

Research on Customer QoS Requirements Oriented Web Service Composition and Marketing Strategy

【作者】 骆有隆

【导师】 聂规划;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 电子商务应用的不断深入发展要求分布在不同地理位置、具有多种多样硬件平台、软件技术和数据库管理等技术因素的企业应用系统可以在Internet环境下进行企业之间的应用互操作和应用集成,要求能够根据不同的应用需求,快速、灵活地发现合适的业务应用程序,或者在单个业务应用程序无法满足需求的情况下能自动化地组合各种已有的业务应用系统,并使得它们可以有机地协同工作来为客户提供服务。在新的面向服务的应用环境中,在业务需求驱动的促使下,以Web服务方式进行的、有服务质量(Quality of Service)确保的Web服务发现与组合方法已经成为Web服务领域研究的重点。在当前的Web服务研究中,非功能性属性都受到了广泛的关注,以此为基础的Web服务描述、发现和服务组合成为了当前面向服务应用中的核心问题。但目前的QoS评价、组合、管理都是基于供应商的视角,面对客户QoS需求的个性化和多样性趋势,市场如何更好地提供满足客户需求的服务成为服务商必须重点关注的问题。本文把重点放在客户视角下Web服务的服务质量(Customer Quality of Service, CQoS)评价和竞争市场环境下的服务产品决策和服务资源价格策略等相关问题上。本文对客户视角下Web服务及组合所涉及的关键技术,包括Web服务的QoS建模、Web服务组合框架和市场环境下服务产品决策、服务资源价格策略,进行了深入的研究,主要研究工作包含以下几个方面:(1)提出了基于客户视角的Web服务QoS模型。该模型从消费者的服务质量感知和反馈信息中挖掘客户反馈关键指标及其权重,综合考虑QoS指标的多样性,建立了一个客户视角下的QoS指标体系。(2)研究基于客户QoS感知的Web服务发现和组合框架模型。将考虑客户QoS偏好的组合方法、基于客户QoS期望的服务组合方法和基于业务关联关系的组合方法纳入到框架之中。既考虑了客户的QoS偏好,又综合考虑了服务环境的不确定性。(3)研究了竞争市场下的Web服务产品决策问题,以客户反馈的服务功能和QoS关键指标为依据,通过对候选服务和客户需求进行匹配,综合考虑客户的选择行为及其对效用函数的影响,建立多目标决策模型,规划面向客户的市场最大化服务产品选择方法。(4)研究了竞争市场环境下服务资源的价格策略和价格调整对服务资源的均衡优化问题,分析了竞争市场环境下服务资源针对不同偏好客户的价格策略,模拟了不同环境下的价格调整和客户行为调整的场景,考察了价格调整对Web服务资源均衡优化作用。本文为服务注册中心提供了基于客户视角QoS的Web服务管理关键技术,构建了CQOS模型,建立了满足客户偏好和适合不确定环境的服务组合框架,并对竞争市场环境下的服务组合产品决策和服务资源的价格策略进行了研究。

【Abstract】 Development of e-commerce applications require enterprise applications distributed in different geographic locations, with a wide variety of hardware platforms, software and database management and other technical factors can be integrated between enterprises in the internet environment.It is needed to find the right business applications according to different application requirements. To combine various existing business applications automatly and provide web service composition to customer is also needed. In new service-oriented application environment, the Web service discovery and composition method ensured by quality of service (QoS) has become the focus of research in the field of Web services.In most current research of Web service, non-functional attributes are under heavily studying by both industry and academic. Further more, the description of Web service, the discovery and matching, and the composition of Web services became the kernel problems of current service oriented research. Therefore, most research on QoS evaluation, portfolio management is based on the vendor’s perspective. This article focus on the service quality evaluation of Web services in the customer perspective (the Customer Quality of Service, CQoS) and market strategy in competitive environment, service based on customer utility and other related issues. The issues of Customer Quality of Service (CQoS), the main part of a Web services’ non-functional attributes, are addressed in this thesis.The key problems and technologies including:the description of Web service’s QoS in view of Customer, QoS-aware Web service discovery, Web service composition, to balance and optimize service resource load, the uncertainty of Web service. Some specific contributions of our work are listed as follows:1) A novel Web service QoS model in view of customer is proposed. In the model, key feedback criteria’s and weight are extracted from information on quality-aware of service and feedback information by customer. We present a QoS criteria’s under customers’view by considering with multiple view of QoS.2) A QoS-aware Web service discovery and matching framework is proposed, which compose of web service composition based on user’s QoS preferences and web service composition based random QoS target and web service composition based on connection between web service. It is not only users’ preferences but also uncertain environment centric.3) A decision method of web service product in competitive market is proposed.Firstly,We match the service and demand of users’ based on key QoS criteria’s and function feeded by customer. Secondly, we present a multiple target model with consideration function and users’ select action..Finally, we gain web service plan to maximization market share.4) A model to optimization Web service resource allocation in competitive market is proposed. We analyze relation between price and resource allocation with game theory in micro economy.Later, we get a price adjust algorithm to perform strategy to optimize and balance web service resource.To model customer perspective QoS, key technologies of Web services management customer perspective QoS-based, web composition framework with consideration of customer preference and marketing strategy are important points in this thesis.

  • 【分类号】F224;F713.36
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】246
  • 攻读期成果

