

【作者】 郑璐

【导师】 许门友;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 知识分子一词最早来源于俄国,随着时代的演进,知识分子的概念和意义被人不断进行阐释,一般认为知识分子应具有以下三个特点:首先是知识水平高,表现在具有超出普通人平均水平的高学历;其次是劳动性质,知识分子一般都被认为是脑力劳动者;第三是职业领域,知识分子一般都在科技、教育、文化、卫生等领域工作,通过自己的脑力劳动形成精神成果来展现价值同时对社会做出贡献。这三点可以被看作是定义知识分子外延上的基本标准。本文研究中的知识分子特指求学于清末民初,成名于民国时期,经历国共两党政权更替的,具有现代科学文化素养、以西方思想文化为主要意识的知识精英群体。这与建国初期从人的受教育程度出发,将当时受过小学教育的人统称为知识分子的提法具有明显的区别。本文共分为七大部分。在绪论部分,重点阐述选题缘由和研究意义,国内外研究现状及评述,论文的研究方法和研究思路以及可能的创新点,并对知识分子这一群体如何定义作出界定。第一章“马克思主义关于知识分子问题的理论与实践”是论文的总起,首先对马克思、恩格斯关于知识分子的论述进行介绍,知识分子问题在马恩的著作中尚未成为主要研究重点,而列宁在无产阶级革命实践过程中则对知识分子问题进行了系统的研究,其理论对前苏联知识分子政策的制定产生了深远的影响。第二章“民主革命时期党的知识分子政策回顾”。首先对20世纪前半期中国知识分子的群体特征进行描述,介绍他们对中国共产党新民主主义革命理论的态度,最后总结中国共产党在民主革命时期知识分子政策实践过程中的经验得失,并作出评析。第三章“新中国成立后党对知识分子的思想改造及其影响”。首先介绍建国后知识分子群体的状态,分析中国共产党对知识分子进行思想改造的原因,对运动的内容进行简要叙述,最后总结知识分子思想改造运动所取得的成果。第四章“党在意识形态领域的思想批判及其后果”。对过渡时期中国共产党的路线、方针进行阐述,结合当时知识分子的实际状况,找出知识分子在思想上与中共中央意识形态领域政策的差异。由于这些差异的存在,使得中国共产党在意识形态领域先后发动了对俞平伯《红楼梦》研究、胡适“唯心主义”思想的批判,并以批判胡风文艺思想及“胡风反革命集团”达到高潮。最后对中国共产党在意识形态领域的批判运动所产生的负面作用进行归纳、总结。第五章“社会主义建设的全面开展与党的知识分子政策调整”。随着中国共产党对知识分子思想改造运动的完成,知识分子的智力作用在中国共产党正确的领导下得到充分发挥,适应了世界科技革命发展新形势和社会主义建设的需要,特别是为“一五”“计划的顺利实施作出了突出贡献。党在社会主义建设过程中结合实际,对知识分子政策不断调整,先后宣布知识分子是“工人阶级的一部分”、“向科学进军”,并提出了“百花齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,并在实践中取得成功。第六章“建国初期党对待知识分子问题的经验教训与启示”。通过对这一时期中国共产党知识分子政策经验教训的分析归纳,客观评价知识分子在社会主义建设中的作用,正确认识和分析知识分子的阶级属性等问题,正确区分和处理政治和学术的关系,冷静思考在当前如何发挥他们的积极性和才能,为我们今天建设社会主义和谐社会提供有益启示。建国初期党的知识分子政策的经验教训,笔者认为有以下四点:一是要正确认识和分析知识分子阶级属性的问题。无产阶级政党在取得政权后应及时调整思维模式,完成从革命党到执政党的转变,用团结、发展的思路来调动社会各种力量,进行社会主义建设。无产阶级政党在本国的建设实践过程中应从国情实际出发制定相关政策,不要盲目地照搬别国的经验和模式,避免教条主义错误。应客观看待和评价知识分子所受的资产阶级教育,肯定他们在中国社会历史发展中所具有的进步性。应充分估计和肯定知识分子在思想上、政治上的进步性,激发他们的爱国热情,调动他们的工作积极性,为社会主义建设服务。二是要正确区分和处理政治和学术的关系。学术与政治应建立和谐共融的关系;要从法治化的角度审视学术与政治的关系,在遵守法律的前提下允许公民有言论自由,从而保障学术研究的自由;要防止政治对学术的过度干预,避免学术研究政治化。三是要坚持中国共产党提出的“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针。改革开放30余年来的实践历程告诉我们,坚持“双百”方针,是实现繁荣我国学术研究与文艺事业发展的正确选择。四是要充分认识知识分子在社会主义建设中的作用。知识分子是人类科学文化知识的重要创造者、继承者和传播者;知识分子是推动我国科技进步和经济发展的生力军;知识分子是社会主义精神文明建设的骨干和核心力量。

