

【作者】 窦红宾

【导师】 王正斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 知识资源是企业未来创造财富和保持竞争优势的决定性的资源,企业未来发展主要依靠知识推动,因而知识资源获取成为学者们近些年的研究热点,知识是现代企业竞争的焦点,也是提升企业核心竞争力的关键。企业能否持续高效的获取知识资源成为企业生存与发展的关键。另一方面,随着经济全球化,企业的生存方式发生很大改变,企业网络得到迅速发展。企业嵌入的社会网络可以为其获取及时、准确的信息提供良好的渠道,它能为企业直接提供知识资源、信息和互补的资源(Hagedoom,1993)。社会网络环境下,任何企业或组织都不可能单独的管理知识,因为企业本身是开放的,网络已成为企业获取知识资源和信息的重要组织形式。企业从外部网络获取知识资源的效果还依赖于企业是否具备较高水平的协调机制,通过外部网络获取知识资源,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得优势。本文综合运用网络理论、知识管理理论、组织学习理论和协调机制理论等相关学科的理论与方法,借鉴前人已有的研究,提出了产业集群中企业知识资源获取影响因素模型与相关假设。通过探讨企业外部的网络特征与协调机制等影响因素间的相互关系,及其对知识资源获取的影响,揭示了网络环境下,企业网络特征是如何对企业知识资源获取产生影响。本文的研究对集群企业获取知识资源,提升企业竞争力,具有重要的意义。本研究运用网络分析的方法,在对西安通讯装备制造产业集群和西安光电产业集群内高层管理者进行深度访谈和预调研的基础上,以394家相关集群企业为样本,进行调研,获取数据,再运用SPSS16.0等统计软件对数据进行相关分析、因子分析、回归分析等,得出以下主要研究结论:(1)企业网络特征变量的中心度、联结强度均能对企业知识资源获取产生显著的正向影响。(2)企业网络特征对企业知识资源获取的影响并不是直接的。必须经由协调机制的中介作用,才能实现。具体来讲:协调机制在中心度、联结强度影响显性知识资源获取中扮演部分中介的作用,协调机制在中心度、联结强度影响隐性知识资源获取影响中扮演完全中介的作用。企业协调机制充当企业网络与知识资源获取之间的桥梁。协调机制对隐性知识资源获取的作用更为关键,企业网络特征两项指标均通过影响协调机制对企业知识资源获取产生间接的显著影响。紧紧围绕集群企业网络特征—协调机制—知识资源获取”这一框架,本研究的创新点体现在如下几方面:(1)本研究构建了集群企业网络特征—协调机制—知识资源获取的概念模型,并进行了实证检验。通过对产业集群、企业网络、协调机制、知识资源获取等相关文献进行梳理,把协调机制当做中间变量,构建集群企业网络特征—协调机制—知识资源获取的概念模型,并以西安通讯装备产业集群与西安光电子产业集群中的企业为样本,进行问卷调研,获取数据,对研究假设进行实证检验,证明了企业网络通过协调机制影响企业知识资源获取的内在机理。较之以往研究,本文的理论框架更完整,所探讨的网络特征也更全面。(2)从网络视角揭示了集群企业知识资源获取的过程机制。本研究依托集群的网络理论,协调机制理论,探讨集群企业知识资源获取的过程机制。完善了企业知识资源获取影响因素研究模型,系统探讨了影响企业知识资源获取的关键因素,把这些关键因素纳入到一个完整的模型中,本研究认为,集群企业网络特征的差异通过影响企业的协调机制,从而间接影响了企业知识资源获取。这一理论观点在本研究中得到了检验与支持。协调机制作为中介变量对于提高隐性知识资源获取有较强的作用。(3)从实证分析的角度揭示了企业网络特征影响企业知识资源获取的内在机理。目前,这方面的实证研究比较少,本文通过对西安通讯装备产业集群企业和西安光电子产业集群企业的285份有效问卷进行统计分析,得出研究结论,具有一定的探索性。本文通过实证分析发现了以下结论:中心度、联结强度对协调机制有显著的正向影响作用。协调机制对知识资源获取有显著的促进作用,后一结论说明企业在知识资源获取过程中,可以通过主动地构建、优化协调机制,提高企业知识资源获取的效果。本研究以产业集群中的企业为研究对象,通过构建概念模型,理论假设,进行实证检验,最终得出了一些有意义的研究结论。但由于企业网络、协调机制等领域的相关理论非常复杂,加之笔者的研究能力所限,本研究中还存在许多不足,需要在今后的研究中逐步改善。

