的价值取向和发展趋势。全文共分为五章(15节),字符数(不含空格)共计约26万。在论述方式上,全文以归纳总结为主,以问题研究为中心,涵盖了侵权冲突法在国际国内各个时期的基本问题,力求达到资料穷尽、论证周延。导言部分,主要从选题意义与研究角度、国内外研究现状、研究的主要方法、创新与不足四个方面展开。笔者认为,将侵权冲突法的发展历史区分为传统、现代、当代三个历史时期,讨论这三个历史时期中侵权冲突法所呈现的不同特点与取向,并进而对于一些特殊性的问题做出深入研究,具有十分重要的理论意义。同时,在现今国际国内侵权冲突法蓬勃发展的背景下,对于未来发展趋势做出适当的分析恰逢其时。在国内外文献的综述方面,国内对于侵权冲突法的研究尽管已经形成了一定的规模,但在研究的深度与广度上仍然与国外的研究有着不小的差距,因而结合国际国内的研究成果,兼收并蓄地进行系统性的研究很有必要性。在全文的论述过程中,主要采用了历史研究、文本研究、比较研究、案例研究和统计研究等多种研究方法。最后,虽然本文在研究方法与研究结论上具有一定的创新之处,但仍不可避免地存在一些不足之处。第一章,“侵权冲突的传统法律选择方法”,其目的在于通过对侵权行为地法规则、法院地法规则以及重叠适用侵权行为地法和法院地法规则的全面分析,厘清三种规则在传统侵权冲突法中的演变发展和不同地位。侵权行为地法作为调整侵权法律冲突最为重要的系属公式,其不仅在理论上受到法则区分说、国际礼让说和既得权说的肯定,而且在早先的各国实践和国际条约里亦有体现。笔者在明晰其理论基础和优越性的同时,对于侵权行为地的确定问题提出了一些认定方法。单一适用法院地法调整侵权法律冲突尽管受到了魏希特和萨维尼的支持,但其在各国的实践中基本不被接受,所以笔者采用批判的视角对这一系属公式进行了评价。重叠适用权行为地法和法院地法是一种限制侵权行为地法功能、保护法院地国利益的冲突规范,其发轫于英国法中的双重可诉规则,在大陆法系传统的国际私法中也多受推崇。究其原因,其体现了一种国家主义和国际主义的适当平衡,也是传统国际私法以冲突正义为唯一价值取向的最优选择。第二章,“侵权冲突的现代法律选择方法”,主要选取了美国、英国和大陆法系国家的现代侵权冲突法作为论述依据,以期对现代多元化的侵权法律选择方法进行全方位的解析。对于美国现代侵权冲突法而言,其源于对《第一次冲突法重述》侵权行为地规则的批判,兴起于冲突法革命中的各家学说的论战,并以《第二次冲突法重述》的编撰达到顶点。巴布科克案是美国司法实践中侵权冲突法律选择方法的转折点,此后美国的司法实践在各种现代冲突法学说的指引下,呈现出灵活性、多样性的总体特点。英国现代侵权冲突法起始于莫里斯教授提出的侵权自体法理论,尽管这一理论没有得到实践的完全响应,但其却为1995年《国际私法(杂项规定)法》的出台提供了理论依托。20世纪中后叶,大陆法系国家国际私法法典化的浪潮带动了侵权冲突法的改革,而最密切联系原则、保护弱者利益原则、意思自治原则以及直接适用的法理论的出现成为了这一时期大陆法系侵权冲突立法的典型特征。这一时期之所以产生了法律选择方法上的重大变化,原因在于对实质正义价值的追求成为各国所一致的努力方向。第三章,“现代侵权冲突法中的特殊问题”,主要针对侵权冲突法在现代法制发展过程中所面临的三大特殊问题进行探讨。侵权责任与违约责任竞合时的法律选择问题在现代国际民商事争议中是一个焦点问题,其不仅会涉及到民法理论中对于责任竞合的基本理论,也与国际私法中的识别制度息息相关。在这种特殊情形下,侵权冲突的法律选择规则会受到合同关系、合同准据法和合同免责条款的影响。分割方法作为一种颇具争议的法律适用方法,其已经在现代美国的侵权冲突法中占有了一席之地,但欧洲国家一般对其保持谨慎的态度。因此,笔者在揭示分割方法理论内核的基础上,对其在侵权冲突法中的适用场合和适用程度进行理性思辨。现代侵权冲突法的另一特点在于区分一般侵权行为与特殊侵权行为,并为后者设置独立性的调整规范。笔者在文中选取了产品责任、公路交通事故、一般环境侵权、知识产权侵权、不正当竞争和侵害精神性人格权六种典型的特殊侵权行为,并通过比较方法对现代特殊侵权行为的法律适用特征做出归纳和总结。第四章,“当代侵权冲突法的动向与趋势”,主要通过对新世纪以来欧美侵权冲突法最新进展的分析,进而从宏观角度对侵权冲突法在当代的发展趋势予以回顾和展望。其中,美国当代的侵权冲突法具有两大动向:一是冲突法理论界在批判《第二次冲突法重述》的基础上,对于《第三次冲突法重述》的制定提出了众多的方案,其中包含了许多有关侵权冲突法的重构意见;二是侵权冲突法的统一化和成文化倾向显著,在联邦层面主要是1993年美国法学会批准的《混合诉讼规程》,在州一级层面主要有1992年路易斯安那州的《侵权冲突法》和2010年俄勒冈州的《侵权冲突法律选择法》。在欧洲,欧盟的成立为制定该区域内统一的侵权冲突法提供了平台,2007年欧盟《非合同之债法律适用条例》(简称:罗马规则II)代表着当代侵权冲突法的发展方向,因而本文对其内容进行了全面细致的研究。最后,笔者在本章末试图从四个方面对于当代侵权冲突法的未来走向进行分析,并提出自己的一些结论性意见。这四个方面包括:侵权冲突立法的成文化与趋同化;实质正义价值的追求与限制;三种法律选择方法的对立统一;法律选择确定性和灵活性的平衡。第五章,“中国侵权冲突法的历史与展望”,主要是在回顾中国侵权冲突法发展历史的前提下,对于侵权冲突法在中国的立法现状、理论研究和司法实践进行全面审视,并结合前章的结论性观点提出一些意见与建议。中国侵权冲突法的萌芽自封建时期即已有之,但时至1918年才有了自己第一部成文的国际私法。新中国成立后,中国的侵权冲突立法经历了《民法通则》时期的初步发展,在21世纪的初叶进入了一个成熟期。当代中国的侵权冲突法以理论研究为先导、司法实践为检验,2010年《涉外民事关系法律适用法》的出台更是将其带向了一个新的立法高度。但是,在肯定成绩的同时,也要看到当代中国侵权冲突法在法律渊源、立法体系、立法技术以及司法实践等方面存在的缺陷与不足。因此,以侵权冲突法在当代的趋势为指导,为中国侵权冲突法在未来的发展献计献策,是笔者在文末重点关注的内容。

【Abstract】 In the field of international private law, the law of the conflict of laws on torts is anancient but vibrant system. Both domestic and abroad, the theory, legislation andpractice of the law of the conflict of laws on torts went hand in hand with theinternational private law. Traditionally, because of the unitary orientation towardsconflict justice, the rule of the law of the conflict of laws on torts is manifested bymutual constraints of Lex Loci Delicti and Lex Fori. In the modern society, however,given the emergence of value on material justice, the rule of the law of the conflict oflaws on torts shows the characteristics of expansion on scope, diversification on rulesand the variety on methods. In nowadays, the development of modern law of theconflict of laws on torts become more innovative theoretically, more maturepractically and more