

Study on Multidimensional Evaluation Model Construction and Innovation Path Selection to China’s Auto Industry

【作者】 李增辉

【导师】 胡树华;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国汽车产业经过近六十年的发展,已取得了举世瞩目的成就,产销量连续三年位居世界首位,然而繁荣景象的背后却是自主品牌的弱小、市场被外资品牌主导。我们是世界汽车大国,却不是汽车强国。我国汽车产业从无到有、从小到大经历了计划经济体制下的自主生产、改革开放后的合资合作以及当今的开放与自主创新全面发展,却依然没有改变关键技术落后、市场被外资品牌压制的局面。作为国家的支柱产业,缺少核心知识产权,缺乏具有国际竞争力的自主品牌,产业发展面临空心化的危局。因此构建产业的多维评价模型,对汽车产业进行深入评价,分析其发展过程中存在的问题,选择合适的创新发展路径,是我国汽车产业可持续发展、实现由大到强转变的迫切需要。本文依据产业创新的相关理论,在世界汽车产业发展大背景下,从世界汽车产业竞争和创新发展的特征出发,归纳与借鉴他国的创新路径及模式,对我国汽车产业的发展现状与过程进行多维评价,分析制约其创新发展的主要因素,在此基础上提出适合我国国情的汽车产业的创新路径。全文分为五个部分,共八章。第一部分为一、二章,是本文的理论部分,主要论述了研究的背景、目的、意义、内容和方法、相关研究现状,对产业创新和路径选择的相关理论进行阐释。第二部分为第三章,主要论述了汽车产业的独特属性,归纳总结了世界汽车产业发展的模式、创新路径及创新策略。第三部分为四、五章的模型构建与评价,主要构建了产业“三力”均衡评价模型和产业创新过程的“四维”关联动态评价模型,并运用模型对我国汽车产业进行了深入评价分析。第四部分为六、七章,对我们汽车产业创新发展的路径障碍与难点进行了探讨,在此基础上从技术创新、管理创新和制度创新的角度设计了我国汽车产业发展的五种路径:基于技术引进与自主开发集成的并行路径、基于并购与自主开发集成的跨越式路径、基于技术创新推动与制度创新引导的产业集群路径、基于“两权”掌控的产业主导型转化路径、基于国家汽车创新工程的重大专项推进路径。第五部分为全文总结、创新点归纳和研究展望。

【Abstract】 After nearly60years of development, China’s auto industry has made remarkable achievements, the auto outputs and sales are the most in the world last three years, but behind the boom are weaker owned brands and foreign-led market. China is a big auto country but not a power. The development of China’s auto industry from scratch to large that experienced independent production under the planned economy, joint venture after the reform and development, as well as current allround development of opening and innovation. However, there is still no change in the situation of the key technology falling behind and markets dominate by foreign brands. As the country’s pillar industry, the auto industry is facing crisis of hollowing that due to lack core intellectual property rights and owned brands without international competitiveness. So, constructing industrial multidimensional evaluation model to evaluate auto industry in-depth, analyzing the problems and selecting innovation path to China’s auto industry is needed urgently for sustainable development and to achieve the change from big to power.In accordance with related theories of industry innovation, in the context of the world’s auto industry and from the characteristics of the world auto industrial competition and innovation development, this dissertation summarizes and generalizes the ways and framework of innovation of foreign countries, analyzes status quo and process of China’s auto industry with the multi-dimension, finds out the main restriction factors of auto industrial development. On this basis, this dissertation puts forward innovative path of the auto industry which is suitable for China’s national conditions. Part I includes Chapter1and Chapter2, mainly discusses the research background, significance, contents, methods, and current studies, interprets relative theories of industry innovation and path selection. Part II includes Chapter3, mainly expounds the distinct personality of auto industry, summarizes the developing model, path, and innovative strategies of world auto industry. Part III includes Chapter4and Chapter5, mainly builds the "three Capacities" balanced evaluation model of industry,"four-dimensional" correlation dynamic evaluation model in the industrial innovation process, and applies the model to in-depth evaluation and analysis for China’s auto industry. Part IV includes Chapter6and Chapter7, thoroughly probe into the path obstacles and difficulties of China’s auto industry innovation development. On this basis, this dissertation presents the five path for the development of China’s auto industry from technological innovation, management innovation and system innovation point of view, which are parallel path based on the technology introduction integrated with self-developed, leapfrog path based on M&A and independent development of integrating, industrial clusters path based on technology innovation promoting and institutional innovation guiding, industry-led transformation path based on "two rights" control, and major projects propulsion path based on National Automotive Innovation Program. Part V is the summary of the full text, innovative points and research prospects.


