

Research on Characteristics of Domestic Modern Art Design

【作者】 童宜洁

【导师】 陈汗青;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 1998年“工艺美术”学科更名为“艺术设计”学科,2011年“艺术学”正式脱离文学类,成为中国第13个学科门类。“艺术设计”虽更名时间不长,但发展极其迅猛。在艺术设计不断发展壮大、学科规模不断扩张的同时,人们越来越关注艺术设计这个新兴学科的未来发展之路。如何让这个“新兴学科”持久、健康地发展下去,成为艺术设计研究的重要命题。我国艺术设计的发展可谓是一波三折,从艺术设计发展的历史和现状看,艺术设计经历了从图案、美术工艺、实用艺术、工业艺术、工艺美术再到艺术设计的反复历练的过程。同时,艺术设计既需要在政治局面与变化的社会环境下得以发展,又要解决我国社会转型时期传统生产方式与现代生产方式之间产生的问题。从工艺美术到美术设计,再到艺术设计,这些概念的相继出现就能凸显出我国艺术设计发展的矛盾性和复杂性。因此对我国艺术设计发展历程的梳理与研究就显得十分必要。艺术设计在这漫长的过程中不断地发展壮大,无论是在深度还是广度上都有很大的提高,并且艺术设计所包含的各个学科在发展过程中不断总结以往的经验和教训,形成自己的专业特征,在形式和内容上都更加丰富。艺术设计逐渐发展成为一门应用性极强的多学科交叉的边缘性学科,正是由于其多学科交叉的特性,导致了艺术设计方法和程序的多样性,而正是这种多样性,使艺术设计呈现出较为明显的模糊性和复杂性特征。艺术设计在发展中还逐渐呈现出生态性特征、数字化特征以及跨学科性和多元性特征;同时,我国的艺术设计在未来的发展中还必须遵循文化、社会、科技、经济等方面制约,并在国际化大趋势地影响下逐渐走出一条具有我国特色的艺术设计发展道路。在上述描述的基础上,本文通过对艺术设计的发展进行了一般性的综述和分析,并归纳相关文献资料、在其理论与观点的基础上,回顾、审视当代我国艺术设计走过的历程,总结历史经验教训和艺术设计发展的特征和趋势,力图构建具有我国特色的艺术设计学科体系,为弘扬民族的、世界的艺术设计做出贡献。本文以1978年改革开放以来我国艺术设计的发展为脉络,梳理相关的设计、理论及实践中的经验问题,总结出当代我国艺术设计发展的基本特征,力图为艺术设计的更好发展提供可借鉴的参考。

【Abstract】 "Arts and crafts" was renamed "art design" in1998."Arts" formally separated from literature and became the thirteenth subject discipline in China in2011. Art design has developed rapidly since then, though it changed its name just for a short time. Under the condition of the constant development and expansion of art design and the constant spread of discipline scale, people pay more and more attention to the future development way of this new subject. How to let this "rising subject" develop lastingly and healthily in this multicultural society has become an important proposition that art design need to research.Judged by the history and current situation of art design development, art design has been undergoing a long process of repeated experience from pattern, art technology, applied art, industrial arts, crafts and arts to art design. Art design requires both the political situation and the change of social environment, but also to solve our country during the period of social transformation, the traditional mode of production and modern production mode is generated between the problems. From arts and crafts to art design, and then to the art design, these concepts have emerged to highlight China’s art design development the contradiction and complexity. Therefore, to our country the development of art design course combing with the research is very necessary.In this long process, with constant development and expansion art design has been greatly improved whatever in depth and breadth, and at the same time all the various disciplines in art design unceasingly sum up their experiences and lessons from the past, so that they have become more rich and colorful whatever in form and content. Art design has developed into interdisciplinary modern marginal subject with strong applicability, it is just this characteristic of interdisciplinary to lead the diversity of art design method and program, and just this diversity made art design emerge obvious fuzziness and complexity. The main characteristics of interdisciplinary and diversity which emerges from the development of art design. At the same time, art design must abide by the law and restriction of culture, society, science and technology, economy, creation, etc. and carve out a way of art design development with Chinese characteristics.On the basis of the above-mentioned description, this paper has made a general summation and analysis to the art design development. Based on inducing literature material, related theory and view, this paper is going to review and examine the journey which contemporary Chinese art design went through, summarize historical experiences and lessons, features of art design development and future development tendency, open up a completely new prospect to our country’s art design, build art design discipline system with Chinese characteristics, make new contribution to carrying forward the national and world art design. Taking art design development since reform and opening-up after1978as the context, this paper try to sum up basic characteristics of contemporary Chinese art design development through combing relevant design theory, experience and issues in the practice. This paper would provide the use for reference which makes art design go a step further development, promote discipline management level in the future, and foreshadow the related research for others.

【关键词】 艺术设计特征成因
【Key words】 Artdesignfeaturesreasons