【Abstract】 Intellectuals the word comes from Russia, along with the time development, the intellectual’s concept and meaning be constantly interpreted, it is generally thought that intellectuals should have the following three characteristics:first is the knowledge level is high, and in which are more than the average level of highly educated people; Next is the labor properties, intellectuals generally are considered intellectual workers; The third is the professional field, intellectuals generally in science and technology, education, culture, public health and other fields work, through his own mental work spirit results to show value formation and the contribution to society. These three points can be seen as definition intellectuals the extension of the basic standard. This paper studies the intellectual is to point to study in the late qing dynasty, famous in the republic of China period, the experience of the replacement of the kuomintang regime, have modern scientific culture quality, to western thought culture as the main consciousness of intellectual elite group. This and in the early days of the education degree from people by, starting with primary school education at that time people collectively referred to as the formulation of intellectuals have obvious difference.This paper is divided into seven parts. In the introduction section, focuses on why the significance and topic selection, present situation and reviewed at home and abroad, this paper the research methods and ideas and may the innovation points, and for the intellectuals this group made to define how to define.The first chapter "marxist intellectuals of theory and practice" is always on the paper, first of Marx, Engels about intellectual discusses this paper, the intellectuals in the MaEn works are not a research focus, and Lenin in the proletariat revolution is in the process of practice of intellectuals problems on the study of the system, the theory of the former Soviet union intellectual policy formulation has far-reaching influence.The second chapter "democratic revolution party’s intellectual policy review". First in the first half of the20th century Chinese intellectuals described the group characteristics, introduce them to the communist party of China the attitude of the new democratic revolution theory, and finally summarizes the communist party of China in the period of democratic revolution intellectual policy practice experience in the process of the gain and loss, and make comments.Chapter3"after the founding of the party of intellectual ideological reform and its influence. First introduces the intellectual community after the founding of the state, the analysis of the Chinese communist party for intellectuals of ideology reconstruct causes of the content of the movement are briefly described, finally summarizes ideological reform movement intellectual achievements made.The fourth chapter "party in the field of ideology and ideological critical consequences". The communist party of China to transition route, the policy is expounded, combined with the actual status of the intellectuals at the time, and find out the intellectuals in the thought the central committee of the communist party and ideology policy differences. Because of these differences and allows for the existence of the Chinese communist party in the ideological area has launched YuPingBo of a dream of red mansions "research, hu shi" idealism "thinking of the criticism, and with the criticism of hu feng’s literary theory and" hu feng’s counter-revolutionary group "reached its peak. The last of the communist party of China in the field of ideology that sports criticism the negative role of synthesized and summarized.Chapter5:"in the building of socialism in an all-round way and the party’ s intellectual policy adjustment". As the communist party of China on intellectuals of ideological reform movement complete, the intellectual’s role in intelligence under the leadership of the communist party of China right into full play, adapt to the world revolution of science and technology development new situation and the needs of the socialist construction, especially for the first five-year plan "the smooth implementation of. The party has made a great contribution to the socialist construction in the process of combining with practice, to intellectual policy constantly adjust, has announced that the intellectual is" part of the working class,"" stepping to science", and put forward the "let flowers blossom and schools of thought contend" the policy, and in practice of success.Chapter6"in the early days of the party to the experience of intellectuals and enlightenment". Through this period of the communist party of China intellectual policy experience of analysed and summarized, an objective evaluation of the intellectuals in the role of socialist construction, the correct understanding and analysis of the intellectual class attribute, distinguish between and deal with the relationship between the political and academic, calm thinking in the current how to play their enthusiasm and ability, we today for construction of a socialist harmonious society provides beneficial enlightenment.In the early days of the party’s intellectual policy lessons, the author thinks that has the following four:one is to correct understanding and analysis of the intellectual class attribute. The party of the proletariat in after coming to power should adjust the thinking mode, complete the transformation from a revolutionary party to the ruling party, with unity and development of thought to mobilize social various power, on socialist construction. The party of the proletariat in the construction of the country in the process of practice should be making based on the actual situation related policy, don’t blindly copying from the other countries of the experience and the pattern, avoid the dogmatism mistakes. Should take an objective look at and evaluate intellectuals were bourgeois education, sure they in China in the social and historical development is the progressive. Should make full estimation and sure intellectuals in the ideological, political advancement, arouse their enthusiasm of patriotism, arouse their enthusiasm for socialist construction service.2it is to distinguish between and deal with the relationship between the political and academic. Academic and political shall establish the harmony, the relations of the From the perspective of the legalization of academic and political relations, in compliance with the premise of the law allows citizens have the freedom of speech, thus safeguarding academic research of freedom; To prevent excessive intervention on the political academic, avoid academic research politicized. Three is to hold that the communist party of China put forward "let flowers blossom and schools of thought contend" policy. Reform and opening up to more than30years of practice course tell us, adhere to the "" policy, is to achieve prosperity of academic research in China and the development of the cause of the right choice.4it is to fully realize the intellectuals in the socialist construction in the role. The intellectual is human science and culture knowledge important creators, successor and disseminator; The intellectual is promoting our country’s scientific and technological progress and the main force of the economic development; The intellectual is in the construction of socialist spiritual civilization backbone and core strength.

【关键词】 中国共产党知识分子政策研究
【Key words】 The communist party of Chinaintellectualspolicyresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