independent legislatively. The latest developments of the law ofthe conflict of laws on torts in US and EU has become the newest driven forceimpelling it to the future. In the meantime, the act of the People’s Republic of Chinaon the application of laws over foreign-related civil relationships makes Chinese lawof the conflict of laws on torts reach a new height in2010. Hence, the research on thetrends of the law of the conflict of laws on torts not only contributes to the theoreticaldevelopment, but also is helpful to the international and domestic legislation.Against this background, in order to conclude the values and trends of the law of theconflict of laws on torts in different periods, this dissertation aims to research and analyze the theoretical problems, legislation and judicial practices of the law of theconflict of laws on torts in the past. The dissertation is consisted of5chapters (15sections), about260thousand characters and English words. In the full-text, thisdissertation summarizes all the basic issues and covers all questions in bothinternational and domestic law of the conflict of laws on torts in a bid to arrive thegoals of collecting the data exhaustively and building the argument as comprehensiveas possible.In the part of introduction, the discourse develops through the angles of topicselection, the literature review, the research methods, the innovation and deficiency.The author believes that it is great theoretical significance that dividing the history ofthe law of the conflict of laws on torts into traditional, modern and contemporaryperiods in a bid to analyze the different characteristics and values respectively andthen to discuss some problems with peculiarity. At the same time, against theflourishing background, it is high time analyze the future trends of the law of theconflict of laws on torts. After conducting the comprehensive analysis of the researchachievements both domestically and abroad, the author considers that though theChinese scholars have made tremendous progress on this subject, their research is stilllagging behind of foreign scholars substantially. Hence to adopt the way of combiningthe domestic and international findings systematically is useful. This study uses themethods of historical research, text examination, comparison as well as case study andstatistical analysis. Finally, this article has some innovations on the research methodand conclusion, but there are inevitably some inadequacies.Chapter one The traditional methods of choice of laws to conflict of laws on torts aimsto clarify the evolution and the position of three basic rules including the Lex LociDelicti rule, Lex Fori rule, the double rules of Lex Loci Delicti and Lex Fori intraditional law of the conflict of laws on torts through the comprehensive analysis ofthe three aboved. As the most important formula of attribution, the Lex Loci Delicti isnot only supported by doctrine of comity and vested rights theoretically, but also is reflected in the earlier practices of States and international treaties. This chapterelaborates the basis and the superiority of the Lex Loci Delicti, then makes somemethods for identification of the Loci Delicti. Even though the single Lex Fori rulewas ratified by W chte and Savigny, it is not accepted by earlier practices of theStates. Therefore, the author evaluates the rule in a critical perspective. The doublerules of Lex Loci Delicti and Lex Fori are conventions