

Study on the Plant Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Functions Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem in Xiaoxing’an Mountains

【作者】 刘林馨

【导师】 毛子军; 于景华;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 植物学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 小兴安岭林区地处我国北温带,森林面积500多万hm2,林木蓄积量约4.5亿m3,森林覆被率72.6%,为我国的重要林区之一。由于近一个世纪的过度开发,使森林植被受到严重破坏、生态环境恶化、物种数量锐减,生态系统持续不断变化。因此,开展小兴安岭森林植物多样性的本底调查,并进行长期动态监测,科学评价其森林生态系统服务功能价值意义重大、迫在眉睫。本研究在3年野外调查所获得的小兴安岭全区297个群落,共16632个样方资料的基础上,采用植被生态学的方法与原理,综合运用植物分类学、植物地理学、植物群落学、保护生物学及生态系统生态学知识,深入细致地研究了小兴安岭地区植物多样性现状和历史变化,并依据中华人民共和国林业行业标准《中国森林生态系统服务功能观测与评估规范》,对小兴安岭森林生态系统的服务功能总价值进行评估。研究结果可为小兴安岭林区的生物多样性保护和利用、天然林经营和人工林培育乃至我国东北地区和全国制定生物多样性保护计划及相关政策提供科学依据。研究结果显示,小兴安岭共有种子植物95科389属1037种(含80个变种,25个变型),分别占中国种子植物科、属、种数的27.70%、12.35%和3.39%和黑龙江省科、属、种数的92.23%、64.09%和63.23%;新记录了1个变种(中国扁蕾),2个变型(白花掌叶白头翁和白花刺蔷薇)。本区种子植物主要集中于菊科、禾本科、莎草科、毛茛科、蔷薇科等一些世界性大科中,含1种和2—5种的科较多,反映出本区种子植物大科少,而小科较多的特点,体现出第四纪冰期过后,有些科的种、属在本区只有少量残留;15个优势科,分别占全区科、属、种数的15.79%、63.75%和64.61%,显示出本区植物区系组成具有明显的优势化特点;15个木本植物优势科,虽然仅占全区科、属、种数的15.79%、11.83%和13.90%,但确是组成小兴安岭各森林群落的优势树种和主要伴生树种。种子植物中含20种以上的少数大属(苔草属、柳属、蓼属、蒿属)比较发达,中、小属丰富,所含种数较少,表明本区种子植物属呈现出向两极分化的特点;本区具有较多的寡种属和单种属,反映出较丰富的物种多样性和复杂性;优势属中多为北温带的属,明显反映出北温带成分在本区高度发达的特点。科的分布区类型共有7个,世界分布、北温带分布和泛热带分布区类型占本区分布区类型的94.74%,其它4个分布区类型仅占5.26%;科级地理成分中温带性质较强,反映出该区系起源的温带渊源性;此外,木本植物中有松科、槭树科、壳斗科等,说明本区植物区系具有一定的原始和古老性。属的分布区类型有14个,温带性质的属占75.32%,北温带分布区类型占44.73%,属级地理成分主要以北温带成分为主,并混有亚热带、热带植物区系成分。小兴安岭森林生态系统物种丰富度及多样性指数在不同类型的森林群落中有很大差别,丰富度最高为82种(湿生阔叶混交林),最低为35种(山杨人工林),10大类森林类型总物种丰富度依次为:针阔混交林>阔叶红松林>云冷杉林>旱生阔叶混交林>白桦、山杨次生林>落叶松林>湿生阔叶混交林>人工林>中生阔叶混交林>蒙古栎次生林。小兴安岭原始阔叶红松林及其代表3个主要演替系列的次生群落(白桦、山杨林—中生系列、蒙古栎林—旱生系列、落叶松林—湿生系列)物种多样性的比较分析表明,达到次生演替顶极之前,群落总的物种丰富度随演替进程均呈下降趋势,其中旱生系列下降的程度最高,湿生系列下降最低;不同演替系列群落各层物种丰富度的变化趋势并不一致;群落总的物种丰富度和物种丰富度指数的变化规律一致,均为原始阔叶红松林>白桦次生林>落叶松林>蒙古栎林。各层的植物多样性指数规律略有不同,原始阔叶红松林乔木层的物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均最高,依次为阔叶红松林>落叶松林>白桦、山杨次生林>蒙古栎次生林;灌木层的物种丰富度指数和Simpson指数变化规律为原始阔叶红松林>白桦次生林;草本层蒙古栎次生林>白桦次生林>落叶松林>阔叶红松林;4种群落草本层的Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀性指数几乎相同,Shannon-Wiener指数略有差别,白桦次生林和蒙古栎次生林稍高于阔叶红松林和落叶松林。同一群落类型物种多样性的纬度变化规律:原始阔叶红松林总物种丰富度和物种丰富度指数随纬度升高,群落物种总丰富度略呈下降趋势,乔木层和灌木层多样性指数和均匀度指数随纬度升高而呈下降趋势,草本层的物种Simpson指数Shannon-Wiener指数差别不大,植物多样性指数总体上反映出小兴安岭南坡群落的物种丰富度大于北坡;白桦、山杨次生林物种总丰富度和物种丰富度指数随纬度升高而明显降低,乔木层在3个不同地点随纬度升高,物种丰富度呈下降趋势,Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数为先升高后下降,灌木层的物种丰富度、丰富度指数(Margalef指数)、Simpson指数均随纬度升高呈明显的递减趋势,也反映出南、北坡之间群落植物多样性的差异比较明显;落叶松林物种丰富度和物种丰富度指数均表现为先升高后下降的趋势。综合不同纬度上阔叶红松林、落叶松林、白桦次生林和蒙古栎次生林等12个群落物种丰富度与纬度的关系表明,群落总物种丰富度随纬度升高呈先升高后下降的趋势,而群落乔木层和灌木层物种丰富度指数则随纬度升高而明显下降,草本层的物种丰富度指数与纬度梯度没有明显的相关关系。同一群落类型物种多样性的经度变化规律:蒙古栎林的物种丰富度和物种丰富度指数均以东南部的鹤北群落最高,北部的孙吴群落最低,位于西北部的嫩江群落居中;3个群落乔木层中各多样性指数的顺序依次为嫩江群落>鹤北群落>孙吴群落;灌木层和草本层均以经度较高的鹤北群落稍显优势。综合不同经度上阔叶红松林、落叶松林、白桦次生林和蒙古栎次生林等12个群落物种丰富度与经度的关系表明,总物种丰富度随经度升高呈上升趋势;乔木层和灌木层物种多样性指数总体上随经度增加而呈上升趋势;草本层多样性指数随经度增加先下降后明显增加。原始阔叶红松林在同一山体不同海拔高度群落物种的总丰富度随海拔升高呈明显递减趋势;植物多样性表现为,乔木层物种丰富度指数为先降后升趋势,Simpson指数差别不大,Shannon-Wiener指数表现为中纬度梯度低于低纬度和高纬度的群落;灌木层物种丰富度随海拔升高呈逐渐降低的趋势,Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和均匀度指数则表现为中海拔地段的椴树红松林最高;草本层多样性指数呈明显的规律性,即随海拔升高,各项多样性参数均呈下降趋势,表明草本层多样性受海拔影响较大。本研究采用植被型组、植被型、群系和亚群系四级分类单位。根据小兴安岭植被特点,将小兴安岭植被划分为3个植被型组,3个植被型,12个群系,16个亚群系;植被区划将小兴安岭划分为一个植被区域,即温带针叶、落叶阔叶混交林区域;一个植被地带,即温带北部针叶、落叶阔叶混交林地带;一个植被区,即小兴安岭红松、落叶阔叶混交林区;3个植被小区,即逊河流域丘陵台地蒙古栎、兴安落叶松、红松混交林小区;小兴安岭北部红松、兴安落叶松、白桦混交林小区;小兴安岭南部阔叶、红松混交林小区。定量分析和评估小兴安岭森林生态系统的涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳制氧、营养积累、净化环境和生物多样性保护6项主要功能的11个指标。得出森林生态系统的各项生态服务功能为:涵养水源量1092703.50万m3·a-1,固土量4918400.00万m-3·a-1,固碳量2496.88万t·a-1,释放O2量6684.55万t·a-1,积累营养物质量243764.59万t·a-1,吸收SO2量74.82万t·a-1,削减粉尘量10653.25万t·a-1,提供负离子总计1.62×1028个·a-1;按各项生态功能价值的大小顺序依次排序为:森林年保育土壤的价值>净化大气的价值>涵养水源的价值>固定CO2和释放O2的价值>维护生物多样性的价值>积累营养物质的价值。其经济价值分别为:涵养水源价值1017.38亿元·a-1,保育土壤的总价值7221.36亿元·a-1,固定CO2与释放O2的价值920.67亿元·a-1,积累营养物质价值45.61亿元·a-1,净化环境功能总价值1113.69亿元·a-1,维持生物多样性功能的价值246.97亿元·a-1。单位面积价值21.48万元hm-2·a-1,小兴安岭森林生态系统生态服务功能的总经济价值10565.68亿元·a-1

