

Ecological Model of English Language Learning

【作者】 吴文

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 传统英语语言教学要么从人——主体的角度出发,偏向极端的主观性,过度强调人的自主性、自觉性和能动性;要么从语言——客体的角度出发,囿于纯粹的客观性,消极看待人的他主性和受动性;要么从环境——外在的因素出发,侧重外因的决定性,无视语言的生成性和学习者的流变性。本研究以生态哲学、教育生态学和生态语言学为指导,在反思传统英语教学活动的基础上,重新构建了融整体相关性与动态平衡性、多元共存性与和谐共生性、开放性与交互性以及差异性与标准性为一体的英语教学与研究新的模式——英语教学生态模式。该模式多视角考查了语言学习中作为学习主体的学生、作为教授主体的教师、作为学习资源的语言以及作为语言学习场域的环境等英语教学生态要素及其相互作用对英语语言学习的影响。英语教学生态模式创造性地引进突现理论对语言及语言生成观进行了全新的阐释,借由符担性将语言学习者与学习环境统整起来,把语言学习过程理解为多维时空尺度的流变性,并用价值多元性对语言教学评价进行了全新的理解;从而全面地、生态地诠释了新的英语教学理念,以期改变我国英语教学“费时低效”的尴尬局面。全文分为八个部分:第一部分导论。在分析我国英语教学的现状以后,本研究发现“费时低效”一直以来是我国英语教学备受质诟的隐忍之痛。为了改变我国英语教学的尴尬局面,本论文希望在生态哲学的框架下构建一个全新的英语教学模式。英语教学生态模式从理论上推进了英语语言教学模式的向前发展,也将为广大英语教学一线教师提供一个如何实施有效英语教学的范型。第二部分英语教学的本真与特性。通过对英语教学相邻学科的比较,本研究从语言学、教育学和生态学等视角阐释了英语教学的本真及特点,并认为生态化英语教学是植根于中国社会文化语言生态环境下,母语为汉语的英语学习者以英语语言知识为载体,以英语教师为引导,在理解和接受英语语言异域文化的基础上,构建英语语言概念体系,培养英语为母语使用者语言与思维“天人合一”的思维方式,促进学习者主体全面发展的动态、统一、和谐、平衡与循环的互动交往活动。英语教学除了具有工具性和人文性以外,跨文化性也是其重要的特性。第三部分英语教学模式的变革与发展。行为主义英语教学模式认为语言学习是一种习惯,学生通过重复操练和强化就能达到良好的学习效果。认知主义英语教学模式把语言学习当做一种复杂知识技能的认知和习得过程,学习者通过接触语言,然后配合一些训练就能融合语言知识与技能,从而学习英语语言。建构主义英语教学模式强调英语语言学习的主动建构性。随着人们对英语教学本真的认识逐渐明朗化,英语教学模式也在变革中得到了发展。第四部分英语教学生态模式的内涵及特征。本部分以生态思维为贯穿模式建构的主线,把英语教学生态系统始终作为英语语言、英语学习者、英语教师和学习环境构成的立体多维复合体,全面、整体、动态、和谐地阐释了英语教学生态模式的内涵。英语教学生态模式的特征包括整体相关性与动态平衡性的统一、多元共存性与和谐共生性的统一、开放性与交互性的辩证统一以及差异性与标准性的包容统一。第五部分英语教学生态模式的理论依据。借由生态哲学、教育生态学以及生态语言学相关理论框架,本部分从哲学方法论的高度为英语教学生态模式的建构打下了坚实的理论根基。第六部分英语教学生态模式的操作程式。本部分围绕英语生态教学目标确定、英语生态教学内容选择、英语生态教学方法选用以及英语生态教学评价设计等四个基本环节对英语教学生态模式的具体操作进行深入剖析。第七部分英语教学生态模式的支持系统。英语教学是一个复杂的生态系统,但是本论文吸收借鉴了国内外生态课堂构成“四因素”学说的主要观点,从教师、学生、语言以及语言学习环境等英语教学的四个基本生态要素着手讨论了英语教学生态模式的支持系统。第八部分结束语。全球的生态危机实质上是当代社会的生存危机和文化危机,是人与自然的冲突危机,根源主要在于我们既有的社会机制、人的行为模式、以“人”为本的价值观念和价值取向。我国英语教学长期备受质诟的“费时低效”从某种意义上讲也是英语教学生态危机的现实反映。因此就英语教学而言,生态价值观不适为一种理想的选择,在英语教学中,把学生、教师、语言及生态环境进行和谐融合与统一,最大限度的发掘每一生态要素在这个生态系统中的合适位置,才可能真正使我们的英语语言教学得到可持续性的和谐发展。因此,构建生态化英语语言教学模式将会给我们的英语教学带来对和谐的守望,即在构建英语教学师生和谐发展的过程中,彻底改变现有的教学方法、教育理念、教学手段、教学行为以及教学氛围,从而保持人与环境的平衡,使我国英语教学真正避免在生态摇摆中残存和发展。本研究的创新点主要包括:(1)问题有新意。国内外语言教学更多的是从语言学、教育学或者心理学等视角对其进行论述、研究,而本研究以生态哲学为方法论,从生态理论出发,全面、动态的理解英语教学生态观并构建具有中国特色的英语教学生态模式。(2)方法论新。本研究是较早把生态学作为方法论引入到英语教学中,整体、全面、动态、和谐的进行英语教学生态模式的建构。(3)基本观点新颖。本研究首次全面地进行语言教学生态化审视,把教师、学生、英语语言及教学环境作为英语教学的生态要素纳入英语教学交往互动活动中进行辩证考察。

