

A Study on the Source and Inheritance Mode of Wa’s Wooden Drum Culture in the Perspective of Communication

【作者】 梅英

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 木鼓是佤族的民族标志,是佤族木鼓文化得以源生、传承的根本。在佤族原始社会发展史中,木鼓之器—直以“母体”身份发挥着民族认同功能,而以之为物质基础形成的木鼓文化之道则最终成为了佤族原始文化的核心和中轴。历经1958年的文化革除行动后,佤族木鼓从佤族人民现实生活中隐退,木鼓文化仅口耳相承于民间。20世纪末21世纪初,以非物质文化遗产保护行动为契机,佤族木鼓文化在阿佤山地区通过大众传播得以复兴。然而,复兴的佤族木鼓文化却发生了重构变迁并不再被文化主体认可,佤族木鼓也失去了其作为文化“基因”应有的民族认同功能。如今,佤族木鼓文化陷入了传承断裂的困境之中。木鼓作为佤族的民族标志,其重要性不言而喻;木鼓文化作为佤族原始文化的核心,如此传承现状令人担忧。更令人担忧的是,佤族木鼓文化之案例不过是民族文化传承在现代社会所遭遇困境的缩影。如今西南民族地区乃至国内各地,复兴民族文化却最终导致文化传承断裂的事件比比皆是。这些民族文化精华的存在,事关民族生命之“线”延续、事关人类文化生态系统物种多样性保存、事关人类文明永恒问题理解,对其传承问题进行研究极富时代价值。佤族木鼓文化作为此类问题之个案,对其进行研究能为民族文化现代传承提供借鉴。所谓“溯其源,见其微,守其道”,于佤族木鼓文化个案而言,如下问题必须得到合理解释:史之佤族木鼓文化如何源生?文化主题采纳了何种途径传承该文化?该文化如何在佤族原始社会发展史中发挥其中轴和核心作用?今之佤族木鼓文化为何发生重构变迁?该变迁过程如何实现?变迁的佤族木鼓文化却又为何迈入传承困境?佤族木鼓文化究竟应如何合理传承?此外,于民族文化在现代社会中的传承问题而言,佤族木鼓文化个案本身反映了哪些规律?这些规律能为民族文化在现代社会中的合理传承提供何种借鉴?这些问题也需得以探究。解决上述问题,传播学无疑是最佳研究视角。因为,就民族文化传承问题研究而言,文化传承本质上是一个信息传播过程;而佤族木鼓文化因鼓而生、以鼓而传,基于鼓乃发声之物之事实,木鼓文化本质上是一种听觉文化,其源生、传承都基于声音信号传播完成。简言之,传播学能实现佤族木鼓文化个案与民族文化传承问题研究之间的链接,基于个案探寻出具有普遍性的规律。然而,总观佤族木鼓文化研究现状,少量分布于民族学的研究成果,均将其定位为原始宗教文化,将其源承归于宗教。基于其听觉文化本质、从传播学角度对其源承问题进行系统研究尚无人涉足。同类民族文化研究,也大多处于此境。再观目前传播学中有关非语言文化研究,研究成果多集中于视觉文化之上,听觉文化研究成果甚少。仅存的少量成果多为零散的理论思辩,就某一案例进行系统研究得出结论的几近空白,研究成果尚不足以为民族文化传承提供借鉴。基于此,本研究以实地调查、个案访谈、口述史等田野考察法为基本方法,综合内容分析法、同构法、文献分析法等研究方法;以传播学为核心学科,综合多学科知识对佤族木鼓文化源承问题进行了研究。通过研究,旨在从传播学角度解析佤族木鼓文化传承迈入困境之因,探寻其传承规律,并为民族文化传承提供借鉴。此外,也希望通过本研究,能为听觉文化之教育传播研究、同类民族文化研究有所贡献。根据预定目标,本研究沿循如下步骤对问题进行了研究:第一步,获取并整理史料。以国内佤族主要聚居地沧源佤族自治县、西盟佤族自治县作为田野考察点,对佤族木鼓文化源承史进行田野考察,获取一手材料。在此基础上,梳理佤族木鼓文化所涉文献史料、考古实物,将其与田野考察所得材料相互印证、去伪存真,系统整理佤族木鼓文化源承史材料。第二步,设构源承模式。基于佤族木鼓文化因鼓而起、以鼓而传之事实,分析佤族木鼓用途及其鼓声信号传播特点,从信息传播角度析设佤族木鼓文化应有的源承模式。第三步,检验模式。以系统整理所得的佤族木鼓文化源承史料为基础,根据史、今不同的源承效果从正、反两面检验设构的佤族木鼓文化源承模式是否成立。第四步,解决问题。如果设构的佤族木鼓文化源承模式成立,则从模式运行规律和特性出发,探寻佤族木鼓文化史之传承效果凸显与今之传承迈入困境原因,解析其传承遵循的规律。在此基础上,依据该模式反映出的文化传承之信息传播规律,为民族文化传承提供借鉴。佤族木鼓文化源承史证明,本研究所设构的佤族木鼓文化源承模式成立,佤族木鼓文化传承问题可以据之得到答案。具体而言,结论如下:首先,史之佤族木鼓文化传承效果凸显源于系统一体。史之佤族木鼓文化所以能世代相承并以核心文化存在,关键在于其关注了文化源、承及源承的系统一体性。源生之时,各要素以“生产”要义贯穿,连为一体;传承之时,以物意一体的实物传播、传受一体的团体传播为主要传承途径;更为重要的是,其源承始终基于同一文化生态系统进行,体现了源承一体原则。其次,今之佤族木鼓文化传承迈入困境源于要素关系解构。佤族木鼓文化现代传承之所以迈入传承困境,与其文化生态系统中要素关系断裂相关。具体而言,表现为物意无关、传受无涉、人鼓有隔三个方面。此问题的发生,源于佤族木鼓文化复兴之时输入了大众文化需求,在进行符号转换的文化再生产过程中又受到了外界干扰。最终,输出的佤族木鼓文化发生了意义转变,文化源承系统中要素之间的关系也随之被解构。最后,“源于斯承于斯”是佤族木鼓文化传承所遵循的基本规律。佤族木鼓文化源于鼓承于鼓,鼓之符号意义消失之时也是文化失承之时。究其原因,在于佤族木鼓文化传承的信息传播过程是基于木鼓之符号意义进行的。而符号的意义规定乃是一种“习惯”,此“习惯”与文化源生的背景相关。背景变化导致“习惯”改变,“习惯”改变导致符号意义消失。符号意义消失之后,由于无法实现信息传播传通效果,通过佤族木鼓进行文化传承的目的也最终难以实现。佤族木鼓文化之案例启示我们,民族文化传承有其自身规律,如果盲目依仗现代技术重构复兴,只会有损人类文明之果。原因如下:第一,民族文化源生有规。文化源生是一个外需内构的过程,是符号意义被赋予并被重组的过程,与一定的文化生境相关,物变俗变之时文化也将随之变迁。民族文化复兴重构无视文化生境已变的事实,移植照搬必将导致文化传承断裂。第二,民族文化传承有则。信息传递需要媒介,以人类文明存在的民族文化精华往往依附时间偏倚型媒介传承。通过空间偏倚型的大众媒介复兴民族文化,无疑忽略了此类民族文化固有的传承特点,对其传承媒介带来了本质性挑战。取代其传承媒介的最终结果,将导致传承断裂,妨碍人们对文明之永恒问题理解。第三,民族文化源承由人。文化传承之系统传播过程,由若干链为一体的信息传播环节组成。在这些环节中,人往往是最脆弱的一环。民族文化复兴重构必将进行符号形式转换,而担任此任务的“守门人”对信息的筛选、理解、重组,往往会导致文化变迁,最终导致文化传承断裂。基于此,民族文化在现代社会中的传承必须注重环境、媒介和主体的一致性。总体而言,本研究完成了预定的研究目标。与同类研究相较,创新之处表现在如下两个方面:首先,研究视角的创新。虽然目前对民族文化传承问题进行研究的学者颇多,但从信息传播角度入手解析其传承规律者甚少。就本研究选取的佤族木鼓文化个案而言,更是无人涉足。本研究以佤族木鼓文化为个案、以传播学为视域、以信息传播模式为切入点,为民族文化传承问题进行了研究,研究视角具有一定的创新。其次,研究方法的创新。总观教育技术学研究现状,虽然已经开始倡导民族志研究方法,但依旧多为思辨式、书斋式、单一式研究。本研究以人类学之"fieldwork"为基本方法,通过田野考察从现实中发现问题、寻求证据;在此基础上,综合多学科研究方法对问题进行系统的理论研究,并最终将所得结论置于现实中检验,并运用于实际问题解决中。总观整个研究过程,贯彻了教育研究从实、求知、致实原则。这在教育研究多拘泥于理论思辨研究之日,研究方法具有一定创新。当然,由于本研究问题源于现实、结论用于现实,若要使研究结论能进一步为教育技术学乃至教育学学科提供理论借鉴,在听觉文化源生的符号学研究、听觉文化的教育传播系统研究方面,仍需要进一步深化,后续研究将对此作进一步完善。

