

On the Inheritance Modes and the Change of Pottery Technology of the Dai in Xishuangbanna

【作者】 王冬敏

【导师】 廖伯琴;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 科学教育学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 傣族制陶技术是傣族人们在与其特定的自然环境不断的交互中形成的一套适应体系,它几乎涵盖了人类制陶发展史上各个阶段的技术特征,在一定程度上,傣族制陶技术的传承代表了傣族科技教育发展的历程。同时,傣族陶器的发展体现着傣族人们生产生活方式及其变迁,构筑了傣族群体所独有的文化表征系统。因此,对西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承及变迁的研究有助于对傣族科技教育发展的整体性把握和对傣族文化及变迁的深入理解。本研究结合西双版纳傣族制陶技术的传承现状,选取了西双版纳的村寨、工厂、学校和生态博物馆为实地调查对象,并综合运用了文献研究法、历史研究法、田野考察法和比较研究法对西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承模式进行研究。本研究分为“西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承模式”和“西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承模式变迁”两部分,主要从以下五个层面依次展开探讨:(1)在理论上分析制陶技术传承模式的结构,并将传承模式划分为不同的类型;(2)梳理不同传承模式的发展历程,并归纳其特点;(3)比较各传承模式的关系,探讨传承模式变迁的过程;(4)分析不同社会阶段中陶器的作用、传承模式依存的生态环境和特点,探讨其存在的必然性和合理性;(5)分析从传统社会到现代社会传承模式变迁的原因和特点,进而探讨传承模式变迁对科学教育的启示。通过研究得出如下结论:1.依据传承场的不同,西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承模式主要有家庭传承模式、工厂传承模式、学校传承模式、生态博物馆传承模式四种类型。2.家庭传承模式是傣族传统社会中制陶技术传承的主要途径,是在家庭制陶生产过程中采取言传身教、口传身授的方式,实现的一种自然状态的整体性传承。近年来,家庭的传统制陶已演变为非物质文化遗产生产性方式保护下的传承;工厂传承模式始于20世纪50年代城乡组织的专业生产陶器社,传承方式以师徒传承为主,强调做中学,注重现代制陶技术的交流和学习。随着工厂传承进一步发展,分工逐渐细化、专业,已经成为傣族制陶技术传承的重要途径;学校传承是现代教育体制层面上开展的培养陶艺设计人才的专业训练,传承主体呈多元化和专业化,各层次的院校传授内容有所侧重,学校多采用课堂教学加实践的方法,电视、网络等现代传播媒介也成为了技术传承的手段。学校传承正在成为西双版纳傣族地区培养陶艺人才的主要渠道;生态博物馆传承模式是对傣族慢轮制陶技术采取“生态保护,活态传承”的一种公司加村寨的旅游模式。这种依托当地旅游业的新兴的模式在传承上起到一定的作用,但其在有效传承上作用有限。3.20世纪50年代出现工厂传承模式,80年代改革开放后,家庭传承模式式微,21世纪初,陶艺教育开始进入学校,工厂、学校传承模式逐渐居于重要地位,近年生态博物馆传承模式也有所发展。20世纪50年代民主改革到21世纪初是传承模式变迁的转变期,传承模式从传统社会的家庭传承模式向现代社会工厂、学校、生态博物馆、家庭相结合的多元化传承模式变迁。4.从传统到现代传承模式变迁是由制陶技术传承模式依存的文化生态环境的变迁引起的。传承模式变迁特点具体表现在:从家庭内部传承到专业化机构的传承,从源自生产生活的经验性手工技艺到基于近代科学的标准化、机械化程度较高的现代制陶技术,从整体性、自然状态的传承到规章制度保障下的分科、专业化传承,从自给自足到以经济收益为目的商品经济生产的变迁;同时也体现了傣族传统社会传承模式蕴涵的天人合一的整体性思维方式向现代社会传承模式蕴涵的主客二分的分析性思维方式的变迁。5.不同思维方式在科技传承过程中对思维主体的人的发展具有不同的意义。在我国科学教育中,要注重整体性思维方式和分析性思维方式的相互渗透,有机融合,养成科学的、系统的思维方式是追求人的身心和谐发展的必然选择。本研究基于扎实的田野考察,对西双版纳傣族制陶技术传承模式作了全面的整理和分析,丰富了傣族制陶技术领域的研究成果。通过尝试运用科学教育学、传播学、文化生态学的理论,把西双版纳傣族制陶技术及其传承放在具体的社会文化背景下来做整体性的考察,从科技教育视角出发来探寻其传承模式及变迁,进而审视当下的科学教育,研究的视角具有一定的新意。