which restrict the function ofthe Lex Loci Delicti and protect the interests of Fori state. It originated from The ruleof double actionability in British law and also was spoken highly by most civil lawcountries. The reason is that this rule reflects an appropriate balance betweennationalis and internationalism and it is also the optimal choice under the traditionalvalue of conflict justice.Chapter two The modern methods of choice of laws to conflict of laws on torts tries tofully discuss the diversity of modern methods of the law of the conflict of laws ontorts by selecting modern law of the conflict of laws on torts in the U.S., England andcivil law countries. For modern American law of the conflict of laws on torts, itstarted with the criticism over the first restatement of the law of conflict of law, andthen developed in the debate among the doctrines of the American choice-of-lawrevolution. Finally, it reached the peak when the accomplishment of the compilationof the second restatement of the law of conflict of law. The Babcock case is awatershed in American judicial practice. After this case, the rules of choice of laws toconflict of laws on torts in judicial practice became more flexible and diversifiedunder the guidance of modern conflict law theories. In compare with the case in theU.S., British modern law of the conflict of laws on torts rise from professor Morris’stheory of the proper Law of tort. It is became the theoretical foundation of the Britishlaw reform (miscellaneous provisions)act in1995although it has not been echoedcompletely by practice. Since the late20th century, the codification of internationalprivate in civil law countries had given rise to the reform of the law of the conflict oflaws on torts domestically. Among the characteristics of this reform, four of these aretypical: the principle of the most significant relationship, protection of the weak, the autonomy of the parties and emergency of immediate applicable law. The reason whythere was the substantial change in methods of choice of laws to the law of theconflict of laws on torts in this period is the same direction pursued by countries in theregard of material justice.Chapter three The special issues in the modern law of the conflict of laws on tortsfocuses on three special issues in the modern legal system. The choice of law whenthe liability for breach of contract and tortuous liability come simultaneously in themodern international civil and commercial disputes has been a focal point as it notonly relates to the basic theory of the concurrence of liability for breach of contractand tortuous liability in civil law, but also has the close connection with the system ofidentification in international private law. Under this particular circumstance, thechoice of law rules on torts would be affected by contractual relationship, applicablelaw and exemption clauses. As a controversial method in conflict law, depecage hasoccupied a place in modern American law of the conflict of laws on torts. Yet mostEuropean countries hold cautious attitude to it. Therefore, based on the uncovering ofthe theoretical core of depecage, the author aims to discuss the situation and degreedof depecage. Another feature of modern law of the conflict of laws on torts isdistinguishing general and special torts as well as setting certain independent conflictrules for the latter. For the sake of summing up the characteristics of rules of