

Research on Real-time Oil Spill Monitoring Method

【作者】 尹奇志

【导师】 严新平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 船舶溢油污染是内河的主要污染之一。随着内河航运业的快速发展,内河船舶的数量不断增加,溢油污染的潜在风险越来越大。一旦发生大型溢油事故,内河沿线的居民生活、生态、水上生物、旅游景区等将受到严重危害,而且这种危害在短时间内很难消除。溢油事故的发生是很难预测的,当溢油事故发生时,如果能及时监测到溢油发生的地点以及当地的水文和气象信息,并迅速采取有效的防扩散措施,将可以减少溢油污染的不良影响。因此,内河溢油的实时监测对于减少内河油污染的危害具有很重要的意义。本论文根据内河河道和内河溢油的特点,对内河溢油监测方法进行了研究,并将溢油监测技术、气象监测技术、水文监测技术、无线通信技术以及溢油应急技术相结合,构建了一套全天候实时在线的内河溢油监测系统。论文主要研究工作如下:(1)进行了可见光传感器和红外传感器的溢油监测实验研究。通过可见光和红外传感器采集了水面油膜图像,并应用图像处理软件对采集的图像进行了处理,实验结果表明:当水面有水草、泡沫等物质干扰时,可见光传感器和红外传感器均无法清楚区地分水和油。此外,当传感器晃动时,也很难区分水和油。(2)进行了能量吸收传感器ID-227的溢油监测实验研究。建立了ID-227传感器溢油数据采集实验平台,通过该实验平台进行了ID-227传感器在空气、净水静止、净水波动、水面漂浮0#柴油、重柴油、原油、航空煤油、滑油、食用油、水草、树叶、泡沫以及不同环境温度下的实验数据采集,并运用快速傅里叶滤波、中位值平均滤波、小波变换等多种滤波方法对实验采集的数据进行了处理,最后根据数据处理结果对传感器在空气、净水静止、净水波动、水面油膜和油膜波动等5种状态进行了特征提取和分类,实现了水面油膜的识别。(3)进行了激光反射传感器OFD-1的溢油监测实验研究。建立了OFD-1传感器溢油数据采集实验平台,并通过该平台进行了OFD-1传感器在净水静止、净水波动、水面漂浮0#柴油、原油、航空煤油、滑油、食用油、水草、树叶、泡沫、油面波动等多种环境下的输出信号数据采集,同时对不同环境温度、以及降雨条件下传感器的输出也进行了采集,然后运用快速傅里叶滤波、中位值平均滤波、小波变换等滤波方法对采集数据进行了处理,根据数据处理结果对传感器在净水静止、净水波动、水面油膜和油膜波动等状态进行了特征提取和分类。实现了水面油膜的识别。(4)根据内河溢油特点,通过对可见光、红外、ID-223、ID-227、油份浓度仪等不同水面油膜监测传感器的实验研究和分析比较,最终选定ID-227作为基于内河航标的溢油监测设备,OFD-1作为基于内河桥梁的溢油监测设备。(5)分析了内河溢油、内河水文以及内河航标的特点,根据这些特点和当前内河溢油监测现状设计了基于多功能航标和桥梁的内河水面油膜监测系统。(6)根据航标特点开展了与内河溢油应急相关的温度、水流速度、风速、降雨量以及能见度等传感器的选型研究并进行了整个传感系统的电路和电源设计。(7)构建了内河溢油远程监测信息的传输系统,并分别在实验室和内河进行了测试,测试结果表明该信息传输系统数据掉包率低,运行良好。(8)应用层次分析法对溢油监测传感网络的布设与优化进行了研究,根据溢油监测系统监测的数据建立了溢油量估算模型,并结合OILMAP软件对溢油的动态归宿进行了模拟,研究了溢油拦截点的确定方法和围油栏的选择方法。

【Abstract】 Oil spill is one of the main pollutant of the inland river. As the rapid development of the river shipping industry, the number of the river ship is continuously increasing, and the potential risk of oil spill is larger and larger. Once the oil spills in river, both the social economic and residents health of the coastal areas would be damaged seriously, which would not be easy to eliminate in a short period. Because of the difficulty of the oil spill forecasting, when the oil spill occurs, if the pollution location can be detected timely, along with the quick response and the effective measures, the negative effect of the oil spill pollution could be reduced. So the real-time monitoring of oil film on the river is of great importance to reduce the negative effect from the oil spill pollution. The monitoring methord of oil spill is studied according to the characteristics of the river channel and oil spill accident. The oil spill monitoring, weather monitoring, hydrology monitoring, communication technology and the oil spill emergency technology are combined, an all-weather and real-time monitoring system for oil spill in river is developed, and the main research work includes:(1) The image collection experiments for oil spill and floating debris under both visible and infrared sensors were implemented. The imagines were treated by image processing software, and the results showed that the sensors can not distinguish water from oil clearly with the disturbance from aquatic or foam exists, besides when the sensor is swaying.(2) An experiment platform for collecting data from the energy-absorption ID-227sensor was constructed, and data collection was implemented for ID-227under different circumstance, including air, static pure water, fluctuant pure water,0#diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, crude oil, aviation kerosene, lubrication oil, edible oil, aquatic, leaves and foam, the data under different temperature were also collected, by the use of fast Fourier filtering, median values filtering and wavelet transformation, the data was processed, and the results was compared, by the feature extracting and classification for the status like air, static pure water, fluctuant pure water, oil film and fluctuant oil film, the identification of the oil film was realized.(3) An experiment platform for collecting data from OFD-1sensor was constructed, and data collection was implemented for OFD-1under different circumstance, including static pure water, fluctuant pure water,0#diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, crude oil, aviation kerosene, lubrication oil, edible oil, aquatic, leaves and foam, the data under different temperature and rain were also collected, by the use of fast Fourier filtering, median values filtering and wavelet transformation, the data was processed, and the results was compared, by the feature extracting and classification for the status like air, static pure water, fluctuant pure water, oil film and fluctuant oil film, the identification of the oil film was realized.(4) According to the characteristics of the oil spill in river, and by the experiment research and comparison of visible, infrared, ID-223, ID-227and oil concentration apparatus, the ID-227was finally selected to monitor the oil spill on the base of river navigation mark, and the OFD-1can be equipped on the bridge as the monitor equipment.(5) The characteristics of the oil spill, hydrology and navigation mark of the river were analyzed, according to these characteristics and the current oil spill monitoring research status, an oil spill film monitor system based on the multi-functional navigation mark or bridge was designed.(6) According to the characteristics of the navigation mark, the sensors for monitor temperature, water speed, wind speed, rain and visibility which related to the oil spill emergency response were selected, the corresponding electric circuit and power supply were both designed.(7) The communication system for oil spill monitor information was constructed, and the test was implemented in laboratory and river, which shows this information communication system is of the low frame lose rate and works well.(8) The layout and optimization of the oil spill sensor network was researched with the application of the analytic hierarchy process, the oil spill volume estimation model was developed based on the data from oil spill monitor system, and the dynamic destination of the spilled oil was simulated with the combination of OILMAP software, so the determination method of the oil intercept point and the selection method of the oil containment boom are researched.

【关键词】 内河水面油膜监测方法溢油应急
【Key words】 riveroil filmmonitor methodoil spill emergency

