

【作者】 安歌军

【导师】 叶祥松;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 世界经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 我国缺油、少气、富煤。我国资源赋存的特点,决定了解决中国的能源问题必须以煤为主。然而,大量消耗煤炭资源又会带来较为严重污染、温室效应等环境问题。因此,如何有效提高煤炭资源的使用效率,更好的延伸煤炭资源价值链,同时最大程度地降低煤炭使用所带来的环境污染,为实现可持续发展具有重要的实践意义。本文在吸收和借鉴国内外现有优秀研究成果的基础上,将价值链理论、劳动价值论及可持续发展理论与全球煤炭资源的实际开发利用情况相结合,主要采用文献比较分析法、规范与实证分析法、案例分析法,以全球化视野对煤炭资源价值及其延伸进行探索性研究,从经济、生态、环境、社会等多重角度对煤炭资源价值进行重估,借以厘清煤炭资源价值构成、分配及促进煤炭资源价值延伸。同时,采用计量工具、运用灰色关联度方法来测度煤炭资源价值及延伸的绩效,并就煤炭资源价值延伸风险与规避路径选择进行了探讨。这不仅对于煤炭资源在全球范围内开采与开发利用的增值及其分配具有重要作用,而且对于更新煤炭资源开采开发及营销理念和变革煤炭资源的配置格局,有效促进煤炭资源优化配置具有重要的理论和现实意义。就煤炭资源价值构成及影响因素方面来看,传统价值理论研究对象仅限于煤炭资源经济产品属性,从而忽视人与自然之间的价值。只有人们对经济的关注视角从经济增长、经济发展转到可持续发展,人们才能从人与自然和谐统一的高度来重新审视价值,并转而探究煤炭资源的价值、经济价值和生态环境价值等,这就很大程度上决定了煤炭资源价值是由煤炭资源自然价值、煤炭勘查开发的劳动价值、煤炭资源权益价值、煤炭资源环境价值以及煤炭资源折耗价值等五部分组成。正因其功能、作用对象、影响因素和表现形式的不同,所以煤炭资源的属性表现为使用价值的多元性、价值的多样性、价值的负效益性、价值的延展性和价值的时间地域性等五方面。自然因素和经济社会因素是影响煤炭价值的两大主要因素。就煤炭资源价值分配方面来看,本文从马克思劳动价值论和可持续发展理论角度来阐述煤炭资源价值分配计量模型。若将煤炭资源开采勘查与开发阶段整合在一起来分析,那么煤炭资源价值分配路径就可以表示为总投资量、总成本量、利润和税费额之和,用公式表示为:U=I+C+R+T(式中:I、C、R、T依次表示为总投资量、总成本量、利润、税费量)。这充分体现了马克思价值分配、可持续发展的煤炭资源价值分配等理念,也为煤炭资源分配奠定了较好的理论基础,并为实践应用尤其是煤炭价值延伸提供了很好的思路。就煤炭资源价值延伸方面来看,本文更新了煤炭资源价值链概念,即在全球煤炭资源大配置的前提下,以全球价值链及其延伸理论为指导,以煤炭相关产品、资本、技术、知识为纽带,通过煤炭深加工和共伴生资源的综合利用、以追求增加煤炭产品附加值为目标的基于原煤开采与深加工所涉及到的一系列上游、核心、下游等所形成的具有网络关联性、动态型的链式价值系统。通过对煤炭资源价值国内延伸进行分析,探索出横向外延式延伸、纵向内涵式延伸和网络式延伸三种不同的价值链延伸模式。同时在探究煤炭资源价值国际延伸时,从嵌入全球价值链和本国价值链的全球重构两种形式入手,在考虑需要考虑战略决策的运用能力、获取资源及整合能力、煤炭生产开发技术的创新能力、资本运作及公司治理能力,并根据神华集团的相关理论与实践探索来阐述全球煤炭价值延伸中,需要在煤炭资源的开采开发及利用过程中充分考虑到煤炭资源横向延伸、纵向延伸的各自优势,如何有效的整合这些优势,即通过复合式延伸来实现。就煤炭资源价值延伸影响因素实证分析来看,本文采用回归分析和灰色关联检验相互佐证的方法进行相关的实证研究。实证结果表明:自然因素已不是唯一的影响煤炭价值的因子,经济发展水平对煤炭价值的影响程度较大,环境保护因素正在逐渐成为影响煤炭资源价值的一个重要考虑因素。另外,作为价格因素影响的三大市场原油平均价格和国际煤炭价格也保持很高的关联程度。就煤炭资源价值延伸风险与规避路径选择方面来看,从全球价值角度来探索煤炭资源价值延伸的网络性风险、封闭性风险、资产专用性风险、自主创新风险和结构性风险,并以系统模块、系统结构和复杂性的视角来分析全球煤炭资源价值延伸风险规避路径,提出通过制度创新推动煤炭资源价值链的构建、科技创新开拓煤炭资源价值链领域及政策支持保障煤炭资源价值链的有效优化来实现全球煤炭价值延伸优化。通过以上分析可以看出,煤炭资源价值构成内容具有多样性;煤炭资源价值分配需要兼顾多种利益;煤炭价值链及延伸需要发挥优势,整合资源,协调关系;煤炭价值延伸需要考虑多种风险;“煤电港航运一体化”将成为煤炭价值延伸的重要途径之一。

