

Study on the Influence Factors and Efficiency of Farmland Transfer on the Basis of Socio-economic Perspective

【作者】 尚雨

【导师】 曾福生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要研究目的在于构建一个农地流转分析框架,同时在测评流转农地使用效率高于非流转农地的基础上,进一步分析促使农户进行农地流转的影响机制是什么,影响作用大小如何等,从而制定相关的支农政策,以高效的方式促进农地流转和农业生产进步。本文以农村土地承包经营权流转现状及模式为逻辑起点,按照制度变迁理论的思路,指出家庭承包经营责任制虽在改革开放初期极大地解放了农村生产力,但超细碎化的经营模式已不适用于当前农业社会化大生产的需要。为此,在集体所有和农民按户承包的基本制度下,加速农地流转以进行规模经营成为确保农业高效生产的有效途径。论文主体部分主要为实证分析,包括农户流转意愿的Logistic回归分析和流转农地DEA效率比较分析。第一部分,在理论分析影响农地流转决策的基础上,通过研究湖南省2000多个微观农户样本,利用Logistic回归模型,得出了决策者年龄、教育年限、家庭人均收入、农地距县城距离、农地流转成本、农产品价格期望和耕种技术自评高低对农地流转决策具有显著性影响的结论。第二部分,通过均数比较研究,得出流转农地生产效率在统计学意义上要高于非流转农地生产效率的结论,这一结论从现实数据上支持了本文所提出的需加速农地流转观点。针对上述结论,本文提出了尊重农户意愿,维护农户主体地位;确定长期农地产权关系,保障农户长远利益;大力发展农村教育,提高农户综合素质;加快发展非农产业,提高农户非农收入水平;创新农地流转契约,降低农地流转成本;加大农业政策扶持,鼓励农地规模经营;建立农地流转的中介机构,提供优质服务;健全农村社会保障体系,削弱农户对农地的依赖程度等政策性建议。

【Abstract】 The paper mainly aimed at constructing an analysis framework for the evaluation of farmland circulation. It has been proved that the use of circulative agricultural land is much efficient than those that are non-circulative. Factors that influence a farmer to make a decision on circulating the farmland is multi-disciplinary, in this case, it’s in great need of relevant policies to promote the efficiency of agricultural land circulation.Based on the current situation of circulation of rural land contracted management right, the paper pointed out that, although the household contract management system in the initial stage of reforming and opening period had liberated rural productivity greatly, but with the development of institutional change, the fragmentation of the business model is never applicable to current social needs. Therefore, being based on the farmer household contract as the basic system, to accelerate the circulation scale of rural land has become an effective way to ensure agricultural production efficiency.The paper focused much on empirical analysis, epsecially the Logistic regression analysis and DEA analysis as well as comparison of the efficiency of circulation of agricultural land. On the one hand, being based on the study of more than2000microscopic samples of farmers in Hunan Province, the paper analyze the impact of the rural land transfer decision-making by using the Logistic regression model, including factors as age, education, family income per capita, initial family owned farmland quantity, distance, as well as the county agricultural land transfer, agricultural product price expectation and technology. It’s proven that the rural land transfer decision has significant influence and importance. On the other hand, through the mean comparative study, the paper reached a conclusion that the productivity of agricultural land in circulation is significantly more than those that are not in circulation. Meanwyile, analysis of practical data also suggested the need to accelerate the circulation of agricultural land.Above all, the paper also suggested to respect farmers’aspiration, maintaining them as the main body as well as their long-term relation to the farmland property right; it also suggested to protect farmers’ interests, develop the rural education, especially to improve farmers’educational level; to accelerate the development of blame farming industry, raise farmer blame farming income level; to innovate farmland circulation contract, reducing farmland transfer negotiation cost; to improve agricultural policy, encouraging the increase of farmland operation scale; to establish land agency, providing high quality services; and to improve the rural social security system, weakening the farmers’ dependence on farmland.

  • 【分类号】F321.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1125