【Abstract】 Wooden Drum is a symbol of Wa nationality and the root of Wooden Drum culture. During the primitive society, Wooden Drum was maternal for nation identity, Wooden Drum culture combined other primitive culture and became the medial axis one. Succeeding1958’s culture abolishment actions,Wooden Drum culture was far away from the Wa People’s daily life and inherited only by ears and mouth among the folk. Intangible cultural heritage protection movement promotes Wooden Drum culture renaissance in the21st century, fulfilling a widespread inheritance by mass communication. Nevertheless, Wa Wooden Drum culture renascent has been changed and the effect of inheritance is alarming; the subject of the culture disapprove and even take hold of an antipathic view of this modern Wooden Drum culture. The modern Wooden Drum, as a kind of culture gene of intangible cultural heritage, loses its intrinsic sense of the history and nation identity. The present situation of Wa Wooden Drum culture is just the epitome of national culture modern heritance, there are lots of similar cases in the south-west areas even throughout the country. The existence of various culture is related to national life line continuation and preservation of cultural diversity, furthermore it’s relevant to how to investigate the human civilization. Just for that, studying on the heritance of national culture is valuable in the modern society. Through a case study on the inheritance of Wooden Drum culture, we can settle the inheritance predicament and provide reference for culture inheritance in modern society. Based on this situation, these questions are worth to be thought, they are as fellows:How the Wa Wooden Drum culture produce? what means was used to inherit the culture in their history? why the Wa Wooden Drum culture was changed in modern renaissance? why Wa refuse to accept it now? what rules can we get from the huge contrast inheritance effect of the culture? According to these rules, what actions can we take for inheriting national culture?Communication is the most suitable research perspective for solving these questions. Because the procedure of culture inheritance is information communication, and the Wa Wooden Drum culture was generated and inherited by Drum, The essence of Wood-Drum Culture is a kind of auditory culture for it’s formed and inherited by wood drum, this phonation and communication tool. So, Communication can unity them and we can get ordinary rules by this study. However, the systematic study on the generation and inheritance of Wooden Drum culture is almost vacant by the means of Communication. A few research achievements involving Wooden Drum culture belong to the field of Ethnonymics; the nature of Wooden Drum culture was defined as a king of primitive religious culture and the source and inheritance was attributed to the religion. It is advisable to define Wooden Drum culture as auditory culture so as to provide a reference for modern inheritance from the study of educational communication objectively.Unfortunately,there are so few research results of auditory culture that we can’t solve those three question depending on existing materials. In this study, the author takes communication as a core subject knowledge, synthesizing field investigation, interviews, oral history, content analysis, isomorphism method, literature analysis and other multidisciplinary approach to analysis culture source and change history of the Wooden Drum Culture. The final goal of this research is to explore the operating rules of the Wooden Drum Culture source and inheritance mode, analyzing the real reasons of the dilemma of modern inheritance, and taking it as a case to provide reference for similar cultural inheritance. Meanwhile, this study is expected to enrich research achievement for auditory culture on educational communication and drum culture.For