

Study of Industrial Structure Optimization Based on Ecological Economy

【作者】 贺丹

【导师】 赵玉林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 资源和环境问题的日益凸显使传统产业发展模式受到严峻的考验,社会各界开始重新审视经济发展的目标,经济转型和产业生态化成为当今世界产业格局变化的重要特征。产业结构作为经济结构调整的重要部分,是加快经济发展方式转变的主攻方向,因此,在当前经济发展目标下,如何促进产业结构优化升级是一个亟待探讨的重要问题。本文综合运用产业经济学、产业生态学、生态经济学的相关理论,重新界定产业结构优化的理论内涵,提出产业结构优化的产业共生路径和生态创新路径,并揭示产业共生与生态创新协同促进产业结构优化的作用机制。这一研究对于丰富和完善产业结构优化理论,指导产业结构优化升级具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文共分八章,第一章为导论;第二章为理论基础,重新界定当前经济发展目标下的产业结构优化的理论内涵,产业共生与生态创新的相关理论,为后续研究奠定理论基础。第三章研究产业结构变动与生态效益的关系;第四章重新构建产业结构优化水平的评价指标体系,并对中国产业结构优化水平的历史演变和省级区域进行比较分析;第五章和第六章分别介绍了产业结构优化的产业共生路径和生态创新路径;第七章揭示产业共生与生态创新协同促进产业结构优化的作用机制;第八章是对全文的总结与展望。研究表明,传统的产业结构优化理论在当前经济发展目标和产业发展趋势下具有一定的局限性,产业结构优化需要被赋予新的内涵,包括三个方面:产业结构优化的最终目标是实现经济-生态综合效益的最大化和产业系统较强的动态稳定性;产业结构优化的原则是产业间关联深化、协调发展和产业素质提升;产业结构优化的评价指标体系体现经济-生态综合因素;基于新的指标体系对中国产业结构优化水平的历史演变和省域水平进行比较分析,发现经济-生态综合效益考量下,近十年我国产业结构优化水平整体呈现上升趋势,而2010年各地产业结构优化水平排名与经济发展水平排名具有一定差异,要提高产业结构优化水平,就需要改变原有的产业结构调整的方向,实现产业结构生态化、关联度和高级化这三方面的均衡、协调发展;根据产业共生与生态创新的基本属性与特征,产业共生与生态创新是促进产业结构优化的必然选择,产业共生通过提高产业结构的协调能力、提高资源利用效率、增强产业系统的稳定性三条路径实现产业结构优化,生态创新则通过诱导新兴产业成长、提高传统产业的技术水平和生态效益来实现产业结构优化;产业共生与生态创新是协同促进的关系,这种关系又进一步加强了产业结构优化的产业共生路径和生态创新路径,并最终实现了当前经济发展目标下的产业结构优化。

【Abstract】 The governments and scholars have to review the goals of the economic development again, as it accompanied by the resources and environment problems, which making the transformation of the economic development to ecological mode becomes an important character. Industry restructuring is a key part and the main direction of this transformation. So, under the new conditions of the goals of the development, how to accelerate the speed of the industrial structure optimization is an important emergence question to answer. This article synthesizes the theories of industry economics, industrial ecology and ecological economics. By redefining the meaning of industrial structure optimization, the article proposes the paths of industry symbiosis and eco-innovation for this optimization and reveals the mechanism of cooperation between industry symbiosis and eco-innovation to the industrial structure optimization. These have a special meaning to enrich and complete the theory of industrial structure optimization.This article has8chapters, Chapter1is introduction. Chapter2is the theoretical bases which include redefine the goals of industrial structure optimization, describe the contents of the theories used in the article. Chapter3analyses the relationship between industrial structure optimization and eco-efficience. Chapter4restructures the evaluation index system of industrial structure optimization level and analysis the levels of China’s history and different provinces’industrial structure. Chapter5and6reveal the paths of industry symbiosis and eco-innovation for industrial structure optimization. Chapter7reveals the the mechanism of cooperation between industry symbiosis and eco-innovation to the industrial structure optimization. Chapter8, the last chapter summarizes the results of the article and prospects the next step of the research direction.The results show that the traditional theory of industrial structure optimization is limited in nowadays. New theory of industrial structure optimization including3aspects:the final goals of industrial structure optimization are maximization the revenue of economic-ecology and the dynamic stability of the industrial system; The rule of industrial structure optimization are deepening and coordinating the correlation between industries and promoting the industrial quality; The evaluation index system of industrial structure optimization should embody of economic-ecological factors. Based on the new index system, the result shows that from year2001to year2010,the level of industrial structure optimization present a picture of improvement,except one or two years,however, in2010,the orders of industrial structure optimization and economic development are partly different among30provinces,so it’s necessary to change the paths of industrial structure adjusting,achieve industrial structure ecological、rationalization and high gradation simultaneously.Industrial symbiosis and eco-innovation are the necessities of industrial structure optimization according their characters. The former optimizes the industrial structure by3paths:promoting coordination ablity, resource using efficiency and industrial system stability of industries. The latter optimizes the industrial structure by2paths:inducing the growth of new industries; promoting the technology and eco-efficiency level of traditional industries. The synergistic effects of industrial symbiosis and eco-innovation make these paths have a better performance and all of these realize the new goals of industrial structure optimization at last.

  • 【分类号】F121.3;F205
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2789
  • 攻读期成果