【Abstract】 Traditionally, English teaching either paid attention to the learner, who is the subject of learning, emphasizing too much on autonomy, consciousness, and motility, or the language, which is object of leaning, paying too much on objection and passivity, or learning environment, which is the external causes, but ignoring emergence of language and dynamics of learners. So it seldom included all of the elements of English teaching and learning. Based on the principles of holistic and dynamic of ecology of philosophy, educational ecology and eco-linguistics, the research reflected the evolution of teaching model of English teaching to establish a new English learning model:ecological model of English learning. Ecological model of English learning includes the four ecological elements of student, teacher, language and learning environment in balance. In the ecological model, students are the subject of learning, the teacher is the subject of teaching, the language is the learning resources and the environment is the key external factors to affect language learning. The ecological model of English teaching sees language as emergent, not rule-governed, nor even modeled, while the ecological model of language learning borrows affordance to explain that language learning is a relational process between agent and learning environment and the process of language learning is a state of dynamics of multiple time scales and spaces. As for evaluation, ecological model of English learning uses multi-value to test the quality of English teaching. By importing ecology into English learning, the ecological model of English learning may help to solve the problems of low efficiency with time costing of language learning in China.The dissertation can be divided into eight parts:Part Ⅰ is the Introduction. After checking the present research of English teaching, the author finds that the phenomenon of low efficiency with time costing is one of the typical characters for English education in China. In order to change the present situation, this dissertation would like to establish a new model of English learning. Additionally, this part mentions the research aims and methodology for the whole dissertation.Part Ⅱ is the connotation and characteristics of English learning. After analysizing the neibough subjects, such as applied linguistics, language teaching, second language acquisition and foreign language teaching, the author thinks that English teaching is an activity of foreign language learning by emerging with the culture acquisition and thinking training in mother cultural context. During the activity, the teacher should be a guider for the learning, and the students learned the language of their own volition. Anyhow, the language learning is an activity of dynamic, unification, harmony, equivalence and recycling process.Part Ⅲ is the innovation and development of English learning models. The model of behaviorism in English learning regarded language learning as formation of habits. The behaviorism saw the learning of language as being based on stimulus-response ad reinforcement. The cognitive model of English learning respects language learning and processing similar to the learning and processing of any other complex skill. The model of constructivism emphasizes the interaction itself constitutes the learning process, which is quintessentially social rather than individual. The critical on the previous model of language learning focuses on language learning but dislodges its central modernist assumptions. The future development can follow the route of eco-linguistics and ecology.Part Ⅳ is the connotation and characteristics of Ecological model of English learning. The learner, teacher, language and the classroom environment are the four basic elements of ecological model of English learning. The ecological model of English learning which is established in this dissertation has four typical characteristics as integrity and dynamics, multiples and harmony, openness and interactivity as well as differentiation and standardization.Part Ⅴ is the theories of ecological model of English learning. Philosophy of ecology is the basic theory for the model. Holism and dynamics theory is very important for English learning. Educational ecology emphasizes that educational system should be regarded as whole system with teacher, students, teaching material and learning environment such as classroom, students’ psychology. Eco linguistics emerged in the1990’s as a new paradigm of linguistic research which took into account not only the social context in which language is embedded, but also the ecological context in which societies are embedded. The field of ecolinguistics has developed considerably, a recent development being the application of ecolinguistics to Education for Sustainability by the Language&Ecology Research Forum.Part VI is the process of ecological model of English learning. The first step is to choose English language educational purposes. The second step is to select learning material. The third step focuses on the methods selection for the learning. And the last step is the evolution of the learning.Part VII is support conditions of ecological model of English leaning. English learning is a process of complex eco-system. Borrowing the main ideas of Four-factor of eco-class, the dissertation thinks that it is possible for the model to consider the students as a learning subject, teacher as a teaching subject, English language as learning resources and classroom and learning environment. Only does the model balance the weight of these four ecological elements in the language learning, it is possible to solve the problems of low efficiency with time costing in English learning in China.Part VIII is the conclusion. The phenomenon of low efficiency with time wasting of English learning in China is the presentation of the eco-crisis of language education. In order to solve the problems of English learning in China, the dissertation would like to import the ecological value of language education. Ecologically, English learning should balance the placement of students, teacher, language and learning environment in the ecology system. Ecological model of English learning can bring hope for English learning in China by multiplying the methods of teaching, changing the teaching ideas and influencing the learning environment.The creation of the dissertation:Firstly, the origination of the research field. Traditionally, English learning was focused from the perspective of linguistics, pedagogy or psychology. The dissertation tries to do some research from the perspective of ecology.Secondly, the creation of the methodology. Philosophy can provide a new approach for researchers to make research. The dissertation tries to establish a new model of English learning by importing ecological method. Thirdly, new view of the learning model. The dissertation should be regarded as one of the first papers which take English learning as interactive activities by emerging students, teacher, English language and learning environment such as classroom into one model.

【关键词】 英语教学教学模式生态模式
【Key words】 English teachingteaching modelecological model
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