complete research target, the author designs process of research as follows:the first step is to obtain and arrangement materials on the history. Though fieldwork in Wa settlements as CangYuan and XiMeng of YunNan province, getting the authentic materials on the history of Wooden Drum Culture development and realizing the condition of modern inheritance. The second step is to analyse and construct the model for the source and inheritance of Wooden-drum culture;based on the fact of drum connecting the inheritance process as a whole by its own vocal nature of property, the source and inheritance model of Wooden-drum culture can be constructed in the dissemination of information angle. The third step is to verify the correctness of the model for the source and inheritance of Wooden-drum culture. Using the synthetic research methods of literature analysis, archaeological method and historical materials to obtain reliable materials of the Wa wooden drum culture. Base on the materials obtained, it is essential to confirm the correctness of the model from two angles of positive and negative. The fourth step is to answer those questions on the basis of validated consequence. If the source and inheritance mode comes into existence, it will be indispensable to summarize operating rules and provide a reference for national culture inheritance in modern times by exploring efficient method of the inheritance in the past and the reason of the fracture of inheritance at present.Through combing the history of source and inheritance of Wooden Drum culture, system communication mode setted and constructed is established, which the practical problems about source and inheritance of Wooden Drum culture are found out the answers according to. The specific research conclusions are as follows. First, history of the Wooden-drum cultural inheritance effect is ralated to its inheritance and dissemination way.The reason why Wooden Drum culture was passed down from one generation to another and existed as core culture was emphasis on system unity of culture source and inheritance. When generated, the element penetrates the point of "production" and forms a whole; when inherited, it communicates by the unity of substance-meaning and inheritance-acceptance materially and corporately. And even more important, the source and inheritance of Wooden Drum culture is based on the same cultural ecosystem and embodies the unity.Secondly, the fracture of culture inheritance stems from deconstruction of the relation among elements; the predicament Wooden Drum culture inheritance is related to deconstruction of the relation among elements such as irrespective substance-meaning, irrelevant inheritance-acceptance, isolated person-drum.Theses problems are on account of the need of mass communication involved, which deconstructs the relation among the elements. Finally, Wa Wooden Drum culture inheritance abides by the principle of system communication model; steming from and inheriting by the same things.The history of source and inheritance of Wooden Drum culture proves that Wooden Drum culture stems from and inherits by drum,the loss of symbol meaning necessarily gives rise to the failure in culture inheritance. The communication of Wooden Drum culture is dependent on symbol meaning of drum, the symbol meaning formulated is variety of custom which is related to the background of culture generation; the variation of background of culture causes the change of the custom inevitably and even the loss of the symbol meaning. Simultaneously, it is difficult to achieve exchange of information which is characteristic of coincident meaning, and to fulfill the effect of