

【作者】 李志松

【导师】 陈国庆;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 毛泽东是当代中国伟大的马克思主义者,也是中国近现代历史上一位具有重大影响的政治家、思想家和军事家。作为中国共产党、中国人民解放军和中华人民共和国的主要缔造者,毛泽东的一生及其思想一直深刻地影响着中国和中国人民。直到今天,无论是在整个社会宏观的政治、经济、文化领域,还是在人民群众的伦理取向、价值观念、日常习俗、甚至在人们的思维领域,都还深刻地存留有毛泽东、毛泽东思想和毛泽东那个时代的印痕。因此,正确认识和评价毛泽东及其思想,并进一步阐发毛泽东及其思想的独特内涵,不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且具有重要的历史意义和现实意义。毛泽东社会伦理思想是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,也是社会主义现代化建设的重要理论依据。毛泽东思想是否蕴含社会伦理诉求,换言之,毛泽东是否具有社会伦理思想,有着怎样的社会伦理思想,不仅关系到完整准确理解毛泽东思想的原则方法问题,而且在当今吁求公平正义的社会背景下,还关系到毛泽东思想的解释力与指导力以及中国特色社会主义现代化建设的价值取向与政策操作。毛泽东社会伦理思想是内涵于毛泽东思想中有关社会伦理秩序的诉求与价值关怀。它体现的是毛泽东在革命和建设的年代对其所处时代的社会问题的思考与认识,是他对近代中国社会将向何处去的积极探索与回答,也是他对自己心目中理想社会的追求在观念中的反映。毛泽东按照唯物史观,将马克思主义关于社会伦理的研究、将马克思主义社会伦理思想推向一个新的高度。毛泽东追求建立一种和谐、公正、民主的社会伦理秩序,以实现人的彻底解放,即人的自由全面发展为终极目标。可以说,贯穿于毛泽东各个领域的思想的一个主旨就是社会伦理的思想,就是对共产主义社会的追求。毛泽东的社会伦理思想有其独到的思想内容体系,它在理论实质上主要表现为对公平正义、民主与自由等的独到理解,体现出他对马克思主义社会伦理思想的创新与发展。他的社会伦理思想具体表现为:在社会公平正义方面,他形成了以平等为核心的社会正义观;在民主方面,在吸收继承西方启蒙思想家民主理念和马克思主义民主观的基础上,实现了中国特色的人民民主理论;在自由方面,他在揭示自由实质的基础上,追求意志自由和政治自由,并以建立共产主义社会,实现人的彻底解放与全面自由发展为终极目标。在毛泽东的心目中,只有共产主义社会才是最合乎人性的社会,才是对公平正义、民主与自由问题的终极解决。毛泽东在其一生追求公平正义、民主与自由的过程中形成的社会伦理思想,为我们现代社会伦理秩序的建设提供了宝贵的经验和教训。尤其是其对现代国民性改造的重视,对现代公民意识和公民文化的培养,对以人民利益为依归的新秩序的重构,都是当前的社会主义现代化建设不能忽视的重要方面。在21世纪的今天,对毛泽东社会伦理思想的价值,我们应该予以实事求是的评价,而不能予以错误的解读。

【Abstract】 Mao Zedong was a great Chinese Marxist influential politician、thinker and militarist in the modern history of China. As the main founder of Communist Party, the Chinese people’s Liberation Army and the People’s Republic of China, Mao ZeDong’s thought had a profound impact on China and Chinese people. Until today, both across the entire macro-political, economic, social and cultural areas and also in the ethical orientation of the masses, values, and everyday practices, even in the area of people’s thinking, it all left deep prints of Mao Zedong’s thought and his age characters. Therefore, correctly understanding and evaluation of Mao Zedong’s thought, further elaboration of his thought and its unique content, not only has the important theoretical value, and is also of great historical and practical significanceMao Zedong’s social ethics thought was an important part of Mao Zedong thought, and also crucial theoretical basis of constructing socialist modernization. Whether Mao Zedong thought appealed social ethics or in other words, it entailed social ethics or what kind of social ethics it has, not only concerned accurate understanding of the principle and methodological issue of Mao Zedong thought, but also related to the explanation and guidance of Mao Zedong thought and value orientation of socialist modernization, with Chinese characteristics and policy actions particularly in the context of today’s appeal of social Justice.Mao Zedong’s social ethical thought rooted in the area of appealing social and moral order and value of care, which were apparently in Mao Zedong thought. It embodied the thinking and understanding of the social problems of Mao’s revolutionary age and construction time in modem China. Mao Zedong’s ethical thought will actively explored and answered the development of modern China, and also his own ideology reflected in the pursuit of wonderful society.Mao Zedong in accordance with historical materialism developed Marxist study on social ethics and perfected social ethics of Marxism to a new height. Mao Zedong’s pursuit of a harmonious, justice and democratic order in social ethics pushed forwards the complete liberation of the people, the free and comprehensive development of human beings as ultimate goals. It can be said that social ethics, one of the themes in various fields of Mao Zedong thought, was the pursuit of Communist society.Mao Zedong’s social ethical thought had its unique system, in theory, it essentially was characterized by unique understanding of fairness、justice、democracy and freedom by reflecting his innovation and the development on Marxist views on social ethics. His ethical thought had demonstrated on as follows:in the area of social justice, he formed justice views based on equality; in democratic area, he set up people’s democratic theory with the help of democratic concept claimed by Western enlightenment thinkers and democratic Marxists; in freedom area, he pursued the ideological and political freedom by revealing the essence of it and set up his goal towards establishing Communist society, with the aim of implementing the complete liberation and freedom of the people. In Mao’s mind, only a Communist society was the most humane one, which was the ultimate resolution for the issues like fairness、 justice、democracy and freedom.Mao Zedong’s social ethics thought, formed after his whole life’s pursuit of equity、justice、democracy and freedom, provided valuable experience and lessons to the construction of our modern social ethic order. In particular, its emphasis on the transformation of national character, on the cultivation of civic consciousness and culture, on the reconstruction of a new order guided by the interests of the peoples, are all important aspects which couldn’t be ignored during the current construction of socialist modernization.In the21st century today, we should value Mao Zedong social ethics thought by the fact rather than misinterpretation.

【关键词】 毛泽东社会伦理思想正义民主自由
【Key words】 Mao Zedongsocial ethicsjusticedemocracyfreedom
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】A841
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】941

