

Study of Comprehensive Practice Course from the Aspect of Practical Philosophy

【作者】 杜建群

【导师】 范蔚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 综合实践活动课程是基于学生的直接经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活,注重对知识技能的综合运用,体现经验和生活对学生发展价值的实践性课程。这门课程作为国家基础教育新课程改革的重点和亮点,自2001年秋季进入实验探索以来,实施效果并不理想,目前仍然面临如何实现常态实施和有效实施的问题。由于已有研究更多偏重于对课程实施的个别或局部问题的研究,而对问题的本质及课程基本理论的研究还十分薄弱。在此,以马克思实践哲学方法论为指导,遵循理论与实践相结合的研究思路展开研究。首先,采用量化研究与质化研究相结合的研究取向,从实践层面把握我国中小学综合实践活动课程的现状及本质。一是采用分层抽样的方式,以重庆和贵州两地的559位中小学学生为研究对象,调查综合实践活动课程实施的现状及特点,并对各种变量的特点进行比较分析;二是采用半结构访谈方式对选取的9位中小学校校长和12位中小学校教师进行深度访谈,并到9所中小学进行课堂观察,对访谈和观察得出的结果向受访者反馈并得到同意后,再运用于相关研究。研究结果显示:城乡中小学学校、综合实践活动实验学校与非实验学校、中小学毕业班与非毕业班、小学与中学在课程的开设情况、师生的课程认知、活动资源开发、活动方法运用、课程保障机制、课程主体参与度六个维度上存在不同程度的差异。其中,师生的课程认知是综合实践活动课程实施最为关注的,依次为主体参与力、实施方法、资源开发、保障机制,这表明了课程主体因素在课程实施中具有关键性作用。研究呈现的主要问题是:课程开设上存在着“计划”与“执行”分离;师生的课程认知上存在着“熟知”与“真知”同一;课程内容上存在着“一维”与“多维”分离;课程实施方法上存在着“单一”与“多样”分离;课程保障机制上存在着“制定”与“监督”缺失。其根源在于:传统教育价值观影响了课程计划落实;教师的感性直观认识的片面性影响教师的课程认知;教师的专业知识和指导力的局限导致课程内容分离;传统教学思维定势使师生在活动方式上缺乏创新;未纳入升学考试科目导致课程保障机制缺失。其次,运用理论思辨方法,一是从马克思实践哲学本体论出发,依据课程的性质和教育价值来判断综合实践活动课程“是什么”及“何以存在”。按照思维结构与系统演化规律,围绕“知识”、“能力”构建综合实践活动课程本体论发展的逻辑体系。在实践中,认清人们在“本体论”问题上的绝对化、虚无化、理想化的片面认识。二是把马克思主义的全面发展观、进步主义教育思想、生活教育观、建构主义学习理论作为综合实践活动课程目的的哲学、教育学、课程和教学理论基础。透过教育实践的需要,从加强学生生活体验,提升社会责任意识,培养学生的个性品质,提高学生的实践创新能力四个方面进行目的定位,为综合实践活动课程开发与实施提出了明确的目标指向。对课程本体的界定和目的定位,向人们呈现了课程的基本概念和观点,为人们形成完整的课程认知提供了基础。再次,运用系统分析方法,把综合实践活动课程作为一个整体,一是以马克思哲学实践主客体观为理论依据,以此定论综合实践活动课程主客体性质,构建课程内在结构体系。具体以课程决策主体、监督管理主体、研究主体、实施主体、协作参与主体、评价主体在内的多主体统一,与课程目标、内容、组织、评价、方法、资源等多维客体统合,建立主客体之间的“校内”、“校与校”、“校与社”多层统合,使主客体之间形成一种动态平衡关系。二是针对综合实践活动课程方法论意识淡漠,方法研究不足的问题,从理论和实践层面,把综合实践活动课程方法论归为:指向理论研究的课程研制方法论和实践操作的课程实施方法论两方面。提出综合实践活动课程研究不仅应注重哲学方法论一系统科学方法论一社会科学方法论一教育科学方法论一课程方法论的纵向指导和影响;还应重视与学科课程方法论的横向联系和借鉴,形成纵横交错的方法论立体体系。在实施层面,探讨了实施的方法论原则,并分别构建多元主体合作、多维主题融合、“学校+基地"内外资源整合、多种活动方法分级运用模式,然后进行模式整合,形成课程实施的动态复合模式。在一定的原则和模式指导下,提出国家宏观层面和学校微观层面的具体实施方法;同时,发挥网络信息资源优势,利用Second Life虚拟空间设计制作综合实践活动平台,能让有网络信息资源的学生快速及时地模拟完成活动的开发实施,以弥补学生在现实中无法开展的主题活动的不足,为综合实践活动课程实施提供一种新的路径和方法。最后,在具备了完整的课程内在结构和合理的方法论指导下,综合实践活动课程以系统性思维为立论基础,不断实现主客体要素的整体性生成。由于课程内外影响因素的不断变化,整体性生成又处在变动之中,由此建构综合实践活动多元动态生成模式,提出了以课程主体自觉为前提的观念路径、行为路径和发展路径来保障课程的整体性生成。这一模式和策略已通过实践案例,在一定范围内验证了其存在的合理性和可行性。