communication after symbol meaning loss.The process of any culture source and inheritance is on the basis of information dissemination. A case study on Wa Wooden Drum culture provides references as follows. First, there is certain rule for the culture source; the culture generation is a process which is satisfied with the external need and construct internally, the symbol meaning is endowed and restructured.At the same time, the culture generation is related to cultural habitat,the change of object and custom will bring about culture change. Therefore, the cultural renaissance and reconstruction should avoid copying and transplanting blindly, or it will lead to the fracture of culture inheritance. Secondly, the culture inheritance has certain path. The information dissemination is based on the medium of time or space, the national culture essence as human civilization needs the medium of time to inherit. If people, ignorance of this trait, extend and apply modern technology indiscriminately and blindly, it will bring about essential challenge to the inheritance medium, interfering with understanding of the human civilization finally.Finally, the key to culture source and inheritance is people; the culture inheritance is made up of information dissemination system which contains several chains as one, people is the most vulnerable segment. When modern technology used in culture inheritance, the screening, understanding and reconstruction of information by the native determines communications effect.Consequently, subjectival value and culture literacy is especially essential. Only if communication technology serves to culture inheritance, the purpose, promoting the person’s development,of education will fulfill.Overall, this study has been basically completed the predetermined research target. In contrast with similar research, the innovation of this thesis embodies in two aspects:firstly, it is an innovation of research perspective. This Study defines Wa’s Wooden Drum Culture as auditory culture and explores the source and inheritance problem in the perspective of Educational Communication instead of previous definition of religious culture essence to provides references for the auditory culture source and inheritance. Secondly, it is an innovation of research method.Through the review of former research on Education Technology, though it is advocated to apply ethnographic study method, the most of studies belong to pedantic research. This study, relied on fieldwork method and synthesizing many theoretical knowledge, is to find problems from the fact, analyse problems deeply and to solve the practical problems. The principle of education research such as from the fact to seek and to manage to the truth, is throughout this study. Besides, this kind of method is conducive to correct undesirable study ethos under realistic conditions of theoretical research in Education Technology. But it is able to research further deepen in the semiotics of auditory culture and auditory culture educational communication system so that the research conclusions can provide a wider significance reference for educational technology even educational discipline. In addition, although this study has already taken an interdisciplinary "cross" step in the research process, the join of various disciplines Knowledge are still somewhat blunt when analyzing the problems. It is the research direction for future efforts to apply multi-disciplinary knowledge and research methods more flexible and research the problems deeper and systematic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】J632.52;G122
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1271

