

Research on the Historical Material for Qing Shi Yan Yi

【作者】 胡日查

【导师】 齐木德道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国少数民族史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文由导论、正文、结论等三个部分组成。其中导论部分由《青史演义》产生的历史背景、《青史演义》作者、《青史演义》成书时间及版本流传、《青史演义》编纂特点及所利用之史书、《青史演义》研究概况、研究目的与方法等六节组成。《青史演义》产生的历史背景以政治、经济、宗教与教育、儒文化、蒙古封建社会的没落等六个方面,在力所能及的范围之内进行全面系统的分析。关于《青史演义》作者,在大量阅览有关尹湛纳希的书籍的基础上,对尹湛纳希的一生作了介绍。关于《青史演义》成书时间,笔者赞同扎拉嘎的观点,即从同治六年(1867)开始陆续写作,直到光绪十四年((1888)才最终完成。《青史演义》编纂特点以及所利用之史书方面,介绍了《青史演义》采用了编年体例、正统观点强烈、全书贯穿着儒学思想等特点同时指出尹湛纳希因受其特殊身份和所处社会影响显露出了把成吉思汗神化、找不到正确的前进方向等方面之缺点,接着详细介绍了有关写作《青史演义》之时所利用之十种史籍。研究概况方面,介绍了目前为止国内外研究情况及所取得的成就。研究目的与方法方面,认为研究方法的科学性与可操作性是该文成功与否的关键,所以首先鉴于《青史演义》当中的史料来源的多样性使用了历史文献学中的文献比较研究方法,同时又考虑到了《青史演义》的文学作品特点,拟采用了情节分析和分类方法。正文部分从成吉思汗的诞生及其成长,成吉思汗统一蒙古的战争,成吉思汗征金朝、征西夏和征西域,成吉思汗的安答及辅臣,窝阔台可汗的事迹等五大章组成。成吉思汗的诞生及其成长章节由成吉思汗的诞生、成吉思汗成长的艰难过程、成吉思汗的婚姻等三个小节组成并分别对其内容进行了史料对比工作。成吉思汗统一蒙古的战争章节由十三翼之战、阔亦田之战、合兰真沙陀之战、纳忽山之战等四个小节组成并分别对其内容进行了史料对比工作。成吉思汗征金朝、征西夏和征西域章节由成吉思汗的征金、成吉思汗的征西夏、成吉思汗的征西域等共三个小节组成并分别对其内容进行了史料对比工作。成吉思汗的安答及辅臣章节由成吉思汗的安答札木合、蒙古族辅臣、其它民族辅臣等共三个小节组成并分别对其内容进行了史料对比工作。其中第二节蒙古族辅臣由木华黎、孛斡儿出、者别、者勒篾等四个部分组成,第三节其它民族的辅臣又由石抹明安、郭宝玉、耶律留哥、耶律楚材、张柔、史天泽等六个部分组成。窝阔台可汗的事迹章节由窝阔台可汗伐金、窝阔台可汗伐宋等两个小节组成并分别对其内容进行了史料对比工作。最后,笔者认为,《罗黄金史》对其创作《青史演义》中的作用应得到充分的重视。众所周知,《罗黄金史》研究始于1926年蒙古人民共和国图书院首任院长札米扬公从民间搜得《罗黄金史》开始,此后,根据此本先后出版了乌兰巴托本(1937年、上下两本)、1952年的乌兰巴托本的哈佛影印本、1957年的乌兰巴托本的吉里尔蒙古文本、1973年的乌兰巴托本的俄文本、20世纪60年代初台湾出版的哈佛影印本的汉译本等。本文通过《青史演义》内容与《罗黄金史》历史记载之间进行大量的比较研究,证实了当时作者创作他那巨著《青史演义》之时《罗黄金史》成为了最重要的文献之一,或可以这样说,当时尹湛纳希家庭藏有《罗黄金史》。

【Abstract】 The paper includes three parts:introduction、main body and conclusion. The first part is made up of six sections:the background of Qing Shi Yan Yi, its author, time of completion, types of edition, compiling feature, reference books, research summary, study purpose and study methods. As to the background, the author makes an comprehensive analysis from six aspects, politics、economy、religion、education、 Confucian culture、the decline of Mongolian feudal society. As to the author of Qing Shi Yan Yi, based on reading lots of books about Yinzhanaxi, the writer introduces the lifetime of Yinzhanaxi. As to time of completion, the writer agrees with Za Laga, namely Qing Shi Yan Yi was begun to be composed from1876and was finished in1888. As to its compiling feature and historical reference books, the writer shows that Qing Shi Yan Yi adopts a chronological model、traditional orthodoxy、Confucianism thought; meanwhile, the writer points out that affected by his social status and social environment, Yinzhanaxi has its shortcomings because he deified Genghis khan, so he couldn’t find the right direction of the book. In addition, Qing Shi Yan Yi uses ten historical books for reference. As to research summary, the writer introduces the research situation and research achievements home and abroad. As to its study purpose and methods, the writer thinks that the scientificity and operability are the keys to the success of the book. So considering the diversity of the sources of historical materials of Qing Shi Yan Yi, this article employs literature comparative study method of historical philology, at the same time, in view of characteristic of the literature of Qing Shi Yan Yi, the writer uses the plot analysis and classification.The main body is made up of five chapters:the birth of Genghis Khan; his growth; his war of uniting Mongolia tribes; His conquer of Jin Dynasty, Serindia and Hsi Hsia; his blood brother and ministers; his achievement on Ogodei. The first chapter includes three sections:the birth of Genghis Khan, his hard growing process, his marriage. The writer compared the historical materials to illustrate the problems. The second chapter includes four sections:the war of uniting Mogolian tribes and "13" wing; the war of kuo yi tian; the war of he Ian zhen shao tuo, the war of na hu shan. The writer compared the historical materials to illustrate the problems. The third chapter is made up of three sections:conquering Hsi Hsia, Serindia and Jin Dynasty. The writer compared the historical materials to illustrate the problems. The fourth chapter is about Genghis Khan’s blood brother and ministers. It is divided into three sections:his blood brother-Zagreb; his Mongolian ministers and other ethnic ministers. The writer compared the historical materials to illustrate the problems. The second part is about his Mongolian ministers Muqalk Boyurji Jebe、Jalm-a. The third part is about other ethnic ministers:Shimo Ming-an、Guo Baoju、Yelu Liuge、 Yelu Chuca、Zhang Ro、Shi Tianze. The fifth chapater deals with the achievement of Ogodei, consisted of gedei Khan’war against Jin Dynasty, and Shong Dynasty etc. The writer compared the historical materials to illustrate the problemsLastly, the writer thinks ROM. Yellow Jin Shi plays an important part in Yinzhanaxi’s composing Qing Shi Yan Yi. As is known, the research on ROM. Yellow Jin shi began in1926based on the ROM. Yellow Jin shi which was gained among the people by the first President of national library of Mongolian People’s Republic. And afterwards the version of Ulan Bator was published in1337, then Ulan Bator Copy of Harvard in1952, the version of Ulan Bator in Auspicious lille Mongolian in1957, the version of Ulan Bator in Russian in1973. The Chinese version of Copy of Harvard published in Taiwan in the1960s. Comparing the contents of Qing Shi Yan Yi with the contents of ROM. Yellow Jin Shi, the writer proved that when writing Qing Shi Yan Yi, ROM. Yellow Jin shi is one of the most important documents, or we can say when writing Qing Shi Yan Yi, Yinzhanaxi had the book ROM. Yellow Jin Shi.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