【Abstract】 Pottery technology results from the constant interaction between the Dai people and the particular natural environment and embodies the technology characteristics of each stage in the history of human pottery development. To some degree, pottery technology inheritance represents the development process of the Dai science education. In addition, the pottery development reflects the Dai unique production and living ways and their changes. In this way, the studies on the Dai pottery technology inheritance and changes in Xishuangbanna are very helpful to have an overall idea to the Dai scientific and educational development and have a deeper understanding of the Dai culture and its change.Combined the present situation of the Dai pottery technology inheritance, the study chooses the village, factory, school and eco-museum in Xishuangbanna as the research subjects and employs various research ways such as paper studies, historic studies, field exploration and comparison and contrast studies.This study is mainly made up of two parts, the inheritance modes and changes of the pottery technology of the Dai in Xishuangbanna. It carries out the discussion from the following five aspects:(1) theoretically analyzing the inheritance mode structure of pottery technology, dividing the inheritance mode into various types;(2) sorting out the development history and current situation and generalizing the characteristics of various inheritance modes;(3) comparing and contrasting the relations;(4) analyzing the roles of pottery at each stage of society and the interdependent ecological environment and characteristics of inheritance modes;(5) analyzing the causes of the mode change from past society to the contemporary one and the implications of the change to scientific education. The following results are concluded from the studies:1.Based on the different inheritance fields, the inheritance modes can be divided into four types:family, factory, school and eco-museum.2.The family inheritance mode was the main way in the ancient society,which happened naturally and was characteristic of oral imparting with physical instruction and teaching by example. Recently the family traditional pottery has became manufacturing under the productive protection.Factory inheritance mode developed from the professional pottery manufacturing workshop in the1950s. It emphasized learning by doing and paid attention to the communication. The technology inheritance enjoyed simple labor division, cooperation and corresponding industry rules. In the recent years, factories have been focusing on the creation of pottery technology. The schools usually helped to cultivate clay modeling design talents. The inheritance mode presented pluralism and specialization. Different levels of schools had their own priority in teaching content. The schools combined the classroom teaching and field practice which established another inheritance mode, together with TV, internet and some other modern communication media. Schools become the most important way to train clay modeling talents for the Dai in Xishuangbanna. Eco-museum inheritance mode is a traveling mode created by companies and villages whose essence is "ecological protection, active inheritance". This inheritance did play some role with the help of local tourist industry. However, the role is limited.3.In the1950s appeared the factory inheritance mode. In the1980s the family mode began to decline. At the beginning of the21st century the school and factory modes began to dominate. Eco-museum mode has developed in recent years. Now the inheritance modes present pluralism.4.The inheritance mode change has been closely related to the culture entironment change. The change has the following characteristics:from the family inheritance to specialized agency inheritance; from the handicraft based on the experience from life and production to the modern technology which is more scientific and more mechanical; from the whole and natural inheritance to the specific labor division and specialization; from self-sufficiency to the commodity economy; more importantly from the traditional mode relying on the instinct experience and integral thinking to the modern mode relying on logical analyses and subject-object dichotomy thinking.5.The concentrated reflection of the change is from the integral thinking to analyzing thinking. The impact on people differs from one thinking way to another. In our scientific education, we should emphasize on both the traditional integral thinking and modern analyzing thinking and combine them together, which is an inevitable choice in the pursuit of the harmonious development of one’s mind and body.This paper, based on the field exploration, makes an overall sort-out and analysis of the pottery technology mode of the Dai in Xishuangbanna, which enriches the research achievements in the pottery field. The paper conducts the studies in the detailed social and cultural background. It is from the perspective of scientific and technological education that the inheritance modes and changes are discussed, which gives this paper a new concept.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】J527
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】936

