

Study on Compositional Techniques of Karol Szymanowski’s4th Symphony Concertante,OP.60

【作者】 符译文

【导师】 徐孟东;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 作曲及作曲技术理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 卡罗尔·希曼诺夫斯基(Karol Szymanowski1882-1937),波兰近现代著名作曲家。1905年他在华沙音乐学院学习作曲时,即与一批青年作曲家组成了“青年波兰作曲家联盟”,有志于创作出既植根于民族传统、又能在多元并存积淀丰厚不断发展的欧洲音乐中占有一席之地的波兰现代音乐。之后在他三十余年的创作生涯中,由于个人审美趣味的变化发展,他先后受到不同风格流派的影响,经历了三个不同的创作时期。而在这被许多音乐辞典有关条目概括为希曼诺夫斯基创作的“浪漫主义阶段”、“印象主义阶段”和“民族主义阶段”三个时期里,他分别写作了包括交响曲、协奏曲、室内乐、歌剧、芭蕾舞剧和声乐作品在内的大量音乐作品,获得了世界性的影响,从而成为继肖邦之后又一位载入音乐史册的波兰作曲家。本学位论文即以希曼诺夫斯基后期(创作第三阶段)1931-1932年间创作的《第四交响曲》(为钢琴与管弦乐队而作的交响协奏曲)为研究对象,从作曲技法的视角对这部作品的主题构成、曲式结构、和声与复调、管弦乐配器与音色布局,以及作品的结构形态等进行了较为全面系统的分析研究和论述。本学位论文由绪论和六章以及结语构成。在绪论部分,本文概略介绍了希曼诺夫斯基的生平和交响曲创作的基本概况——包括风格、题材、背景、形态、技法构成、和民间音乐的关系等等,以使我们可以对希曼诺夫斯基的交响曲创作思维、风格转变、技法变化发展有一个比较深入的了解。第一到第六章为论文主体,通过实例深入系统地分析研究了希曼诺夫斯基第四交响曲形态与技法构成的各个方面。(如主题与曲式结构、和声手法与复调技术、管弦乐配器与音色等方面)。在结语部分,论文根据上述各章的分析、研究和论述论证,指出希曼诺夫斯基在经历了前两个阶段即“浪漫主义”、“印象主义”的尝试后,最终从波兰民间音乐中获得了新的创作生命力,形成了其具有简洁质朴音乐风格的独特作品形态与技法,探索出一条极富个性的波兰现代音乐之路。而这是我们创作具有中国风格气韵的音乐作品可以引以为鉴的;同时这也正是本学位论文的写作目的之一。

【Abstract】 Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937) is a renowned Polish composer of the contemporary period. In1905, while studying composition at the Warsaw Music Institute, together with a group of young composers, he formed the "League of Polish Youth Composers", aspiring to create a modern Polish music both on the basis of national tradition as well as to allow for modern Polish music to occupy a place within the tapestry of accumulated richness continually developing in European music. Later, during a career of over thirty years in composing, due to changes in the development of his personal aesthetic tastes, he was successively exposed to influences of different styles and schools, and underwent three very different periods of creative work. Moreover, in the three periods of related entries in many musical dictionaries summarizing Szymanowski’s work-the Romantic Period, Impressionist Period, and the Nationalistic Period-his writing is differentiated to include symphonies, concertos, chamber music, operas, ballets and vocal compositions, which lead to him attaining global fame, thus becoming a Polish composer to be written into the annals of post-Chopin musical history.This academic dissertation addresses as its research objective the "Fourth Symphony (Symphonic Concerto for Piano and Orchestra)" composed during Szymanowski’s latter years (the third period of his creative work) between the years1931-1932, from the perspective of the technique of its thematic composition, musical structure, harmony and polyphony, orchestration, timbre, as well as the structural patterns of the work, and undertakes an analytical research and discussion of its overall system.This academic dissertation is comprised of an introduction, six sections, and a conclusion.In terms of the introduction, this part of the text outlines and introduces the general circumstances of Szymanowski’s lifelong composition of symphonies-including style, theme, background, form, technical composition, its relation to folk music, etc., in order for us to have a deeper understanding of the development his thought, the stylistic transformations, and the changes in technique involved in the composition of his symphonies.The first through sixth sections form the main body of the dissertation, and take us, via various examples, through a detailed systematic research and analysis of all aspects of the form and technicai composition of Szymanowski’s Fourth Symphony.(For exampie, aspects of thematic and musical structure, harmony and polyphony, orchestration and timbre, etc.).In terms of the conclusion, based on the analysis, research, discussion and arguments in the various chapters above, this section of the dissertation proposes that only after having gone through the two earlier periods of Romanticism and Impressionism, did Szymanowski finally gain a new vitality in his writing from Polish folk music, taking shape in a succinct, unaffected musical style and a distinct form and technique of composition, exploring a unique style of modern Polish music. Moreover, this is just the aspect from which those of us composing musical works which possess a Chinese style of artistic conception can learn. Likewise, this is exactly the objective of the writing of this academic dissertation.

  • 【分类号】J614
  • 【下载频次】369