choice oflaws to conflict of laws on special torts, the author uses the comparison method andselects six models: producer’s liability, traffic accidents, general environmentalliability, infringement of intellectual property rights, unfair competition andinfringement of spiritual personality rights.Chapter four The developments and trends of contemporary law of the conflict of lawson torts mainly analyzes the European and American law of the conflict of laws ontorts in the new century and then reviews the trends and looks forward to theprospects of contemporary law of the conflict of laws on torts from a macro point.Among them, the American contemporary law of the conflict of laws on torts has two main trends. First, based on the critiques on the second restatement of the law ofconflict of law, scholars of conflict law present a number of programs about the thirdrestatement of the law of conflict of law, which contain a large number ofreconstruction opinions concerned with the contemporary law of the conflict of lawson torts. The second one is the synthesis and codification of the law of the conflict oflaws on torts. This trend is reflected by the complex litigation project (1993) at thefederal level. While at the state level, it is illustrated by Louisiana and Oregon’s newlaw of choice of law for tort conflicts. In Europe, the EU provides a platform foruniform conflict of laws on torts. In2007,the regulation on the law applicable tonon-contractual obligations (Rome II) represents the new direction of thecontemporary law of the conflict of laws on torts. With all these facts, the authormakes detailed study to the EU regulation. Finally, the author tries to conclude thischapter by construing the future direction of law of the conflict of laws on torts aswell as making some conclusions. It includes four aspects: the codified andconvergence of the legislation, the pursuit and limitation of the material justice, theconcurrence of three choice of laws approaches and the balance between legalcertainty and flexibility.Chapter five The history and future of Chinese law of the conflict of laws on tortsmainly examines the contemporary theories, legislations as well as judicial practicesbefore making the final comments and suggestions under the precondition ofreviewing the history of law of the conflict of laws on torts in China. The seed ofChinese law of the conflict of laws on torts can be traced back to the feudal period,but the first written international private law was not implemented until1918. Afterthe founding of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese legislation experienced aninitial development during the general Principles of the Civil Law and entered to amature stage in the early21st century. Contemporary Chinese law of the conflict oflaws on torts is guided by theoretical study and tested by judicial practices.Furthermore, the Act of the People’s Republic of China on the Application of Lawsover Foreign-related Civil Relationships in2010brings it to a new height. Nevertheless, the author also considers that there are defects and shortcomings invarious fields such as legal sources, the legislative system, the legislative techniquesand judicial practices. Therefore, making the trend of contemporary law of theconflict of laws on torts as a guidance and making some suggestions on the futuredevelopment of Chinese conflict of laws on torts become the main emphases of thisdissertation.


