

Research on Bronze Pot-shaped Utensil in Vision of Creation History of Pre-Qin Dynasty

【作者】 李嘉

【导师】 王艳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 先秦造物史是中国传统造物史的重要组成部分,也是中华文化的重要组成部分之一,它深刻影响了中国造物艺术的基本走势,为中国造物艺术的发展明确了方向。从造物史的发展历程来看,“壶”形器的使用几乎贯穿了中国造物史的每个时期,它的发展演变形成了一条较为完整的线性发展轨迹,而先秦时期的青铜“壶”形器又具备上下承和的典型特征,作为中国先秦时期重要的青铜器物品类,在各地的大量发现,从一个方面揭示了中国厚重悠久的历史文化,为我们解读先秦造物的历史提供了丰富的视觉图像资料,同时也为后人营造了一个异彩纷呈的“壶的世界”。本文以现代人对于壶形器的认识,将先秦青铜盉、青铜壶、青铜卣列为研究对象,从造物史的视角,分七章对其进行论述:第一章,引言。对与课题相关的国内外研究现状进行综述,并对课题研究的意义与目的、研究方法、研究框架以及写作思路、相关概念作适当的说明。第二章,先秦青铜“壶”形器的铸造技术与工艺。立足于与研究内容相关的考古发掘报告和研究成果,对先秦时期青铜“壶”形器的发生与技术演进进行逻辑梳理,强调铸造技术与装饰工艺的发展对壶形器形制、纹饰的发展所产生的重要作用。第三章,先秦青铜“壶”形器的形制与功能。以相关的考古类型学研究成果为基础,从器物的类型与形制演进两个方面分先秦早期、先秦中期、先秦晚期三个时间段,归纳青铜壶形器器形演进的逻辑秩序,并结合器物功能的多元化发展与社会政治、宗教形态转变之间的关系,对壶形器的形制与功能的演变与传承做出分析。第四章,先秦青铜“壶”形器的纹饰与铭文。以相关的考古类型学的研究成果为基础,对先秦时期青铜壶形器上的纹饰与铭文进行类型学分析,并就其形式与宗教信仰、政治形态、社会变迁、地理环境等外在因素之间的影响梳理其逻辑演化秩序与规律,并对风格特征做出分析归纳。第五章,先秦青铜“壶”形器的审美理想。以第二章、第三章、第四章的分析、论证为基础,对先秦青铜壶形器所呈现的由距离感到亲切感的变迁,功能与审美的完美统一,以及对于“和合之美”的追求进行分析论述,重点分析先秦不同阶段宗教信仰、政治形态、地理环境、人的意识的觉醒等对壶形器的审美特征产生的影响。第六章,先秦造物观念对青铜壶形器的影响。将青铜壶形器置于先秦时期特定的文化背景之中,运用历史分析法、文献分析法、民族学研究和神话学研究等研究方法,就先秦时期顺天从命、取象比类、因物赋形、审曲面势、技以载道、器以藏礼等造物观对青铜壶形器的影响做展开论述。第七章,结论与展望。在前六章分析、论证的基础上,对全文的主要观点做总结性陈述,并对下一步研究工作的展开提出大致思路。对于先秦青铜“壶”形器的研究,帮助我们从一个新的角度阐释了先秦造物史的发展历程,青铜壶形器不仅蕴含着中华民族的设计智慧,同时也折射出中国早期造物艺术历史发展的脉络,其中所蕴含的自然生态观、伦理观、价值观,以及情感特征、功能特征和造物观念等都可以成为为中国当代设计提供良好借鉴的蓝本。

【Abstract】 The creation history of Pre-Qin Dynasty is an important component of China’s traditional creation history, and it is also one of the essential components of Chinese culture. It has a profound impact on the basic trend of China’s Artifact Art, which has made a clear direction for the development of China’s Artifact Art. Seen from the development process of creation history, the use of pot-shaped utensil is almost throughout each period of the creation history. Its development has evolved to be a relative complete linear developing path. And the bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty bears the typical characteristics of being a junction between preceding and future development. As the important bronze utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty, which has been discovered in large volume in different places, on the one hand, it reveals a thick and long-standing historical culture of China, meanwhile, it offers rich visual image data for us to interpret the creation history of Pre-Qin Dynasty and creates a colorful "pots world" for the descendents.This thesis set bronze He, bronze pots and bronze You of Pre-Qin Dynasty as the research object based on modern people’s understandings of the pot-shaped utensil, and discuss this by seven chapters from the perspective of creation history.Chapter one:introduction. Review foreign and domestic subject-related researches and make appropriate interpretation for the significance, purpose, research methods, frameworks, writing ideas and relevant concepts of the subject.Chapter two:The casting technique and process of bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty. Based on the archaeological excavation reports and research findings, the author induces the logical occurrence for the evolution of bronze pot-shaped utensil as well as technology evolution, and emphases the importance of the development of casting technology and decorative techniques play a significant role for the developments of pot-shaped utensil’s form and decoration.Chapter three:Form and function of bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty. Based on the achievements of archaeological typology researches, the author induces the logical occurrence for the evolution of bronze pot-shaped utensil from three aspects as early Pre-Qin Dynasty, mid Pre-Qin Dynasty and late Pre-Qin Dynasty that have divided by two aspects as type of the object and form evolution, and then make analysis of the evolution and heritage of form and function of pot-shaped utensil with the combination of diversified development of the function of artifacts and relationships between social, political, religious morphology.Chapter four: decorations and inscriptions of bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty. Based on the findings of relevant archaeological typology researches, this chapter makes a typological analysis on decorations and inscriptions of Pre-Qin Dynasty’s bronze pot-shaped utensil, and sorts out the logical evolution occurrence and regulation on the basis of the influences among the utensil’s forms and religious beliefs, political forms, social change, geographical environment and other external factors, and makes analysis and summary of the style characteristics.Chapter five:The esthetic ideal of bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty. Based on the analysis and arguments in Chapter two, Chapter three and Chapter four, showing the changes from strange to intimacy presented by Pre-Qin Dynasty’s bronze pot-shaped utensil, perfect unify of functions and aesthetics, and pursuit of the beauty of harmony, this chapter focuses on discussing the influence of religious belief, political form, geographical environment and people’s consciousness in different phases of Pre-Qin Dynasty on the formation of aesthetic characteristics of the pot-shaped utensil.Chapter six:The impact of the concept of creation in Pre-Qin Dynasty on bronze pot-shaped utensil. Put the bronze pot-shaped utensil in the particular cultural background of Pre-Qin Dynasty and using methods of historical analysis, literature analysis, ethnic studies and mythology research, this chapter discusses the influences of bronze pot-shaped utensil of Pre-Qin Dynasty’s creation concepts, such as going with God’s wish, obtaining image from analogy, composing forms according to things, making arrangement after examination, combining theory and technology and concealing propriety in utensil.Chapter seven:conclusion. Based on analysis and arguments in the previous six chapters, this chapter summarizes the main points of the whole thesis and proposes rough ideas for the further research.The research of bronze pot-shaped utensil in Pre-Qin Dynasty helps to interpret the development process of the creation history in Pre-Qin Dynasty from an entirely new perspective. Bronze pot-shaped utensil not only contains design wisdom of Chinese nation, but also reflects the trace of early artistic creation in China. The concepts of natural ecology, ethics, values, and emotional characteristics, functional characteristics and creation concepts contained can provide good referential blueprints for Chinese contemporary design.


