

Study on Key Construction Technologies of Large Cantilever Steel Structure

【作者】 方胜利

【导师】 张联盟; 谢伟平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,高层建筑设计正日益向综合型多用途发展,为满足各类高层建筑的功能要求和城市美观的要求,高层建筑结构体型也进一步复杂化,其特点是向着高度更高、体型更复杂、功能综合性更强的方向发展。建筑多功能的使用要求引起了结构体型和结构形式的多样化,如带转换层结构、连体结构、竖向收进和悬挑结构、带加强层结构、平而不规则结构等,这几种结构形式的组合就是近年来使用比较多的几种结构形式。这些新颖的建筑结构形式给人耳口一新的视觉冲击感的同时也给建筑结构施工制造了很多难题。本文以施工力学分析为手段,以深圳证券交易所营运中心为研究对象,对超高层大型悬挑结构抬升裙楼施工过程中的关键技术问题进行了研究,并得到如下结论:(1)针对施工过程中可能存在的各种力学问题和技术难点,确定了裙楼的总体施工方案,通过对施工过程进行数值模拟,对施工方案进行了优化。通过研究表明,将原定施工方案中的部分施工步骤合并施工对结构基本没有影响,要采用的实际的施工方案是安全可行的,并且在一定程度上缩短了工期,节约了施工成本。(2)提出了裙楼安装过程中的一些关键技术,并对其作了分析研究:i)对超大钢结构节点高空原位拼焊变形进行了分析,研究了节点高空拼焊时焊缝变形对其精确定位的影响,确定了节点高空拼接时的焊接方案。采取“中下至上,先焊接竖向焊缝,后对称焊接横向焊缝”的原则对于节点高空拼装时的位移控制是有利的;ii)分析了塔楼持续安装对未卸载裙楼的影响,当不考虑塔楼的压缩沉降时,得到的安装起拱值偏大,即若裙楼按一定的安装起拱值进行施工,在安装完成、胎架尚未卸载之时,得到的实际起拱值,会比设计起拱值偏大。(3)提出了支撑胎架卸载过程中的一些关键技术,并对其作了分析研究:i)为了使卸载用的砂箱满足卸载需要,进行了砂箱试验,试验研究结果表明可以采用砂箱作为卸载工具。通过进行满载和过载试验模拟裙楼卸载工况,可以确定合理的砂箱技术参数。ii)对裙楼卸载时裙楼楼板混凝土的可能开裂情况进行了分析,如果裙楼卸载之前浇筑混凝土,在卸载过程中,裙楼端部的混凝土会开裂,在胎架卸载之后,再浇筑抬升裙楼的楼板混凝土效果更好。(4)工程监测结果与理论分析的对比研究。围绕坐标与内力分布的最终设计目标,对钢结构吊装过程中不同阶段各控制截而的应力和位移进行了监测,并将监测结果与数值模拟的结果进行了对比分析。在监测中,应力监测结果受各方面因素影响比较大,并不一定能真实反映结构的应力水平,因此,施工过程中结构应力的可控性比较低;位移监测的影响因素较少,监测结果的精度比较高,并且与计算结果十分吻合,说明结构变形的可控性比较高。

【Abstract】 Along with our country’s high-speed economic development, high-rise building design is increasingly to comprehensive multi-purpose development in order to satisfy the functional requirements of high-rise buildings and urban beautiful requirements. High-rise building structure also is further complicated, its characteristic is higher, more complex shape, more comprehensive of function. Multi-functional requirements caused multi-functional structure size and structure form, such as belt conversion layers structure, joint structure, Incorporated into the vertical and Cantilever Structure, Enhancement layer structure, plane irregular structure etc. Combination of these types of structure is used more in recent years. These new forms of building structures Give us a fresh sense of visual impact, at the same time it also makes a lot of problems to the architectural structure construction.This paper takes the construction mechanical analysis as means, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Operations Center as the research object, the key technical problems during the construction process of the large cantilevered structure-uplift podium have been studied, and the following conclusions are obtained:(1)According to a variety of mechanical problems and technical difficulties existing in the construction process,determine the general construction scheme of the podium, through simulated the construction process, optimize the construction program. The research showed that it had no effect on the structure to consolidate part of the construction steps of theory construction scheme, the actual construction scheme to be used is safe and feasible, and to some extent, shorten the construction period, save construction costs.(2) Put forward some key technologys during the installation process of the podium, and make some analysis and studies, i) It analyzes welding deformation of the large steel joint during its in-situ upper air installingprocedure and study the impact of welding deformation of precise location when splicing the joint at high altitude and determine the welding scheme. to adopt a "bottom-up, first welding vertical weld, then symmetrically welding horizontal weld" principle when assembling the node at high altitude is beneficial for displacement control; ii) Analyse the impact of towers construction on the podium when not unloading, when the compressing settlement is not considered,the camber value maybe slightly larger---if the prodiums are constructed with certain camber value,at the time when the construction is done and the assembly jig is not unloaded yet,the real camber value may be larger than design value.(3) Put forward some key technologys during the unloading process of the supporting jig, and make some analysis and studies:i) In order to meet the needs of unloading,sandbox test are carried out, the experimental results show that the sandbox can be used as the unloading tool. To simulate unloading conditions of the podium, fullload and overload testing are carryed out, and the technical parameters of the reasonable sandbox are determined; ii) Analyse the cracking problem of the podium concrete floor the when unloading. If concrete is poured before the prodiums are unloaded,concrete on the top of the prodiums may crack in the unloading.it will be better if the pouring of floor concrete which uplifts the promiums are done after the unload of the assembly jig.(4)The study of contrast the project monitoring results and the theoretical analysis. Around ultimate design goal of the coordinate and the internal force distribution, of the stress and displacement of control section in different stages during the lifting process of the steel structure were monitored, and were compared with the numerical simulation results. In the monitoring, the stress monitoring results are influenced by factors from aspects,and maybe unable to reflect the real sterss level of the structure,so the controllability of stress in the constructing is relatively low;but the displacement monitoring are influenced by less factors,so that it gets higher precision and matches the calculation perfectly,which means the controllability of structure deformation is relatively high.

  • 【分类号】TU758.11
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1510
  • 攻读期成果