【Abstract】 Comprehensive Practice Course is a course based on the students’ direct experience, relating students with their living in society, focusing on the integrated use of knowledge and skills. It reflects the value of the experience and life on Student Development. This course has been the focus and highlights of the national primary and secondary education curriculum reform since the fall of2001. However, the results are not satisfactory; it is still faced with the dilemma of the normal implementation and effective implementation. At present, the research of the nature of the problems and the basic theories of the course are still poor since the existing researches stress the course implementation of an individual or a local place more. Concerning about it, this study combined theory with practice with the guidance of Marx’s practical philosophy and methodology.At first, the current situation and the nature of the Comprehensive Practice Course in the primary and secondary schools were analyzed practically by using both quantitative research and qualitative research orientation. A sample of559primary and secondary school students in Chongqing and Guizhou were chosen by random. The status and characteristics of the Comprehensive Practice Course curriculum implementation were analyzed, and the characteristics of a variety of variables were compared. Then9primary and secondary school principals accepted the semi-structured interviews and12primary and secondary school teachers accepted in-depth interviews. The researcher further observed some classrooms in nine primary and secondary schools. After the findings of the interviews and observations were given to the interviewees related and with their permission, they were used in this research. The research shows that the Comprehensive Practice Course is different in the six statistical variables such as courses offered in primary and secondary schools, course subjects cognition, resources development, methods application, security mechanism and participation degrees of course subjects among the urban and rural primary and secondary schools, the Comprehensive Practice Course experimental schools and non-experimental school, graduating and non-graduating class. Course subject cognition ranks first in importance, followed by participation degrees of course subjects, methods application, resources development and security mechanism. This suggests that the factors of the course subjects play a key role in curriculum implementation. Problems found are those:separations on "plan" and "operational" in course offered,"one dimensional" and "multidimensional" on the course content;"single" and "diverse" on curriculum implementation methods, and "development" and "supervision" in curriculum security mechanism. All of these are rooted in:the traditional educational values affecting the curriculum plans to be implemented; the perceptual intuitive understanding of teachers affecting courses cognition; the limitations of teachers’ professional knowledge and skills resulting in the separation of course content; the traditional teaching habits making teachers and students lack of creativity; exclusion from the college-entrance examination leading to curriculum security mechanism missing.Secondly, the research identified what Comprehensive Practice Course was and why it existed by using the theoretical speculation, starting from the Marxist practical philosophical ontology, based on the nature of the courses and the value of education. And focusing on "knowledge","ability", a logic ontology development of system of comprehensive practical courses has been constructed according to thinking patterns and systematic evolution laws in the purpose of clarifying the issues of absolute, emptiness, idealized understanding on"ontology". On the other hand, the research has constructed a theoretical base of purpose of comprehensive practice course, such as philosophy, pedagogy, curriculum and teaching according to a concept of comprehensive development of Marxism, progressivism on education, life education concept, constructivist learning theories. A clear target from four aspects including enhancing students’ life experiences and enhancing awareness of social responsibility, developing students’ personality traits, and improving students’ practical and creative abilities is posed on the curriculum development and implementation of comprehensive practical activities in the needs of the practice of education. All of these provide a basis for people to form a complete course of cognition through ontology definition and purpose of positioning.Thirdly, the research has constructed the internal structure of system of the course, using systematic analysis, integrating practice course as a whole, and based on the host-guest concept of Marxist Practice to define Comprehensive Practice Course subject and object properties. In this system, subject and object form a dynamic equilibrium that is made of the unity of multi-agent, including decision-making subject, supervision and management subject, research subject, the implementation subject, the collaboration of involved subject, and these subject are integrated with the course objectives, content, organization, evaluation, methods, resources and other multi-dimensional object to build a multilayer integration between subjects and objects of inner-school, school-school, school-social. On the other hand, in view of the ignorance of Comprehensive Practice Course development methodology and the lack of research methods, the research explored curriculum implementation methodology from two aspects:the model of the theoretical implementation methodologies and the actual implementation measures. It proposes a multi-dimension system of Comprehensive Practice Course development methodology----philosophical methodology, systematic science methodology, social science methodology, education science methodology and curriculum methodology. It further emphasizes the importance of linking with the other disciplines curriculum methodology in order to form a netlike and cubic methodology. From the aspect of actual implementation, it discussed the methodological principles of the curriculum implementation, and tried to build up a dynamic and multiple model of implementation after integrating the many models as multi-agent cooperation, multi-dimension cooperation, in-and-out resources of "school+society" and multi-activity methods. On the basis of this, it proposed the specific implementation measures from the macro aspect of the country and the micro aspect of the schools. At the same time, schools need exploit the advantages of the internet to form a platform for the course. This is to enable the students who can access to the internet use and accomplish the activities promptly, in the hope that it will make up for the disadvantage of students activities in actual learning. It is a new alternative to the implementation of the Comprehensive Practice Course.Finally, the research has built up a multiple, dynamic, generating mode of comprehensive practical activities, whose theoretical basis is on systemic thoughts, and which has based on integration strategy of the research, and thus proposed the concept of path, behavioral path, the development path based on the prerequisite for the conscious course subject (person) to protect the integrity of the courses generated since Comprehensive Practice Course is a generative curriculum which contains the overall generation of the subject and object elements which are changing in accordance with the influences of the in and out of course.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