【Abstract】 Knowledge is critical resource to keep enterprise’s competition.Knowledge resources is not only focus of scholar’concern,but also focus of enterprise’s competition.lt is critical to improve the core enterprise’s competition.The key to develop for company is persisting knowledge resources acquiring.On the other hand,with economic globalization and the rapid development of networking,there are great changes in existence manner of enterprise. Enterprise network developed rapidly.Enterprise embedded in the social network can get correct information immedetely.it can support knowledge, information and complementary resources.Under the social network environment,it is impossible to manage knowledge singlely for any enterprise or organization,because enterprise is openly itself. The social network become important way to get knowledge and information.The performance of knowledge resources acquiring is depending on the high level of coordination mechanism which can be used to obtaining knowledge resources.The enterprise can get success in the fierce competition.Referenced the former researchers’s contribution, this research utilizes network relationship theory, knowledge management theory, organization learning theory, and coordination mechanism theory to formalize a model of the influencing variable of knowledge resources acquiring performance in industry cluster and some interrelated hypothesis.This paper discusses the relationship between network characteristics and coordination mechanism and mechanism that enterprise network have impact on knowledge resources acquiring, so as to explain how clustered enterprises network characteristics have an impact on knowledge resources acquiring under today’s industrial clusters environment. This paper is important for enterprises to acquire knowledge resources and improve competitiveness. Then,this paper takes advantage of social network analysis methods. Based on interviews with top management in enterprises and carrying out small sample test research, author obtain the data through conducting a questionnaire survey of394enterprises in the Xi’an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and Xi’an optoelectronics industry cluster.the author takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS16.0which in details including correlation analysis, factor analysis, and liner regression.The main research results are shown below after the empirical analysis: (1) Position centrality and tie strength have an importantly positive impact on knowledge resources acquiring.(2) The impact which clustered enterprises network characteristics have on knowledge resources acquiring is not direct, it dependent on the intermediary role of the coordination mechanism.Coordination mechanisms play intermediary role between position centrality、 tie strength and dominant intellectual resources acquiring,coordination mechanism play full mediating role between position centrality、 tie strength and tacit knowledge acquiring.The coordination mechanism play a brige role between network characteristics and Knowledge resources acquiring.especialy for tacit knowledge,the role is dimininet. apparently, the two indicators of enterprise external network have an indirect but significant impact on knowledge resources acquiring.In the framework of network characteristics, coordination mechanism and knowledge resources acquiring, The innovation points of this research include the following three aspects:(1) Constructed and tested a comprehensive framework about network characteristics, coordination mechanism.and knowledge resources acquiring.The author reviewed the relative literatures about network structure, coordination mechanism, knowledge resources acquiring and based on these literatures, taking the coordination mechanism as the intermediate variable, the author constructed the analysis framework of "enterprise external network, coordination mechanism, enterprise knowledge resources acquiring".By analysing the clustered enterprise’s sample data from the Xi’an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and the Xi’an optoelectronics industry cluster, this paper empirically tested corresponding hypothesis.the author clarify the impact mechanism of enterprise external network affects its knowledge resources acquiring indirectly by the means of its effect on enterprises coordination mechanism which play mediating role between enterprise external network and knowledge resources acquiring. Compared with previous studies,this paper have more complete theoretical framework, Author explores more comprehensive clustered enterprises network characteristics.(2) Revealed the mechanism that formed the clustered enterprises’s knowledge resources acquiring from a network perspective. Based on network theory, coordination mechanism,this paper reveals the mechanism of how clustered enterprises network characteristics affect knowledge resources acquiring.this paper discussed the mechanism that formed the clustered enterprises’s knowledge resources acquiring, Complement the model of the influencing variable of knowledge resources acquiring,disscuss the critical factors affecting enterprise’s knowledge resources acquiring System, put all these critical factors in a completed model.In this dissertation, the author claim that the difference of enterprises network characteristics have an impact on the knowledge resources acquiring indirectly by the means of its effect on enterprises’s coordination mechanism.This point was supported by the empirical analysis. As a mediating varible, coordination mechanism play important role on improving knowledge resource acquiring.(3) Author make a quantitative analysis on the impact of enterprise external network on its knowledge resources acquiring.This paper reveal the mechanism how clustered enterprises network characteristics have an impact on knowledge resources acquiring by the empirical analysis.At present, the empirical analysis are still rare on enterprise external network affecting knowledge resources acquiring. Thus, according to285valid questionnaires of the Xi’an communications equipment manufacturing industry cluster and Xi’an optoelectronics industry cluster, this Paper takes a study by using of the statistical analysis software SPSS16.0, and this have some exploratory.In this paper, author gets two conclusions:Firstly, the position centrality, tie strength positively affects coordination mechanism.Coordination mechanism of enterprise positively affects knowledge resources acquiring.The latter conclusion shows that enterprise can build coordination mechanism more actively in the process of knowledge resources acquiring to enhance performance of enterprise knowledge resources acquiring.Choosing clustered enterprises as analysis object, by constructing the analysis framework, the theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper has get some meaningful conclusions. However, theory about industrial clusters are complicate. Because of the author’s limited research ability, there might be some drawbacks in this paper which needed to be improved by further research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期