【Abstract】 Xiao Xing’ an Mountains forest areas are located in the north temperate, the forest area are more than500hm2,the forest stock reaches about450million m3,the forest coverage rate is72.6%,it is one of the most important forest areas in China. As excessive development in recent centuries,the forest vegetation is serious damaged,ecological environment is deteriorated badly, species numbers declined sharply, ecological system continued to change.Therefore,we conduct background survey on Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest plant diversity,carry on a long-term dynamic monitoring and evaluate the forest ecosystem service function scientifically, which is very significant and urgent.This study is based on297communities in Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest areas(a total of16632samples)which are collected in field study in recent3years,we use methods and principles on vegetation ecology,multiple use knowledge on plant taxonomy,phytogeography, phytocoenology,conservation biology and ecosystem ecology,and thoroughly research on the status quo and variant of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest plant diversity.According to the forestry industry standard of the People’s Republic of China (《China’s forestry ecosystem service function observation and evaluation standard》),we evaluate service function of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest ecological system.The result can provide scientific basis for protection and utilizes of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest plant diversity,natural forest management and plantation cultivation and making relevant policies.The result shows that there are95families,389genera and1037species (including80varieties,and25forms) of seed plant in Xiao Xing’an Mountains,they account for27.70%,12.35%and3.39%of that in China seed plants and respectively they account for92.23%,64.09%and63.23%of that in Heilongjiang province;we record a new variety (Gentianopsis barbata (Froel) Ma var.sinensis Ma),two forms (Pulsatilla patens(L.)Mill. var.Multifida(Pritz.)S.H.Li et Y.H.Huang f.albiflora X.F.Zhao ex Y.Z. Zhao and Rosa acicularis Lindl. f. alba Z.Wang et Q.L.Wang).The seed plants in this area mainly focus on Compositae,Gramineae,Cyperaceae,Ranunculaceae,Rosaceae and some other big families worldwide,families with1specie and2to5species are much more,which reflects that this big families of seed plants are less,and small families are more in this area,after of the quaternary glacial period,some genera and species are only small residuals in the region;the15dominant families respectively account for5.79%,63.75%and64.61%of all families,genera and species in this area,which shows that the flora composition has obvious advantage features;although15dominant families of woody plants only account for15.79%,11.83%and13.90%of the families,genera and species in this area,but they make up dominant species and accompanying species of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest community.Seed plants include more than20 different big genera (Carex,Salix,Polygonum,Artemisia),medium and small genera are rich,but contain less species,which shows that seed plants in this area present the characteristics of polarization;there are many one-seeded genus and depauperate genus in this area,which reflects diversity and complexity of these species;most of dominant genera belong to genera of the north temperate,which obviously reflects that the north temperate component in this area highly develop.There are7distribution types of families,and the world distribution types,north temperate distribution types and pantropical distribution types account for94.74%of distribution types in this area tropical,other4distribution types only account for5.26%;geographical elements of families have stronger temperate nature,which reflects that the temperate origin of flora in this area;In addition,woody plants have Pinaeeae,Aceraeeae, Fagaceae,which shows the flora has primitiveness and age-old.There are14distribution types of genera,the genera with temperate nature account for75.32%,north temperate distribution types account for44.73%,geographical elements of genera have stronger north temperate nature mixed with subtropical and tropical plants flora.Species richness and diversity indices of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest