

Studies on Leisure Agriculture Theory and Practice

【作者】 钟平

【导师】 侯立白;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳农业大学 , 作物学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 休闲农业做为一种新型的农业形态,正开始在祖国的大地上蓬勃兴起。休闲农业是利用农村设备和空间、农业生产场地、农业产品、农业经营活动、自然生态、农业自然环境、农村人文资源等,经过规划设计,以发挥农业和农村休闲旅游功能,增进民众对农村和农业的体验,提升旅游品质,并以提高农民收益、促进农村发展为目标的一种新型农业。休闲农业是现代农业发展至今形成的“三级农业”的一个有机组成部分,也是“三生农业”的具体体现。虽然休闲农业的活动内容和乡村旅游十分相似,但本文站在农业生产的角度来研究休闲农业,视角有所不同。因此,本文将参与休闲农业经营的个体农户直接称为农民,将休闲农业经营者(单位)称为经营者(企业),将参与休闲农业活动的客户称为消费者。随着社会主义新农村建设的全面推进,以及休闲农业在全国范围内的广泛推广和发展,有很多学者、专家开始对休闲农业进行细致的研究。这些研究通常是从旅游的角度,以传统旅游的研究方法对休闲农业进行研究。本文从农业的角度,以推动农业生产发展为目的对休闲农业进行了体系的构建,期望从理论体系和方法体系进行深入和系统的探讨,为休闲农业的全面发展提出一些建议。休闲农业发展的理论基础是可持续发展理论、参与式发展理论和体验经济理论。而传统休闲农业在发展的过程中出现了一些误区,如以经济增长为中心的误区、以牺牲农业生产为代价的误区、忽视农民意愿的误区、忽视传统农耕文化保护和传承的误区等等。正视发展过程中的误区是为了使我国休闲农业的发展走上一条目标正确的、健康的发展道路,避免在发展过程中对农村社会和生态环境带来损害,影响农业生产的正常发展。休闲农业作为农业的新形态,其主要目的是为了促进农村全面发展和满足消费者休闲的需求。要达到这两个主要目的就要求休闲农业经营者或当地政府做好规划,通过有效的营销手段向消费者提供具有吸引力的休闲农业产品。休闲农业的规划一般由政府部门牵头,专业规划团队以休闲农业资源与评价做为规划的基础进行具体编写。目前我国休闲农业资源评价尚未形成统一的标准。笔者参考了相关资料,设计了一套休闲农业资源评价体系。这一体系通过对休闲农业自然资源和农业社会经济资源进行全面调查,将休闲资源分为三个层次进行评价。通过模型树的建立,将17个小项资源状况(第三层)归纳为10个类别(第二层),再将这10个类别归纳到资源类型、资源功能、与传统农业的关系和区位条件(第一层)4个大项中。将每个层次的每项资源编写代码,通过对专家、学者发放调查问卷对资源项设计权重。最后设定出休闲农业资源优劣的等级划分。做好资源的评价工作,是为休闲农业规划打好基础。本文探讨了我国休闲农业规划的内容、功能、原则和程序,并对规划中较为重要的线路设计进行了进一步的探讨。通过休闲农业规划的制定,可以将各种资源有效整合,在不影响农业生产的基础上,更好地为消费者服务。要研究消费者的需求更好地为消费者服务就要先了解消费者的行为和人格特征。消费者在外部环境和信息的刺激下产生意识,意识和内在需求结合产生动机,动机在外部条件成熟时产生决定,最后决定转变为行动。研究行为和人格特征的目的就是对人产生行动的过程进行影响和干预,通过一系列的营销手段和方法影响人的决策过程,激励消费者参与到休闲农业实践中。同时不同的人格特征又对休闲农业场所生命周期产生影响或反映其当前所属的阶段。休闲农业产品是包含了商品、线路和服务的整体。休闲农业产品的设计要有针对性,要通过对市场进行细分,在细分市场中确定目标市场来决定其特色和风格。笔者以消费者的心理特征为依据对休闲农业市场进行细分,并对细分市场设计了不同的休闲农业产品。笔者在丹东市五龙背镇进行了较长时间的调查、走访,根据本文建立的理论体系和方法体系对五龙背休闲农业状况进行了分析。实证分析是对理论分析的佐证,也是期望通过实践和理论相结合的方式探索休闲农业的体系构建模式,力争摸索出一条适合休闲农业发展的可行之路。