【Abstract】 Our country is lack of oil, gas, rich coal. China resources characteristic, decided to solve energy problem of China must give priority to with coal. However, large consumption of coal resources will bring serious environmental problems such as pollution, greenhouse effect. Therefore, how to improve the efficiency in the use of coal resources, coal value chain extending elongated, while minimizing the use of coal brings environmental pollution, to achieve sustainable development, has the important practice significance. In this paper, absorb and draw lessons from the domestic and foreign existing research results on the basis of the theory of value chain, will, labor theory of value and the theory of sustainable development and global coal resources and the actual situation of development and utilization of combining, mainly by using the method of comparative analysis, normative and empirical analysis, case analysis, with a global view on the value of coal resources and its extension exploratory research, from the economic, ecological, environmental, societal perspective on coal resource value evaluates, in order to clarify the value of coal resources, distribution and promote the value of coal resources extension. At the same time, using measurement tools, use gray correlation degree method to measure the value of coal resources and the extension of the performance, and the value of coal resources extension risk and elusion path choice undertook discussing. This is not only for the coal resources in the global mining and utilization value and its distribution plays an important role, but also for the updating of coal resources mining development and marketing idea and change of coal resource allocation pattern, effectively promote the coal resource optimize configuration to have important theory and realistic meaning.On the value of coal resources and the impact of factors, the traditional value theory the research object is restricted to the economy of coal natural resources product attributes, thus ignoring the value between man and nature. Only the people concern for the economy from the angle of economic growth, economic development to sustainable development, people can from the person and the nature harmonious unification height to re-examine the value, and to explore the value of coal natural resources, economic value and ecological value, which largely determines the value of coal resources is composed of coal natural resources value exploration and development of labor value, coal, coal resources, coal resource environmental value of coal resources and depletion value consists of five parts. Because of its function, role in object, influence factors and forms, so the coal resource attributes as demonstrated by the use of the plurality of values, the value of diversity, the negative benefit, value of the ductility and the value of the time region from five aspects. Natural factors and social economy factors that influence the value of coal are the two main factors.On the value of coal resources distribution point of view, this article from the Marx labor theory of value and the theory of sustainable development perspective to explain the value of coal resources allocation model. If the exploitation of coal resources exploration and development integration in the analysis, then the value of coal resources distribution path can be expressed as the total amount of investment, cost, profit and tax amount, with the formula expression:U=I+C+R+T (I, C, type:R, T were expressed as total investment weight, volume, total cost, profit tax amount).It fully embodies the Marx value allocation, sustainable development of the coal resources value allocation concept, but also for the coal resource allocation has laid a good foundation for the practice application, and especially the coal value extension provides a very good idea.On the value of coal resources extension perspective, this paper updates the coal resources value chain concept, namely in global coal resources allocation under the premise, global value chain and its extension theory as a guide, to coal related products, capital, technology, knowledge as a link, through the deep processing of coal and associated resources comprehensive utilization, to seeking to increase the added value of coal products as the goal based on coal mining and deep processing involves a series of upstream, downstream core, such as forming a network connection, a dynamic type of chain value system. The value of coal resources and domestic extension analysis, explore a lateral extension extending longitudinally extending, connotation and extension of network type three different value chains’ model. At the same time to explore the value of coal resources international extension, from the embedding in the global value chain and its value chain of global reconstruction of two kinds of form, in the consideration needs to be given to strategic decision-making skills, access to resources and the ability to integrate, coal production and development of technical innovation, capital operation and corporate governance capability, and according to group related exploration of theory and practice of global coal value extension, required in the exploitation of coal resource exploitation and utilization of coal resources in the process of considering extending laterally, longitudinally extending their respective advantages, how to effectively integrate these advantages, namely through the composite type extension to achieve.On the value of coal resources extending influence factors empirical analysis, this paper uses regression analysis and grey correlation test and mutual support for the relevant empirical study. The empirical results show that:the natural factors have not only affects the coal value factor, the level of economic development for the coal value influence factors, environmental protection is gradually become the value of coal resources is one of the important factors to consider. In addition, as the price of factors affect the three big market of crude oil average price and the international coal price has maintained a high degree of correlation.On the value of coal resources extension risk and avoidance path selection in terms of value, from a global point of view to explore the value of coal resources extends the network risk, closed risk, asset specificity risk, independent innovation risk and structural risk, and to the system module, the system structure and the complexity of the analysis from the view of the global value of coal resources extension risk aversion path, put forward to pass system innovation to promote coal resources construction of value chain, innovation of science and technology to develop coal resources value chain and policy support of coal resources value chain optimization to achieve effective global coal extended value optimization.Through the above analysis, we can see, the value of coal resources contents with diversity; the value of coal resources allocation needs to take into account a variety of interests; coal value chain and extension needs to play the advantages, integration of resources, coordination of the relationship between the value of coal; extending the need to consider a variety of risk;"coal port shipping integration" will become one of the important ways of extending the value of coal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