ecological system have a big difference in different types of forest community,the highest richness are82species,the minimum are35species (Populus davidiana plantation),richness of10forest types total species are as followed:theropencedrymion>Broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest>spruce-fir forest>dry mixed coniferous broad leaved forest>Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana secondary forest>Larix gmelini forest>wet mixed coniferous broad leaved forest>planted forest>middle mixed coniferous broad leaved forest>Quercus mongolica secondary forest.Comparing with diversity of species of Xiao Xing’an Mountains virgin broad-leaved forest and3main succession series secondary communities,we find that species richness of community are tending to decline accompanying by succession before reaching climax of secondary succession, in which the extent of the decline of xerosere is the highest,the extent of the decline of wet feet series is the lowest;different seral community have different species richness;the changes of total species richness and indices on species richness are almost same, which are as followed:virgin Pinus koraiensis broad-leaved forest>Betula platyphylla secondary forest> Larix gmelini forest> Quercus mongolica forest.Plant diversity index law of each layer is a little different,the index of tree layer of original broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest,Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index are the highest,and broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest>Larix gmelini forest>Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana secondary forest> Quercus mongolica secondary forest;the change law of species richness index of shrub layer and Simpson index are original broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest>Betula platyphylla secondary forest;the change law of herb layer are Quercus mongolica secondary forest>Betula platyphylla secondary forest>Larix gmelini forest>broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest; Shannon-Wiener index and evenness index of4kinds of community herb layer are almost the same,Shannon-Wiener index is a slightly different,the indices of white Betula platyphylla secondary forest and Quercus mongolica secondary forest are a bit higher than that of broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest and Larix gmelini forest.Latitude change rule of the same community types species diversity:the original broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest species richness and index of species richness increase with latitude,community species richness decline slightly,the tree layer and the shrub layer diversity index and evenness index rise with latitude declined,Simpson index Shannon-Wiener index of herb layer species not so far different,plant diversity index generally reflects that species richness on the south slopes of Xiao Xing’an Mountains is more than that on the north slopes;Betula platyphylla and Populus davidiana secondary forest species richness index reduce significantly with latitude increasing, and as the tree layer in three different places, species richness declined with latitude increasing, Simpson index and Shannon-Wiener index increase at first and then decline,the species richness,abundance index (Margalef index) and Simpson index of shrub layer have markedly degressive tendency with latitude increasing,which also reflects the community plant variety on the south and north slopes are obvious different;species richness and species richness index of Larix gmelini forest increase at first and then decline.According to relationship between12communities species richness and latitude in different latitude,community total species richness increase at first and then decline with latitude increasing,but species richness index on tree layer and the shrub layer decline obviously with latitude increasing,species richness index on herb layer has no significant correlation with latitude.Longitude change rule of the same community types species diversity:species richness and species richness index in Hebei