

Study on Plant Image

【作者】 贾军

【导师】 卓丽环;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文对国内有关植物意象的研究成果进行了较为全面深入的调研,结合数据统计分析,总结出国内植物意象研究的现状特点,对其未来发展进行了初步的展望,立足现有研究的不足及其在园林学科的潜在价值,对植物意象这一普遍的植物文化现象进行了系统的研究。1.文章从关于“意象”概念的讨论入手,对“植物意象”的范畴进行了细致的剖析,并通过科学合理的论证给出了“植物意象”的定义,即所谓“植物意象”,Plant Image,就是指具有含义的植物类物象。并通过植物意象具有普遍性、差异性、发展性、趋同性和间接性的特点的论述及类别的划分强化了对植物意象的认识。且首次提出“植物意象类群系统”的概念,即植物意象按一定的类群关系所组成的整体,英文缩写PIGS (Plant Image Group System)。2.文章以植物意象含义的溯源为引线,全面深入地发掘了植物意象生成的物质前提、心理机制,及影响因素,并构筑了植物意象生成的典型模式。植物意象的生成是审美客体和审美主体双方共同作用的结果。作为植物意象生成的审美客体的植物所具有的形、色、香、味,以及生活习性、生态习性、群体状貌和四时应物等自然属性为植物的意象审美提供了广泛的审美性征,植物的名称、功用和机遇性等社会属性为植物的意象审美提供了巨大的审美潜力,此2者为植物意象的生成奠定了丰厚的物质前提。作为植物意象生成的审美主体的人所具备的审美移情、相似律和条件反射的心理机制为植物意象的生成奠定了必要的心理基础。而影响植物意象生成的因素主要来自历史、民族、阶层、宗教4个方面。3.文章详细阐明了植物意象的作用与价值,进而强调了植物意象的园林意义。植物意象具有丰富美感的审美作用、沟通交流的语言作用、提升素养的化育功能和抚慰心灵的疗养功能,能够促进社会的和谐发展与经济的繁荣。植物意象在园林领域占据特殊的地位,分别作为意境的构成基素、艺术的基本符号、市场的活跃商品,以及植物的重要类群,彰显其重要的园林价值。植物意象研究是继承和发扬我国传统园林艺术、插花艺术和盆景艺术的关键环节,也是提高和增强植物类艺术设计及创作水平和实力的必要环节,还可服务于园林植物的育种工作,完善园林植物的教学,指导园林植物的应用。因此,植物意象的研究对园林学科的未来发展意义深远。本文针对国内植物意象理论研究的薄弱环节,从概念、特点、类别、生成、作用与价值6个方面,首次对植物意象进行了系统深入的研究,基本构筑并完善了植物意象的理论体系;首次全面深入地剖析了植物意象在园林中的地位和作用,清楚地揭示了植物意象的园林意义;原创性地提出了“植物意象类群系统”的概念,并以“目—类—群”的3级分类标准完成了该系统基本框架的构建,为该问题的进一步研究奠定了良好的基础。本文以抛砖引玉之势,于植物意象之厚土独辟蹊径,对该方面的研究具有一定的引导作用,同时也将对植物文化研究的广泛开展起到应有的推动作用。

【Abstract】 This paper has made a comprehensive and in-depth investigation to domestic researches about plant image. Combining with statistics analysis, this paper summarizes the features of the research situation. The outlook of the study on plant image has been made. Based on the limitations of existing research and the potential value to Ornamental Plants and Horticulture’s development, this paper carries the system research on plant image, the general phenomenon of plant culture.First,"Plant image" is given a scientific and rational demonstration through discussing the concept of "Image" and analyzing the domain of "Plant image"."Plant image" is the physical image of plant which has some meaning. The five characteristics of plant image are universality, difference, developmental, convergence and indirectness. Though classifying plant image,"Plant image group system"(PIGS) has been proposed for the first time, which is a system composed of plant images according to certain variety of groups.Then, the generation of plant image is made a comprehensive and in-depth analysis from discussing the origins of plant images’implications. The material premises, the psychological foundation and the influence factors are discovered, and the typical mode are constructed. The generation of plant image is the result that aesthetic subjects and aesthetic objects interact together. The natural attributes of plants, such as shape, color, aroma, taste, life habits, ecological habits, state of group, and state in the nature etc., offer a wide range of aesthetic characteristics for the aesthetic to plant image. The social attributes of plants, such as name, function and opportunity, offer great aesthetic potential for the aesthetic to plant image. The natural attributes and social attributes of plant provide ample material premises for the generation of plant image. Aesthetic empathy, the law of similarity of psychology, and conditioned reflex lay a necessary psychological foundation for it. And the factors which affect the generation of plant image are mainly from history, nation, class and religion aspects.Next, the paper expounds the function and value of plant image, and emphasizes its significance to landscape. Plant image has four important functions of aesthetics, language, efucation and recuperation. It is significant that plant image promote society to develop harmoniously and drive industry flourishing. Plant image in landscape area occupies a special status because it is a basic element to making up artistic conception, a language symbol of art, a kind of active commodities on market, and an important group of plant. Studies on plant image are riot only the key link to inherit and develop our traditional garden, floral, and bonsai art, but also the necessary link to improve and enhance the level and strength of the art design about plant. Morely, they can serve the breeding of ornamental horticulture, improve the teaching of garden plant, and have important guiding significance for landscape plant to be applied. Therefore, the researches on plant image have far-reaching significance to develop the subject of landscape plant and ornamental horticulture.Aiming at the domestic blank in the theory research of plant image, the paper has studied on plant image systemly for the first time from concept, characteristics, categories, generation to function and value. It has mainly constructed and perfected the theoretical system of plant image. And the plant image’s status and function in landscape are analysised comprehensively for the first time. Morely, the paper has put forward "Plant image group system", and has built its framework through "Order-Race-Group"3level classification standard. It has laid a good foundation for the further research. The unique idea on plant image in the paper will have the function of guidance. Meanwhile, the originality of the paper should be beneficial to develop the study widely on plant culture.


