

【作者】 张军

【导师】 谢扬举;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《管子》有经邦治国的百科全书之称,相传为齐相管仲所著,经西汉刘向编定成型,全书八十六篇,今存七十六篇。在《管子》研究上,学界公认有三难:文中古字较多,流传中增字、漏字、窜入错乱严重;是何人何时所著;思想内容庞杂,而且许多地方存在一定冲突。《管子》内容丰富,政治、哲学、经济、礼法、军事、外交、科技、教化等均有涉及。目前《管子》研究主要有两种思路:一种是分类研究,一种是整体性研究。本文在综合前人分类研究成果的基础上,试图从整体性的角度来解读《管子》,突出它在国家治理方面的“至善”政治思想。本文前两章,主要对管仲生平和《管子》成书作一概述,重点介绍二者的地域文化背景:齐文化。在《管子》著者和成书时间上,遵循前人非一时一人之作的定论。在思想归属上,通过对历史上的道家说、法家说、杂家说等争议的辨析,结合当前《管子》研究中的“管仲学派”的提法,认为《管子》是一部以治国为主题的综合性巨著。“至善”政治是《管子》的思想主旨。“求善”是中国传统政治思想的一个核心追求,《管子》在这方面更具代表性。《管子》明确提出了“至善”之国的一些具体标准,并从治国实践出发,系统、全面地论述了“善政”思路。天道和人情是《管子》治国思考的两个基本前提。它认为天道、心性是至善的,人情是自利的,人道要依循天道,顺应人情,从有机整体的角度综合考虑。“国家本位”是《管子》治国的指导纲领。“国家本位”体现在两个方面:一是周天子与各诸侯之间,以诸侯国为本位,由此形成王霸天下的思想;二是在诸侯国内部的政治格局中,主张民为国本,贤明君主居上无为,百臣守法具体治理,君、臣、民三者各居其位,各务其事。在国家治理思路上,《管子》认为要道德、礼法综合运用。道德是内在心性修养,礼法是外在制度规范,二者共同致力于社会秩序的维护和稳定。在道德和礼法之间,以道德为礼法终始,礼法为治国的首选。在礼与法之间,认为礼、法同源于道,法是礼的进一步发展,重法但不弃礼。在具体治国方略上,《管子》认识到财富对国家强大的重要意义,因此将发展经济摆在国家治理诸多层面的首要位置,充分利用人情的自利性,来促使国家经济的整体多元发展。经济繁荣,为《管子》的“至善”政治提供坚实的物质基础,使民众和国家共同富裕得以可能。在行政区划、官制、外交、军事、国防、科技、人文等方面,《管子》都提出了切实的治国措施。

【Abstract】 Guan Zi is the encyclopedia of governing the country, which might be written by Gu Zhong who was the prime minister of Qi. After compiled by Liu Xiang who was living in the western Han Dynasty, the book has eighty-six parts. But there are only seventy-six parts now. In academia, there are three difficulties on researching this book. First, a lot of ancient words, and many words were added or losed in the text. Second, we don’t known who is the author and in which time he wrote this book. Third, although the book was rich in the ideological contents, there are some conflicts exist.The rich content was involved from politics, philosophy, economy, etiquette and law, military, science and technology, and education. Today there are two kinds of research thinking, one is the classification, and the other is entire study. This thesis based on synthesizing the classification achievements which gained by some predecessors, and also took the angle of integrity in reading Guan Zi, so the centre of the thesis was the highest good of political thoughts in governing the country.In the first two parts, we summarized the story of Guan Zhong’s life and the text formation of Guan Zi. The thesis introduced them from the local culture-Qi culture. About the author and the written time, we follow the verdict that the book was not written by one person and was not formatted in one moment. On the ownership of thought, we discriminating the past versions which includes the Taoist thought, the Legalist thought and the Eclectic thought, then combining with the present wording’the school of Guan Zhong’in Guan Zi researching, we thought Guan Zi is the great book of governing the country.The highest good in political was the ideology purport of Guan Zi."Pursuit of the good" was one of the core pursuits in the Chinese traditional political thought. Guan Zi is the typical representative in this respect. It has put forward some specific criteria on "the highest good",country, and discussed the thinking of "the highest good in politics" from the practice of governing the country. The natural law and the human feelings are the two basic premises of governing thinking in Guan Zi. It thinks that the natural law and the nature of mind are good, but the human emotions are self-interest, so the humanity must follow the natural law and conform to the human emotions from the organic integrity. The ’National oriented’ was the guiding principle of governing in Guan Zi. It was appeared from two aspects. Between the emperor of Zhou and the feudal princes, the latter was fundamental, so a thought of contend for hegemony in the world has formulated. In the political patterns of the feudal kingdom, which people was fundamental, the sagely princes on top should do-nothing, and the minister must administer according to the law. So the king, the minister and the people in their own positions must do their own business.On the thinking of governing, Guan Zi has figured that the morality and the etiquette and law must exert synthetically. Although the morality cultured the mind from inside and the etiquette and law was restricted from outside, both of them aimed at the stability of the order of society. With the relationship on the morality and the etiquette and law, morality is the start and the end of the etiquette and law, and the etiquette and law was the first choice of governing. Between the rites and law, both of them was rooted in the Tao, and the law was a further developing by the rites, so the law was important but the rites wasn’t losing.On the specific method of governing, Guan Zi has recognized the importance of wealth. So the economic development was the chief work on governing. It makes use of the self-interest in human emotions in order to urging the development of country’s economy. Economic prosperity could offer the material foundation to’the highest good’ politics, and also the probability which made people and country rich together. Guan Zi also puts forward many other practical measures on governing, like military, science and technology and so on.

【关键词】 《管子》政治思想至善
【Key words】 Guan Zipolitical ideathe highest good
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