【Abstract】 As a new kind of agriculture form, leisure agricultural is developing in China. Leisureagriculture use rural equipment and space, agricultural production sites, agriculturalproducts, agricultural business activities, natural ecological and agricultural naturalenvironment, the rural human resources, after planning and design, such as agriculture andrural to play the leisure and tourism function, improve the populace to the rural andagricultural experience, enhance tourism quality, and to improve the farmer income,promoting rural development of a new agriculture. Leisure agriculture is since modernagricultural development of "three agriculture" formed an organic part only, also the "greatagriculture" concrete manifestation. Although the content and the leisure agriculture, ruraltourism is very similar, but this article is standing in agricultural production from theperspective of leisure agriculture. Therefore, this article will directly called the ones whoparticipate in the leisure agriculture business, peasant farmers the leisure agricultureoperators (units) called operators (enterprise), while call customers who participate inleisure agriculture activities.With the construction of the new socialist countryside, and comprehensively promotethe leisure agriculture in the national wide extension and development, there are manyscholars, experts began to study of leisure agriculture. These studies usually from the Angleof tourism with traditional tourism research methods of study of leisure agriculture. In thispaper the Angle of standing in agriculture, in order to promote the development ofagricultural production for the purpose of leisure agriculture system construction, expectfrom theory system and the method system were discussed, for the all-round developmentof leisure agriculture, put forward some Suggestions.Leisure agriculture development is based on the theory of sustainable developmenttheory, participatory development theory and experience of economic theory. While thetraditional leisure agriculture in the course of development appeared some pitfalls, such aseconomic growth as center at the expense of the erroneous zone, the cost of agriculturalproduction, neglect the pitfalls of farmers’ willingness, neglect of traditional farming culturemisunderstanding of protection and inheritance misunderstanding, etc. Face in the processof development in China is to make misunderstanding of leisure agriculture developmentonto a target right, healthy development road, avoid in the development process of ruralsocial and ecological environment, damage affects the development of agriculturalproduction the.Leisure agriculture as agricultural new forms of its main purpose is to promote rural all-round development and meet the demand of consumer leisure. To achievethis two main purposes requires of leisure agriculture operator or local governmentcompletes the plan, through effective marketing tool to offer consumers attractive leisureagriculture products. Leisure agriculture planning general by government departments tolead and professional planning team of leisure agriculture resources and evaluation basedspecific writing as planning. Our leisure agriculture resources evaluation also does not haveuniform standard. The author referred to the related material, design a set of leisureagriculture resources evaluation system. Through to the leisure agricultural naturalresources and agricultural economic and social resources, thorough investigation will bedivided into three levels leisure resources evaluation. Through the establishment of themodel, tree17xiao xiang resource status (layer3) is divided into10categories (second),will be in the10categories induction to resource types, resource function, and traditionalagriculture relationship and geographic conditions (layer1) in four categories. Will eachlevel of every resource coding, through to the experts and scholars to resources of issuanceof questionnaires designed weights. Finally setting a recreational agriculture resourcesquality hierarchies. The evaluation work, completes the resources for leisure agricultureplanning good foundation. This article probes into the contents of the leisure agriculture,planning, the function, the principles and procedures of planning, and a more important linedesign for further discussion. Through the establishment of the layout of the leisureagriculture, can will resources effective integration up, with no impact on agriculturalproduction, and on the basis of better service for consumers. To study consumer demandbetter serve consumer will first understanding consumer behavior and personality traits.Consumers through the external environment and information stimulating createconsciousness, consciousness and internal demand combined with motives, motivesgenerated in external conditions are ripe produce decided, decide finally into action.Research behavior and personality traits goal is to produce action in the process of influenceand intervention, through a series of marketing means and methods affect the person’sdecision-making process, motivate consumers participation in leisure agriculture. At thesame time different personality characteristics of leisure agriculture a place and the lifecycle impact or reaction its subordinate stage. Leisure agriculture products are contains acommodity, lines and service unit. Leisure agriculture product design to targeted to market,want to pass, subdividing in niche markets determine target market to decide leisureagriculture product characteristics and style. Based on the psychological characteristics of consumers of leisure agriculture based on market, and the subdivision subdividing thedifferent market design leisure agriculture products.The author in Dandong Wulongbei town had a longer, according to the survey, visit thepaper establish theoretical system and method system back to wulong to analyze the leisureagriculture. The empirical analysis of the theory analysis of the country, also hope thatthrough practice and theory combined method of exploration of leisure agriculture systemconstruction way to fight infer a suitable for leisure agriculture development road of thefeasible.

  • 【分类号】F592;F320
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3149
  • 攻读期成果