community are the highest, Sunwu community are the lowest and the Nen river located in the northwest are placed in the middle;the order of diversity index in three community tree layer are the Nenjiang community>Hebei community>Sunwu community;Hebei community with higher longitude has advantage on shrub layer and her layer. According to relationship between12communities species richness and longitude in different longitude,total species richness rise with the longitude increasing;generally species diversity index on tree layer and shrub layer rise with the longitude increasing;diversity index on herb layer fall at first and then increase obviously with the longitude increasing.The total richness of original broadleaved Pinus koraiensis forest in different height significantly decrease along with altitude increasing;plant diversity shows,species richness index of the tree layer fall at first and then increase,Simpson index are not so far different, Shannon-Wiener index shows that mid-latitude gradient is lower than that of high and low latitude;species richness of shrub layers are gradually decreasing with altitude increasing, Simpson index,Shannon-Wiener index and evenness index show the indices of Pinus koraiensis forest lime tree in mid-latitude are the highest;diversity index of herb layer has obvious regularity,namely along with altitude increasing,and the parameters of the diversity declined,which means that the diversity of herb layer is badly affected by altitude.In the study we use4classification units containing vegetation type group,vegetation type, formation and subformation.According to the characteristics of Xiao Xing’an Mountains vegetation,we divide Xiao Xing’ an Mountains vegetation into3vegetation type group,3vegetation type,12formations,16subformations;Xiao Xing’an Mountains area will be divided into a vegetation region by vegetation regionalization,namely temperate coniferous forests area,deciduous mixed forests area;A vegetation zone,namely temperate northern coniferous forests zone,deciduous mixed forests zone;A vegetation region,namely Xiao Xing’an Mountains Pinus koraiensis broad-leaved forest district and deciduous mixed forests district;three small vegetation districts,namely Quercus mongolica in hills,plateaus along Xunhe river basin,Larix gmelinii and mixed forest of Pinus koraiensis district;Xiao Xing’an Mountains northern Pinus koraiensis,Larix gmelinii,Betula platyphylla mixed forest district;Xiao Xing’an Mountains southern broad-leaved forest,Pinus koraiensis mixed forest district.There are six main functions of the eleven indexes on quantitative analysis and evaluation of Xiao Xing’an Mountains forest ecological system,6main functions are water conservation, soil conservation,fixing carbon and producing O2,nutrition accumulation,purifying environment and biodiversity protection.Every ecological service functions of forest ecological system are:quantity of water conservation is10.927035billion m3a-1,quantity of fixing earth is49.184billion m-3·a-1,amount of fixing carbon is about24.9688million t·a-1,quantity of releasing O2is66.8455million t·a-1,the accumulation of nutrients is2.4376459billion t·a-1,quantity of absorbing SO2is748200t·a-1,capacity of reducing dust is106.5325million t·a-1,providing anion1.62×1028·a-1.According to the size of the value of the ecological function,the order is:the value of forest conservation of soil>the value of purifying air>the value of water conservation>the value of fixing CO2and releasing02>the value of biodiversity maintenance>the value of accumulation nutrient.Respectively,their economic value shows that:the value of water conservation is101.738billion yuan·a-1,the value of the conservation of soil is up to722.136billion·a-1,the value of fixing CO2and releasing O2is92.067billion·a-1,the value of accumulation nutrient is4.561billion yuan·a-1,the value of purifying environment function is111.369billion yuan·a-1,the value of biodiversity maintenance is24.697billion yuan·a-1.value of unit area is214800yuan hm-2·a-1,so the total ecological service function value of Xiao Xing’an Mountains ecological system is about1.056568trillion yuan·a-1


